Added support for the FTP standalone client to the c64 target.
[contiki-2.x.git] / tools / makefsdata
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 #Generate a .c source that preinitializes a file system
3 #David Kopf <> July 2009
4 #Extended from the existing non-coffee tool
6 #The simplest format is used with httpd-fs.c. It contains a linked
7 #list pointing to file names and file contents.
9 #An extension uses the same linked list that points to a the file names
10 #and contents within a coffee file system having fixed file sizes.
11 #This allows the content to be rewritten by coffee while still being
12 #readable by httpd-fs.c New files or sector extension of existing files
13 #is not possible, but a larger initial sector allocation could be given
14 #to some files to allow a limited size increase. Since this would leave the
15 #wrong file size in the linked list, httpd-fs would have to terminate on
16 #a reverse zero scan like coffee does. Rewriting the linked list would
17 #probably be OK if in eeprom, but not if in program flash. Suggestions
18 #for a workaround would be welcome!
20 #Lastly a full coffee file system can be preinitialized. File reads must
21 #then be done using coffee.
23 #Assumes the coffee file_header structure is
24 #struct file_header {
25 # coffee_page_t log_page;
26 # uint16_t log_records;
27 # uint16_t log_record_size;
28 # coffee_page_t max_pages;
29 # uint8_t deprecated_eof_hint;
30 # uint8_t flags=3 for the initial value;
31 # char name[COFFEE_NAME_LENGTH];
32 # } __attribute__((packed));
34 goto DEFAULTS;
35 START:$version="1.1";
37 #Process options
38 for($n=0;$n<=$#ARGV;$n++) {
39 $arg=$ARGV[$n];
40 if ($arg eq "-v") {
41 print "makefsdata Version $version\n";
42 } elsif ($arg eq "-A") {
43 $n++;$attribute=$ARGV[$n];
44 } elsif ($arg eq "-C") {
45 $coffee=1;
46 } elsif ($arg eq "-c") {
47 $complement=1;
48 } elsif ($arg eq "-i") {
49 $n++;$includefile=$ARGV[$n];
50 # } elsif ($arg eq "-p") {
51 # $n++;$coffee_page_length=$ARGV[$n];
52 } elsif ($arg eq "-s") {
53 $n++;$coffee_sector_size=$ARGV[$n];
54 } elsif ($arg eq "-t") {
55 $n++;$coffee_page_t =$ARGV[$n];
56 } elsif ($arg eq "-f") {
57 $n++;$coffee_name_length=$ARGV[$n];
58 } elsif ($arg eq "-S") {
59 $n++;$sectionname=$ARGV[$n];
60 } elsif ($arg eq "-l") {
61 $linkedlist=1;
62 } elsif ($arg eq "-d") {
63 $n++;$directory=$ARGV[$n];
64 } elsif ($arg eq "-o") {
65 $n++;$outputfile=$ARGV[$n];
66 $coffeefile=$outputfile;
67 } else {
69 #Set up defaults
70 $coffee=0;
71 #$coffee_page_length=256;
72 $coffee_sector_size=256;
73 $coffee_page_t=1;
74 $coffee_name_length=16;
75 $complement=0;
76 $directory="";
77 $outputfile="httpd-fsdata.c";
78 $coffeefile="httpd-coffeedata.c";
79 $includefile="makefsdata.h";
80 $linkedlist=0;
81 $attribute="";
82 $sectionname=".coffeefiles";
83 if (!$version) {goto START;}
84 print "\n";
85 print "Usage: makefsdata <option(s)> <-d input_directory> <-o output_file>\n\n";
86 print " Generates c source file to pre-initialize a contiki file system.\n";
87 print " The default output is a simple linked list readable by httpd-fs.c\n";
88 print " and written to $outputfile.\n\n";
89 print " The -C option makes a coffee file system to default output $coffeefile.\n";
90 print " A linked list can be still be generated for use with httpd-fs.c so long\n";
91 print " as coffee does not extend, delete, or add any files.\n\n";
92 print " The input directory structure is copied. If input_directory is specified\n";
93 print " it becomes the root \"/\". If no input_directory is specified the first\n";
