A little more info. Failover docs are next, then proposed new mechanism
[coreboot.git] / documentation / LinuxBIOS-AMD64.tex
2 % This document is released under the GPL
3 % Initially written by Stefan Reinauer, <stepan@openbios.org>
4 %
6 \documentclass[titlepage,12pt]{article}
7 \usepackage{a4}
8 \usepackage{graphicx}
9 \usepackage{url}
10 \usepackage[pdftex]{hyperref}
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14 \hypersetup{
15 urlbordercolor={1 1 1},
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20 % pdfstartview=FitH,
21 pdftitle={LinuxBIOS on AMD64},
22 pdfauthor={Stefan Reinauer},
23 pdfsubject={LinuxBIOS configuration and build process},
24 pdfkeywords={LinuxBIOS, Opteron, AMD64, Athlon64, Build}
28 % \newcommand{\sh}[1]{\begin{verbatim}\texttt{#1}\end{verbatim}}
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31 \setlength{\parindent}{0pt}
33 \title{LinuxBIOS on AMD64}
34 \author{Stefan Reinauer $<$stepan@openbios.org$>$}
35 \date{June 2nd, 2004}
37 \begin{document}
39 \maketitle
41 \thispagestyle{empty}
43 \tableofcontents
45 \newpage
48 % 1 Abstract
51 \section{Abstract}
53 This document targets porting LinuxBIOS to new mainboards and creating
54 custom firmware images using LinuxBIOS. It describes how to build
55 LinuxBIOS images for the AMD64 platform, including hypertransport
56 configuration and pertinent utilities. If you are missing information or
57 find errors in the following descriptions, contact
58 \href{mailto:stepan@openbios.org}{\textit{Stefan Reinauer $<$stepan@openbios.org$>$}}
62 % 2 Changes
65 \section{Changes}
66 \begin{itemize}
67 \item 2004/06/02 url and language fixes from Ken Fuchs $<$kfuchs@winternet.com$>$
68 \item 2004/02/10 acpi and option rom updates
69 \item 2003/11/18 initial release
70 \end{itemize}
75 % 3 What is LinuxBIOS
78 \section{What is LinuxBIOS?}
80 LinuxBIOS aims to replace the normal BIOS found on PCs, Alphas, and
81 other machines with a Linux kernel that can boot Linux from a cold
82 start. The startup code of an average LinuxBIOS port is about 500 lines
83 of assembly and 5000 lines of C. It executes 16 instructions to get into
84 32bit mode and then performs DRAM and other hardware initializations
85 required before Linux can take over.
87 The projects primary motivation initially was maintenance of large
88 clusters. Not surprisingly interest and contributions have come from
89 people with varying backgrounds. Nowadays a large and growing number of
90 Systems can be booted with LinuxBIOS, including embedded systems,
91 Desktop PCs and Servers.
94 % 4 Build Requirements
97 \section{Build Requirements}
98 To build LinuxBIOS for AMD64 from the sources you need a recent Linux
99 system for x86 or AMD64. SUSE Linux 8.2 or 9.0 are known to work fine.
100 The following toolchain is recommended:
102 \begin{itemize}
103 \item GCC 3.3.1
104 \item binutils
105 \item Python 2.3
106 \item CVS 1.11.6
107 \end{itemize}
109 \textbf{NOTE:} Later versions should also work. Prior versions might lead to problems.
111 \newpage
114 % 5 Getting the Sources
117 \section{Getting the Sources}
119 The latest LinuxBIOS sources are available via CVS. The CVS repository
120 is maintained at SourceForge.net (the project name is \emph{FreeBIOS}).
121 First you should create a directory for your LinuxBIOS trees:
123 { \small
124 \begin{verbatim}
125 $ mkdir linuxbios
126 $ cd linuxbios
127 \end{verbatim}
130 You can get the entire source tree via CVS:
132 { \small
133 \begin{verbatim}
134 $ cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/freebios login
135 \end{verbatim}
138 Hit return when you are asked for a password. Then checkout (or update)
139 the freebios source tree as follows:
141 { \small
142 \begin{verbatim}
143 $ cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/freebios co freebios2
144 \end{verbatim}
147 Once the source tree is checked out, it can be updated with:
149 { \small
150 \begin{verbatim}
151 % cvs update -Pd
152 \end{verbatim}
155 Due to recent problems with SourceForge's CVS infrastructure we set up a
156 snapshot site that keeps hourly source trees of the last four days. It
157 is available at \url{http://snapshots.linuxbios.org/}.
158 Due to major structural enhancements to \hbox{LinuxBIOS}, AMD64 support
159 is only available in the \texttt{freebios2} tree. This tree reflects (as
160 of November 2003) LinuxBIOS version 1.1.5 and will lead to LinuxBIOS 2.0
161 when finished. Most x86 hardware is currently only supported by the
162 LinuxBIOS 1.0 tree.
165 % 6 LinuxBIOS configuration overview
168 \section{LinuxBIOS configuration overview}
169 To support a large variety of existing hardware LinuxBIOS allows for a
170 lot of configuration options that can be tweaked in several ways:
172 \begin{itemize}
173 \item
174 Firmware image specific configuration options can be set in the image
175 configuration file which is usually found in
176 \texttt{freebios2/targets/$<$vendor$>$/$<$mainboard$>$/}. Such
177 options are the default amount of output verbosity during bootup, image
178 size, use of fallback mechanisms, firmware image size and payloads
179 (Linux Kernel, Bootloader...) The default configuration file name is
180 \texttt{Config.lb}, but LinuxBIOS allows multiple configurations to
181 reside in that directory.
183 \item Mainboard specific configuration options can be set in the
184 mainboard configuration file placed in
185 \texttt{freebios2/src/mainboard/$<$vendor$>$/$<$mainboard$>$}. The
186 mainboard configuration file is always called \texttt{Config.lb}. It
187 contains information on the onboard components of the mainboard like
188 CPU type, northbridge, southbridge, hypertransport configuration and
189 SuperIO configuration. This configuration file also allows to include
190 addon code to hook into the LinuxBIOS initialization mechanism at
191 basically any point.
193 \end{itemize}
195 This document describes different approaches of changing and configuring the
196 LinuxBIOS source tree when building for AMD64.
199 % 7 Building LinuxBIOS
202 \section{Building LinuxBIOS}
203 One of the design goals for building LinuxBIOS was to keep object files
204 out of the source tree in a separate place. This is mandatory for
205 building parallel LinuxBIOS images for several distinct mainboards
206 and/or platforms. Therefore building LinuxBIOS consists of two steps:
207 \begin{itemize}
208 \item
209 creating a build tree which holds all files automatically created by the
210 configuration utility and the object files
211 \item
212 compiling the LinuxBIOS code and creating a flashable firmware image.
213 \end{itemize}
215 The first of these two steps is accomplished by the \texttt{buildtarget}
216 script found in \texttt{freebios2/targets/}. To build LinuxBIOS for
217 instance for the AMD Solo Athlon64 mainboard enter:
219 \begin{verbatim}
220 % cd freebios2/targets
221 % ./buildtarget amd/solo
222 \end{verbatim}
224 This will create a directory containing a Makefile and other software
225 components needed for this build. The directory name is defined in the
226 firmware image specific configuration file. In the case of AMD's Solo
227 mainboard the default directory resides in
228 \texttt{freebios2/targets/amd/solo/solo}. To build the LinuxBIOS image, do
230 \begin{verbatim}
231 % cd amd/solo/solo
232 % make
233 \end{verbatim}
235 The LinuxBIOS image filename is specified in the firmware image specific
236 configuration file. The default filename for AMD's Solo mainboard is
237 \texttt{solo.rom}.
240 % 8 Programming LinuxBIOS to flash memory
243 \section{Programming LinuxBIOS to flash memory}
244 The image resulting from a LinuxBIOS build can be directly programmed to
245 a flash device, either using a hardware flash programmer or by using the
246 Linux flash driver devbios or mtd. This document assumes that you use a
247 hardware flash programmer. If you are interested in doing in-system
248 software flash programming, find detailed information:
250 \begin{itemize}
251 \item \url{http://www.openbios.org/development/devbios.html} (/dev/bios)
252 \item \url{http://www.linux-mtd.infradead.org/} (Memory Technology Device Subsystem MTD)
253 \end{itemize}
255 \newpage
258 % 9 LinuxBIOS configuration
261 \section{LinuxBIOS configuration}
262 The following chapters will cope with configuring LinuxBIOS. All
263 configuration files share some basic rules
264 \begin{itemize}
265 \item
266 The default configuration file name in LinuxBIOS is \texttt{Config.lb}.
267 \item
268 All variables used in a configuration file have to be declared in this
269 file with \texttt{uses VARNAME} before usage.
