2 ## This file is part of the coreboot project.
4 ## Copyright (C) 2011 secunet Security Networks AG
6 ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 ## the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
10 ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 ## GNU General Public License for more details.
16 ifneq ($(NOCOMPILE),1)
17 GIT:=$(shell [ -e "$(top)/.git" ] && command -v git)
22 #######################################################################
23 # normalize Kconfig variables in a central place
24 CONFIG_CBFS_PREFIX:=$(call strip_quotes,$(CONFIG_CBFS_PREFIX))
25 CONFIG_FMDFILE:=$(call strip_quotes,$(CONFIG_FMDFILE))
26 CONFIG_DEVICETREE:=$(call strip_quotes, $(CONFIG_DEVICETREE))
28 #######################################################################
29 # misleadingly named, this is the coreboot version
30 ifeq ($(KERNELVERSION),)
31 ifeq ($(BUILD_TIMELESS),1)
34 KERNELVERSION := $(strip $(if $(GIT),\
35 $(shell git describe --dirty --always || git describe),\
36 $(if $(wildcard $(top)/.coreboot-version),\
37 $(shell cat $(top)/.coreboot-version),\
38 coreboot-unknown$(KERNELREVISION))))
43 #######################################################################
44 # Basic component discovery
45 MAINBOARDDIR=$(call strip_quotes,$(CONFIG_MAINBOARD_DIR))
46 VARIANT_DIR:=$(call strip_quotes,$(CONFIG_VARIANT_DIR))
49 ## Final build results, which CBFSTOOL uses to create the final
50 ## rom image file, are placed under $(objcbfs).
51 ## These typically have suffixes .debug .elf .bin and .map
52 objcbfs := $(obj)/cbfs/$(CONFIG_CBFS_PREFIX)
53 COREBOOT_EXPORTS += objcbfs
55 ## Based on the active configuration, Makefile conditionally collects
56 ## the required assembly includes and saves them in a file.
57 ## Such files that do not have a clear one-to-one relation to a source
58 ## file under src/ are placed and built under $(objgenerated)
59 objgenerated := $(obj)/generated
60 COREBOOT_EXPORTS += objgenerated
62 #######################################################################
63 # root rule to resolve if in build mode (ie. configuration exists)
64 real-target: $(obj)/config.h coreboot files_added
65 coreboot: build-dirs $(obj)/coreboot.rom $(obj)/cbfstool $(obj)/rmodtool $(obj)/ifwitool
67 # This target can be used in site local to run scripts or additional
68 # targets after the build completes by creating a Makefile.inc in the
69 # site-local directory with a target named 'build_complete::'
70 build_complete:: coreboot
71 printf "\nBuilt %s (%s)\n" $(MAINBOARDDIR) \
74 # This target can be used to run rules after all files were added to CBFS,
75 # for example to process FMAP regions or the entire image.
76 files_added:: build_complete
78 #######################################################################
80 PHONY+= clean-abuild coreboot build-dirs build_complete
82 #######################################################################
83 # root source directories of coreboot
84 subdirs-y := src/lib src/commonlib/ src/console src/device src/acpi
85 subdirs-y += src/ec/acpi $(wildcard src/ec/*/*) $(wildcard src/southbridge/*/*)
86 subdirs-y += $(wildcard src/soc/*/*) $(wildcard src/northbridge/*/*)
87 subdirs-y += src/superio
88 subdirs-y += $(wildcard src/drivers/*) $(wildcard src/drivers/*/*)
89 subdirs-y += src/cpu src/vendorcode
90 subdirs-y += util/cbfstool util/sconfig util/nvramtool util/broadcom
91 subdirs-y += util/futility util/marvell util/blobtool
92 subdirs-y += $(wildcard src/arch/*)
93 subdirs-y += src/mainboard/$(MAINBOARDDIR)
94 subdirs-y += src/security
95 subdirs-y += payloads payloads/external
97 subdirs-y += site-local
98 subdirs-y += util/checklist util/testing
100 #######################################################################
101 # Add source classes and their build options
102 classes-y := ramstage romstage bootblock postcar smm smmstub cpu_microcode verstage
104 # Add dynamic classes for rmodules
105 $(foreach supported_arch,$(ARCH_SUPPORTED), \
106 $(eval $(call define_class,rmodules_$(supported_arch),$(supported_arch))))
107 # Provide a macro to determine environment for free standing rmodules.
108 $(foreach supported_arch,$(ARCH_SUPPORTED), \
109 $(eval rmodules_$(supported_arch)-generic-ccopts += -D__RMODULE__))
111 #######################################################################
112 # Helper functions for math, strings, and various file placement matters.
113 # macros work on all formats understood by printf(1)
114 # values are space separated if using more than one value
116 # int-add: adds an arbitrary length list of integers
117 # int-subtract: subtracts the the second of two integers from the first
118 # int-multiply: multiplies an arbitrary length list of integers
119 # int-divide: divides the first integer by the second
120 # int-remainder: arithmetic remainder of the first number divided by the second
121 # int-shift-left: Shift $1 left by $2 bits
122 # int-lt: 1 if the first value is less than the second. 0 otherwise
123 # int-gt: 1 if the first values is greater than the second. 0 otherwise
124 # int-eq: 1 if the two values are equal. 0 otherwise
125 # int-align: align $1 to $2 units
126 # file-size: returns the filesize of the given file
127 # tolower: returns the value in all lowercase
128 # toupper: returns the value in all uppercase
129 # ws_to_under: returns the value with any whitespace changed to underscores
130 _toint=$(shell printf "%d" $1)
131 _int-add2=$(shell expr $(call _toint,$1) + $(call _toint,$2))