94 print " subdirectory found in the current directory is used as the root.\n\n";
95 print " WARNING : If the output file exists it will be overwritten without confirmation!\n\n";
96 print " Options are:\n";
97 print " -v Display the version number\n";
98 print " -A attribute Append \"attribute\" to the declaration, e.g. PROGMEM to put data in AVR program flash memory\n";
99 print " -C Use coffee file system format\n";
100 print " -c Complement the data, useful for obscurity or fast page erases for coffee\n";
101 print " -i filename Treat any input files with name \"filename\" as include files.\n";
102 print " Useful for giving a server a name and ip address associated with the web content.\n";
103 print " The default is $includefile.\n\n";
104 print " The following apply only to coffee file system\n";
105 # print " -p pagesize Page size in bytes (default $coffee_page_length)\n";
106 print " -s sectorsize Sector size in bytes (default $coffee_sector_size)\n";
107 print " -t page_t Number of bytes in coffee_page_t (1,2,or 4, default $coffee_page_t)\n";
108 print " -f namesize File name field size in bytes (default $coffee_name_length)\n";
109 print " -S section Section name for data (default $sectionname)\n";
110 print " -l Append a linked list for use with httpd-fs\n";
111 exit;
115 #--------------------Configure parameters-----------------------
116 if ($coffee) {
117 $outputfile=$coffeefile;
118 $coffee_header_length=2*$coffee_page_t+$coffee_name_length+6;
119 if ($coffee_page_t==1) {
120 $coffeemax=0xff;
121 } elsif ($coffee_page_t==2) {
122 $coffeemax=0xffff;
123 } elsif ($coffee_page_t==4) {
124 $coffeemax=0xffffffff;
125 } else {
126 die "Unsupported coffee_page_t $coffee_page_t\n";
128 } else {
129 # $coffee_page_length=1;
130 $coffee_sector_size=1;
131 $linkedlist=1;
132 $coffee_name_length=256;
133 $coffee_max=0xffffffff;
134 $coffee_header_length=0;
136 $null="0x00";if ($complement) {$null="0xff";}
137 $tab=" "; #optional tabs or spaces at beginning of line, e.g. "\t\t"
139 #--------------------Create output file-------------------------
140 #awkward but could not figure out how to compare paths later unless the file exists -- dak
141 if (!open(OUTPUT, "> $outputfile")) {die "Aborted: Could not create output file $outputfile";}
142 print(OUTPUT "\n");
143 close($outputfile);
144 use Cwd qw(abs_path);
145 if (!open(OUTPUT, "> $outputfile")) {die "Aborted: Could not create output file $outputfile";}
146 $outputfile=abs_path($outputfile);
148 #--------------------Get a list of input files------------------
149 if ($directory eq "") {
150 opendir(DIR, ".");
151 @files = grep { !/^\./ && !/(CVS|~)/ } readdir(DIR);
152 closedir(DIR);
153 foreach $file (@files) {
154 if(-d $file && $file !~ /^\./) {
155 $directory=$file;
156 break;
160 if ($directory eq "") {die "Aborted: No subdirectory in current directory";}
161 if (!chdir("$directory")) {die "Aborted: Directory \"$directory\" does not exist!";}
163 if ($coffee) {
164 print "Processing directory $directory as root of coffee file system\n";
165 } else {
166 print "Processing directory $directory as root of packed httpd-fs file system\n";
168 opendir(DIR, ".");
169 @files = grep { !/^\./ && !/(CVS|~)/ } readdir(DIR);
170 closedir(DIR);
172 foreach $file (@files) {
173 if(-d $file && $file !~ /^\./) {
174 print "Adding subdirectory $file\n";
175 opendir(DIR, $file);
176 @newfiles = grep { !/^\./ && !/(CVS|~)/ } readdir(DIR);
177 closedir(DIR);
178 # printf "Adding files @newfiles\n";
179 @files = (@files, map { $_ = "$file/$_" } @newfiles);
180 next;
183 #--------------------Write the output file-------------------