270 \item
271 Comments can be added on a new line by using the comment identifier
272 \texttt{\#} at the beginning of the line.
273 \item
274 LinuxBIOS distinguishes between statements and options. Statements cause
275 the LinuxBIOS configuration mechanism to act, whereas options set
276 variables that are used by the build scripts or source code.
277 \item
278 Default configuration values can be set in the mainboard configuration
279 files (keyword default)
280 \item
281 Option overrides to the default configuration can only be specified in
282 the build target configuration file
283 \texttt{freebios2/targets/$<$vendor$>$/$<$mainboard$>$/Config.lb}
284 (keyword option)
285 \end{itemize}
287 \subsection{Common Configuration Statements}
289 \begin{itemize}
291 \item \begin{verbatim}uses\end{verbatim}
293 All local configuration variables have to be declared before they can be
294 used. Example:
295 \begin{verbatim}
297 \end{verbatim}
299 \textbf{NOTE:} Only configuration variables known to the configuration
300 system can be used in configuration files. LinuxBIOS checks
301 \texttt{freebios2/src/config/Options.lb} to see whether a configuration
302 variable is known.
304 \item \begin{verbatim}default\end{verbatim}
306 The \texttt{default} statement is used to set a configuration variable
307 with an overridable default value. It is commonly used in mainboard
308 configuration files.
310 Example:
312 \begin{verbatim}
313 default ROM_IMAGE_SIZE=0x10000
314 \end{verbatim}
316 It is also possible to assign the value of one configuration variable to
317 another one, i.e.:
319 \begin{verbatim}
321 \end{verbatim}
323 Also, simple expressions are allowed:
325 \begin{verbatim}
327 \end{verbatim}
329 If an option contains a string, this string has to be protected with
330 quotation marks:
332 \begin{verbatim}
333 default CC="gcc -m32"
334 \end{verbatim}
336 \item \begin{verbatim}option\end{verbatim}
338 The \texttt{option} statement basically behaves identically to the
339 \texttt{default} statement. But unlike default it can only be used in
340 build target configuration files
341 (\texttt{freebios2/targets/$<$vendor$>$/$<$mainboard$>$}). The option
342 statement allows either to set new options or to override default values
343 set with the default statement in a mainboard configuration file.
344 Syntax and application are the same as with default.
346 \end{itemize}
348 \subsection{Firmware image specific configuration}
349 LinuxBIOS allows to create different firmware images for the same
350 hardware. Such images can differ in the amount of output they produce,
351 the payload, the number of subimages they consist of etc.
353 The firmware image specific configuration file can be found in \\
354 \texttt{freebios2/targets/$<$vendor$>$/<mainboard$>$}.
356 \subsubsection{Firmware image specific keywords}
357 In addition to the above described keywords the following statements are
358 available in firmware image specific configuration files:
360 \begin{itemize}
361 \item \begin{verbatim}romimage\end{verbatim}
363 The \texttt{romimage} definition describes a single rom build within the
364 final LinuxBIOS image. Normally there are two romimage definitions per
365 LinuxBIOS build: \texttt{normal} and \texttt{fallback}.
367 Each \texttt{romimage} section needs to specify a mainboard directory and a
368 payload. The mainboard directory contains the mainboard specific
369 configuration file and source code. It is specified relatively to
370 \texttt{freebios2/src/mainboard}. The payload definition is an absolute
371 path to a static elf binary (i.e Linux kernel or etherboot)
373 \begin{verbatim}
374 romimage "normal"
376 option ROM_IMAGE_SIZE=0x10000
377 option COREBOOT_EXTRA_VERSION=".0Normal"
378 mainboard amd/solo
379 payload /suse/stepan/tg3ide_
380 disk.zelf
382 \end{verbatim}
384 \item \begin{verbatim}buildrom\end{verbatim}
386 The \texttt{buildrom} statement is used to determine which of the
387 LinuxBIOS image builds (created using \texttt{romimage}) are packed
388 together to the final LinuxBIOS image. It also specifies the order of
389 the images and the final image size:
391 \begin{verbatim}
392 buildrom ./solo.rom ROM_SIZE "normal" "fallback"
393 \end{verbatim}
395 \end{itemize}
398 \subsubsection{Firmware image configuration options}
399 In addition to the definitions described above there are a number of
400 commonly used options. Configuration options set in the firmware image
401 specific configuration file can override default selections from the
402 Mainboard specific configuration. See above examples about
403 option on how to set them.
405 \begin{itemize}
407 \item \begin{verbatim}CC\end{verbatim}
409 Target C Compiler. Default is \texttt{\$(CROSS\_COMPILE)gcc}. Set to
410 \texttt{gcc -m32} for compiling AMD64 LinuxBIOS images on an AMD64
411 machine.
413 \item \begin{verbatim}CONFIG_CHIP_CONFIGURE \end{verbatim}
415 Use new \textit{chip\_configure} method for configuring (nonpci)
416 devices. Set to \texttt{1} for all AMD64 mainboards.
418 \item \begin{verbatim}MAXIMUM_CONSOLE_LOGLEVEL\end{verbatim}
420 Errors or log messages up to this level can be printed. Default is
421 \texttt{8}, minimum is \texttt{0}, maximum is \texttt{10}.
423 \item \begin{verbatim}DEFAULT_CONSOLE_LOGLEVEL\end{verbatim}
425 Console will log at this level unless changed. Default is \texttt{7},
426 minimum is \texttt{0}, maximum is \texttt{10}.
428 \item \begin{verbatim}CONFIG_CONSOLE_SERIAL8250\end{verbatim}
430 Log messages to 8250 uart based serial console. Default is \texttt{0}
431 (don't log to serial console). This value should be set to \texttt{1}
432 for all AMD64 builds.
434 \item \begin{verbatim}ROM_SIZE\end{verbatim}
436 Size of final ROM image. This option has no default value.
438 \item \begin{verbatim}FALLBACK_SIZE\end{verbatim}
440 Fallback image size. Defaults to \texttt{65536} bytes. \textbf{NOTE:}
441 This does not include the fallback payload.
443 \item \begin{verbatim}HAVE_OPTION_TABLE\end{verbatim}
445 Export CMOS option table. Default is \texttt{0}. Set to \texttt{1} if
446 your mainboard has CMOS memory and you want to use it to store
447 LinuxBIOS parameters (Loglevel, serial line speed, ...)
449 \item \begin{verbatim}CONFIG_ROM_PAYLOAD\end{verbatim}
451 Boot image is located in ROM (as opposed to \texttt{CONFIG\_IDE\_PAYLOAD}, which
452 will boot from an IDE disk)
454 \item \begin{verbatim}HAVE_FALLBACK_BOOT\end{verbatim}
456 Set to \texttt{1} if fallback booting is required. Defaults to
457 \texttt{0}.
459 \end{itemize}
462 The following options should be used within a romimage section:
464 \begin{itemize}
466 \item \begin{verbatim}USE_FALLBACK_IMAGE\end{verbatim}
468 Set to \texttt{1} to build a fallback image. Defaults to \texttt{0}
470 \item \begin{verbatim}ROM_IMAGE_SIZE\end{verbatim}
472 Default image size. Defaults to \texttt{65535} bytes.
474 \item \begin{verbatim}COREBOOT_EXTRA_VERSION\end{verbatim}
476 LinuxBIOS extra version. This option has an empty string as default. Set
477 to any string to add an extra version string to your LinuxBIOS build.
479 \end{itemize}
481 \newpage
483 \subsection{Mainboard specific configuration}
485 Mainboard specific configuration files describe the onboard
486 mainboard components, i.e. bridges, number and type of CPUs. They also
487 contain rules for building the low level start code which is translated
488 using romcc and/or the GNU assembler. This code enables caches and
489 registers, early mtrr settings, fallback mechanisms, dram init and
490 possibly more.