132 int-add=$(if $(filter 1,$(words $1)),$(strip $1),$(call int-add,$(call _int-add2,$(word 1,$1),$(word 2,$1)) $(wordlist 3,$(words $1),$1)))
133 int-subtract=$(if $(filter 1,$(words $1)),$(strip $1),$(shell expr $(call _toint,$(word 1,$1)) - $(call _toint,$(word 2,$1))))
134 _int-multiply2=$(shell expr $(call _toint,$1) \* $(call _toint,$2))
135 int-multiply=$(if $(filter 1,$(words $1)),$(strip $1),$(call int-multiply,$(call _int-multiply2,$(word 1,$1),$(word 2,$1)) $(wordlist 3,$(words $1),$1)))
136 int-divide=$(if $(filter 1,$(words $1)),$(strip $1),$(shell expr $(call _toint,$(word 1,$1)) / $(call _toint,$(word 2,$1))))
137 int-remainder=$(if $(filter 1,$(words $1)),$(strip $1),$(shell expr $(call _toint,$(word 1,$1)) % $(call _toint,$(word 2,$1))))
138 int-shift-left=$(shell echo "$(call _toint,$(word 1, $1)) * (2 ^ $(call _toint,$(word 2, $1)))" | bc)
139 int-lt=$(if $(filter 1,$(words $1)),$(strip $1),$(shell expr $(call _toint,$(word 1,$1)) \< $(call _toint,$(word 2,$1))))
140 int-gt=$(if $(filter 1,$(words $1)),$(strip $1),$(shell expr $(call _toint,$(word 1,$1)) \> $(call _toint,$(word 2,$1))))
141 int-eq=$(if $(filter 1,$(words $1)),$(strip $1),$(shell expr $(call _toint,$(word 1,$1)) = $(call _toint,$(word 2,$1))))
142 int-align=$(shell A=$(call _toint,$1) B=$(call _toint,$2); expr $$A + \( \( $$B - \( $$A % $$B \) \) % $$B \) )
143 file-size=$(strip $(shell cat $1 | wc -c))
144 tolower=$(shell echo '$1' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
145 toupper=$(shell echo '$1' | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')
146 ws_to_under=$(shell echo '$1' | tr ' \t' '_')
148 #######################################################################
149 # Helper functions for ramstage postprocess
156 # files-in-dir-recursive,dir,files
157 files-in-dir-recursive=$(filter $(1)%,$(2))
160 parent-dir=$(dir $(if $(patsubst /%,,$(1)),,/)$(subst $( ),/,$(strip $(subst /, ,$(1)))))
162 # filters out exactly the directory specified
163 # filter-out-dir,dir_to_keep,dirs
164 filter-out-dir=$(filter-out $(1),$(2))
166 # filters out dir_to_keep and all its parents
167 # filter-out-dirs,dir_to_keep,dirs
168 filter-out-dirs=$(if $(filter-out ./ /,$(1)),$(call filter-out-dirs,$(call parent-dir,$(1)),$(call filter-out-dir,$(1),$(2))),$(call filter-out-dir,$(1),$(2)))
171 dir-wildcards=$(addsuffix %,$(1))
173 # files-in-dir,dir,files
174 files-in-dir=$(filter-out $(call dir-wildcards,$(call filter-out-dirs,$(1),$(sort $(dir $(2))))),$(call files-in-dir-recursive,$(1),$(2)))
176 #######################################################################
177 # reduce command line length by linking the objects of each
178 # directory into an intermediate file
179 ramstage-postprocess=$$(eval DEPENDENCIES+=$$(addsuffix .d,$$(basename $(1)))) \
180 $(foreach d,$(sort $(dir $(filter-out %.ld,$(1)))), \
181 $(eval $(d)ramstage.a: $(call files-in-dir,$(d),$(filter-out %.ld,$(1))); rm -f $$@ && $(AR_ramstage) rcsT $$@ $$^ ) \
182 $(eval ramstage-objs:=$(d)ramstage.a $(filter-out $(filter-out %.ld, $(call files-in-dir,$(d),$(1))),$(ramstage-objs))))
184 bootblock-generic-ccopts += -D__PRE_RAM__ -D__BOOTBLOCK__
185 romstage-generic-ccopts += -D__PRE_RAM__ -D__ROMSTAGE__
186 ramstage-generic-ccopts += -D__RAMSTAGE__
187 ifeq ($(CONFIG_TRACE),y)
188 ramstage-c-ccopts += -finstrument-functions
190 ifeq ($(CONFIG_COVERAGE),y)
191 ramstage-c-ccopts += -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage
194 ifneq ($(UPDATED_SUBMODULES),1)
195 # try to fetch non-optional submodules if the source is under git
196 forgetthis:=$(if $(GIT),$(shell git submodule update --init))
197 ifeq ($(CONFIG_USE_BLOBS),y)
198 # this is necessary because 3rdparty/blobs is update=none, and so is ignored
199 # unless explicitly requested and enabled through --checkout
200 forgetthis:=$(if $(GIT),$(shell git submodule update --init --checkout 3rdparty/blobs))
206 postcar-c-deps:=$$(OPTION_TABLE_H)
207 ramstage-c-deps:=$$(OPTION_TABLE_H)
208 romstage-c-deps:=$$(OPTION_TABLE_H)
209 verstage-c-deps:=$$(OPTION_TABLE_H)
210 bootblock-c-deps:=$$(OPTION_TABLE_H)
211 $(foreach type,ads adb, \
212 $(foreach stage,$(COREBOOT_STANDARD_STAGES), \
213 $(eval $(stage)-$(type)-deps := $(obj)/libgnat-$(ARCH-$(stage)-y)/libgnat.a)))
215 # Add handler to copy linker scripts
216 define generic-objs_ld_template_gen
217 de$(EMPTY)fine $(1)-objs_ld_template
218 $$(call src-to-obj,$1,$$(1).ld): $$(1).ld $(obj)/config.h
219 @printf " CP $$$$(subst $$$$(obj)/,,$$$$(@))\n"
220 $$(CC_$(1)) -MMD $$(CPPFLAGS_$(1)) $$($(1)-ld-ccopts) $(PREPROCESS_ONLY) -include $(obj)/config.h -MT $$$$@ -o $$$$@ $$$$<
224 # Add handler to deal with archives
225 define generic-objs_a_template_gen
226 de$(EMPTY)fine $(1)-objs_a_template
227 $$(call src-to-obj,$1,$$(1).a): $$(1).a
228 @printf " AR $$$$(subst $$$$(obj)/,,$$$$(@))\n"
229 $$$$(AR_$(1)) rcsT $$$$@.tmp $$$$<
234 # Add handler to add no rules for manual files
235 define generic-objs_manual_template_gen
239 #######################################################################
240 # Add handler to compile ACPI's ASL
241 # arg1: base file name
242 # arg2: y or n for including in cbfs. defaults to y
244 $(CONFIG_CBFS_PREFIX)/$(1).aml-file = $(obj)/$(1).aml
245 $(CONFIG_CBFS_PREFIX)/$(1).aml-type = raw
246 $(CONFIG_CBFS_PREFIX)/$(1).aml-compression = none
247 cbfs-files-$(if $(2),$(2),y) += $(CONFIG_CBFS_PREFIX)/$(1).aml
248 -include $(obj)/$(1).d
249 $(obj)/$(1).aml: $(src)/mainboard/$(MAINBOARDDIR)/$(1).asl $(obj)/config.h
