updated version, but need to update installation scripts
[cls.git] / src / lsp / common.lsp
1 ;;;;
2 ;;;; Additional Common Lisp Functions for XLISP-STAT 2.0
3 ;;;; XLISP-STAT 2.1 Copyright (c) 1990, by Luke Tierney
4 ;;;; Additions to Xlisp 2.1, Copyright (c) 1989 by David Michael Betz
5 ;;;; You may give out copies of this software; for conditions see the file
6 ;;;; COPYING included with this distribution.
7 ;;;;
9 (in-package "XLISP")
11 ;**** This hack is necessary for the moment because X is one of the
12 ;**** plot symbols. This should be dropped one the statistics stuff is
13 ;**** properly assigned to packages.
14 (export 'x)
16 (export '(fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth))
18 (defun fifth (x) (nth 4 x))
19 (defun sixth (x) (nth 5 x))
20 (defun seventh (x) (nth 6 x))
21 (defun eighth (x) (nth 7 x))
22 (defun ninth (x) (nth 8 x))
23 (defun tenth (x) (nth 9 x))
26 ;;;;
27 ;;;; Compiler symbols
28 ;;;;
30 (export '(compile compile-file))
32 (defvar *cmp-setf*)
34 ;;;;
35 ;;;; Other symbols
36 ;;;;
38 (export 'step)
41 ;;;;
42 ;;;; Simplified DEFTYPE and some additional types
43 ;;;;
45 (export '(deftype flonum short-float single-float double-float long-float real
46 sequence))
48 (defun deftype-arglist-fix (args)
49 (let ((optpos (position '&optional args)))
50 (if optpos
51 (let* ((start (+ optpos 1))
52 (nkey (position-if #'(lambda (x)
53 (member x lambda-list-keywords))
54 args
55 :start start))
56 (end (if nkey nkey (length args)))
57 (nargs (copy-list args)))
58 (do ((i start (+ i 1)))
59 ((<= end i) nargs)
60 (let ((v (nth i nargs)))
61 (if (symbolp v) (setf (nth i nargs) `(,v '*))))))
62 args)))
64 (defmacro deftype (type args &rest forms)
65 (let ((fargs (deftype-arglist-fix args)))
66 `(progn (setf (get ',type '*type-spec*) #'(lambda ,fargs ,@forms))
67 ',type)))
69 (deftype flonum () 'float)
70 (deftype short-float () 'float)
71 (deftype single-float () 'float)
72 (deftype double-float () 'float)
73 (deftype long-float () 'float)
75 (deftype real () '(or integer ratio float))
76 (deftype rational () '(or integer ratio))
78 ;;**** keyword type?
80 (deftype sequence () '(satisfies sequencep))
83 ;;;;
84 ;;;; EVAL-WHEN
85 ;;;;
87 (export '(eval-when))
89 (defmacro eval-when (when &rest body)
90 (if (or (member 'eval when) (member :execute when))
91 `(progn ,@body)))
94 ;;;;
95 ;;;; Defsetf and documentation functions
96 ;;;; Corrected for Common Lisp compatibility (requires XLISP-PLUS 2.1e)
97 ;;;; Modified by Tom Almy, 7/92
98 ;;;; Corrected again in 6/93
99 ;;;; and again (Luke Tierney) 11/93
100 ;;;;
102 (export '(defsetf documentation))
104 (defun apply-arg-rotate (f args)
105 (apply f (car (last args)) (butlast args)))
107 ; (defsetf) - define setf method
108 (defmacro defsetf (sym first &rest rest)
109 (if (symbolp first)
110 `(progn (setf (get ',sym '*setf*) ',first)
111 (remprop ',sym '*setf-lambda*)
112 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
113 (push (list ',sym '*setf* ',first) *cmp-setf*))
114 ',sym)
115 (let* ((f `#'(lambda ,(append (car rest) first) ,@(cdr rest)))
116 (args (gensym))
117 (ff `#'(lambda (&rest ,args) (apply-arg-rotate ,f ,args))))
118 `(progn
119 (setf (get ',sym '*setf-lambda*) ; changed *setf* to *setf-lambda*
120 ,ff)
121 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel)
122 (push (list ',sym '*setf-lambda* ,ff) *cmp-setf*))
123 (remprop ',sym '*setf*)
124 ',sym))))
126 ;; (load-help) - read in file positions fo accessing help info.
