Initial commit, 3-52-19 alpha
[cls.git] / src / lsp / common3.lsp
1 ;;;;
2 ;;;; Additional Common Lisp Functions for XLISP-STAT 2.0
3 ;;;; XLISP-STAT 2.1 Copyright (c) 1990-95, by Luke Tierney
4 ;;;; Additions to Xlisp 2.1, Copyright (c) 1989 by David Michael Betz
5 ;;;; You may give out copies of this software; for conditions see the file
6 ;;;; COPYING included with this distribution.
7 ;;;;
9 (in-package "XLISP")
11 ;;;;;;
12 ;;;;;; Environment Access and Modification Routines
13 ;;;;;;
15 (defvar *cmp-global-macros* nil)
16 (defvar *cmp-macros*)
17 (defvar *cmp-specials*)
19 (export '(ftype ignorable ignore inline notinline))
22 ;;;;
24 ;;;;
26 (export '(enclose parse-macro))
28 (defun split-declarations (x)
29 (flet ((head-is-declaration (x)
30 (and (consp (first x)) (eq (first (first x)) 'declare)))
31 (head-is-docstring (x) (and (stringp (first x)) (consp (rest x))))
32 (check-declarations (decls)
33 (dolist (d decls)
34 (dolist (i (rest d))
35 (if (and (consp i) (eq (first i) 'special))
36 (dolist (v (rest i))
37 (warn "special declaration for ~s ignored." v)))))))
38 (do ((decls nil)
39 (body x (rest body))
40 (doc nil))
41 (nil)
42 (cond
43 ((head-is-declaration body) (push (first body) decls))
44 ((head-is-docstring body) (setf doc (first body)))
45 (t (check-declarations decls)
46 (return (list (nreverse decls) body doc)))))))
48 ;; This returns a lambda expression consistent with the CLtL2
49 ;; specification of macro expansion functions as functions of two
50 ;; arguments, the form to be expanded and the environment to use. The
51 ;; internal calling conventions and construction of macro closures has
52 ;; been modified accordingly. This definition does not do the right
53 ;; thing with declarations at this point.
54 (defun make-macro-lambda-expression (name lambda-list body)
55 (flet ((fixup-macro-args (args)
56 (let ((esym nil)
57 (wsym nil))
58 (setf args (copy-list args))
59 (let ((last (last args)))
60 (unless (null (cdr last))
61 (rplacd last (list '&rest (cdr last)))))
62 (setf args (nsubst '&rest '&body args))
63 (when (find '&environment args)
64 (setf esym (second (member '&environment args)))
65 (setf args (remove esym (remove '&environment args))))
66 (cond
67 ((eq (first args) '&whole)
68 (setf wsym (second args))
69 (setf args (rest (rest args))))
70 (t (setf wsym (gensym "WHOLE"))))
71 (cons esym (cons wsym args))))
72 (destructuring-arglist-p (x)
73 (consp
74 (find-if #'(lambda (x)
75 (or (member x lambda-list-keywords) (consp x)))
76 x))))
77 (let* ((args (fixup-macro-args lambda-list))
78 (bd (split-declarations body))
79 (body `(,@(first bd) (block ,name ,@(second bd))))
80 (doc (third bd))
81 (wsym (second args))
82 (esym (first args))
83 (edecl nil)
84 (llist (rest (rest args))))
85 (unless esym
86 (setf esym (gensym "ENV"))
87 (setf edecl `((declare (ignore ,esym)))))
88 (values
89 `(lambda (,wsym ,esym)
90 ,@edecl
91 ,(if (destructuring-arglist-p args)
92 `(destructuring-bind ,llist (rest ,wsym) ,@body)
93 `(apply #'(lambda ,llist ,@body) (rest ,wsym))))
94 doc))))
97 ;; This implementation produces an interpreted function
98 (defun enclose (expr &optional env) (evalhook expr nil nil env))
100 (defun parse-macro (name lambda-list body &optional env)
101 (enclose (make-macro-lambda-expression name lambda-list body) env))
104 ;;;;
106 ;;;;
107 ;;;; Fake version to be overridded if the compiler is loaded
109 (export 'define-compiler-macro)
111 (defmacro set-cmp-macro (symarg funarg)
112 `(let* ((sym ,symarg)
113 (fun ,funarg)
114 (entry (assoc sym *cmp-global-macros*)))
115 (if entry
116 (rplacd entry fun)
117 (push (cons sym fun) *cmp-global-macros*))
118 sym))
120 (defmacro define-compiler-macro (sym args &rest body)
121 (let ((fexpr (make-macro-lambda-expression sym args body)))
122 `(progn
123 (set-cmp-macro ',sym (coerce-to-macro #',fexpr))
124 ',sym)))
126 (defmacro define-special-form-macro (sym args &rest body)
127 (let ((fexpr (make-macro-lambda-expression sym args body)))
128 `(progn
129 (%set-get ',sym 'macro (coerce-to-macro #',fexpr))
130 ',sym)))
133 ;;;;
135 ;;;;
137 (export '(augment-environment variable-information function-information))
139 ;; Environments are of the form (venv . fenv). Each of venv and fenv
140 ;; is a list of frames, and frames are lists of bindings. Bindings are
141 ;; pairs (name . value). If the value in a variable binding is
142 ;; :symbol-macro and the next pair has name :symbol-macro, then the
143 ;; value of the second of these bindings represente the symbol macro
144 ;; expansion of the symbol in the first binding.