250 @printf " IASL $$(subst $(top)/,,$$(@))\n"
251 $(CC_ramstage) -x assembler-with-cpp -E -MMD -MT $$(@) $$(CPPFLAGS_ramstage) -D__ACPI__ -P -include $(src)/include/kconfig.h -I$(obj) -I$(src) -I$(src)/include -I$(src)/arch/$(ARCHDIR-$(ARCH-ramstage-y))/include -I$(src)/mainboard/$(MAINBOARDDIR) $$< -o $$@
252 cd $$(dir $$@); $(IASL) -we -p $$(notdir $$@) $$(notdir $$@)
253 if [ -z "$$$$($(IASL) -d $$@ 2>&1 | grep 'ACPI Warning')" ]; then echo " IASL $$@ disassembled correctly."; true; else echo "Error: Could not correctly disassemble $$@"; $(IASL) -d $$@; false; fi
256 #######################################################################
257 # Parse plaintext cmos defaults into binary format
259 # arg2: binary file name
260 cbfs-files-processor-nvramtool= \
261 $(eval $(2): $(1) $(src)/mainboard/$(MAINBOARDDIR)/cmos.layout | $(objutil)/nvramtool/nvramtool ; \
262 printf " CREATE $(2) (from $(1))\n"; \
263 $(objutil)/nvramtool/nvramtool -y $(src)/mainboard/$(MAINBOARDDIR)/cmos.layout -D $(2).tmp -p $(1) && \
266 #######################################################################
267 # Link VSA binary to ELF-ish stage
269 # arg2: binary file name
270 cbfs-files-processor-vsa= \
271 $(eval $(2): $(1) ; \
272 printf " CREATE $(2) (from $(1))\n"; \
273 $(OBJCOPY_ramstage) --set-start 0x20 --adjust-vma 0x60000 -I binary -O elf32-i386 -B i386 $(1) $(2).tmp && \
274 $(LD_ramstage) -m elf_i386 -e 0x60020 --section-start .data=0x60000 $(2).tmp -o $(2))
276 #######################################################################
277 # Reduce a .config file to its minimal representation
280 cbfs-files-processor-defconfig= \
281 $(eval $(2): $(1) $(obj)/build.h; \
282 +printf " CREATE $(2) (from $(1))\n"; \
283 printf "\# This image was built using coreboot " > $(2).tmp && \
284 grep "\<COREBOOT_VERSION\>" $(obj)/build.h |cut -d\" -f2 >> $(2).tmp && \
285 $(MAKE) DOTCONFIG=$(1) DEFCONFIG=$(2).tmp2 savedefconfig && \
286 cat $(2).tmp2 >> $(2).tmp && \
288 \mv -f $(2).tmp $(2))
290 #######################################################################
291 # Compile a C file with a bare struct definition into binary
292 # arg1: C source file
294 cbfs-files-processor-struct= \
295 $(eval $(2): $(1) $(obj)/build.h $(KCONFIG_AUTOHEADER); \
296 printf " CC+STRIP $(@)\n"; \
297 $(CC_ramstage) -MMD $(CPPFLAGS_ramstage) $(CFLAGS_ramstage) $$(ramstage-c-ccopts) -include $(KCONFIG_AUTOHEADER) -MT $(2) -o $(2).tmp -c $(1) && \
298 $(OBJCOPY_ramstage) -O binary $(2).tmp $(2); \
300 $(eval DEPENDENCIES += $(2).d)
302 #######################################################################
303 # Add handler for arbitrary files in CBFS
304 $(call add-special-class,cbfs-files)
305 cbfs-files-handler= \
306 $(eval tmp-cbfs-method:=$(word 2, $(subst :, ,$($(2)-file)))) \
307 $(eval $(2)-file:=$(call strip_quotes,$(word 1, $(subst :, ,$($(2)-file))))) \
308 $(eval tmp-cbfs-file:= ) \
310 $(if $(wildcard $(1)$($(2)-file)), \
311 $(eval tmp-cbfs-file:= $(wildcard $(1)$($(2)-file))), \
312 $(eval tmp-cbfs-file:= $($(2)-file)))) \
313 $(if $(strip $($(2)-required)), \
314 $(if $(wildcard $(tmp-cbfs-file)),, \
315 $(info This build configuration requires $($(2)-required)) \
316 $(eval FAILBUILD:=1) \
318 $(if $(strip $($(2)-align)), \
319 $(if $(strip $($(2)-position)), \
320 $(info ERROR: It is not allowed to specify both alignment and position for $($(2)-file)) \
321 $(eval FAILBUILD:=1) \
323 $(if $(tmp-cbfs-method), \
324 $(eval tmp-old-cbfs-file:=$(tmp-cbfs-file)) \
325 $(eval tmp-cbfs-file:=$(shell mkdir -p $(obj)/mainboard/$(MAINBOARDDIR); mktemp $(obj)/mainboard/$(MAINBOARDDIR)/cbfs-file.XXXXXX).out) \
326 $(call cbfs-files-processor-$(tmp-cbfs-method),$(tmp-old-cbfs-file),$(tmp-cbfs-file))) \
327 $(if $(tmp-cbfs-file), \
328 $(eval cbfs-files += $(subst $(spc),*,$(tmp-cbfs-file)|$(2)|$($(2)-type)|$($(2)-compression)|$(strip $($(2)-position))|$($(2)-align)|$($(2)-options)))) \
329 $(eval $(2)-name:=) \
330 $(eval $(2)-type:=) \
331 $(eval $(2)-compression:=) \
332 $(eval $(2)-position:=) \
333 $(eval $(2)-required:=) \
334 $(eval $(2)-options:=) \
337 #######################################################################
338 # a variety of flags for our build
354 ifneq ($(CONFIG_LOCALVERSION),"")
359 CPPFLAGS_common := -Isrc -Isrc/include -Isrc/commonlib/include -I$(obj)
360 CPPFLAGS_common += -Isrc/device/oprom/include
361 VBOOT_SOURCE ?= 3rdparty/vboot
362 CPPFLAGS_common += -I$(VBOOT_SOURCE)/firmware/include
363 CPPFLAGS_common += -include $(src)/include/kconfig.h
364 CPPFLAGS_common += -I3rdparty
366 CFLAGS_common += -pipe -g -nostdinc -std=gnu11
367 CFLAGS_common += -nostdlib -Wall -Wundef -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes
368 CFLAGS_common += -Wwrite-strings -Wredundant-decls -Wno-trigraphs
369 CFLAGS_common += -Wstrict-aliasing -Wshadow -Wdate-time
370 CFLAGS_common += -fno-common -ffreestanding -fno-builtin -fomit-frame-pointer
371 CFLAGS_common += -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-pie
372 ifeq ($(CONFIG_COMPILER_GCC),y)
373 CFLAGS_common += -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks -fconserve-stack
376 ADAFLAGS_common += -gnatp
377 ADAFLAGS_common += -Wuninitialized -Wall -Werror
378 ADAFLAGS_common += -pipe -g -nostdinc
379 ADAFLAGS_common += -Wstrict-aliasing -Wshadow
380 ADAFLAGS_common += -fno-common -fomit-frame-pointer
381 ADAFLAGS_common += -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections
382 # Ada warning options:
384 # a Activate most optional warnings.