492 \textbf{NOTE:} The \texttt{option} keyword can not be used in mainboard
493 specific configuration files. Options shall instead be set using the
494 \texttt{default} keyword so that they can be overridden by the image
495 specific configuration files if needed.
497 \subsubsection{Mainboard specific keywords}
499 The following statements are used in mainboard specific configuration
500 files:
502 \begin{itemize}
503 \item \begin{verbatim}arch\end{verbatim}
505 Sets the CPU architecture. This should be \texttt{i386} for AMD64 boards.\\
506 Example:
508 \begin{verbatim}
509 arch i386 end
510 \end{verbatim}
512 \item \begin{verbatim}cpu\end{verbatim}
514 The cpu statement is needed once per possibly available CPU. In a
515 one-node system, write:
517 \begin{verbatim}
518 cpu k8 "cpu0" end
519 \end{verbatim}
521 \item \begin{verbatim}driver\end{verbatim}
523 The \texttt{driver} keyword adds an object file to the driver section of a
524 LinuxBIOS image. This means it can be used by the PCI device
525 initialization code. Example:
527 \begin{verbatim}
528 driver mainboard.o
529 \end{verbatim}
531 \item \begin{verbatim}object\end{verbatim}
533 The \texttt{object} keyword adds an object file to the LinuxBIOS image.
534 Per default the object file will be compiled from a \texttt{.c} file
535 with the same name. Symbols defined in such an object file can be used
536 in other object files and drivers. Example:
538 \begin{verbatim}
539 object reset.o
540 \end{verbatim}
542 \item \begin{verbatim}makerule\end{verbatim}
544 This keyword can be used to extend the existing file creation rules
545 during the build process. This is useful if external utilities have to
546 be used for the build. LinuxBIOS on AMD64 uses romcc for it's early
547 startup code placed in auto.c.
549 To tell the configuration mechanism how to build \texttt{romcc} files,
552 \begin{verbatim}
553 makerule ./auto.E
554 depends "$(MAINBOARD)/auto.c option_table.h ./romcc"
555 action "./romcc -E -mcpu=k8 -O2 -I$(TOP)/src -I. $(CPPFLAGS) \
556 $(MAINBOARD)/auto.c -o $@"
558 makerule ./auto.inc
559 depends "$(MAINBOARD)/auto.c option_table.h ./romcc"
560 action "./romcc -mcpu=k8 -O2 -I$(TOP)/src -I. $(CPPFLAGS) \
561 $(MAINBOARD)/auto.c -o $@"
563 \end{verbatim}
565 Each \texttt{makerule} section contains file dependencies (using the
566 texttt{depends} keyword) and an action that is taken when the dependencies
567 are satisfied (using the \texttt{action} keyword).
569 \item \begin{verbatim}mainboardinit\end{verbatim}
571 With the mainboardinit keyword it's possible to include assembler code
572 directly into the LinuxBIOS image. This is used for early infrastructure
573 initialization, i.e. to switch to protected mode. Example:
575 \begin{verbatim}
576 mainboardinit cpu/i386/entry16.inc
577 \end{verbatim}
579 \item \begin{verbatim}ldscript\end{verbatim}
581 The GNU linker ld is used to link object files together to a LinuxBIOS
582 ROM image.
584 Since it is a lot more comfortable and flexible to use the GNU linker
585 with linker scripts (ldscripts) than to create complex command line
586 calls, LinuxBIOS features including linker scripts to control image
587 creation. Example:
589 \begin{verbatim}
590 ldscript /cpu/i386/entry16.lds
591 \end{verbatim}
594 \item \begin{verbatim}dir\end{verbatim}
596 LinuxBIOS reuses as much code between the different ports as possible.
597 To achieve this, commonly used code can be stored in a separate
598 directory. For a new mainboard, it is enough to know that the code in
599 that directory can be used as is.
601 LinuxBIOS will also read a \texttt{Config.lb} file stored in that
602 directory. This happens with:
604 \begin{verbatim}
605 dir /pc80
606 \end{verbatim}
609 \item \begin{verbatim}config\end{verbatim}
611 This keyword is needed by the new chip configuration scheme. Should be
612 used as:
614 \begin{verbatim}
615 config chip.h
616 \end{verbatim}
618 \item \begin{verbatim}register\end{verbatim}
619 The \texttt{register} keyword can occur in any section, passing
620 additional \\
621 parameters to the code handling the associated device.
622 Example:
624 \begin{verbatim}
625 register "com1" = "{1, 0, 0x3f8, 4}"
626 \end{verbatim}
628 \item \begin{verbatim}northbridge\end{verbatim}
630 The \texttt{northbridge} keyword describes a system northbridge. Some
631 systems, like AMD64, can have more than one northbridge, i.e. one per
632 CPU node. Each northbridge is described by the path to the northbridge
633 code in LinuxBIOS (relative to \texttt{freebios2/src/northbridge}), i.e.
634 \texttt{amd/amdk8} and a unique name (i.e \texttt{mc0}) \\
635 Example:
637 \begin{verbatim}
638 northbridge amd/amdk8 "mc0"
639 [..]
641 \end{verbatim}
643 \item \begin{verbatim}southbridge\end{verbatim}
645 To simplify the handling of bus bridges in a LinuxBIOS system, all
646 bridges available in a system that are not northbridges (i.e AGP, IO,
647 PCIX) are seen as southbridges.
649 Since from the CPUs point of view any southbridge is connected via the
650 northbridge, a southbridge section is declared within the northbridge
651 section of the north bridge it is attached to.
653 Like the northbridge, any other bridge is described by the path to it's
654 driver code, and a unique name. If the described bridge is a
655 hypertransport device, the northbridge's hypertransport link it connects
656 to can be specified using the \texttt{link} keyword. Example:
658 \begin{verbatim}
659 northbridge amd/amdk8 "mc0"
660 [..]
661 southbridge amd/amd8111 "amd8111" link 0
662 [..]
664 [..]
666 \end{verbatim}
668 \item \begin{verbatim}pci\end{verbatim}
670 The \texttt{pci} keyword can only occur within a \texttt{northbridge} or
671 \texttt{southbridge} section. It is used to describe the PCI devices
672 that are provided by the bridge. Generally all bridge sections have a
673 couple of \texttt{pci} keywords.
675 The first occurrence of the \texttt{pci} keyword tells LinuxBIOS where
676 the bridge devices start, relative to the PCI configuration space used
677 by the bridge. The following occurences of the \texttt{pci} keyword
678 describe the provided devices.
680 Adding the option \texttt{on} or \texttt{off} to a PCI device will
681 enable or disable this device. This feature can be used if some bridge
682 devices are not wired to hardware outputs and thus are not used.
684 Example:
686 \begin{verbatim}
687 northbridge amd/amdk8 "mc1"
688 pci 0:19.0
689 pci 0:19.0
690 pci 0:19.0
691 pci 0:19.1
692 pci 0:19.2
693 pci 0:19.3
695 \end{verbatim}
699 \begin{verbatim}
700 southbridge amd/amd8111 "amd8111" link 0
701 pci 0:0.0
702 pci 0:1.0 on
703 pci 0:1.1 on
704 pci 0:1.2 on
705 pci 0:1.3 on
706 pci 0:1.5 off
707 pci 0:1.6 off
708 pci 1:0.0 on
709 pci 1:0.1 on
710 pci 1:0.2 on
711 pci 1:1.0 off
712 [..]
714 \end{verbatim}
716 \item \begin{verbatim}superio\end{verbatim}
718 SuperIO devices are basically handled like brigdes. They are taking
719 their driver code from \texttt{freebios2/src/superio/}. They don't
720 provide a PCI compatible configuration interface, but instead are ISA
721 PnP devices. Normally they are connected to a southbridge. If this is
722 the case, the \texttt{superio} section will be a subsection of the
723 \texttt{southbridge} section of the southbridge it is connected to.
724 Example:
726 \begin{verbatim}
727 superio nsc/pc87360 link 1
728 pnp 2e.0
729 pnp 2e.1
730 pnp 2e.2
731 pnp 2e.3
732 pnp 2e.4
733 pnp 2e.5
734 pnp 2e.6
735 pnp 2e.7
736 pnp 2e.8
737 pnp 2e.9
738 pnp 2e.a
739 register "com1" = "{1, 0, 0x3f8, 4}"
740 register "lpt" = "{1}"
742 \end{verbatim}
744 \end{itemize}
746 \newpage
748 \subsubsection{Mainboard specific configuration options}
750 The following options are commonly used in mainboard specific
751 configuration files.