146 (defun special-variable-p (sym)
147 (or (specialp sym)
148 (and (boundp '*cmp-specials*) (member sym *cmp-specials*))))
150 (defun augment-environment (env &key
151 variable symbol-macro function macro declare)
152 (declare (ignore declare))
153 (when (intersection variable (mapcar #'first symbol-macro))
154 (error "adding some symbols as variables and as symbol macros"))
155 (when (intersection function (mapcar #'first macro))
156 (error "adding some symbols as functions and macros"))
157 (dolist (v variable)
158 (when (special-variable-p v)
159 (error "cant't make lexical binding for the special variable ~s" v)))
160 (dolist (sm symbol-macro)
161 (let ((v (first sm)))
162 (when (special-variable-p v)
163 (error "cant't make lexical binding for the special variable ~s"
164 v))))
165 (flet ((add-variable-frame (frame env)
166 (if frame (cons (cons frame (car env)) (cdr env)) env))
167 (add-function-frame (frame env)
168 (if frame (cons (car env) (cons frame (cdr env))) env))
169 (make-variable-frame (vars) (mapcar #'list vars))
170 (make-function-frame (funs) (mapcar #'list funs))
171 (make-macro-frame (macs)
172 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (cons (first x) (coerce-to-macro (second x))))
173 macs))
174 (make-symbol-macro-frame (smacs)
175 (let ((frame nil))
176 (dolist (s smacs)
177 (push (cons :symbol-macro (second s)) frame)
178 (push (cons (first s) :symbol-macro) frame))
179 frame)))
180 (setf env (add-variable-frame (make-variable-frame variable) env))
181 (setf env (add-variable-frame (make-symbol-macro-frame symbol-macro) env))
182 (setf env (add-function-frame (make-function-frame function) env))
183 (setf env (add-function-frame (make-macro-frame macro) env))
184 env))
186 (defun get-environment-entry (name env)
187 (dolist (frame env)
188 (let ((m (member name frame :key #'car)))
189 (when m
190 (if (and (eq (cdr (first m)) :symbol-macro)
191 (eq (car (second m)) :symbol-macro))
192 (return (values t :symbol-macro (second m) frame))
193 (return (values t (cdr (first m)) nil frame)))))))
195 (defun global-symbol-macro (sym)
196 (if (or (boundp sym) (special-variable-p sym))
197 (values nil nil)
198 (let ((m (member :symbol-macro (symbol-plist sym))))
199 (if m
200 (values (second m) t)
201 (values nil nil)))))
203 ;;**** this needs fixing once special declarations are supported
204 (defun variable-information (sym &optional env)
205 (multiple-value-bind (found value extra)
206 (get-environment-entry sym (first env))
207 (cond
208 (found
209 (if (and found (eq value :symbol-macro) (eq (car extra) :symbol-macro))
210 (values :symbol-macro t nil)
211 (values :lexical t nil)))
212 ((constantp sym) (values :constant nil nil))
213 ((special-variable-p sym) (values :special nil nil))
214 ((nth-value 1 (global-symbol-macro sym))
215 (values :symbol-macro nil nil))
216 (t (values nil nil nil)))))
218 ;;**** needs to be fixed for special forms
219 ;;**** needs to be fixed for C-compiler macroe is they ever materialize
220 (defun function-information (sym &optional env)
221 (flet ((macrop (f)
222 (and (or (typep f 'byte-code-closure) (typep f 'closure))
223 (not (functionp f))))
224 (global-frame-p (f)
225 (or (eq f *cmp-global-macros*)
226 (and (boundp '*cmp-macros*)
227 (eq f *cmp-macros*)))))
228 (multiple-value-bind (found value extra frame)
229 (get-environment-entry sym (rest env))
230 (declare (ignore extra))
231 (cond
232 ((and found (macrop value))
233 (values :macro (not (global-frame-p frame)) nil))
234 (found (values :function t nil))
235 ((and (fboundp sym) (macrop (symbol-function sym)))
236 (values :macro nil nil))
237 ((and (fboundp sym) (typep (symbol-function sym) 'fsubr))
238 (values :special-form nil nil))
239 ((and (fboundp sym) (functionp (symbol-function sym)))
240 (values :function nil nil))
241 (t (values nil nil nil))))))
244 ;;;;
245 ;;;; New versions of MACROEXPAND and MACROEXPAND-1 that handle symbol macros
246 ;;;;
248 (export '(macroexpand macroexpand-1))
250 ;; This function copies symbol macro forms to protect them from
251 ;; splicing that occurs if *displace-macros* in non-nil.