385 # .e Activate every optional warnings.
386 # e Treat warnings and style checks as errors.
388 # D Suppress warnings on implicit dereferences:
389 # As SPARK does not accept access types we have to map the
390 # dynamically chosen register locations to a static SPARK
393 # .H Suppress warnings on holes/gaps in records:
394 # We are modelling hardware here!
396 # H Suppress warnings on hiding:
397 # It's too annoying, you run out of ideas for identifiers fast.
399 # T Suppress warnings for tracking of deleted conditional code:
400 # We use static options to select code paths at compile time.
402 # U Suppress warnings on unused entities:
403 # Would have lots of warnings for unused register definitions,
404 # `withs` for debugging etc.
406 # .U Deactivate warnings on unordered enumeration types:
407 # As SPARK doesn't support `pragma Ordered` by now, we don't
410 # .W Suppress warnings on unnecessary Warnings Off pragmas:
411 # Things get really messy when you use different compiler
412 # versions, otherwise.
413 # .Y Disable information messages for why package spec needs body:
414 # Those messages are annoying. But don't forget to enable those,
415 # if you need the information.
416 ADAFLAGS_common += -gnatwa.eeD.HHTU.U.W.Y
417 # Disable style checks for now
418 ADAFLAGS_common += -gnatyN
420 LDFLAGS_common := --gc-sections -nostdlib -nostartfiles -static --emit-relocs
422 ifeq ($(CONFIG_COMPILER_GCC),y)
423 # cf. commit f69a99db (coreboot: x86: enable gc-sections)
424 CFLAGS_common += -Wno-unused-but-set-variable
428 CFLAGS_common += -Werror
430 ifneq ($(GDB_DEBUG),)
432 ADAFLAGS_common += -Og
435 ADAFLAGS_common += -Os
438 ifeq ($(CONFIG_DEBUG_ADA_CODE),y)
439 ADAFLAGS_common += -gnata
442 additional-dirs := $(objutil)/cbfstool $(objutil)/romcc $(objutil)/ifdtool \
443 $(objutil)/ifdfake $(objutil)/options $(objutil)/amdfwtool \
444 $(objutil)/cbootimage $(objutil)/bimgtool
446 export $(COREBOOT_EXPORTS)
448 #######################################################################
449 # generate build support files
450 $(obj)/build.h: .xcompile
451 @printf " GEN build.h\n"
453 util/genbuild_h/genbuild_h.sh > $(obj)/build.ht
454 mv $(obj)/build.ht $(obj)/build.h
457 mkdir -p $(objcbfs) $(objgenerated)
459 #######################################################################
461 CBFSTOOL:=$(objutil)/cbfstool/cbfstool
462 FMAPTOOL:=$(objutil)/cbfstool/fmaptool
463 RMODTOOL:=$(objutil)/cbfstool/rmodtool
464 IFWITOOL:=$(objutil)/cbfstool/ifwitool
466 $(obj)/cbfstool: $(CBFSTOOL)
469 $(obj)/fmaptool: $(FMAPTOOL)
472 $(obj)/rmodtool: $(RMODTOOL)
475 $(obj)/ifwitool: $(IFWITOOL)
478 _WINCHECK=$(shell uname -o 2> /dev/null)
480 ifeq ($(_WINCHECK),Msys)
481 STACK=-Wl,--stack,16384000
483 ifeq ($(_WINCHECK),Cygwin)
484 STACK=-Wl,--stack,16384000
487 # this allows ccache to prepend itself
488 # (ccache handling happens first)
489 ROMCC_BIN= $(objutil)/romcc/romcc
491 $(ROMCC_BIN): $(top)/util/romcc/romcc.c
492 @printf " HOSTCC $(subst $(obj)/,,$(@)) (this may take a while)\n"
493 @# Note: Adding -O2 here might cause problems. For details see:
494 @# https://www.coreboot.org/pipermail/coreboot/2010-February/055825.html
495 $(HOSTCC) -g $(STACK) -Wall -o $@ $<
497 BLOBTOOL:=$(objutil)/blobtool/blobtool
499 @printf " Compile BLOBTOOL\n"
500 +$(MAKE) -C $(top)/util/blobtool
501 cp -a $(top)/util/ifdtool/blobtool $@
503 IFDTOOL:=$(objutil)/ifdtool/ifdtool
505 @printf " Compile IFDTOOL\n"
506 +$(MAKE) -C $(top)/util/ifdtool
507 cp -a $(top)/util/ifdtool/ifdtool $@
509 IFDFAKE:=$(objutil)/ifdfake/ifdfake
510 $(IFDFAKE): $(top)/util/ifdfake/ifdfake.c
511 @printf " HOSTCC $(subst $(obj)/,,$(@))\n"
512 $(HOSTCC) $(HOSTCFLAGS) -o $@ $<
514 AMDFWTOOL:=$(objutil)/amdfwtool/amdfwtool
515 $(AMDFWTOOL): $(top)/util/amdfwtool/amdfwtool.c
516 @printf " HOSTCC $(subst $(obj)/,,$(@))\n"
519 CBOOTIMAGE:=$(objutil)/cbootimage/cbootimage
521 FUTILITY?=$(objutil)/futility/futility
523 subdirs-y += util/nvidia
525 BIMGTOOL:=$(objutil)/bimgtool/bimgtool
526 $(BIMGTOOL): $(top)/util/bimgtool/bimgtool.c
527 @printf " HOSTCC $(subst $(obj)/,,$(@))\n"
528 $(HOSTCC) $(HOSTCFLAGS) -o $@ $<
530 $(obj)/config.h: $(objutil)/kconfig/conf
532 #######################################################################
533 # needed objects that every mainboard uses
534 # Creation of these is architecture and mainboard independent
536 DEVICETREE_STATIC_C := $(obj)/mainboard/$(MAINBOARDDIR)/static.c
538 $(DEVICETREE_STATIC_C): $(DEVICETREE_FILE) $(objutil)/sconfig/sconfig
539 @printf " SCONFIG $(subst $(src)/,,$(<))\n"
540 mkdir -p $(dir $(DEVICETREE_STATIC_C))
541 $(objutil)/sconfig/sconfig $(DEVICETREE_FILE) $(DEVICETREE_STATIC_C)
543 ramstage-y+=$(DEVICETREE_STATIC_C)
544 romstage-y+=$(DEVICETREE_STATIC_C)
545 verstage-y+=$(DEVICETREE_STATIC_C)
546 bootblock-y+=$(DEVICETREE_STATIC_C)
547 postcar-y+=$(DEVICETREE_STATIC_C)
549 #######################################################################
552 rm -rf coreboot-builds
554 clean-for-update-target: clean-payloads
555 rm -f $(obj)/ramstage?* $(obj)/coreboot.romstage $(obj)/coreboot.pre* $(obj)/coreboot.bootblock $(obj)/coreboot.a
556 rm -rf $(obj)/bootblock?* $(obj)/romstage?* $(obj)/location.*
557 rm -f $(obj)/option_table.* $(obj)/crt0.S $(obj)/ldscript
558 rm -f $(obj)/mainboard/$(MAINBOARDDIR)/static.c $(obj)/mainboard/$(MAINBOARDDIR)/config.py $(obj)/mainboard/$(MAINBOARDDIR)/static.dot
559 rm -f $(obj)/mainboard/$(MAINBOARDDIR)/crt0.s $(obj)/mainboard/$(MAINBOARDDIR)/crt0.disasm
560 rm -f $(obj)/mainboard/$(MAINBOARDDIR)/romstage.inc
561 rm -f $(obj)/mainboard/$(MAINBOARDDIR)/bootblock.* $(obj)/dsdt.*
562 rm -f $(obj)/cpu/x86/smm/smm_bin.c $(obj)/cpu/x86/smm/smm.* $(obj)/cpu/x86/smm/smm
565 rm -f $(obj)/coreboot*