184 print "Writing to $outputfile\n";
185 ($DAY, $MONTH, $YEAR) = (localtime)[3,4,5];
186 printf(OUTPUT "/*********Generated by contiki/tools/makefsdata on %04d-%02d-%02d*********/\n", $YEAR+1900, $MONTH+1, $DAY);
187 if ($coffee) {
188 print(OUTPUT "/*For coffee filesystem of sector size $coffee_sector_size and header length $coffee_header_length bytes*/\n");
190 print(OUTPUT "\n");
191 #--------------------Process include file-------------------
192 foreach $file (@files) {if ($file eq $includefile) {
193 open(FILE, $file) || die "Aborted: Could not open include file $file\n";
194 print "Including text from $file\n";
195 $file_length= -s FILE;
196 read(FILE, $data, $file_length);
197 print OUTPUT ($data);
198 close(FILE);
199 next; #include all include file matches
200 # break; #include only first include file match
203 #--------------------Process data files-------------------
204 $n=0;$coffeesize=0;$coffeesectors=0;
205 foreach $file (@files) {if(-f $file) {
206 if (length($file)>($coffee_name_length-1)) {die "Aborted: File name $file is too long";}
207 if (abs_path("$file") eq abs_path("$outputfile")) {
208 print "Skipping output file $outputfile - recursive input NOT allowed\n";
209 next;
211 if ($file eq $includefile) {next;}
212 open(FILE, $file) || die "Aborted: Could not open file $file\n";
213 print "Adding /$file\n";
214 if (grep /.png/||/.jpg/||/jpeg/||/.pdf/||/.gif/||/.bin/||/.zip/,$file) {binmode FILE;}
216 $file_length= -s FILE;
217 $file =~ s-^-/-;
218 $fvar = $file;
219 $fvar =~ s-/-_-g;
220 $fvar =~ s-\.-_-g;
222 if ($coffee) {
223 $coffee_sectors=int(($coffee_header_length+$file_length+$coffee_sector_size-1)/$coffee_sector_size);
224 # $coffee_sectors=sprintf("%.0f",($coffee_header_length+$file_length+$coffee_sector_size-1)/$coffee_sector_size)-1;
225 $coffee_length=$coffee_sectors*$coffee_sector_size;
226 } else {
227 $coffee_length=$file_length+length($file)+2;
229 $flen[$n]=$file_length;
230 $clen[$n]=$coffee_length;
231 $n++;$coffeesectors+=$coffee_sectors;$coffeesize+=$coffee_length;
232 if ($coffee) {
233 if ($coffeesectors>$coffeemax) {
234 print "Warning: sector number $coffeesectors overflows allocated sector size in coffee header\n";
236 print(OUTPUT "\n__attribute__ ((section (\"$sectionname\")))\n");
237 print(OUTPUT "volatile const char data".$fvar."[$coffee_length] = {\n");
238 } else {
239 print(OUTPUT "\nconst char data".$fvar."[$coffee_length] $attribute = {\n");
241 print(OUTPUT "$tab/* $file */\n$tab");
242 #--------------------Header-----------------------------
243 #log_page
244 if ($coffee) {
245 print (OUTPUT " ");
246 for($j=0;$j<$coffee_page_t;$j++) {print (OUTPUT "$ null ,");}
247 #log_records, log_record_size
248 for($j=0;$j<4;$j++) {print (OUTPUT "$null, ");}
249 #max_pages
250 if ($complement) {$coffee_sectors=$coffee_sectors^0xffffffff;}
251 if ($coffee_page_t==1) {
252 printf(OUTPUT "0x%2.2x, ",($coffee_sectors )&0xff);
253 } elsif ($coffee_page_t==2) {
254 printf(OUTPUT "0x%2.2x, ",($coffee_sectors>> 8)&0xff);
255 printf(OUTPUT "0x%2.2x, ",($coffee_sectors )&0xff);
256 } elsif ($coffee_page_t==4) {
257 printf(OUTPUT "0x%2.2x, ",($coffee_sectors>>24)&0xff);
258 printf(OUTPUT "0x%2.2x, ",($coffee_sectors>>16)&0xff);
259 printf(OUTPUT "0x%2.2x, ",($coffee_sectors>> 8)&0xff);
260 printf(OUTPUT "0x%2.2x, ",($coffee_sectors )&0xff);
262 if ($complement) {$coffee_sectors=$coffee_sectors^0xffffffff;}
263 #eof hint and flags
264 if ($complement) {
265 print(OUTPUT "0xff, 0xfc,\n$tab");
266 } else {
267 print(OUTPUT "0x00, 0x03,\n$tab");
271 #-------------------File name--------------------------