252 (defun macroexpand-symbol-1 (symbol &optional env)
253 (unless (symbolp symbol) (error "not a symbol - ~s" symbol))
254 (multiple-value-bind (found value extra)
255 (get-environment-entry symbol (first env))
256 (if (and found (eq value :symbol-macro) (eq (car extra) :symbol-macro))
257 (let ((form (cdr extra)))
258 (values (if (consp form) (copy-tree form) form) t))
259 (multiple-value-bind (form found)
260 (global-symbol-macro symbol)
261 (if found
262 (values (if (consp form) (copy-tree form) form) t)
263 (values symbol nil))))))
265 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
266 (unless (fboundp 'base-macroexpand-1)
267 (setf (symbol-function 'base-macroexpand-1)
268 #'macroexpand-1)))
270 ;; new version that expands symbol macros
271 (defun macroexpand-1 (form &optional env)
272 (if (symbolp form)
273 (macroexpand-symbol-1 form env)
274 (base-macroexpand-1 form env)))
276 ;; new version that expands symbol macros
277 (defun macroexpand (form &optional env)
278 (multiple-value-bind
279 (form expanded)
280 (macroexpand-1 form env)
281 (if expanded
282 (loop
283 (multiple-value-bind
284 (newform expanded)
285 (macroexpand-1 form env)
286 (unless expanded (return (values newform t)))
287 (setf form newform)))
288 (values form nil))))
291 ;;;;
293 ;;;;
295 (export 'define-symbol-macro)
297 (defmacro define-symbol-macro (name form)
298 `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
299 (when (or (special-variable-p ',name) (boundp ',name))
300 (error "can't assign symbol macro to ~s" ',name))
301 (setf (get ',name :symbol-macro) ',form)
302 ',name))
305 ;;;;;
306 ;;;;; New Setf Macro Expansion System
307 ;;;;;
309 (export '(get-setf-method setf))
311 (defun get-cmp-setf-info (sym &optional env)
312 (declare (ignore env))
313 (if (boundp '*cmp-setf*) (assoc sym *cmp-setf*)))
315 (defun get-cmp-setf-method (sym &optional env)
316 (let ((cmpsetf (get-cmp-setf-info sym env)))
317 (if (and cmpsetf (eq (second cmpsetf) '*setf*)) (third cmpsetf))))
319 (defun get-cmp-setf-lambda (sym &optional env)
320 (let ((cmpsetf (get-cmp-setf-info sym env)))
321 (if (and cmpsetf (eq (second cmpsetf) '*setf-lambda*)) (third cmpsetf))))
323 (defun get-xlisp-setf-method (sym &optional env)
324 (declare (ignore env))
325 (get sym '*setf*))
327 (defun get-xlisp-setf-lambda (sym &optional env)
328 (declare (ignore env))
329 (get sym '*setf-lambda*))
331 ;; This function checks for defsetf expanders before doing macro expansion,
332 ;; so one can defsetf a macro. This seems to be what many implementations
333 ;; do, but I'm not sure it is consistent with CLtL2.