127 (defun load-help ()
128 (when
129 (and (null *help-loaded*) (streamp *help-stream*))
130 (princ "loading in help file information - this will take a minute ...")
131 (force-output)
132 (setq *help-loaded* t)
133 (file-position *help-stream* 0)
134 (do ((item (read *help-stream* nil '*eof*)
135 (read *help-stream* nil '*eof*)))
136 ((eq item '*eof*))
137 (cond
138 ((and item
139 (symbolp item)
140 (null (get item 'function-documentation)))
141 (setf (get item 'function-documentation)
142 (file-position *help-stream*)))
143 ((consp item)
144 (case (cadr item)
145 (function (if (null (get (car item) 'function-documentation))
146 (setf (get (car item) 'function-documentation)
147 (file-position *help-stream*))))
148 (variable (if (null (get (car item) 'variable-documentation))
149 (setf (get (car item) 'variable-documentation)
150 (file-position *help-stream*))))
151 (type (if (null (get (car item) 'type-documentation))
152 (setf (get (car item) 'type-documentation)
153 (file-position *help-stream*))))
154 (object
155 (if (and (boundp (car item))
156 (objectp (symbol-value (car item)))
157 (null (send (symbol-value (car item))
158 :internal-doc
159 (caddr item))))
160 (send (symbol-value (car item))
161 :documentation
162 (caddr item)
163 (file-position *help-stream*))))))))
164 (princ "done")
165 (terpri)))
167 (defun documentation (symbol doc-type)
168 (load-help)
169 (let ((doc (case doc-type
170 (function (get symbol 'function-documentation))
171 (variable (get symbol 'variable-documentation))
172 (type (get symbol 'type-documentation))
173 (setf (get symbol 'setf-documentation)))))
174 (when (and (numberp doc) (streamp *help-stream*))
175 (file-position *help-stream* doc)
176 (setq doc (read *help-stream*)))
177 (if (stringp doc) doc)))
179 (defsetf documentation (symbol doc-type) (value)
180 `(case ,doc-type
181 (function (setf (get ,symbol 'function-documentation) ,value))
182 (variable (setf (get ,symbol 'variable-documentation) ,value))
183 (type (setf (get ,symbol 'type-documentation) ,value))
184 (setf (setf (get ,symbol 'setf-documentation) ,value))))
186 (defsetf first (x) (v) `(setf (car ,x) ,v))
187 (defsetf second (x) (v) `(setf (nth 1 ,x) ,v))
188 (defsetf third (x) (v) `(setf (nth 2 ,x) ,v))
189 (defsetf fourth (x) (v) `(setf (nth 3 ,x) ,v))
190 (defsetf fifth (x) (v) `(setf (nth 4 ,x) ,v))
191 (defsetf sixth (x) (v) `(setf (nth 5 ,x) ,v))
192 (defsetf seventh (x) (v) `(setf (nth 6 ,x) ,v))
193 (defsetf eighth (x) (v) `(setf (nth 7 ,x) ,v))
194 (defsetf ninth (x) (v) `(setf (nth 8 ,x) ,v))
195 (defsetf tenth (x) (v) `(setf (nth 9 ,x) ,v))
197 (defsetf rest (x) (v) `(setf (cdr ,x) ,v))
199 (defsetf %struct-ref (x i) (v) `(%struct-set ,x ,i ,v))
201 (defun %set-rm-aref (x i v) (setf (aref (compound-data-seq x) i) v))
202 (defsetf row-major-aref %set-rm-aref)
204 ;; Defsetf's for forms handled by the internal version. These need to
205 ;; appear before any redefinition of setf for bootstrapping purposes.