753 They should be set using the \texttt{default} keyword:
755 \begin{itemize}
757 \item \begin{verbatim}HAVE_HARD_RESET\end{verbatim}
759 If set to \texttt{1}, this option defines that there is a hard reset
760 function for this mainboard. This option is not defined per default.
762 \item \begin{verbatim}HAVE_PIRQ_TABLE\end{verbatim}
764 If set to \texttt{1}, this option defines that there is an IRQ Table for
765 this mainboard. This option is not defined per default.
767 \item \begin{verbatim}IRQ_SLOT_COUNT\end{verbatim}
769 Number of IRQ slots. This option is not defined per default.
771 \item \begin{verbatim}HAVE_MP_TABLE\end{verbatim}
773 Define this option to build an MP table (v1.4). The default is not to
774 build an MP table.
776 \item \begin{verbatim}HAVE_OPTION_TABLE\end{verbatim}
778 Define this option to export a CMOS option table. The default is not to
779 export a CMOS option table.
781 \item \begin{verbatim}CONFIG_SMP\end{verbatim}
783 Set this option to \texttt{1} if the mainboard supports symmetric
784 multiprocessing (SMP). This option defaults to \texttt{0} (no SMP).
786 \item \begin{verbatim}CONFIG_MAX_CPUS\end{verbatim}
788 If \begin{verbatim}CONFIG_SMP\end{verbatim} is set, this option defines
789 the maximum number of CPUs (i.e. the number of CPU sockets) in the
790 system. Defaults to \texttt{1}.
792 \item \begin{verbatim}CONFIG_IOAPIC\end{verbatim}
794 Set this option to \texttt{1} to enable IOAPIC support. This is
795 mandatory if you want to boot a 64bit Linux kernel on an AMD64 system.
797 \item \begin{verbatim}STACK_SIZE\end{verbatim}
799 LinuxBIOS stack size. The size of the function call stack defaults to
800 \texttt{0x2000} (8k).
802 \item \begin{verbatim}HEAP_SIZE\end{verbatim}
804 LinuxBIOS heap size. The heap is used when LinuxBIOS allocates memory
805 with malloc(). The default heap size is \texttt{0x2000}, but AMD64 boards
806 generally set it to \texttt{0x4000} (16k)
808 \item \begin{verbatim}XIP_ROM_BASE\end{verbatim}
810 Start address of area to cache during LinuxBIOS execution directly from
811 ROM.
813 \item \begin{verbatim}XIP_ROM_SIZE\end{verbatim}
815 Size of area to cache during LinuxBIOS execution directly from ROM
817 \item \begin{verbatim}CONFIG_COMPRESS\end{verbatim}
819 Set this option to \texttt{1} for a compressed image. If set to
820 \texttt{0}, the image is bigger but will start slightly faster (since no
821 decompression is needed).
823 \end{itemize}
826 \newpage
829 % 10. Tweaking the source code
832 \section{Tweaking the source code}
833 Besides configuring the existing code it is sometimes necessary or
834 desirable to tweak certain parts of LinuxBIOS by direct changes to the
835 code. This chapter covers some possible enhancements and changes that
836 are needed when porting LinuxBIOS to a new mainboard or just come
837 handy now and then.
839 \subsection{Hypertransport configuration}
840 Before LinuxBIOS is able to activate all CPUs and detect bridges
841 attached to these CPUs (and thus, see all devices attached to the
842 system) it has to initialize the coherent hypertransport devices.
844 The current algorithms to do coherent hypertransport initialization are
845 not fully, automatically evaluating the hypertransport chain graph.
846 Therefore the code needs to be adapted when porting LinuxBIOS to a new
847 AMD64 mainboard. An example arrangement of hypertransport devices
848 looks like this:
850 \begin{figure}[htb]
851 \centering
852 \includegraphics[scale=1.0]{hypertransport.pdf}
853 \caption{Example: Hypertransport Link Connections}
854 \label{fix:hypertransport}
855 \end{figure}
857 Each hypertransport device has one to three hypertransport links that
858 are used for device interconnection. These links are called LDT$[$012$]$, or
859 accordingly UP, ACROSS, DOWN. Communication between the hypertransport
860 devices can be freely routed, honoring the physical wiring. Teaching the
861 coherent hypertransport initialization algorithm this wiring happens in
862 two steps.
864 \newpage
866 \begin{enumerate}
867 \item Setting outgoing connections
868 The algorithm needs to know which outgoing port of a CPU node is
869 connected to the directly succeeding node. This is done in
870 \texttt{freebios2/src/mainboard/$<$vendor$>$/$<$mainboard$>$/auto.c}
871 with a number of preprocessor defines (one define for two-node systems,
872 three defines for four-node systems).
874 The ports in question are flagged with a circle in the graph for
875 illustration. For the example graph above (all outgoing connections are
876 realized using LDT1/ACROSS) the defines are:
878 \begin{verbatim}
879 #define CONNECTION_0_1 ACROSS
880 #define CONNECTION_0_2 ACROSS
881 #define CONNECTION_1_3 ACROSS
882 \end{verbatim}
884 \item Describing routing information between CPUs.
886 There are basically three different message types for hypertransport
887 communication:
888 \begin{enumerate}
889 \item request packages
890 \item response packages
891 \item broadcast packages
892 \end{enumerate}
894 These three message types are routed using different hypertransport
895 ports. The routing information is written to the AMD K8 routing table.
896 In an Nnode system this routing table consists of 3*N*N entries , one
897 for each message type and for each possible CPU --> CPU communication. For
898 simplicity LinuxBIOS keeps the 3 routing entries for each CPU --> CPU
899 communication in one machine word. The routing table of each node looks
900 like this:
902 \begin{verbatim}
903 /* Routing Table for Node i
905 * F0: 0x40, 0x44, 0x48, 0x4c, 0x50, 0x54, 0x58, 0x5c
906 * i: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
908 * [ 0: 3] Request Route
909 * [0] Route to this node
910 * [1] Route to Link 0
911 * [2] Route to Link 1
912 * [3] Route to Link 2
913 * [11: 8] Response Route
914 * [0] Route to this node
915 * [1] Route to Link 0
916 * [2] Route to Link 1
917 * [3] Route to Link 2
918 * [19:16] Broadcast route
919 * [0] Route to this node
920 * [1] Route to Link 0
921 * [2] Route to Link 1
922 * [3] Route to Link 2
924 \end{verbatim}
926 The routing table is passed to the coherent hypertransport
927 initialization algorithm by defining a function called
928 \texttt{generate\_row()} in \texttt{auto.c}:
930 \begin{verbatim}
931 static unsigned int generate_row
932 (uint8_t node, uint8_t row, uint8_t maxnodes)
933 \end{verbatim}
935 This function is trivial if there is only one CPU in the system, since
936 no routing has to be done:
938 \begin{verbatim}
939 static unsigned int generate_row
940 (uint8_t node, uint8_t row, uint8_t maxnodes)
942 return 0x00010101; /* default row entry */
944 \end{verbatim}
946 On a two-node system things look slightly more complicated. Since the
947 coherent hypertransport initialization algorithm works by consecutively
948 enabling CPUs, it contains routing information for driving the system
949 with one node and two nodes:
951 \begin{verbatim}
952 static unsigned int generate_row
953 (uint8_t node, uint8_t row, uint8_t maxnodes)
955 uint32_t ret=0x00010101; /* default row entry */
956 static const unsigned int rows_2p[2][2] = {
957 { 0x00050101, 0x00010404 },
958 { 0x00010404, 0x00050101 }
960 if(maxnodes>2) maxnodes=2;
961 if (!(node>=maxnodes || row>=maxnodes)) {
962 ret=rows_2p[node][row];
964 return ret;
966 \end{verbatim}
968 Systems with four nodes have to contain routing information for one, two
969 and four-node setups:
971 \begin{verbatim}
972 static unsigned int generate_row
973 (uint8_t node, uint8_t row, uint8_t maxnodes)
975 uint32_t ret=0x00010101; /* default row entry */
976 static const unsigned int rows_2p[2][2] = {
977 { 0x00030101, 0x00010202 },
978 { 0x00010202, 0x00030101 }
980 static const unsigned int rows_4p[4][4] = {
981 { 0x00070101, 0x00010202, 0x00030404, 0x00010204 },
982 { 0x00010202, 0x000b0101, 0x00010208, 0x00030808 },
983 { 0x00030808, 0x00010208, 0x000b0101, 0x00010202 },
984 { 0x00010204, 0x00030404, 0x00010202, 0x00070101 }
986 if (!(node>=maxnodes || row>=maxnodes)) {
987 if (maxnodes==2)
988 ret=rows_2p[node][row];
989 if (maxnodes==4)
990 ret=rows_4p[node][row];
992 return ret;
994 \end{verbatim}
995 \end{enumerate}
997 \subsection{DRAM configuration}
998 Setting up the RAM controller(s) is probably the most complex part of
999 LinuxBIOS. Basically LinuxBIOS serially initializes all RAM controllers
1000 in the system, using SPDROM (serial presence detect) data to set
1001 timings, size and other properties. The SPD data is usually read
1002 utilizing the I2C SMBUS interface of the southbridge.