334 (defun get-setf-method (form &optional env)
335 (loop
336 (cond
337 ((consp form)
338 (let* ((sym (first form))
339 (is-global (not (nth-value 1 (function-information sym env))))
340 (cmpsfun (get-cmp-setf-method sym env))
341 (cmpslam (get-cmp-setf-lambda sym env))
342 (sxfun (get-xlisp-setf-method sym env))
343 (sxlam (get-xlisp-setf-lambda sym env)))
344 (when (and (or cmpsfun cmpslam sxfun sxlam) is-global)
345 (let* ((args (rest form))
346 (tvars (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (gensym "T")) args))
347 (vvars (list (gensym "V")))
348 (aform `(,sym ,@tvars)))
349 (return
350 (values tvars
351 args
352 vvars
353 (cond
354 (cmpsfun `(,cmpsfun ,@tvars ,@vvars))
355 (cmpslam (apply cmpslam (append tvars vvars)))
356 ((and sxfun (symbolp sxfun))
357 `(,sxfun ,@tvars ,@vvars))
358 (sxfun
359 `(funcall (get ',sym '*setf*) ,@tvars ,@vvars))
360 (sxlam (apply sxlam (append tvars vvars))))
361 aform))))
362 (when (and (eq sym 'apply) is-global)
363 (return (get-apply-setf-method form env)))
364 (multiple-value-bind (newform changed) (macroexpand-1 form env)
365 (unless changed (error "bad place form - ~s" form))
366 (setf form newform))))
367 ((symbolp form)
368 (multiple-value-bind (newform changed) (macroexpand-1 form env)
369 (cond
370 (changed (setf form newform))
372 (let ((sym (gensym (string form))))
373 (return (values nil nil `(,sym) `(setq ,newform ,sym) newform)))))))
374 (t (error "bad place form - ~s" form)))))
376 ;; The implementation here seems consistent with AKCL and common
377 ;; sense, but not with CLtL. The specification in CLtL would not work
378 ;; for things with setf methods defined by the simple form of defsetf
379 (defun get-apply-setf-method (form &optional env)
380 (declare (ignore env))
381 (let ((fun (second form)))
382 (unless (and (consp fun)
383 (eq (first fun) 'function)
384 (symbolp (second fun))
385 (null (rest (rest fun))))
386 (error "bad place form - ~s" form)))
387 (multiple-value-bind
388 (tvars tvals vvars sform aform)
389 (get-setf-method `(,(second (second form)) ,@(rest (rest form))))
390 (cond
391 ((equal (last tvars) (last sform)) ;; simple case as described in CLtL
392 (values tvars
393 tvals
394 vvars
395 `(apply #',(first sform) ,@(rest sform))
396 `(apply #',(first aform) ,@(rest aform))))
397 ((equal (last tvars) (last (butlast sform))) ;; covers simple defsetf's
398 (values tvars
399 tvals
400 vvars
401 (let* ((lv (first (last sform)))
402 (bl (butlast sform))
403 (rv (first (last bl))))
404 `(apply #',(first sform)
405 ,@(butlast (rest bl))
406 (append ,rv (list ,lv))))
407 `(apply #',(first aform) ,@(rest aform))))
408 (t (error "bad place form - ~s" form)))))
411 ;; The special variable *simplify-setf* controls the tradeoff of speed
412 ;; and correctness used by make-setf-form in expanding setf forms. If
413 ;; this variable is nil, then make-setf-form is careful about avoiding
414 ;; multiple evaluation and doing evaluations in the proper order. If
415 ;; *simplify-setf* is not nil, then subforms of place forms and the
416 ;; value form are not protect against multiple evaluation occurring in
417 ;; setf expansions. This is consistent with the internal
418 ;; implementation. It should not be a problem for any f the standard
419 ;; setf methods. The compiler should be able to optimize out all
420 ;; unnecessary variables the careful version setsup, so the compiler
421 ;; should probably bind this variable to nil.
