updated version, but need to update installation scripts
[cls.git] / xlisponly / lsp / ifthen.lsp
1 ; -*-Lisp-*-
3 ; If then rules - mini expert from Ch. 18 of Winston and Horn
4 ; Written using recursion without progs
5 ; Added function 'how' to explain deductions
7 ; Use:
8 ; After loading type (deduce). It will make all the deductions
9 ; given the list fact. If you want to know how it deduced something
10 ; type (how '(a deduction)) for example (how '(animal is tiger))
11 ; and so on.
15 ; rules data base
17 (setq rules
18 '((rule identify1
19 (if (animal has hair))
20 (then (animal is mammal)))
21 (rule identify2
22 (if (animal gives milk))
23 (then (animal is mammal)))
24 (rule identify3
25 (if (animal has feathers))
26 (then (animal is bird)))
27 (rule identify4
28 (if (animal flies)
29 (animal lays eggs))
30 (then (animal is bird)))
31 (rule identify5
32 (if (animal eats meat))
33 (then (animal is carnivore)))
34 (rule identify6
35 (if (animal has pointed teeth)
36 (animal has claws)
37 (animal has forward eyes))
38 (then (animal is carnivore)))
39 (rule identify7
40 (if (animal is mammal)
41 (animal has hoofs))
42 (then (animal is ungulate)))
43 (rule identify8
44 (if (animal is mammal)
45 (animal chews cud))
46 (then (animal is ungulate)
47 (even toed)))
48 (rule identify9
49 (if (animal is mammal)
50 (animal is carnivore)
51 (animal has tawny color)
52 (animal has dark spots))
53 (then (animal is cheetah)))
54 (rule identify10
55 (if (animal is mammal)
56 (animal is carnivore)
57 (animal has tawny color)
58 (animal has black stripes))
59 (then (animal is tiger)))
60 (rule identify11
61 (if (animal is ungulate)
62 (animal has long neck)
63 (animal has long legs)
64 (animal has dark spots))
65 (then (animal is giraffe)))
66 (rule identify12
67 (if (animal is ungulate)
68 (animal has black stripes))
69 (then (animal is zebra)))
70 (rule identify13
71 (if (animal is bird)
72 (animal does not fly)
73 (animal has long neck)
74 (animal has long legs)
75 (animal is black and white))
76 (then (animal is ostrich)))
77 (rule identify14
78 (if (animal is bird)
79 (animal does not fly)
80 (animal swims)
81 (animal is black and white))
82 (then (animal is penguin)))
83 (rule identify15
84 (if (animal is bird)
85 (animal flys well))
86 (then (animal is albatross)))))
87 ; utility functions
88 (defun squash(s)
89 (cond ((null s) ())
90 ((atom s) (list s))
91 (t (append (squash (car s))
92 (squash (cdr s))))))
94 (defun p(s)
95 (princ (squash s)))
97 ; functions
99 ; function to see if an item is a member of a list
101 (defun member(item list)
102 (cond((null list) ()) ; return nil on end of list
103 ((equal item (car list)) list) ; found
104 (t (member item (cdr list))))) ; otherwise try rest of list
106 ; put a new fact into the facts data base if it is not already there
108 (defun remember(newfact)
109 (cond((member newfact facts) ()) ; if present do nothing
110 (t ( setq facts (cons newfact facts)) newfact)))
112 ; is a fact there in the facts data base
114 (defun recall(afact)
115 (cond ((member afact facts) afact) ; it is here
116 (t ()))) ; no it is'nt
118 ; given a rule check if all the if parts are confirmed by the facts data base
120 (defun testif(iflist)
121 (cond((null iflist) t) ; all satisfied
122 ((recall (car iflist)) (testif (cdr iflist))) ; keep searching
123 ; if one is ok
124 (t ()))) ; not in facts DB