567 #######################################################################
568 # Development utilities
571 @echo ldscripts=$(ldscripts)
574 dongle.py -c /dev/term/1 $(obj)/coreboot.rom EOF
579 for hook in commit-msg pre-commit ; do \
580 if [ util/gitconfig/$$hook -nt .git/hooks/$$hook -o \
581 ! -x .git/hooks/$$hook ]; then \
582 sed -e "s,%MAKE%,$(MAKE),g" util/gitconfig/$$hook > .git/hooks/$$hook; \
583 chmod +x .git/hooks/$$hook; \
586 # Now set up thehooks for 3rdparty/
587 for hooks in .git/modules/{3rdparty/blobs,libhwbase,libgfxinit}/hooks; do \
589 \( util/gitconfig/commit-msg -nt $$hooks/commit-msg -o \
590 ! -x $$hooks/commit-msg \) ]; then \
591 sed -e "s,%MAKE%,$(MAKE),g" util/gitconfig/commit-msg > $$hooks/commit-msg; \
592 chmod +x $$hooks/commit-msg; \
595 for d in 3rdparty/{blobs,libhwbase,libgfxinit}; do \
596 if [ -d $$d ]; then \
598 git config remote.origin.push HEAD:refs/for/master); \
601 git config remote.origin.push HEAD:refs/for/master
602 git config alias.sup '!git submodule update --remote --rebase && git submodule update --init --checkout'
603 git config alias.sup-destroy '!git submodule deinit --force "$$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)"; git submodule init && git submodule update --checkout'
604 (git config --includes user.name >/dev/null && git config --includes user.email >/dev/null) || (printf 'Please configure your name and email in git:\n\n git config --global user.name "Your Name Comes Here"\n git config --global user.email your.email@example.com\n'; exit 1)
606 include util/crossgcc/Makefile.inc
609 tools: $(objutil)/kconfig/conf $(CBFSTOOL) $(objutil)/cbfstool/cbfs-compression-tool $(FMAPTOOL) $(RMODTOOL) $(IFWITOOL) $(objutil)/nvramtool/nvramtool $(ROMCC_BIN) $(objutil)/sconfig/sconfig $(IFDTOOL) $(IFDFAKE) $(CBOOTIMAGE) $(AMDFWTOOL) $(FUTILITY) $(BLOBTOOL)
611 ###########################################################################
612 # Common recipes for all stages
613 ###########################################################################
615 # loadaddr can determine the load address of a stage, which may be needed for
616 # platform-specific image headers (only works *after* the stage has been built)
617 loadaddr = $(shell $(OBJDUMP_$(1)) -p $(objcbfs)/$(1).debug | \
618 sed -ne '/LOAD/s/^.*vaddr 0x\([0-9a-fA-F]\{8\}\).*$$/0x\1/p')
620 # find-substr is required for stages like romstage_null and romstage_xip to
621 # eliminate the _* part of the string
622 find-substr = $(word 1,$(subst _, ,$(1)))
624 # find-class is used to identify the class from the name of the stage
625 # The input to this macro can be something like romstage.x or romstage.x.y
626 # find-class recursively strips off the suffixes to extract the exact class name
627 # e.g.: if romstage.x is provided to find-class, it will remove .x and return romstage
628 # if romstage.x.y is provided, it will first remove .y, call find-class with romstage.x
629 # and remove .x the next time and finally return romstage
630 find-class = $(if $(filter $(1),$(basename $(1))),$(if $(CC_$(1)), $(1), $(call find-substr,$(1))),$(call find-class,$(basename $(1))))
632 # Bootblocks are not CBFS stages. coreboot is currently expecting the bss to
633 # be cleared by the loader of the stage. For ARM SoCs that means one needs to
634 # include the bss section in the binary so the BootROM clears the bss on
635 # loading of the bootblock stage. Achieve this by marking the bss section
636 # loadable,allocatable, and data. Do the same for the .data section in case
637 # it's marked as NOBITS.
638 $(objcbfs)/bootblock.raw.bin: $(objcbfs)/bootblock.elf
639 @printf " OBJCOPY $(notdir $(@))\n"
640 $(OBJCOPY_bootblock) --set-section-flags .bss=load,alloc,data --set-section-flags .data=load,alloc,data $< $<.tmp
641 $(OBJCOPY_bootblock) -O binary $<.tmp $@
643 $(objcbfs)/%.bin: $(objcbfs)/%.raw.bin
646 $(objcbfs)/%.elf: $(objcbfs)/%.debug
647 $(eval class := $(call find-class,$(@F)))
648 @printf " OBJCOPY $(subst $(obj)/,,$(@))\n"
650 $(NM_$(class)) -n $@.tmp | sort > $(basename $@).map
651 $(OBJCOPY_$(class)) --strip-debug $@.tmp
652 $(OBJCOPY_$(class)) --add-gnu-debuglink=$< $@.tmp
655 ###########################################################################
656 # Build the final rom image
657 ###########################################################################
659 # extract_nth - Return a subsection of the $file string
661 # the input string looks like this:
662 # ./build/cbfs/fallback/romstage.elf|fallback/romstage|stage|none||64|--xip*-S*.car.data*-P*0x10000
665 # 1 - Path and name of file [FILENAME: Added to cbfs-files-y list variable]
666 # 2 - Name of file in cbfs [$(FILENAME)-file]
667 # 3 - File type: [$(FILENAME)-type]
668 # bootblock, cbfs header, stage, payload, optionrom, bootsplash, raw, vsa,
669 # mbi, microcode, fsp, mrc, cmos_default, cmos_layout, spd, mrc_cache,
670 # mma, efi, deleted, null
671 # 4 - Compression type [$(FILENAME)-compression]
673 # 5 - Base address [$(FILANAME)-position]
674 # 6 - Alignment [$(FILENAME)-align]
675 # 7 - cbfstool flags [$(FILENAME)-options]
678 # $(1) = Section to extract
679 # $(2) = Input string
682 # 1) replace all '|' characters with the sequence '- -' within the full string, prepended and appended with the character '-'
683 # 2) extract the specified section from the string - this gets us the section surrounded by '-' characters
684 # 3) remove the leading and trailing '-' characters
685 # 4) replace all '*' characters with spaces
686 extract_nth=$(subst *,$(spc),$(patsubst -%-,%,$(word $(1), $(subst |,- -,-$(2)-))))
688 # regions-for-file - Returns a cbfstool regions parameter
689 # $(call regions-for-file,$(filename))
690 # returns "REGION1,REGION2,..."