272 for($j = 0; $j < length($file); $j++) {
273 $temp=unpack("C", substr($file, $j, 1));
274 if ($complement) {$temp=$temp^0xff;}
275 printf(OUTPUT " %#02.2x,", $temp);
277 if ($coffee) {
278 for(; $j < $coffee_name_length; $j++) {printf(OUTPUT " $null,");}
279 } else {
280 {printf(OUTPUT " $null,");}
282 print(OUTPUT "\n$tab");
283 #------------------File Data---------------------------
284 $coffee_length-=$coffee_header_length;
285 $i = 0;
286 while(read(FILE, $data, 1)) {
287 $temp=unpack("C", $data);
288 if ($complement) {$temp=$temp^0xff;}
289 printf(OUTPUT " 0x%2.2x,", $temp);
290 $i++;$coffee_length--;
291 if($i == 10) {
292 print(OUTPUT "\n$tab");
293 $i = 0;
296 if ($coffee) {
297 while (--$coffee_length>1) {
298 print (OUTPUT " $null,");
299 if($i++ == 9) {
300 print(OUTPUT "\n$tab");
301 $i = 0;
305 print (OUTPUT " $null};\n");
306 close(FILE);
307 push(@fvars, $fvar);
308 push(@pfiles, $file);
311 if ($linkedlist) {
312 #-------------------httpd_fsdata_file links-------------------
313 #The non-coffee PROGMEM flash file system for the Raven webserver uses a linked flash list as follows:
314 print(OUTPUT "\n\n/* Structure of linked list (all offsets relative to start of section):\n");
315 print(OUTPUT "struct httpd_fsdata_file {\n");
316 print(OUTPUT "$tab const struct httpd_fsdata_file *next; //actual flash address of next link\n");
317 print(OUTPUT "$tab const char *name; //offset to coffee file name\n");
318 print(OUTPUT "$tab const char *data; //offset to coffee file data\n");
319 print(OUTPUT "$tab const int len; //length of file data\n");
320 print(OUTPUT "#if HTTPD_FS_STATISTICS == 1 //not enabled since list is in PROGMEM\n");
321 print(OUTPUT "$tab u16_t count; //storage for file statistics\n");
322 print(OUTPUT "#endif\n");
323 print(OUTPUT "}\n*/\n");
325 # For the static httpd-fs.c file system the file name and data addresses in the linked list
326 # point to the actual memory locations.
327 # For the coffee file system the addresses start from zero. The starting address must be added
328 # in the coffee read routine.
330 for($i = 0; $i < @fvars; $i++) {
331 $file = $pfiles[$i];
332 $fvar = $fvars[$i];
333 if($i == 0) {
334 $prevfile = "NULL";
335 $data_offset=0;
336 } else {
337 $data_offset=$data_offset+$clen[$i-1];
338 $prevfile = "file" . $fvars[$i - 1];
340 $filename_offset=$data_offset+6+2*$coffee_page_t;
341 $coffee_offset=$data_offset+$coffee_header_length;
342 if ($coffee_offset>0xffff) {print "Warning : Linked list offset field overflow\n";}
343 print(OUTPUT "const struct httpd_fsdata_file");
344 for ($t=length($file);$t<16;$t++) {print(OUTPUT " ")};
345 print(OUTPUT " file".$fvar."[] ");
346 if ($attribute) {print(OUTPUT "$attribute ");}
347 print(OUTPUT "={{");
348 for ($t=length($prevfile);$t<20;$t++) {print(OUTPUT " ")};
349 print(OUTPUT "$prevfile, ");
350 if ($coffee) {
351 printf(OUTPUT "(const char *)0x%4.4x, ",$filename_offset);
352 printf(OUTPUT "(const char *)0x%4.4x, ",$coffee_offset);
353 printf(OUTPUT "%5u}};\n",$flen[$i]);
354 } else {
355 print(OUTPUT "data$fvar");
356 for ($t=length($file);$t<15;$t++) {print(OUTPUT " ")};
357 print(OUTPUT ", data$fvar");
358 for ($t=length($file);$t<15;$t++) {print(OUTPUT " ")};
359 print(OUTPUT " +".(length($file)+1).", sizeof(data$fvar)");
360 for ($t=length($file);$t<16;$t++) {print(OUTPUT " ")};
361 print(OUTPUT " -".(length($file)+1)."}};\n");
364 print(OUTPUT "\n#define HTTPD_FS_ROOT file$fvars[$n-1]\n");
365 print(OUTPUT "#define HTTPD_FS_NUMFILES $n\n");
366 print(OUTPUT "#define HTTPD_FS_SIZE $coffeesize\n");
368 print "All done, files occupy $coffeesize bytes\n";