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2 <!--
3 (C) Copyright 2004-2006 Shawn Betts
4 (C) Copyright 2007-2008 John J. Foerch
6 Use, modification, and distribution are subject to the terms specified in the
7 COPYING file.
8 -->
10 <html xmlns="">
11 <head>
12 <title>Conkeror User Manual</title>
13 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="chrome://conkeror-help/content/manual.css" />
14 </head>
15 <body>
17 <h1>Conkeror User Manual</h1>
19 <hr />
21 <h2>Introduction</h2>
23 <p>
24 Conkeror is a Mozilla-based web browser whose design is inspired by
25 <a href="">GNU
26 Emacs</a>.
27 </p>
29 <p>
30 You can learn Conkeror's key bindings
31 by <a href="chrome://conkeror-help/content/tutorial.html">reading the
32 tutorial</a>. The keyboard shortcut to visit the tutorial
33 is <span class="key">C-h t</span>. That is, first
34 press <span class="key">Ctrl-h</span>, then release those keys, and
35 press <span class="key">t</span>.
36 </p>
38 <hr />
40 <h2>Overview of the Keys</h2>
42 <h3>Browsing</h3>
43 <table>
44 <thead>
45 <tr>
46 <th><b>key</b></th>
47 <th><b>M-x command</b></th>
48 <th><b>meaning</b></th>
49 </tr>
50 </thead>
51 <tbody>
52 <tr>
53 <td><span class="key">g</span></td>
54 <td>find-url</td>
55 <td>open new URL</td>
56 </tr>
57 <tr>
58 <td><span class="key">B</span></td>
59 <td>go-back</td>
60 <td>&nbsp;</td>
61 </tr>
62 <tr>
63 <td><span class="key">F</span></td>
64 <td>go-forward</td>
65 <td>&nbsp;</td>
66 </tr>
67 <tr>
68 <td><span class="key">r</span></td>
69 <td>revert-buffer</td>
70 <td>reload</td>
71 </tr>
72 <tr>
73 <td><span class="key">C-g</span></td>
74 <td>abort</td>
75 <td>stop</td>
76 </tr>
77 <tr>
78 <td><span class="key">C-h i</span></td>
79 <td>help-page</td>
80 <td>Show this page.</td>
81 </tr>
82 <tr>
83 <td><span class="key">C-h t</span></td>
84 <td>tutorial</td>
85 <td>Show the Conkeror tutorial.</td>
86 </tr>
87 </tbody>
88 </table>
90 <h3>Movement</h3>
91 <table>
92 <tr><td><span class="key">C-a</span></td><td>beginning of line</td></tr>
93 <tr><td><span class="key">C-e</span></td><td>end of line</td></tr>
94 <tr><td><span class="key">C-f</span></td><td>Forward a column</td></tr>
95 <tr><td><span class="key">C-b</span></td><td>backward a column</td></tr>
96 <tr><td><span class="key">C-n</span></td><td>Forward a line</td></tr>
97 <tr><td><span class="key">C-p</span></td><td>backward a line</td></tr>
98 <tr><td><span class="key">C-v</span></td><td>Page down</td></tr>
99 <tr><td><span class="key">M-v</span></td><td>Page up</td></tr>
100 <tr><td><span class="key">M-&lt;</span></td><td>Beginning of document</td></tr>
101 <tr><td><span class="key">M-&gt;</span></td><td>End of document</td></tr>
102 <tr><td><span class="key">C-s</span></td><td>Open i-search forward</td></tr>
103 <tr><td><span class="key">C-r</span></td><td>Open i-search backward</td></tr>
104 </table>
106 <h3>I-Search</h3>
107 <table>
108 <tr><td><span class="key">C-s</span></td><td>Search forward</td></tr>
109 <tr><td><span class="key">C-r</span></td><td>Search backward</td></tr>
110 <tr><td><span class="key">C-g</span></td><td>Quit i-search (jump back to where i-search started)</td></tr>
111 <tr><td><span class="key">backspace</span></td><td>Undo search</td></tr>
112 <tr><td>any modifier plus a key, RET or TAB</td><td>Close i-search</td></tr>
113 </table>
115 <h3>Webjumps</h3>
117 Webjumps are similar to, but potentially more powerful than Firefox's
118 bookmark keywords. You type a webjump name into the location prompt,
119 followed by one or more search terms. Conkeror substitutes your search
120 terms into an url associated with the webjump.
121 </p>
124 Conkeror has a few webjumps already, but you can find many more, and share
125 your own at <a href="">the
126 webjumps page of the conkeror wiki</a>.