206 (defsetf get %set-get)
207 (defsetf symbol-value %set-symbol-value)
208 (defsetf symbol-function %set-symbol-function)
209 (defsetf symbol-plist %set-symbol-plist)
210 (defsetf car %set-car)
211 (defsetf cdr %set-cdr)
212 (defsetf aref %set-aref)
213 (defsetf gethash %set-gethash)
215 (defsetf select set-select)
216 (defsetf slot-value slot-value)
218 (defsetf nth %set-nth)
219 (defsetf elt %set-elt)
220 (defsetf svref %set-svref)
223 ;;;;
224 ;;;;
225 ;;;; Modules, provide and require
226 ;;;;
227 ;;;;
229 (export '(*modules* provide require probe-file))
231 (defvar *modules* nil)
233 (defun provide (name)
234 (pushnew name *modules* :test #'equal))
236 (export '(system::*module-path* system::create-module-path)
237 "SYSTEM")
239 (defvar *module-path* nil)
241 (defun require (name &optional (path (string name)))
242 (let ((name (string name))
243 (pathlist (if (listp path) path (list path))))
244 (unless (member name *modules* :test #'equal)
245 (dolist (pathname pathlist)
246 (let ((rpath (find-require-file pathname)))
247 (if rpath
248 (load rpath)
249 (load pathname :if-does-not-exist nil)))))))
251 (defun find-require-file (path)
252 (let ((type (pathname-type path)))
253 (dolist (dir *module-path*)
254 (let ((p (merge-pathnames path dir)))
255 (cond
256 ((eq (system::file-type p) :directory)
257 (let* ((dl (append (pathname-directory p) (list (pathname-name p))))
258 (d (make-pathname :directory dl
259 :device (pathname-device p)
260 :host (pathname-host p)))
261 (ap (merge-pathnames "_autoidx" d)))
262 (when (or (probe-file (merge-pathnames ap ".lsp"))
263 (probe-file (merge-pathnames ap ".fsl")))
264 (return ap))))
265 (type (when (probe-file p) (return p)))
266 ((or (probe-file (merge-pathnames p ".lsp"))
267 (probe-file (merge-pathnames p ".fsl")))
268 (return p))
269 ((probe-file p) (return p)))))))
271 (defun create-module-path ()
272 (list (make-pathname :directory '(:relative))
273 *default-path*
274 (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :directory '(:relative "Examples"))
275 *default-path*)))
277 (defun probe-file (f)
278 (when (open f :direction :probe)
279 (truename f)))
282 ;;;;
283 ;;;;
284 ;;;; Miscellaneous Functions
285 ;;;;
286 ;;;;
288 (export '(matrixp equalp y-or-n-p yes-or-no-p
289 incf decf push pop pushnew remf rotatef
290 with-input-from-string with-output-to-string
291 with-open-file with-open-stream read-from-string
292 realp typecase))
294 (defun matrixp (x) (and (arrayp x) (= (array-rank x) 2)))
296 ; equalp rewritten by Tom Almy to better match Common Lisp
297 (defun equalp (x y)
298 (cond ((equal x y) t)
299 ((numberp x) (if (numberp y) (= x y) nil))
300 ((characterp x) (if (characterp y) (char-equal x y) nil))
301 ((listp x)
302 (and (listp y) (= (length x) (length y)) (every #'equalp x y)))
303 ((and (or (arrayp x) (stringp x))
304 (or (arrayp y) (stringp y))
305 (eql (length x) (length y)))
306 (every #'equalp x y))))
308 ; Modified by TAA
309 (defun y-or-n-p (&rest args)
310 (reset-system)
311 (when args (fresh-line) (apply #'format *terminal-io* args))
312 (do ((answer (string-trim " " (read-line))
313 (string-trim " " (read-line))))
314 ((or (string-equal answer "Y")
315 (string-equal answer "N"))
316 (string-equal answer "Y"))
317 (princ " Answer \"y\" or \"n\": " *terminal-io*)))
319 ; Based on y-or-n-p
320 (defun yes-or-no-p (&rest args)
321 (reset-system)
322 (when args (fresh-line) (apply #'format *terminal-io* args))
323 (do ((answer (string-trim " " (read-line))
324 (string-trim " " (read-line))))
325 ((or (string-equal answer "YES")
326 (string-equal answer "NO"))
327 (string-equal answer "YES"))
328 (princ " Answer \"yes\" or \"no\": " *terminal-io*)))
330 ;***** modified version with keywords?
