updated version, but need to update installation scripts
[cls.git] / xlisponly / lsp / hdwr.lsp
1 ; CONVERTED FOR 2.0, but untested.
2 ; -*-Lisp-*-
4 ; Jwahar R. Bammi
5 ; A simple description of hardware objects using xlisp
6 ; Mix and match instances of the objects to create your
7 ; organization.
8 ; Needs:
9 ; - busses and connection and the Design
10 ; Class that will have the connections as instance vars.
11 ; - Print method for each object, that will display
12 ; the instance variables in an human readable form.
13 ; Some day I will complete it.
17 ; utility functions
20 ; function to calculate 2^n
22 (defun pow2 (n)
23 (pow2x n 1))
26 (defun pow2x (n sum)
27 (cond((equal n 0) sum)
28 (t (pow2x (- n 1) (* sum 2)))))
31 ; hardware objects
33 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
34 ;The class areg
36 (setq areg (send Class :new '(value nbits max_val min_val)))
38 ; methods
40 ; initialization method
41 ; when a new instance is called for the user supplies
42 ; the parameter nbits, from which the max_val & min_val are derived
44 (send areg :answer :isnew '(n)
45 '((send self :init n)
46 self))
48 (send areg :answer :init '(n)
49 '((setq value ())
50 (setq nbits n)
51 (setq max_val (- (pow2 (- n 1)) 1))
52 (setq min_val (- (- 0 max_val) 1))))
54 ; load areg
56 (send areg :answer :load '(val)
57 '((cond ((> val max_val) (princ (list "The max value a "nbits" bit register can hold is "max_val"\n")))
58 ((< val min_val) (princ (list "The min value a "nbits" bit register can hold is "min_val"\n")))
59 (t (setq value val)))))
61 ; see areg
63 (send areg :answer :see '()
64 '((cond ((null value) (princ "Register does not contain a value\n"))
65 (t value))))
67 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
69 ; The class creg ( a register that can be cleared and incremented)
70 ; subclass of a reg
72 (setq creg (send Class :new '() '() areg))
74 ; it inherites all the instance vars & methods of a reg
75 ; in addition to them it has the following methods
77 (send creg :answer :isnew '(n)
78 '((send self :init n)
79 self))
81 (send creg :answer :init '(n)
82 '((setq value ())
83 (setq nbits n)
84 (setq max_val (- (pow2 n) 1))
85 (setq min_val 0)))
87 (send creg :answer :clr '()
88 '((setq value 0)))
90 (send creg :answer :inc '()
91 '((cond ((null value) (princ "Register does not contain a value\n"))
92 (t (setq value (rem (+ value 1) (+ max_val 1)))))))
95 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
97 ; Register bank
98 ; contains n areg's n_bits each
100 (setq reg_bank (send Class :new '(regs n_regs curr_reg)))
102 ;methods
104 (send reg_bank :answer :isnew '(n n_bits)
105 '((send self :init n n_bits)
106 self))
108 (send reg_bank :answer :init '(n n_bits)
109 '((setq regs ())
110 (setq n_regs (- n 1))
111 (send self :initx n n_bits)))
113 (send reg_bank :answer :initx '(n n_bits)
114 '((cond ((equal n 0) t)
115 (t (list (setq regs (cons (send areg :new n_bits) regs))
116 (send self :initx (setq n (- n 1)) n_bits))))))
118 (send reg_bank :answer :load '(reg val)
119 '((cond((> reg n_regs) (princ (list "Only "(+ 1 n_regs)" registers instantiated\n")))
120 (t (setq curr_reg (nth (+ reg 1) regs))
121 (curr_reg :load val)))))
123 (send reg_bank :answer :see '(reg)
124 '((cond((> reg n_regs) (princ (list "Only "(+ 1 n_regs)" registers instantiated\n")))
125 (t (setq curr_reg (nth (+ reg 1) regs))
126 (curr_reg :see)))))
127 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
128 ; The Class alu
130 ;alu - an n bit alu
132 (setq alu (send Class :new '(n_bits maxs_val mins_val maxu_val minu_val nf zf vf cf)))
134 ; methods
136 (send alu :answer :isnew '(n)
137 '((send self :init n)
138 self))
140 (send alu :answer :init '(n)
141 '((setq n_bits n)
142 (setq maxu_val (- (pow2 n) 1))
143 (setq maxs_val (- (pow2 (- n 1)) 1))
144 (setq mins_val (- (- 0 maxs_val) 1))
145 (setq minu_val 0)
146 (setq nf 0)
147 (setq zf 0)
148 (setq vf 0)
149 (setq cf 0)))
151 (send alu :answer :check_arith '(a b)
152 '((cond ((and (send self :arith_range a) (send self :arith_range b)) t)
153 (t ()))))
155 (send alu :answer :check_logic '(a b)
156 '((cond ((and (send self :logic_range a) (send self :logic_range b)) t)
157 (t ()))))
159 (send alu :answer :arith_range '(a)
160 '((cond ((< a mins_val) (princ (list "Operand out of Range "a"\n")))
161 ((> a maxs_val) (princ (list "Operand out of range "a"\n")))
162 (t t))))
164 (send alu :answer :logic_range '(a)
165 '((cond ((< (abs a) minu_val) (princ (list "Operand out of Range "a"\n")))