692 # This is the default implementation. When using a boot strategy employing
693 # multiple CBFSes in fmap regions, override it.
694 regions-for-file ?= COREBOOT
697 cbfs-autogen-attributes=-g
700 # cbfs-add-cmd-for-region
701 # $(call cbfs-add-cmd-for-region,file in extract_nth format,region name)
702 define cbfs-add-cmd-for-region
704 add$(if $(filter stage,$(call extract_nth,3,$(1))),-stage)$(if \
705 $(filter payload,$(call extract_nth,3,$(1))),-payload)$(if \
706 $(filter flat-binary,$(call extract_nth,3,$(1))),-flat-binary) \
707 -f $(call extract_nth,1,$(1)) \
708 -n $(call extract_nth,2,$(1)) \
709 $(if $(filter-out flat-binary,$(filter-out stage,$(call \
710 extract_nth,3,$(1)))),-t $(call extract_nth,3,$(1))) \
711 $(if $(call extract_nth,4,$(1)),-c $(call extract_nth,4,$(1))) \
712 $(cbfs-autogen-attributes) \
714 $(if $(call extract_nth,6,$(1)),-a $(call extract_nth,6,$(file)), \
715 $(if $(call extract_nth,5,$(file)),-b $(call extract_nth,5,$(file)))) \
716 $(call extract_nth,7,$(1))
720 # Empty line before endef is necessary so cbfs-add-cmd-for-region ends in a
724 # $(call cbfs-add-cmd,
725 # file in extract_nth format,
727 # non-empty if file removal requested)
729 printf " CBFS $(call extract_nth,2,$(1))\n"
730 $(if $(3),-$(CBFSTOOL) $@.tmp remove -n $(call extract_nth,2,$(file)) 2>/dev/null)
731 $(call cbfs-add-cmd-for-region,$(1),$(2))
734 # list of files to add (using their file system names, not CBFS names),
735 # for dependencies etc.
736 prebuilt-files = $(foreach file,$(cbfs-files), $(call extract_nth,1,$(file)))
739 # returns full list of fmap regions that we add files to
740 all-regions = $(sort $(subst $(comma),$(spc), \
741 $(foreach file,$(cbfs-files), \
742 $(call regions-for-file,$(call extract_nth,2,$(file))))))
744 # $(call all-files-in-region,region name)
745 # returns elements in $(cbfs-files) that end up in that region, in the order
746 # they appear in $(cbfs-files)
747 all-files-in-region = $(foreach file,$(cbfs-files), \
748 $(if $(filter $(1), \
749 $(subst $(comma),$(spc),$(call regions-for-file,$(call extract_nth,2,$(file))))), \
752 # $(call update-file-for-region,file string from $(cbfs-files),region name)
753 # Update position and alignment according to overrides for region
754 # Doesn't check for invalid configurations (eg. resetting neither or both
755 # position and align)
756 # Returns the updated file string
757 update-file-for-region = \
758 $(subst $(spc),*,$(call extract_nth,1,$(1))|$(call extract_nth,2,$(1))|$(call extract_nth,3,$(1))|$(call extract_nth,4,$(1))|$($(call extract_nth,2,$(1))-$(2)-position)|$($(call extract_nth,2,$(1))-$(2)-align)|$(call extract_nth,7,$(1)))
760 # $(call placed-files-in-region,region name)
761 # like all-files-in-region, but updates the files to contain region overrides
762 # to position or alignment.
763 placed-files-in-region = $(foreach file,$(call all-files-in-region,$(1)), \
764 $(if $($(call extract_nth,2,$(file))-$(1)-position), \
765 $(if $($(call extract_nth,2,$(file))-$(1)-align), \
766 $(error It is not allowed to specify both alignment and position for $(call extract_nth,2,$(file))-$(1))) \
767 $(call update-file-for-region,$(file),$(1)), \
768 $(if $($(call extract_nth,2,$(file))-$(1)-align), \
769 $(call update-file-for-region,$(file),$(1)), \
772 # $(call sort-files,subset of $(cbfs-files))
773 # reorders the files in the given set to list files at fixed positions first,
774 # followed by aligned files and finally those with no constraints.
776 $(eval _tmp_fixed:=) \
777 $(eval _tmp_aligned:=) \
778 $(eval _tmp_regular:=) \
779 $(foreach file,$(1), \
780 $(if $(call extract_nth,5,$(file)),\
781 $(eval _tmp_fixed += $(file)), \
782 $(if $(call extract_nth,6,$(file)), \
783 $(eval _tmp_aligned += $(file)), \
784 $(eval _tmp_regular += $(file))))) \
785 $(_tmp_fixed) $(_tmp_aligned) $(_tmp_regular)
787 # command list to add files to CBFS
788 prebuild-files = $(foreach region,$(all-regions), \
790 $(call sort-files,$(call placed-files-in-region,$(region))), \
791 $(call cbfs-add-cmd,$(file),$(region),$(CONFIG_UPDATE_IMAGE))))
793 ifeq ($(CONFIG_FMDFILE),)
794 # For a description of the flash layout described by these variables, check
795 # the $(DEFAULT_FLASHMAP) .fmd files.