127 </p>
129 <table>
130 <tr><td>google</td><td>Search with google</td></tr>
131 <tr><td>image</td><td>Search google images</td></tr>
132 <tr><td>wikipedia</td><td>Search</td></tr>
133 <tr><td>slang</td><td>Search</td></tr>
134 <tr><td>dictionary</td><td>Search</td></tr>
135 <tr><td>scholar</td><td>search google scholar</td></tr>
136 <tr><td>clusty</td><td>search the internet with clusty</td></tr>
137 <tr><td>xulplanet</td><td>search</td></tr>
138 <tr><td>bugzilla</td><td>search the mozilla bug database</td></tr>
139 <tr><td>clhs</td><td>search the Common Lisp Hyper Spec</td></tr>
140 <tr><td>emacswiki</td><td>search the emacswiki</td></tr>
141 <tr><td>cliki</td><td>search the Common Lisp wiki</td></tr>
142 <tr><td>ratpoisonwiki</td><td>search the ratpoison wiki</td></tr>
143 <tr><td>stumpwmwiki</td><td>search the StumpWM wiki</td></tr>
144 <tr><td>savannah</td><td>search</td></tr>
145 <tr><td>sourceforge</td><td>search</td></tr>
146 <tr><td>freshmeat</td><td>search</td></tr>
147 <tr><td>slashdot</td><td>search</td></tr>
148 <tr><td>kuro5hin</td><td>search</td></tr>
149 <tr><td>sheldonbrown</td><td>Search</td></tr>
150 </table>
153 delicious webjumps can be added by putting the following in your rc file:
154 </p>
156 <pre>add_delicious_webjumps ("myusername");</pre>
159 this will create the following webjumps:
160 </p>
162 <table>
163 <tr><td>adelicious</td><td>Add a delicious bookmark.</td></tr>
164 <tr><td>delicious</td><td>View your delicious bookmarks</td></tr>
165 <tr><td>sdelicious</td><td>Search your delicious bookmarks</td></tr>
166 <tr><td>sadelicious</td><td>Search all delicious bookmarks</td></tr>
167 </table>
170 You can easily add your own custom webjumps as such:
171 </p>
173 <pre>define_webjump("reddit", "");</pre>
176 The above will define the "reddit" webjump which
177 searches <a href="">reddit</a>
178 threads. The "%s" in the URL will be replaced by the search term you enter
179 after the webjump name. I.e. entering "reddit haskell compiler" in the
180 minibuffer will redirect you to the search results for reddit threads
181 matching "haskell compiler" as a search string.
182 </p>
184 <h3>Buffer Management</h3>
185 <table>
186 <tr><td><span class="key">C-u g</span></td><td>Open an URL in a new buffer</td></tr>
187 <tr><td><span class="key">C-x b</span></td><td>Select a buffer based on it's name.</td></tr>
188 <tr><td><span class="key">M-p</span></td><td>previous buffer</td></tr>
189 <tr><td><span class="key">M-n</span></td><td>Next bufer</td></tr>
190 <tr><td><span class="key">C-x k</span></td><td>kill buffer</td></tr>
191 <tr><td><span class="key">C-x 5 f</span> or <span class="key">C-u C-u g</span></td><td>Open an URL in a new frame</td></tr>
192 <tr><td><span class="key">C-x 5 0</span></td><td>Close the current frame (all buffers in the frame
193 are lost, at this point)</td></tr>
194 <tr><td><span class="key">C-x C-c</span></td><td>Quit conkeror</td></tr>
195 </table>
197 <hr />
199 <h2>Universal Argument</h2>
202 Conkeror support the universal
203 argument, <span class="key">C-u</span>. It's a prefix binding that changes
204 how a command behaves. In Conkeror, <span class="key">C-u</span> has two
205 main effects. The first effect is that the command will be executed
206 multiple times. For example, typing <span class="key">C-u C-n</span> will
207 cause conkeror to scroll down 4 lines. <span class="key">C-u 12 C-n</span>
208 will cause conkeror to scroll down 12 lines. The second effect is to open
209 in a new buffer or a new window. <span class="key">C-u g
210 RET</span> This opens the conkeror project web page in a new
211 buffer. <span class="key">C-u C-u n 12 RET</span> will open link no. 12 in
212 a new window.
213 </p>
216 There are some commands where the effect is ambiguous. Does
217 <code>C-u B</code> go back four pages in the history or does it go back
218 one and open the result in a new buffer? We are working on adding a second
219 universal argument that would allow you to do both.
220 </p>
222 <hr />
224 <h2>Conkeror Resources</h2>
226 <ul>
227 <li><a href="">Conkeror homepage</a></li>
228 </ul>
230 </body>
231 </html>