166 (t t))))
168 (send alu :answer :set_flags '(a b r)
169 '((if (equal 0 r) ((setq zf 1)))
170 (if (< r 0) ((setq nf 1)))
171 (if (or (and (and (< a 0) (< 0 b)) (>= r 0))
172 (and (and (>= a 0) (>= b 0)) (< r 0))) ((setq vf 1)))
173 (if (or (or (and (< a 0) (< b 0)) (and (< a 0) (>= r 0)))
174 (and (>= r 0) (< b 0))) ((setq cf 1)))))
176 (send alu :answer :add '(a b &aux result)
177 '((cond ((null (send self :check_arith a b)) ())
178 (t (send self :clear_flags)
179 (setq result (+ a b))
180 (if (> result maxs_val) ((setq result (+ (- (rem result maxs_val) 1) mins_val))))
181 (if (< result mins_val) ((setq result (+ (rem result mins_val) (+ maxs_val 1)))))
182 (send self :set_flags a b result)
183 result))))
185 (send alu :answer :or '(a b &aux result)
186 '((cond ((null (send self :check_logic a b)) ())
187 (t (send self :clear_flags)
188 (setq result (bit-ior a b))
189 (send self :set_flags a b result)
190 result))))
192 (send alu :answer :and '(a b &aux result)
193 '((cond ((null (send self :check_logic a b)) ())
194 (t (send self :clear_flags)
195 (setq result (bit-and a b))
196 (send self :set_flags a b result)
197 result))))
199 (send alu :answer :not '(a &aux result)
200 '((cond ((null (send self :check_logic a 0)) ())
201 (t (send self :clear_flags)
202 (setq result (bit-not a))
203 (send self :set_flags a 0 result)
204 result))))
206 (send alu :answer :subtract '(a b)
207 '((send self '+ a (- 0 b))))
209 (send alu :answer :passa '(a)
210 '(a))
212 (send alu :answer :zero '()
213 '(0))
215 (send alu :answer :com '(a)
216 '((send self :- 0 a)))
218 (send alu :answer :status '()
219 '((princ (list "NF "nf"\n"))
220 (princ (list "ZF "zf"\n"))
221 (princ (list "CF "cf"\n"))
222 (princ (list "VF "vf"\n"))))
224 (send alu :answer :clear_flags '()
225 '((setq nf 0)
226 (setq zf 0)
227 (setq cf 0)
228 (setq vf 0)))
230 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
232 ; The class Memory
235 (setq memory (send Class :new '(nabits ndbits maxu_val maxs_val mins_val max_addr undef memry)))
237 ; methods
239 (send memory :answer :isnew '(addr_bits data_bits)
240 '((send self :init addr_bits data_bits)
241 self))
243 (send memory :answer :init '(addr_bits data_bits)
244 '((setq nabits addr_bits)
245 (setq ndbits data_bits)
246 (setq maxu_val (- (pow2 data_bits) 1))
247 (setq max_addr (- (pow2 addr_bits) 1))
248 (setq maxs_val (- (pow2 (- data_bits 1)) 1))
249 (setq mins_val (- 0 (pow2 (- data_bits 1))))
250 (setq undef (+ maxu_val 1))
251 (setq memry (array :new max_addr undef))))
254 (send memory :answer :load '(loc val)
255 '((cond ((> (abs loc) max_addr) (princ (list "Address "loc" out of range\n")))
256 ((< val 0) (princ (list "Cant store "val" in "ndbits" bits\n")))
257 ((> val maxu_val) (princ (list "Cant store "val" in "ndbits" bits\n")))
258 (t (memry :load loc val)))))
260 (send memory :answer :write '(loc val)
261 '((cond ((> (abs loc) max_addr) (princ (list "Address "loc" out of range\n")))
262 ((> val maxs_val) (princ (list "Cant store "val" in "ndbits" bits\n")))
263 ((< val mins_val) (princ (list "Cant store "val" in "ndbits" bits\n")))
264 (t (memry :load loc val)))))
267 (send memory :answer :read '(loc &aux val)
268 '((cond ((> (abs loc) max_addr) (princ (list "Address "loc" out of range\n")))
269 (t (setq val (memry :see loc))
270 (cond ((equal undef val) (princ (list "Address "loc" read before write\n")))
271 (t val))))))
274 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
276 ; The class array
278 (setq array (send Class :new '(arry)))
280 ; methods
282 (send array :answer :isnew '(n val)
283 '((send self :init n val)
284 self))
286 (send array :answer :init '(n val)
287 '((cond ((< n 0) t)
288 (t (setq arry (cons val arry))
289 (send self :init (- n 1) val)))))
291 (send array :answer :see '(n)
292 '((nth (+ n 1) arry)))
295 (send array :answer :load '(n val &aux left right temp)
296 '((setq left (send self :left_part n arry temp))
297 (setq right (send self :right_part n arry))
298 (setq arry (append left (list val)))
299 (setq arry (append arry right))
300 val))
302 (send array :answer :left_part '(n ary left)
303 '((cond ((equal n 0) (reverse left))
304 (t (setq left (cons (car ary) left))
305 (send self :left_part (- n 1) (cdr ary) left)))))
307 (send array :answer :right_part '(n ary &aux right)
308 '((cond ((equal n 0) (cdr ary))
309 (t (send self :right_part (- n 1) (cdr ary))))))
311 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;