1004 There is one central data structure that describes the RAM controllers
1005 available on an AMD64 system and the associated devices:
1007 \begin{verbatim}
1008 struct mem_controller {
1009 unsigned node_id;
1010 device_t f0, f1, f2, f3;
1011 uint8_t channel0[4];
1012 uint8_t channel1[4];
1014 \end{verbatim}
1016 Available mainboard implementations and CPUs create the need to add
1017 special setup code to RAM initialization in a number of places.
1018 LinuxBIOS provides hooks to easily add code in these places without
1019 having to change the generic code. Whether these hooks have to be used
1020 depends on the mainboard design. In many cases the functions executed
1021 by the hooks just carry out trivial default settings or they are even
1022 empty.
1024 Some mainboard/CPU combinations need to trigger an additional memory
1025 controller reset before the memory can be initialized properly. This is,
1026 for example, used to get memory working on preC stepping AMD64
1027 processors. LinuxBIOS provides two hooks for triggering onboard memory
1028 reset logic:
1030 \begin{itemize}
1031 \item \begin{verbatim}static void memreset_setup(void)\end{verbatim}
1032 \item \begin{verbatim}static void memreset(int controllers, const struct
1033 mem_controller *ctrl)\end{verbatim}
1034 \end{itemize}
1036 Some mainboards utilize an SMBUS hub or possibly other mechanisms to
1037 allow using a large number of SPDROMs and thus ram sockets. The result
1038 is that only the SPDROM information of one cpu node is visible at a
1039 time. The following function, defined in \texttt{auto.c}, is called every time
1040 before a memory controller is initialized and gets the memory controller
1041 information of the next controller as a parameter:
1043 \begin{verbatim}
1044 static inline void activate_spd_rom (const struct mem_controller *ctrl)
1045 \end{verbatim}
1047 The way SMBUS hub information is coded into the \texttt{mem\_controller}
1048 structure is mainboard implementation specific and not
1049 described here. See \texttt{freebios2/src/mainboard/amd/quartet/auto.c}
1050 for an example.
1052 LinuxBIOS folks have agreed on SPD data being the central information
1053 source for RAM specific information. But not all mainboards/RAM
1054 modules feature a physical SPD ROM. To still allow an easy to use SPD
1055 driven setup, there is a hook that abstracts reading the SPD ROM
1056 ingredients that are used by the memory initialization mechanism:
1058 \begin{verbatim}
1059 static inline int spd_read_byte(unsigned device, unsigned address)
1060 \end{verbatim}
1062 This function, defined in \texttt{auto.c}, directly maps it's calls to
1063 \texttt{smbus\_read\_byte()} calls if SPD ROM information is read via
1064 the I2C SMBUS:
1066 \begin{verbatim}
1067 static inline int spd_read_byte(unsigned device, unsigned address)
1069 return smbus_read_byte(device & 0xff, address);
1071 \end{verbatim}
1073 If there is no SPD ROM available in the system design, this function
1074 keeps an array of SPD ROM information hard coded per logical RAM module.
1075 It returns the faked' SPD ROM information using device and address
1076 as indices to this array.
1079 \subsection {IRQ Tables}
1081 Mainboards that provide an IRQ table should have the following two
1082 variables set in their \texttt{Config.lb} file:
1084 \begin{verbatim}
1085 default HAVE_PIRQ_TABLE=1
1086 default IRQ_SLOT_COUNT=7
1087 \end{verbatim}
1089 This will make LinuxBIOS look for the file \\
1090 \texttt{freebios2/src/mainboard/<vendor>/<mainboard>/irq\_tables.c} which
1091 contains the source code definition of the IRQ table. LinuxBIOS corrects
1092 small inconsistencies in the IRQ table during startup (checksum and
1093 number of entries), but it is not yet writing IRQ tables in a completely
1094 dynamic way.
1096 \textbf{NOTE:} To get Linux to understand and actually use the IRQ
1097 table, it is not always a good idea to specify the vendor and device id
1098 of the actually present interrupt router device. Linux 2.4 for example
1099 does not know about the interrupt router of the AMD8111 southbridge. In
1100 such cases it is advised to choose the vendor/device id of a compatible
1101 device that is supported by the Linux kernel. In case of the AMD8111
1102 interrupt router it is advised to specify the AMD768/Opus interrupt
1103 controller instead (vendor id=\texttt{0x1022}, device id=\texttt{0x7443})
1105 \subsection {MP Tables}
1107 LinuxBIOS contains code to create MP tables conforming the
1108 Multiprocessor Specification V1.4. To include an MP Table in a LinuxBIOS
1109 image, the following configuration variables have to be set (in the
1110 mainboard specific configuration file
1111 \texttt{freebios2/src/mainboard/<vendor><mainboard>/Config.lb}):
1113 \begin{verbatim}
1114 default CONFIG_SMP=1
1115 default CONFIG_MAX_CPUS=1 # 2,4,..
1116 default HAVE_MP_TABLE=1
1117 \end{verbatim}
1119 LinuxBIOS will then look for a function for setting up the MP table in
1120 the file \texttt{freebios2/src/mainboard<vendor>/<mainboard>/mptable.c}:
1122 \begin{verbatim}
1123 void *smp_write_config_table(void *v, unsigned long * processor_map)
1124 \end{verbatim}
1126 MP Table generation is still somewhat static, i.e. changing the bus
1127 numbering will force
1128 you to adopt the code in mptable.c. This is subject to change in future
1129 revisions.
1131 \subsection {ACPI Tables}
1133 There is initial ACPI support in LinuxBIOS now. Currently the only gain with
1134 this is the ability to use HPET timers in Linux. To achieve this, there is a
1135 framework that can generate the following tables:
1136 \begin{itemize}
1137 \item RSDP
1138 \item RSDT
1139 \item MADT
1140 \item HPET
1141 \end{itemize}
1143 To enable ACPI in your LinuxBIOS build, add the following lines to your
1144 configuration files:
1145 \begin{verbatim}
1147 [..]
1148 option HAVE_ACPI_TABLES=1
1149 \end{verbatim}
1151 To keep Linux doing it's pci ressource allocation based on IRQ tables and MP
1152 tables, you have to specify the kernel parameter \texttt{pci=noacpi} otherwise
1153 your PCI devices won't get interrupts.
1154 It's likely that more ACPI support will follow, when there is need for certain
1155 features.
1157 \subsection{POST}
1158 LinuxBIOS has three different methods of handling POST codes. They can
1159 be triggered using configuration file options.
1160 \begin{itemize}
1161 \item
1162 \emph{Ignore POST completely}. No early code debugging is possible with
1163 this setting. Set the configuration variable \texttt{NO\_POST} to
1164 \texttt{1} to switch off all POST handling in LinuxBIOS.
1165 \item
1166 \emph{Normal IO port 80 POST}. This is the default behavior of
1167 LinuxBIOS. No configuration variables have to be set. To be able to see
1168 port 80 POST output, you need a POST expansion card for ISA or PCI. Port
1169 80 POST allows simple debugging without any other output method
1170 available (serial interface or VGA display)
1171 \item
1172 \emph{Serial POST}.