423 (export '*simplify-setf*)
425 (defvar *simplify-setf* nil)
427 (defun make-setf-form (form value &optional env)
428 (multiple-value-bind (tvars args vvars sform)
429 (get-setf-method form env)
430 (let ((vars (append tvars vvars))
431 (vals (append args (list value))))
432 (if *simplify-setf*
433 (sublis (mapcar #'cons vars vals) sform)
434 `(let* ,(mapcar #'list vars vals) ,sform)))))
436 (defmacro setf (&rest pairs &environment env)
437 (let ((forms nil))
438 (loop
439 (when (null pairs)
440 (return (if (consp (rest forms))
441 `(progn ,@(nreverse forms))
442 (first forms))))
443 (unless (consp (rest pairs))
444 (error "setf requires an even number of arguments"))
445 ;; need to use setq here to avoid infinite recursion
446 (setq forms
447 (cons (make-setf-form (first pairs) (second pairs) env) forms))
448 (setq pairs (rest (rest pairs))))))
450 ;;;;;;
451 ;;;;;; New versions of Some Modifier Macros
452 ;;;;;;
453 ;;;;;; These versions (except rotatef) attempt to optimize simple
454 ;;;;;; symbol place forms with so symbol macro bindings.
456 (export '(incf decf push pop pushnew remf rotatef))
458 ;; this checks if place is a symbol with no macro definition in env
459 (defun non-macro-variable-symbol-p (place env)
460 (and (symbolp place)
461 (not (eq :symbol-macro (variable-information place env)))))
463 (defmacro incf (place &optional (delta 1) &environment env)
464 (if (non-macro-variable-symbol-p place env)
465 `(setf ,place (+ ,place ,delta))
466 (multiple-value-bind
467 (tvars args vvars sform aform)
468 (get-setf-method place env)
469 (let ((vars (append tvars vvars))
470 (vals (append args (list `(+ ,aform ,delta)))))
471 `(let* ,(mapcar #'list vars vals) ,sform)))))
473 (defmacro decf (place &optional (delta 1) &environment env)
474 (if (non-macro-variable-symbol-p place env)
475 `(setf ,place (- ,place ,delta))
476 (multiple-value-bind
477 (tvars args vvars sform aform)
478 (get-setf-method place env)
479 (let ((vars (append tvars vvars))
480 (vals (append args (list `(- ,aform ,delta)))))
481 `(let* ,(mapcar #'list vars vals) ,sform)))))
483 (defmacro push (val place &environment env)
484 (if (non-macro-variable-symbol-p place env)
485 `(setq ,place (cons ,val ,place))
486 (multiple-value-bind
487 (tvars args vvars sform aform)
488 (get-setf-method place env)
489 (let ((vars (append tvars vvars))
490 (vals (append args (list `(cons ,val ,aform)))))
491 `(let* ,(mapcar #'list vars vals) ,sform)))))
493 (defmacro pop (place &environment env)
494 (if (non-macro-variable-symbol-p place env)
495 `(prog1 (first ,place) (setq ,place (rest ,place)))
496 (multiple-value-bind
497 (tvars args vvars sform aform)
498 (get-setf-method place env)
499 (let ((vars (append tvars vvars))
500 (vals (append args (list `(rest ,aform)))))
501 `(let* ,(mapcar #'list vars vals)
502 (prog1 (first ,aform) ,sform))))))
504 (defmacro pushnew (val place &rest rest &environment env)
505 (if (non-macro-variable-symbol-p place env)
506 `(setq ,place (adjoin ,val ,place ,@rest))
507 (multiple-value-bind
508 (tvars args vvars sform aform)
509 (get-setf-method place env)
510 (let ((vars (append tvars vvars))
511 (vals (append args (list `(adjoin ,val ,aform ,@rest)))))
512 `(let* ,(mapcar #'list vars vals) ,sform)))))
514 (defun rem-f (list y)
515 (do* ((last nil x)
516 (x list (cdr x)))
517 ((null x) (values list nil))
518 (when (eq y (first x))
519 (cond
520 (last
521 (rplacd last (cddr x))
522 (return (values list t)))
523 (t (return (values (cddr list) t)))))))
525 (defmacro remf (place indicator &environment env)
526 (if (non-macro-variable-symbol-p place env)
527 `(setq ,place (rem-f ,place ,indicator))
528 (multiple-value-bind
529 (tvars args vvars sform aform)
530 (get-setf-method place env)
531 (let ((vars (append tvars vvars))
532 (vals (append args (list `(rem-f ,aform ,indicator)))))
533 `(let* ,(mapcar #'list vars vals) ,sform)))))
535 ;; This version does not optimize out the case where some places are
536 ;; symbols, but it is not the most used macro in the world, and the
537 ;; compiler should take care of these optimizations anyway.