796 ifeq ($(CONFIG_ARCH_X86),y)
797 DEFAULT_FLASHMAP:=$(top)/util/cbfstool/default-x86.fmd
799 FMAP_ROM_ADDR := $(call int-subtract, 0x100000000 $(CONFIG_ROM_SIZE))
801 # entire "BIOS" region (everything directly of concern to the host system)
802 # relative to ROM_BASE
803 FMAP_BIOS_BASE := $(call int-subtract, $(CONFIG_ROM_SIZE) $(CONFIG_CBFS_SIZE))
804 FMAP_BIOS_SIZE := $(shell echo $(CONFIG_CBFS_SIZE) | tr A-F a-f)
805 # position and size of flashmap, relative to BIOS_BASE
807 FMAP_FMAP_SIZE := 0x100
808 # position, size and entry line of CONSOLE relative to BIOS_BASE, if enabled
813 else # ifeq ($(CONFIG_CONSOLE_SPI_FLASH),y)
817 endif # ifeq ($(CONFIG_CONSOLE_SPI_FLASH),y)
818 # position and size of CBFS, relative to BIOS_BASE
820 FMAP_CBFS_SIZE := $(call int-subtract, $(FMAP_BIOS_SIZE) $(FMAP_CBFS_BASE))
821 else # ifeq ($(CONFIG_ARCH_X86),y)
822 DEFAULT_FLASHMAP:=$(top)/util/cbfstool/default.fmd
826 # entire "BIOS" region (everything directly of concern to the host system)
827 # relative to ROM_BASE
830 # position and size of flashmap, relative to BIOS_BASE
831 FMAP_FMAP_BASE := 0x20000
832 FMAP_FMAP_SIZE := 0x100
833 # position, size and entry line of CONSOLE relative to BIOS_BASE, if enabled
838 else # ifeq ($(CONFIG_CONSOLE_SPI_FLASH),y)
842 endif # ifeq ($(CONFIG_CONSOLE_SPI_FLASH),y)
843 # position and size of CBFS, relative to BIOS_BASE
845 FMAP_CBFS_SIZE := $(call int-subtract,$(FMAP_BIOS_SIZE) $(FMAP_CBFS_BASE))
846 endif # ifeq ($(CONFIG_ARCH_X86),y)
848 $(obj)/fmap.fmd: $(top)/Makefile.inc $(DEFAULT_FLASHMAP) $(obj)/config.h
849 sed -e "s,##ROM_BASE##,$(FMAP_ROM_ADDR)," \
850 -e "s,##ROM_SIZE##,$(FMAP_ROM_SIZE)," \
851 -e "s,##BIOS_BASE##,$(FMAP_BIOS_BASE)," \
852 -e "s,##BIOS_SIZE##,$(FMAP_BIOS_SIZE)," \
853 -e "s,##FMAP_BASE##,$(FMAP_FMAP_BASE)," \
854 -e "s,##FMAP_SIZE##,$(FMAP_FMAP_SIZE)," \
856 -e "s,##CBFS_BASE##,$(FMAP_CBFS_BASE)," \
857 -e "s,##CBFS_SIZE##,$(FMAP_CBFS_SIZE)," \
858 $(DEFAULT_FLASHMAP) > $@.tmp
860 else # ifeq ($(CONFIG_FMDFILE),)
861 $(obj)/fmap.fmd: $(CONFIG_FMDFILE) $(obj)/config.h
862 $(HOSTCC) $(PREPROCESS_ONLY) -include $(obj)/config.h $< -o $@.pre
864 endif # ifeq ($(CONFIG_FMDFILE),)
866 # generated at the same time as fmap.fmap
867 $(obj)/fmap_config.h: $(obj)/fmap.fmap
868 $(obj)/fmap.desc: $(obj)/fmap.fmap
870 $(obj)/fmap.fmap: $(obj)/fmap.fmd $(FMAPTOOL)
871 echo " FMAP $(FMAPTOOL) -h $(obj)/fmap_config.h $< $@"
872 $(FMAPTOOL) -h $(obj)/fmap_config.h -R $(obj)/fmap.desc $< $@
874 ifneq ($(CONFIG_UPDATE_IMAGE),y)
875 $(obj)/coreboot.pre: $(objcbfs)/bootblock.bin $$(prebuilt-files) $(CBFSTOOL) $$(cpu_ucode_cbfs_file) $(obj)/fmap.fmap $(obj)/fmap.desc
876 $(CBFSTOOL) $@.tmp create -M $(obj)/fmap.fmap -r $(shell cat $(obj)/fmap.desc)
877 ifeq ($(CONFIG_ARCH_X86),y)
878 $(CBFSTOOL) $@.tmp add \
879 -f $(objcbfs)/bootblock.bin \
882 -b -$(call file-size,$(objcbfs)/bootblock.bin) $(cbfs-autogen-attributes)
883 else # ifeq ($(CONFIG_ARCH_X86),y)
884 $(CBFSTOOL) $@.tmp write -u \
886 -f $(objcbfs)/bootblock.bin
887 # make space for the CBFS master header pointer. "ptr_" is just
888 # arbitrary 4 bytes that will be overwritten by add-master-header.
889 printf "ptr_" > $@.tmp.2
890 $(CBFSTOOL) $@.tmp add \
892 -n "header pointer" \
896 endif # ifeq ($(CONFIG_ARCH_X86),y)
897 $(CBFSTOOL) $@.tmp add-master-header
898 $(prebuild-files) true
900 else # ifneq ($(CONFIG_UPDATE_IMAGE),y)
901 .PHONY: $(obj)/coreboot.pre
902 $(obj)/coreboot.pre: $$(prebuilt-files) $(CBFSTOOL)
903 mv $(obj)/coreboot.rom $@.tmp || \
904 (echo "Error: You have UPDATE_IMAGE set in Kconfig, but have no existing image to update." && \
907 $(prebuild-files) true
909 endif # ifneq ($(CONFIG_UPDATE_IMAGE),y)
912 REFCODE_BLOB=$(obj)/refcode.rmod
917 $(obj)/coreboot.rom: $(obj)/coreboot.pre $(objcbfs)/ramstage.elf $(CBFSTOOL) $$(INTERMEDIATE)
918 @printf " CBFS $(subst $(obj)/,,$(@))\n"
919 # The full ROM may be larger than the CBFS part, so create an empty
920 # file (filled with \377 = 0xff) and copy the CBFS image over it.