1173 This option allows to push POST messages to the serial interface instead
1174 of using IO ports. \textbf{NOTE:} The serial interface has to be
1175 initialized before serial POST can work. To use serial POST, set the
1176 configuration variable \texttt{CONFIG\_SERIAL\_POST} to the value 1.
1177 \end{itemize}
1180 \subsection{HDT Debugging}
1181 If you are debugging your LinuxBIOS code with a Hardware Debug Tool
1182 (HDT), you can find the source code line for a given physical EIP
1183 address as follows: Look the address up in the file linuxbios.map. Then
1184 search the label Lxx in the file auto.inc created by romcc. The original
1185 source code file and line number is mentioned in auto.inc.
1188 \subsection{Device Drivers}
1189 With only a few data structures LinuxBIOS features a simple but flexible
1190 device driver interface. This interface is not intended for autonomously
1191 driving the devices but to initialize all system components so that they
1192 can be used by the booted operating system.
1194 Since nowadays most systems are PCI centric, the data structures used
1195 are tuned towards (onboard and expansion bus) PCI devices. Each driver
1196 consists of at least two structures.
1198 The \texttt{pci\_driver} structure maps PCI vendor/device id pairs to a
1199 second structure that describes a set of functions that together
1200 initialize and operate the device:
1202 \begin{verbatim}
1203 static void adaptec_scsi_init(struct device *dev)
1205 [..]
1207 static struct device_operations lsi_scsi_ops = {
1208 .read_resources = pci_dev_read_resources,
1209 .set_resources = pci_dev_set_resources,
1210 .enable_resources = pci_dev_enable_resources,
1211 .init = lsi_scsi_init,
1212 .scan_bus = 0,
1214 static struct pci_driver lsi_scsi_driver __pci_driver = {
1215 .ops = &lsi_scsi_ops,
1216 .vendor = 0xXXXX,
1217 .device = 0xXXXX,
1219 \end{verbatim}
1221 By separating the two structures above, M:N relations between compatible
1222 devices and drivers can be described. The driver source code containing
1223 above data structures and code have to be added to a LinuxBIOS image
1224 using the driver keyword in the mainboard specific configuration file \\
1225 \texttt{freebios2/src/mainboard/<vendor>/<mainboard>/Config.lb}:
1227 \begin{verbatim}
1228 driver lsi_scsi.o
1229 \end{verbatim}
1231 \subsection{Bus Bridges}
1233 Currently all bridges supported in the LinuxBIOS2 tree are transparent
1234 bridges. This means, once the bridge is initialized, it's remote devices
1235 are visible on one of the PCI buses without special probing. LinuxBIOS
1236 supports also bridges that are nontransparent. The driver support code
1237 can provide a \texttt{scan\_bus} function to scan devices behind the bridge.
1239 \subsection{CPU Reset}
1240 When changing speed and width of hypertransport chain connections
1241 LinuxBIOS has to either assert an LDTSTOP or a reset to make the changes
1242 become active. Additionally Linux can do a firmware reset, if LinuxBIOS
1243 provides the needed infrastructure. To use this capability, define the
1244 option \texttt{HAVE\_HARD\_RESET} and add an object file specifying the
1245 reset code in your mainboard specific configuration file
1246 \texttt{freebios2/src/mainboard/$<$vendor$>$/$<$mainboard$>$/Config.lb}:
1248 \begin{verbatim}
1249 default HAVE_HARD_RESET=1
1250 object reset.o
1251 \end{verbatim}
1253 The C source file \texttt{reset.c} (resulting in \texttt{reset.o}
1254 during compilation) shall define the following function to take care
1255 of the system reset:
1257 \begin{verbatim}
1258 void hard_reset(void);
1259 \end{verbatim}
1261 See \texttt{freebios2/src/mainboard/arima/hdama/reset.c} for an example
1262 implementation.
1264 \newpage
1267 % 11. LinuxBIOS Internals
1270 \section{LinuxBIOS Internals}
1271 This chapter covers some of the internal structures and algorithms of
1272 LinuxBIOS that have not been mentioned so far.
1274 \subsection{Code Flow}
1276 \begin{figure}[htb]
1277 \centering
1278 \includegraphics[scale=0.7]{codeflow.pdf}
1279 \caption{LinuxBIOS rough Code Flow}
1280 \label{fix:codeflow}
1281 \end{figure}
1283 \newpage
1285 \subsection{Fallback mechanism}
1286 LinuxBIOS provides a mechanism to pack two different LinuxBIOS builds
1287 within one LinuxBIOS ROM image. Using the system CMOS memory LinuxBIOS
1288 determines whether the last boot with a default image succeeded and
1289 boots a failsafe image on failure. This allows insystem testing without
1290 the risk to render the system unusable. See
1291 \texttt{freebios2/src/mainboard/arima/hdama/failover.c} for example
1292 code. The fallback mechanism can be used with the \texttt{cmos\_util}.
1294 \subsection{(Un) Supported Standards}
1295 LinuxBIOS supports the following standards
1296 \begin{itemize}
1297 \item Multiprocessing Specification (MPSPEC) 1.4
1298 \item IRQ Tables (PIRQ)
1299 \item ACPI (initial support on AMD64)
1300 \item Elf Booting
1301 \end{itemize}
1302 However, the following standards are not supported until now, and will
1303 probably not be supported in future revisions:
1304 \begin{itemize}
1305 \item APM
1306 \end{itemize}
1308 \subsection{LinuxBIOS table}
1309 LinuxBIOS stores information about the system in a data structure called
1310 the LinuxBIOS table. This table can be read under Linux using the tool
1311 lxbios from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
1313 Get more information about lxbios and the utility itself at
1314 \url{http://www.llnl.gov/linux/lxbios/lxbios.html}
1316 \subsection{ROMCC limitations}
1317 ROMCC, part of the LinuxBIOS project, is a C compiler that translates to
1318 completely rommable code. This means the resulting code does not need
1319 any memory to work. This is one of the major improvements in LinuxBIOS
1320 V2, since it allows almost all code to be written in C. DRAM
1321 initialization can be factored and reused more easily among mainboards
1322 and platforms.
1324 Since no memory is available during this early initialization point,
1325 romcc has to map all used variables in registers for the time being.
1326 Same applies for their stack usage. Generally the less registers are
1327 used up by the algorithms, the better code can be factored, resulting in
1328 a smaller object size. Since getting the best register usage is an NP
1329 hard problem, some heuristics are used to get reasonable translation
1330 time. If you run out of registers during compilation, try to refactor
1331 your code.
1333 \subsection{CMOS handling}
1334 LinuxBIOS can use the mainboard's CMOS memory to store information
1335 defined in a data structure called the CMOS table . This information
1336 contains serial line speed, fallback boot control, output verbosity,
1337 default boot device, ECC control, and more. It can be easily enhanced by
1338 enhancing the CMOS table. This table, if present, is found at
1339 \texttt{freebios2/src/mainboard/$<$vendor$>$/$<$mainboard$>$/cmos.layout}.
1340 It describes the available options, their possible values and their
1341 position within the CMOS memory. The layout file looks as follows:
1342 \begin{verbatim}
1343 # startbit length config configID name
1344 [..]
1345 392 3 e 5 baud_rate
1346 [..]
1348 # configid value human readable description
1349 5 0 115200
1350 5 1 57600
1351 5 2 38400
1352 5 3 19200
1353 5 4 9600
1354 5 5 4800
1355 5 6 2400
1356 5 7 1200
1358 \end{verbatim}
1360 To change CMOS values from a running Linux system, use the
1361 \texttt{cmos\_util}, provided by Linux Networks as part of the LinuxBIOS
1362 utilities suite. Get it at
1363 \textit{ftp://ftp.lnxi.com/pub/linuxbios/utilities/}
1365 \subsection {Booting Payloads}
1366 LinuxBIOS can load a payload binary from a Flash device or IDE. This
1367 payload can be a boot loader, like FILO or Etherboot, a kernel image, or
1368 any other static ELF binary.
1370 To create a Linux kernel image, that is bootable in LinuxBIOS, you have
1371 to use mkelfImage. The command line I used, looks like follows:
1373 \begin{verbatim}
1374 objdir/sbin/mkelfImage t bzImagei386 kernel /boot/vmlinuz \
1375 commandline="console=ttyS0,115200 root=/dev/hda3" \
1376 initrd=/boot/initrd output vmlinuz.elf
1377 \end{verbatim}
1380 This will create the file \texttt{vmlinuz.elf} from a distribution
1381 kernel, console redirected to the serial port and using an initial
1382 ramdisk.