538 (defmacro rotatef (&rest places &environment env)
539 (let* ((smethods (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
540 (multiple-value-list (get-setf-method x env)))
541 places))
542 (tvars (apply #'append (mapcar #'first smethods)))
543 (args (apply #'append (mapcar #'second smethods)))
544 (vvars (apply #'append (mapcar #'third smethods)))
545 (sforms (mapcar #'fourth smethods))
546 (aforms (mapcar #'fifth smethods))
547 (rotaforms (append (rest aforms) (list (first aforms))))
548 (vars (append tvars vvars))
549 (vals (append args rotaforms)))
550 `(let* ,(mapcar #'list vars vals) ,@sforms nil)))
553 ;;;;;;
554 ;;;;;; Replacements for Some Internal Special Forms
555 ;;;;;;
557 (export '(psetq psetf))
559 ;;;;
560 ;;;; Replacements for internal PSETQ and PSETF
561 ;;;;
563 (defun expand-pset-form (name pairs)
564 (let ((gsyms nil)
565 (syms nil)
566 (vals nil))
567 (loop
568 (if (null pairs) (return))
569 (push (gensym) gsyms)
570 (push (first pairs) syms)
571 (push (second pairs) vals)
572 (setf pairs (rest (rest pairs))))
573 (setf gsyms (reverse gsyms))
574 (setf syms (reverse syms))
575 (setf vals (reverse vals))
576 (let ((bds (mapcar #'list gsyms vals))
577 (vsets (mapcar #'(lambda (x y) `(,name ,x ,y)) syms gsyms)))
578 `(let* ,bds ,@vsets nil))))
580 (defmacro psetq (&rest pairs) (expand-pset-form 'setq pairs))
581 (defmacro psetf (&rest pairs) (expand-pset-form 'setf pairs))
584 ;;;;;;
585 ;;;;;; Macro Definitions for Special Forms
586 ;;;;;;
587 ;;;;;;
588 ;;;;;; There is one non-standard special forms, ERRSET. In addition,
589 ;;;;;; the compiler treats CASE and NTH-VALUE as special forms. Code
590 ;;;;;; walkers will need to handle these three cases separately.
591 ;;;;;; ERRSET cannot be macroexpanded, and providing macro definitions
592 ;;;;;; for NTH-VALUE and CASE would result in poor compiled
593 ;;;;;; code. Perhaps they should CASE and NTH-VALUE should be handled
594 ;;;;;; with compiler macros.
596 ;;;;
597 ;;;; DEFUN and DEFMACRO
598 ;;;;
600 (define-special-form-macro defun (f args &rest body)
601 (let* ((db (split-declarations body))
602 (decls (first db))
603 (b (second db))
604 (doc (third db))
605 (fexpr `#'(lambda ,args ,@decls (block ,f ,@b))))
606 `(progn
607 ,@(if doc `((%set-get ',f 'function-documentation ,doc)))
608 (install-function ',f ,fexpr))))
610 (define-special-form-macro defmacro (f args &rest body)
611 (multiple-value-bind (fexpr doc)
612 (make-macro-lambda-expression f args body)
613 `(progn
614 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
615 (push (cons ',f (coerce-to-macro ,fexpr)) *cmp-macros*))
616 ,@(if doc `((%set-get ',f 'function-documentation ,doc)))
617 (install-function ',f (coerce-to-macro ,fexpr)))))
620 ;;;;
622 ;;;;
624 #+xlisp-stat
625 (define-special-form-macro defmeth (ob sym args &rest body)
626 (let* ((db (split-declarations body))
627 (decls (first db))
628 (b (second db))
629 (doc (third db))
630 (fexpr `#'(lambda ,(cons 'self args) ,@decls (block ,sym ,@b))))
631 `(progn
632 (xlisp::add-method ,ob ',sym ,fexpr ,doc)
633 ',sym)))
635 #+xlisp-stat
636 (define-special-form-macro defproto (name &optional ivars cvars parents doc)
637 (let ((pp (gensym))
638 (p (gensym))
639 (d (gensym)))
640 `(let* ((,pp ,parents)
641 (,p (apply #'make-object (if (listp ,pp) ,pp (list ,pp))))
642 (,d ,doc))
643 (dolist (s ,cvars) (send ,p :add-slot s))
644 (send ,p :make-prototype ',name ,ivars)
645 (if ,d (send ,p :documentation 'proto ,d))
646 (set ',name ,p)
647 ',name)))
650 ;;;;
652 ;;;;
654 (define-special-form-macro defvar (var &optional (value nil have-val) doc)
655 `(progn
656 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
657 (pushnew ',var *cmp-specials*))
658 (mark-as-special ',var)
659 ,@(if have-val `((unless (boundp ',var) (set ',var ,value))))
660 ,@(if doc `((%set-get ',var 'variable-documentation ,doc)))
661 ',var))
663 (define-special-form-macro defparameter (var value &optional doc)
664 `(progn
665 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
666 (pushnew ',var *cmp-specials*))
667 (mark-as-special ',var)
668 (set ',var ,value)
669 ,@(if doc `((%set-get ',var 'variable-documentation ,doc)))
670 ',var))
672 ;;**** is this the best way?