921 dd if=/dev/zero bs=$(call _toint,$(CONFIG_ROM_SIZE)) count=1 2> /dev/null | tr '\000' '\377' > $@.tmp
922 dd if=$(obj)/coreboot.pre of=$@.tmp bs=8192 conv=notrunc 2> /dev/null
925 ifneq ($(CONFIG_UPDATE_IMAGE),y)
926 @printf " SeaBIOS Wait up to $(CONFIG_SEABIOS_PS2_TIMEOUT) ms for PS/2 keyboard controller initialization\n"
927 $(CBFSTOOL) $@.tmp add-int -i $(CONFIG_SEABIOS_PS2_TIMEOUT) -n etc/ps2-keyboard-spinup
933 @printf " UPDATE-FIT\n"
934 $(CBFSTOOL) $@.tmp update-fit -n cpu_microcode_blob.bin -x $(CONFIG_CPU_INTEL_NUM_FIT_ENTRIES)
938 @printf " UPDATE-FIT\n"
939 $(CBFSTOOL) $@.tmp update-fit -n cpu_microcode_blob.bin -x $(CONFIG_CPU_INTEL_NUM_FIT_ENTRIES)
943 @printf " CBFSPRINT $(subst $(obj)/,,$(@))\n\n"
944 $(CBFSTOOL) $@ print -r $(subst $(spc),$(comma),$(all-regions))
946 cbfs-files-y += $(CONFIG_CBFS_PREFIX)/romstage
947 $(CONFIG_CBFS_PREFIX)/romstage-file := $(objcbfs)/romstage.elf
948 $(CONFIG_CBFS_PREFIX)/romstage-type := stage
949 $(CONFIG_CBFS_PREFIX)/romstage-compression := $(CBFS_PRERAM_COMPRESS_FLAG)
951 $(CONFIG_CBFS_PREFIX)/romstage-options := -b 0
954 # Use a 64 byte alignment to provide a minimum alignment
955 # requirement for the overall romstage. While the first object within
956 # romstage could have a 4 byte minimum alignment that doesn't mean the linker
957 # won't decide the entire section should be aligned to a larger value. In the
958 # future cbfstool should add XIP files proper and honor the alignment
959 # requirements of the program segment.
961 # Make sure that segment for .car.data is ignored while adding romstage.
962 $(CONFIG_CBFS_PREFIX)/romstage-align := 64
963 $(CONFIG_CBFS_PREFIX)/romstage-options := -S ".car.data"
965 # If CAR does not support execution of code, romstage on x86 is expected to be
968 $(CONFIG_CBFS_PREFIX)/romstage-options += --xip
970 # If XIP_ROM_SIZE isn't being used don't overly constrain romstage by passing
971 # -P with a default value.
973 $(CONFIG_CBFS_PREFIX)/romstage-options += -P $(CONFIG_XIP_ROM_SIZE)
979 cbfs-files-y += $(CONFIG_CBFS_PREFIX)/ramstage
980 $(CONFIG_CBFS_PREFIX)/ramstage-file := $(objcbfs)/ramstage.elf
981 $(CONFIG_CBFS_PREFIX)/ramstage-type := stage
982 $(CONFIG_CBFS_PREFIX)/ramstage-compression := $(CBFS_COMPRESS_FLAG)
984 cbfs-files-$(CONFIG_HAVE_REFCODE_BLOB) += $(CONFIG_CBFS_PREFIX)/refcode
985 $(CONFIG_CBFS_PREFIX)/refcode-file := $(REFCODE_BLOB)
986 $(CONFIG_CBFS_PREFIX)/refcode-type := stage
987 $(CONFIG_CBFS_PREFIX)/refcode-compression := $(CBFS_COMPRESS_FLAG)
989 cbfs-files-$(CONFIG_SEABIOS_VGA_COREBOOT) += vgaroms/seavgabios.bin
990 vgaroms/seavgabios.bin-file := $(CONFIG_PAYLOAD_VGABIOS_FILE)
991 vgaroms/seavgabios.bin-type := raw
993 cbfs-files-$(CONFIG_INCLUDE_CONFIG_FILE) += config
994 config-file := $(DOTCONFIG):defconfig
997 cbfs-files-$(CONFIG_INCLUDE_CONFIG_FILE) += revision
998 revision-file := $(obj)/build.h
1001 BOOTSPLASH_SUFFIX=$(suffix $(call strip_quotes,$(CONFIG_BOOTSPLASH_FILE)))
1002 cbfs-files-$(CONFIG_BOOTSPLASH_IMAGE) += bootsplash$(BOOTSPLASH_SUFFIX)
1003 bootsplash$(BOOTSPLASH_SUFFIX)-file := $(call strip_quotes,$(CONFIG_BOOTSPLASH_FILE))
1004 bootsplash$(BOOTSPLASH_SUFFIX)-type := bootsplash
1006 cbfs-files-$(CONFIG_BOARD_ID_MANUAL) += board_id
1007 board_id-file := $(obj)/board_id
1008 board_id-type := raw
1011 printf $(CONFIG_BOARD_ID_STRING) > $@
1013 # Ensure that no payload segment overlaps with memory regions used by ramstage
1014 # (not for x86 since it can relocate itself in that case)
1015 ifneq ($(CONFIG_ARCH_X86),y)
1016 check-ramstage-overlap-regions := ramstage
1017 check-ramstage-overlap-files :=
1018 ifneq ($(CONFIG_PAYLOAD_NONE),y)
1019 check-ramstage-overlap-files += $(CONFIG_CBFS_PREFIX)/payload
1022 # will output one or more lines of "<load address in hex> <memlen in decimal>"
1023 cbfs-get-segments-cmd = $(CBFSTOOL) $(obj)/coreboot.pre print -v | sed -n \
1024 '\%$(1)%,\%^[^ ]\{4\}%s% .*load: \(0x[0-9a-fA-F]*\),.*length: [0-9]*/\([0-9]*\).*%\1 \2%p'
1026 ramstage-symbol-addr-cmd = $(OBJDUMP_ramstage) -t $(objcbfs)/ramstage.elf | \
1027 sed -n '/ $(1)$$/s/^\([0-9a-fA-F]*\) .*/0x\1/p'
1029 check-ramstage-overlaps: $(obj)/coreboot.pre
1030 programs=$$($(foreach file,$(check-ramstage-overlap-files), \
1031 $(call cbfs-get-segments-cmd,$(file)) ; )) ; \
1032 regions=$$($(foreach region,$(check-ramstage-overlap-regions), \
1034 $(call ramstage-symbol-addr-cmd,_$(region)) ; \
1035 $(call ramstage-symbol-addr-cmd,_e$(region)) ; )) ; \
1037 for x in $$programs; do \
1038 if [ -z $$pstart ]; then pstart=$$(($$x)) ; continue ; fi ; \
1039 pend=$$(($$pstart + $$x)) ; \
1040 rname= ; rstart= ; rend= ; \
1041 for y in $$regions ; do \
1042 if [ -z $$rname ]; then rname=$$y ; continue ; fi ; \
1043 if [ -z $$rstart ]; then rstart=$$(($$y)) ; continue ; fi ; \
1045 if [ $$pstart -lt $$rend -a $$rstart -lt $$pend ]; then \
1046 echo "ERROR: Ramstage region _$$rname overlapped by:" \
1047 $(check-ramstage-overlap-files) ; \
1050 rname= ; rstart= ; rend= ; \
1055 INTERMEDIATE+=check-ramstage-overlaps
1056 PHONY+=check-ramstage-overlaps