1384 \subsection{Kernel on dhcp/tftp}
1386 One possible scenario during testing is that you keep your kernel (or
1387 any additional payload) on a different machine on the network. This can
1388 quickly be done using a DHCP and TFTP server.
1390 Use for example following \texttt{/etc/dhcpd.conf} (adapt to your
1391 network):
1393 \begin{verbatim}
1394 subnet netmask {
1395 range;
1396 option broadcastaddress;
1399 ddnsupdatestyle adhoc;
1401 host hammer12 {
1402 hardware ethernet 00:04:76:EA:64:31;
1403 fixedaddress;
1404 filename "vmlinuz.elf";
1406 \end{verbatim}
1409 Additionally you have to run a \texttt{tftp} server. You can start one
1410 using \texttt{inetd}. To do this, you have to remove the comment from
1411 the following line in \texttt{/etc/inetd.conf}:
1413 \begin{verbatim}
1414 tftp dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/in.tftpd in.tftpd -s /tftpboot
1415 \end{verbatim}
1417 Then put your kernel image \texttt{vmlinuz.elf} in \texttt{/tftpboot} on
1418 the \texttt{tftp} server.
1421 \newpage
1424 % 12. Advanced Device Initialization Mechanisms
1427 \section{Advanced Device Initialization Mechanisms}
1429 Like software, today's hardware is getting more and more complex. To
1430 stay flexible many hardware vendors start breaking hardware
1431 compatibility to old standards like VGA. Thus, VGA is still supported by
1432 most cards, but emulation has to be enabled by the firmware for the
1433 device to operate properly. Also, many expansion cards are small
1434 discrete systems that have to initialize attached ram, download
1435 controller firmware and similar. Without this initialization, an
1436 operating system can not take advantage of the hardware, so there needs
1437 to be a way to address this issue. There are several alternatives:
1439 \subsection{Native LinuxBIOS Support}
1441 For some devices (ie Trident Cyberblade 3d) there is native LinuxBIOS
1442 support This means there is a small driver bound to the PCI id of the
1443 device that is called after PCI device ressources are allotted.
1445 PROs:
1446 \begin{itemize}
1447 \item open source
1448 \item minimal driver
1449 \item early control
1450 \end{itemize}
1452 CONs:
1453 \begin{itemize}
1454 \item need an additional driver
1455 \item viable for onboard devices only
1456 \item not flexible for pci cards
1457 \end{itemize}
1459 \subsection{Using Native Linux Support}
1461 A simple way of getting a whole lot of drivers available for LinuxBIOS
1462 is to reuse Linux drivers by putting a Linux kernel to flash. This
1463 works, because no drivers are needed to get the Linux kernel (as opposed
1464 to store the kernel on a harddisk connected to isa/scsi/raid storage)
1466 PROs:
1467 \begin{itemize}
1468 \item large number of open source drivers
1469 \end{itemize}
1471 CONs:
1472 \begin{itemize}
1473 \item need Linux in Flash (BLOAT!)
1474 \item drivers expect devices to be initialized (LSI1020/1030)
1475 \item Linux only
1476 \item large flash needed (4MBit minimum, normal operations 8+ MBit)
1477 \end{itemize}
1480 \subsection{Running X86 Option ROMs}
1482 Especially SCSI/RAID controllers and graphics adapters come with a
1483 special option rom. This option rom usually contains x86 binary code
1484 that uses a legacy PCBIOS interface for device interaction. If this code
1485 gets executed, the device becomes operable in Linux and other operating
1486 systems.
1488 PROs:
1489 \begin{itemize}
1490 \item really flexible
1491 \item no need for additional drivers on firmware layer
1492 \item large number of supported devices
1493 \end{itemize}
1495 CONs:
1496 \begin{itemize}
1497 \item non-x86 platforms need complex emulation
1498 \item x86 platforms need legacy API
1499 \item outdated concept
1500 \end{itemize}
1503 \subsection{Running Open Firmware Option ROMs}
1505 Some PCI devices come with open firmware option roms. These devices are
1506 normally found in computers from SUN, Apple or IBM. Open Firmware is a
1507 instruction set architecture independent firmware standard that allows
1508 device specific initialization using simple, small, but flexible
1509 bytecode that runs with minimal footprint on all architectures that have
1510 an Open Firmware implementation.
1512 There is a free Open Firmware implementation available, called OpenBIOS,
1513 that runs on top of LinuxBIOS. See www.openbios.org
1515 PROs:
1516 \begin{itemize}
1517 \item architecture independence
1518 \item small footprint
1519 \item clean concept, less bugs
1520 \end{itemize}
1522 CONs:
1523 \begin{itemize}
1524 \item only small number of devices come with OpenFirmware capable option roms
1525 \end{itemize}
1528 % 13 image types
1531 \section{Image types}
1532 There used to be one image type for LinuxBIOS, as described above. Since this paper was written (2004) there have been many changes. First, the name
1533 was changed to coreboot, for many reasons. Second, Ying-Hai Liu, then of AMD, now of Sun, added Cache As Ram support (CAR) for many AMD CPUs, which both simplified and complicated things. Simplification came with the removal of romcc; complication came with the addition of new ways to build.
1535 There are two big additions to the build process and, furthermore, more than two new CONFIG variables to control them.
1537 \begin{itemize}
1538 \item \begin{verbatim}USE_DCACHE_RAM\end{verbatim}
1540 Set to \texttt{1} to use Cache As Ram (CAR). Defaults to \texttt{0}
1542 \item \begin{verbatim}CONFIG_USE_INIT\end{verbatim}
1544 Set to \texttt{1} to figure this out. Defaults to \texttt{0}
1546 \item \begin{verbatim}CONFIG_USE_PRINTK_IN_CAR\end{verbatim}
1548 Set to \texttt{1} to use printk, instead of the primitive print functions, in CAR. Defaults to \texttt{0}
1550 \end{itemize}
1552 Before going over the new image types, derived from v3, we will quickly review the standard v2 image types. We are hoping this review will
1553 aid comprehension.
1555 A coreboot rom file consists of one or more \textit{images}. All images consist of a part that runs in ROM, and a part that runs in RAM. The RAM can be in compressed form and is decompressed when needed by the ROM code. The main function of the ROM code is to get memory working. Both ROM and RAM consist of a very small amount of assembly code and mostly C code.
1557 \subsection{romcc images (from emulation/qemu)}
1558 ROMCC images are so-called because C code for the ROM part is compiled with romcc. romcc is an optimizing C compiler which compiles one, and only
1559 one file; to get more than one file, one must include the C code via include statements. The main ROM code .c file is usually called auto.c.
1560 \subsubsection{how it is built}
1561 Romcc compiles auto.c to produce auto.inc. auto.inc is included in the main crt0.S, which is then preprocessed to produce crt0.s. The inclusion of files into crt0.S is controlled by the CRT0\_INCLUDES variable. crt0.s is then assembled.
1563 File for the ram part are compiled in a conventional manner.
1565 The final step is linking. The use of named sections is used very heavily in coreboot to control where different bits of code go. The reset vector must go in the top 16 bytes. The start portion of the ROM code must go in the top 64K bytes, since most chipsets only enable this much ROM at startup time. Here is a quick look at a typical image:
1566 \begin{verbatim}
1567 [Nr] Name Type Addr Off Size ES Flg Lk Inf Al
1568 [ 0] NULL 00000000 000000 000000 00 0 0 0
1569 [ 1] .ram PROGBITS ffff0000 001000 005893 00 WA 0 0 1
1570 [ 2] .rom PROGBITS ffff5893 006893 00029d 00 AX 0 0 16
1571 [ 3] .reset PROGBITS fffffff0 006ff0 000010 00 A 0 0 1
1572 [ 4] .id PROGBITS ffffffd1 006fd1 00001f 00 A 0 0 1
1573 [ 5] .shstrtab STRTAB 00000000 007000 000030 00 0 0 1
1574 [ 6] .symtab SYMTAB 00000000 007170 000c30 10 7 37 4
1575 [ 7] .strtab STRTAB 00000000 007da0 000bfd 00 0 0 1
1576 \end{verbatim}
1578 The only sections that get loaded into a ROM are the Allocated ones. We can see the .ram, .rom, .reset and .id sections.
