maint: move all id(1) tests to the same directory
[coreutils.git] / src / .gitignore
1 *.exe
2 /.dirstamp
3 \[
4 arch
5 base64
6 basename
7 cat
8 chcon
9 chgrp
10 chmod
11 chown
12 chroot
13 cksum
14 comm
16 csplit
17 cut
18 date
21 dir
22 dircolors
23 dircolors.h
24 dirname
26 echo
27 env
28 expand
29 expr
30 factor
31 false
32 fmt
33 fold
34 fs.h
35 fs-is-local.h
36 getlimits
37 ginstall
38 groups
39 head
40 hostid
41 hostname
43 join
44 kill
46 libver.a
47 link
49 localedir.h
50 logname
52 md5sum
53 mkdir
54 mkfifo
55 mknod
56 mktemp
58 nice
60 nohup
61 nproc
62 numfmt
64 paste
65 pathchk
66 pinky
68 printenv
69 printf
70 ptx
71 pwd
72 readlink
73 realpath
75 rmdir
76 runcon
77 seq
78 setuidgid
79 sha1sum
80 sha224sum
81 sha256sum
82 sha384sum
83 sha512sum
84 shred
85 shuf
86 sleep
87 sort
88 split
89 stat
90 stdbuf
91 stty
92 sum
93 sync
94 tac
95 tail
96 tee
97 test
98 timeout
99 touch
101 true
102 truncate
103 tsort
105 uname
106 unexpand
107 uniq
108 unlink
109 uptime
110 users
111 vdir
114 whoami