126 ; add the then parts of the rules which can be added to the facts DB
127 ; return the ones that are added
129 (defun usethen(thenlist addlist)
130 (cond ((null thenlist) addlist) ; all exhausted
131 ((remember (car thenlist))
132 (usethen (cdr thenlist) (cons (car thenlist) addlist)))
133 (t (usethen (cdr thenlist) addlist))))
135 ; try a rule
136 ; return t only if all the if parts are satisfied by the facts data base
137 ; and at lest one then ( conclusion ) is added to the facts data base
139 (defun tryrule(rule &aux ifrules thenlist addlist)
140 (setq ifrules (cdr(car(cdr(cdr rule)))))
141 (setq thenlist (cdr(car(cdr(cdr(cdr rule))))))
142 (setq addlist '())
143 (cond (( testif ifrules)
144 (cond ((setq addlist (usethen thenlist addlist))
145 (p (list "Rule " (car(cdr rule)) "\n\tDeduced " addlist "\n\n"))
146 (setq ruleused (cons rule ruleused))
148 (t ())))
149 (t ())))
151 ; step through one iteration if the forward search
152 ; looking for rules that can be deduced from the present fact data base
154 (defun stepforward( rulelist)
155 (cond((null rulelist) ()) ; all done
156 ((tryrule (car rulelist)) t)
157 ( t (stepforward(cdr rulelist)))))
159 ; stepforward until you cannot go any further
161 (defun deduce()
162 (cond((stepforward rules) (deduce))
163 (t t)))
165 ; function to answer if a fact was used to come to a certain conclusion
166 ; uses the ruleused list cons'ed by tryrule to answer
168 (defun usedp(rule)
169 (cond ((member rule ruleused) t) ; it has been used
170 (t () ))) ; no it hasnt
172 ; function to answer how a fact was deduced
174 (defun how(fact)
175 (how2 fact ruleused nil))
177 (defun how2(fact rulist found)
178 (cond ((null rulist) ; if the rule list exhausted
179 (cond (found t) ; already answered the question return t
180 ((recall fact) (p (list fact " was a given fact\n")) t) ;known fact
181 (t (p (list fact " -- not a fact!\n")) ())))
183 ((member fact (thenpart (car rulist))) ; if rulist not empty
184 (setq found t) ; and fact belongs to the then part of a rule
185 (p (list fact " was deduced because the following were true\n"))
186 (printifs (car rulist))
187 (how2 fact (cdr rulist) found))
188 (t (how2 fact (cdr rulist) found))))
190 ; function to return the then part of a rule
192 (defun thenpart(rule)
193 (cdr(car(cdr(cdr(cdr rule))))))
195 ; function to print the if part of a given rule
197 (defun printifs(rule)
198 (pifs (cdr(car(cdr(cdr rule))))))
200 (defun pifs(l)
201 (cond ((null l) ())
202 (t (p (list "\t" (car l) "\n"))
203 (pifs (cdr l)))))
206 ; initial facts data base
207 ; Uncomment one or make up your own
208 ; Then run 'deduce' to find deductions
209 ; Run 'how' to find out how it came to a certain deduction
211 ;(setq facts
212 ; '((animal has dark spots)
213 ; (animal has tawny color)
214 ; (animal eats meat)
215 ; (animal has hair)))
217 (setq facts
218 '((animal has hair)
219 (animal has pointed teeth)
220 (animal has black stripes)
221 (animal has claws)
222 (animal has forward eyes)
223 (animal has tawny color)))
226 (setq rl1
227 '(rule identify14
228 (if (animal is bird)
229 (animal does not fly)
230 (animal swims)
231 (animal is black and white))
232 (then (animal is penguin))))
234 (setq rl2
235 '(rule identify10
236 (if (animal is mammal)
237 (animal is carnivore)
238 (animal has tawny color)
239 (animal has black stripes))
240 (then (animal is tiger))))
242 ; Initialization
243 (expand 10)
244 (setq ruleused nil)