1579 \subsubsection{layout}
1580 As we mentioned, the ROM file consists of multiple images. In the basic file, there are two full coreboot rom images. The build sequence for each is the same, and in fact the ldscript.ld files are almost identical. The only difference is in a few makefile variables, generated by the config tool.
1582 \begin{itemize}
1583 \item PAYLOAD\_SIZE. Each image may have a different payload size.
1584 \item \_ROMBASE Each image must have a different base in rom.
1585 \item \_RESET Unclear what this is used for.
1586 \item \_EXCEPTION\_VECTORS where an optional IDT might go.
1587 \item USE\_OPTION\_TABLE if set, an option table section will be linked in.
1588 \item CONFIG\_ROM\_PAYLOAD\_START This is the soon-to-be-deprecated way of locating a payload. cbfs eliminates this.
1589 \item USE\_FALLBACK\_IMAGE Whether this is a fallback or normal image
1590 \item ROM\_SECTION\_SIZE Essentially, the payload size. Soon to be deprecated.
1591 \item ROM\_IMAGE\_SIZE Size of this image (i.e. fallback or normal image)
1592 \item ROM\_SIZE Total size of the ROM
1593 \item XIP\_RAM\_BASE The start of eXecute In Place code. XIP allows for not copying code to ram, but just running it from ROM.
1594 \end{itemize}
1596 Each image (normal or fallback) is built completely independently and does not get linked to the other. They are assembled into one ROM image by the (soon to be deprecated) buildrom tool, or by the cbfs tool.
1598 \subsubsection{boot sequence}
1599 We boot and start at fffffff0. We then jump to the entry point at \_start. \_start does some machine init and an lgdt and jumps to \_\_protected\_start, at which point we are in protected mode. The code does a bit more machine setup and then starts executing the romcc code.
1601 If fallback has been built in, some setup needs to be done. On some machines, it is extensive. Full rom decoding must be enabled. This may in turn require additional PCI setup to enable decoding to be enabled (!). To decided which image to use, hardware registers (cold boot on the Opteron) or CMOS are checked. Finally, once the image to use has been decided, a jmp is performed, viz:
1602 \begin{verbatim}
1603 /* This is the primary cpu how should I boot? */
1604 else if (do_normal_boot()) {
1605 goto normal_image;
1607 else {
1608 goto fallback_image;
1610 normal_image:
1611 __asm__ volatile ("jmp __normal_image"
1612 : /* outputs */
1613 : "a" (bist), "b" (cpu_init_detectedx) /* inputs */
1616 fallback_image:
1618 __asm__ volatile ("jmp __fallback_image"
1619 : /* outputs */
1620 : "a" (bist), "b" (cpu_init_detectedx) /* inputs */
1622 #endif
1624 \end{verbatim}
1625 How does the fallback image get the symbol for normal entry? Via magic in the ldscript.ld -- remember, the images are not linked to each other.
1626 Finally, we can see this in the Config.lb for most mainboards:
1627 \begin{verbatim}
1629 mainboardinit cpu/x86/16bit/reset16.inc
1630 ldscript /cpu/x86/16bit/reset16.lds
1631 else
1632 mainboardinit cpu/x86/32bit/reset32.inc
1633 ldscript /cpu/x86/32bit/reset32.lds
1635 \end{verbatim}
1636 What does this mean? the non-fallback image has a 32-bit entry point; fallback has a 16-bit entry point. The reason for this is that some code from fallback always runs, so as to pick fallback or normal; but the normal is always called from 32-bit code.
1637 \subsection{car images (from lippert/roadrunner-lx)}
1638 CAR images in their simplest form are modified romcc images. The file is usually cache\_as\_ram\_auto.c. C inclusion is still used. The main difference is in the build sequence. The compiler command line is a very slight changed: instead of using romcc to generate an auto.inc include file, gcc us used. Then, two perl scripts are used to rename the .text and .data sections to .rom.text and .rom.data respectively.
1639 \subsubsection{how it is built}
1640 The build is almost identical to the romcc build. Since the auto.inc file exists, it can be included as before. The crt0\_includes.h file has one addition: a file that enables CAR, in this case it is \textit{src/cpu/amd/model\_lx/cache\_as\_ram.inc}.
1641 \subsubsection{layout}
1642 No significant change from romcc code.
1643 \subsubsection{boot sequence}
1644 No significant change from romcc code, except that the CAR code has to set up a stack.
1646 \subsection{car + CONFIG\_USE\_INIT images (new emulation/qemu}
1647 This type of image makes more use of the C compiler. In this type of image, in fact,
1648 seperate compilation is possible but is not always used. Oddly enough, this option is only used in PPC boards. That said, we need to move to this way of building. Including C code is poor style.
1649 \subsubsection{how it is built}
1650 There is a make variable, INIT-OBJECTS, that for all our other targets is empty. In this type of build, INIT-OBJECTS is a list of C files that are created from the config tool initobject command. Again, with INIT-OBJECTS we can finally stop including .c files and go with seperate compilation.
1651 \subsubsection{layout}
1652 No significant change from romcc code.
1653 \subsubsection{boot sequence}
1654 No significant change from romcc code, except that the CAR code has to set up a stack.
1655 \subsection{car + CONFIG\_USE\_PRINTK\_IN\_CAR images}
1656 When CONFIG\_USE\_PRINTK\_IN\_CAR is set, the CAR code can use printk instead of the primitive print functions. This config variable is used in one of two ways. If CONFIG\_USE\_INIT is 0, then different .c files just include other .c files, as in console.c:
1657 \begin{verbatim}
1659 static void __console_tx_byte(unsigned char byte)
1661 uart_tx_byte(byte);
1664 #include "console_print.c"
1666 #else
1667 /* CONFIG_USE_PRINTK_IN_CAR == 1 */
1669 #include "console_printk.c"
1671 #if CONFIG_USE_INIT == 0
1672 // do_printk
1673 #include "../../../console/vtxprintf.c"
1674 #include "printk_init.c"
1675 #endif
1677 #endif /* CONFIG_USE_PRINTK_IN_CAR */
1679 \end{verbatim}\footnote{yuck!}
1681 If CONFIG\_USE\_INIT is 1, then the Config.lb is configured differently:
1682 \begin{verbatim}
1685 initobject printk_init.o
1689 \end{verbatim}\footnote{see previous footnote}
1691 \subsubsection{layout}
1692 No significant change from romcc code.
1693 \subsubsection{boot sequence}
1694 No significant change from romcc code, except that the CAR code has to set up a stack.
1695 \subsection{failover}
1698 % 14 Glossary
1701 \section{Glossary}
1702 \begin{itemize}
1703 \item payload
1705 LinuxBIOS only cares about low level machine initialization, but also has
1706 very simple mechanisms to boot a file either from FLASHROM or IDE. That
1707 file, possibly a Linux Kernel, a boot loader or Etherboot, are called
1708 payload, since it is the first software executed that does not cope with
1709 pure initialization.
1711 \item flash device
1713 Flash devices are commonly used in all different computers since unlike
1714 ROMs they can be electronically erased and reprogrammed.
1715 \end{itemize}
1717 \newpage
1720 % 14 Bibliography
1723 \section{Bibliography}
1724 \subsection{Additional Papers on LinuxBIOS}
1726 \begin{itemize}
1727 \item { \small
1728 \textit{\url{http://www.linuxnetworx.com/products/linuxbios_white_paper.pdf}}
1730 \item
1731 \textit{\url{http://www.linuxbios.org/papers/}}
1732 \item
1733 \textit{\url{http://www.lysator.liu.se/upplysning/fa/linuxbios.pdf}}
1734 \item
1735 \textit{\url{http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=512627}}
1736 \end{itemize}
1738 \subsection {Links}
1740 \begin{itemize}
1741 \item Etherboot: \textit{\url{http://www.etherboot.org/}}
1742 \item Filo: \textit{\url{http://te.to/~ts1/filo/}}
1743 \item OpenBIOS: \textit{\url{http://www.openbios.org/}}
1744 \end{itemize}
1746 \end{document}