673 (define-special-form-macro defconstant (var value &optional doc)
674 `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
675 (mark-as-special ',var t ,value)
676 ,@(if doc `((%set-get ',var 'variable-documentation ,doc)))
677 ',var))
680 ;;;;
681 ;;;; AND, OR, UNLESS, WHEN, and COND Macros
682 ;;;;
684 (defun make-progn-form (body)
685 (if (consp body) (if (consp (rest body)) `(progn ,@body) (first body))))
687 (defun make-tagbody-body (body)
688 (if (find-if-not #'consp body) `((tagbody ,@body)) `(,@body nil)))
690 (define-special-form-macro and (&rest args)
691 (labels ((expand (args)
692 (if args
693 (let ((a (first args))
694 (rest (rest args)))
695 (if rest `(if ,a ,(expand rest)) a))
696 t)))
697 (expand args)))
699 (define-special-form-macro or (&rest args)
700 (labels ((expand (args)
701 (if args
702 (let ((a (first args))
703 (rest (rest args)))
704 (if rest
705 (let ((s (gensym)))
706 `(let ((,s ,a))
707 (if ,s ,s ,(expand rest))))
709 nil)))
710 (expand args)))
712 (define-special-form-macro unless (test &rest body)
713 `(if ,test nil ,(make-progn-form body)))
715 (define-special-form-macro when (test &rest body)
716 `(if ,test ,(make-progn-form body)))
719 (define-special-form-macro cond (&rest clauses)
720 (labels ((expand (clauses)
721 (if clauses
722 (let* ((fc (first clauses))
723 (rc (rest clauses))
724 (test (first fc))
725 (consequents (rest fc)))
726 (if (eq test t)
727 (if consequents (make-progn-form consequents) t)
728 (if consequents
729 `(if ,test
730 ,(make-progn-form consequents)
731 ,(expand rc))
732 (let ((tsym (gensym "T")))
733 `(let ((,tsym ,test))
734 (if ,tsym ,tsym ,(expand rc))))))))))
735 (expand clauses)))
738 ;;;;
739 ;;;; RETURN Macro
740 ;;;;
742 (define-special-form-macro return (&optional val) `(return-from nil ,val))
745 ;;;;
746 ;;;; PROG, PROG*, PROG1, and PROG2 Macros
747 ;;;;
749 (define-special-form-macro prog (vlist &rest body)
750 (let ((db (split-declarations body)))
751 `(block nil (let ,vlist ,@(first db) ,@(make-tagbody-body (second db))))))
753 (define-special-form-macro prog* (vlist &rest body)
754 (let ((db (split-declarations body)))
755 `(block nil (let* ,vlist ,@(first db) ,@(make-tagbody-body (second db))))))
757 (define-special-form-macro prog1 (first &rest rest)
758 (let ((s (gensym)))
759 `(let ((,s ,first)) ,@rest ,s)))
761 (define-special-form-macro prog2 (first second &rest rest)
762 (let ((s (gensym)))
763 `(progn ,first (let ((,s ,second)) ,@rest ,s))))
766 ;;;;
767 ;;;; LOOP, DOTIMES, DOLIST, DO, and DO* Macros
768 ;;;;
770 (define-special-form-macro loop (&rest body)
771 (let ((start (gensym "LOOP")))
772 `(block nil (tagbody ,start (progn ,@body) (go ,start)))))
774 (defun do-loop-binding-variables (bds)
775 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (if (consp x) (first x) x)) bds))
777 (defun do-loop-binding-values (bds)
778 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (if (consp x) (second x) nil)) bds))
780 (defun do-loop-binding-steps (bds)
781 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (if (consp x) (rest (rest x)) nil)) bds))
783 (defun make-do-step-pairs (vars steps)
784 (apply #'append
785 (delete nil (mapcar #'(lambda (x y) (if y (cons x y))) vars steps))))
787 ;; This definition duplicates the test form (it is used at the start
788 ;; of the loop and in the body, so the code may be a little longer
789 ;; than it could be. But it is now possible to define dotimes and
790 ;; dolist in terms of do without loss of efficiency. Also this version
791 ;; removes the need for a jump label bewteen the update and test
792 ;; forms. It may therefore be possible to reduce the updte-branch
793 ;; instructions to a single instruction in the peephole optimization
794 ;; phase.
795 (defun make-do-loop (letsym setsym bds tr body)
796 (let* ((vars (do-loop-binding-variables bds))
797 (ivals (do-loop-binding-values bds))
798 (slist (make-do-step-pairs vars (do-loop-binding-steps bds)))
799 (test (first tr))
800 (result (rest tr))
801 (db (split-declarations body))
802 (loop-sym (gensym "LOOP"))
803 (return-sym (gensym "RETURN")))
804 `(block nil
805 (,letsym ,(mapcar #'list vars ivals)
806 ,@(first db)
807 (tagbody
808 (when ,test (go ,return-sym))
809 ,loop-sym
810 ,@(second db)
811 (,setsym ,@slist)
812 (unless ,test (go ,loop-sym))
813 ,return-sym
814 (return-from nil ,(make-progn-form result)))))))
816 (define-special-form-macro do (bds tr &rest body)
817 (make-do-loop 'let 'psetq bds tr body))
819 (define-special-form-macro do* (bds tr &rest body)
820 (make-do-loop 'let* 'setq bds tr body))
822 (define-special-form-macro dotimes ((isym nval &optional res) &rest body)
823 (let ((nsym (gensym "N")))
824 `(do ((,isym 0 (1+ ,isym))
825 (,nsym ,nval))
826 ((not (< ,isym ,nsym)) ,res)
827 ,@body)))
829 (define-special-form-macro dolist ((esym lval &optional res) &rest body)
830 (let ((lsym (gensym "LIST")))
831 `(do* ((,lsym ,lval (cdr ,lsym))
832 (,esym (car ,lsym) (car ,lsym)))
833 ((not (consp ,lsym)) ,res)
834 ,@body)))
837 ;;;;
838 ;;;; IN-PACKAGE Macro
839 ;;;;
841 (define-special-form-macro in-package (name)
842 `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
843 (let ((newpack (find-package ',name)))
844 (unless newpack (error "can't find package ~s" ',name))
845 (setf *package* newpack))))
848 ;;;;
849 ;;;; TIME Macro
850 ;;;;
852 (define-special-form-macro time (expr)
853 (let ((rtsym (gensym "RUN"))
854 (gtsym (gensym "GC")))
855 `(let ((,rtsym (get-internal-run-time))
856 (,gtsym(get-internal-gc-time)))
857 (multiple-value-prog1
858 ,expr
859 (format t "The evaluation took ~,2f seconds; ~,2f seconds in GC.~%"
860 (float (/ (- (get-internal-run-time) ,rtsym)
861 internal-time-units-per-second))
862 (float (/ (- (get-internal-gc-time) ,gtsym)
863 internal-time-units-per-second)))))))
866 ;;;;
867 ;;;; TRACE and UNTRACE Macros
868 ;;;;
870 (define-special-form-macro trace (&rest args)
871 `(dolist (s ',args *tracelist*)
872 (unless (symbolp s) (error "not a symbol - ~s" s))
873 (pushnew s *tracelist*)))
875 (define-special-form-macro untrace (&rest args)
876 (if args
877 `(dolist (s ',args *tracelist*)
878 (unless (symbolp s) (error "not a symbol - ~s" s))
879 (setf *tracelist* (delete s *tracelist*)))
880 `(setf *tracelist* nil)))
883 ;;;;
885 ;;;;
887 (export 'system::without-interrupts "SYSTEM")
888 (defmacro system::without-interrupts (&rest body)
889 `(progn
890 (system::enable-interrupts nil)
891 (unwind-protect
892 (progn ,@body)
893 (system::enable-interrupts t))))
896 ;;;;
897 ;;;; This is the final file in the common module
898 ;;;;
900 (provide "common")