331 (defmacro with-input-from-string (stream-string &rest body)
332 (let ((stream (first stream-string))
333 (string (second stream-string))
334 (start (second (member :start (cddr stream-string))))
335 (end (second (member :end (cddr stream-string))))
336 (index (second (member :index (cddr stream-string)))))
337 (when (null start) (setf start 0))
338 (if index
339 (let ((str (gensym)))
340 `(let* ((,str ,string)
341 (,stream (make-string-input-stream ,str ,start ,end)))
342 (prog1 (progn ,@body)
343 (setf ,index
344 (- (length ,str)
345 (length (get-output-stream-list ,stream)))))))
346 `(let ((,stream (make-string-input-stream ,string ,start ,end)))
347 (progn ,@body)))))
349 (defmacro with-output-to-string (str-list &rest body)
350 (let ((stream (first str-list)))
351 `(let ((,stream (make-string-output-stream)))
352 (progn ,@body)
353 (get-output-stream-string ,stream))))
355 (defmacro with-open-file (stream-file-args &rest body)
356 (let ((stream (first stream-file-args))
357 (file-args (rest stream-file-args)))
358 `(let ((,stream (open ,@file-args)))
359 (unwind-protect
360 (progn ,@body)
361 (when ,stream (close ,stream))))))
363 (defmacro with-open-stream (stream-args &rest body)
364 `(let ((,(first stream-args) ,(second stream-args)))
365 (unwind-protect
366 (progn ,@body)
367 (when ,(first stream-args) (close ,(first stream-args))))))
369 (defun read-from-string (string &optional (eof-error-p t) eof-value
370 &key (start 0) end preserve-whitespace)
371 (read (make-string-input-stream string start end) eof-error-p eof-value))
373 (defun realp (x) (or (rationalp x) (floatp x)))
375 (defmacro typecase (x &rest forms)
376 (let ((varsym (gensym "VAR")))
377 (flet ((fix-clause (f) (cons `(typep ,varsym ',(first f)) (rest f))))
378 `(let ((,varsym ,x))
379 (cond
380 ,@(if (member (first (first (last forms))) '(t otherwise))
381 (append (mapcar #'fix-clause (butlast forms))
382 (list (cons t (rest (first (last forms))))))
383 (mapcar #'fix-clause forms)))))))
386 ;; from xlisp-2.1f
389 (export '(pairlis copy-alist copy-tree signum))
391 ;; pairlis does not check for lengths of keys and values being unequal
392 (defun pairlis (keys values &optional list)
393 (nconc (mapcar #'cons keys values) list))
395 (defun copy-alist (list)
396 (if (null list)
397 'nil
398 (cons (if (consp (car list))
399 (cons (caar list) (cdar list))
400 (car list))
401 (copy-alist (cdr list)))))
403 (defun copy-tree (list)
404 (if (consp list)
405 (cons (copy-tree (car list)) (copy-tree (cdr list)))
406 list))
408 (defun signum (x)
409 (if (numberp x)
410 (if (zerop x) x (/ x (abs x)))
411 (map-elements #'signum x)))
413 ;; Hyperbolic functions Ken Whedbee from CLtL
415 (export '(logtest cis sinh cosh tanh asinh acosh atanh))
417 (defun logtest (x y) (not (zerop (logand x y))))
419 (defun cis (x) (exp (* #c(0.0 1.0) x)))
421 (defun sinh (x) (/ (- (exp x) (exp (- x))) 2.0))
422 (defun cosh (x) (/ (+ (exp x) (exp (- x))) 2.0))
423 (defun tanh (x) (/ (sinh x) (cosh x)))
425 (defun asinh (x) (log (+ x (sqrt (+ 1.0 (* x x))))))
426 (defun acosh (x) (log (+ x (* (1+ x) (sqrt (/ (1- x) (1+ x)))))))
427 (defun atanh (x) (log (/ (1+ x) (sqrt (- 1.0 (* x x))))))
429 ;; array functions. KCW from Kyoto Common Lisp
431 (export '(fill acons))
433 (defun fill (sequence item &key (start 0) end)
434 (when (null end) (setf end (length sequence)))
435 (do ((i start (1+ i)))
436 ((>= i end) sequence)
437 (setf (elt sequence i) item)))
439 (defun acons (x y a) ; from CLtL
440 (cons (cons x y) a))
443 ;; more set functions. KCW from Kyoto Common Lisp
445 ;; Modified to pass keys to subfunctions without checking here
446 ;; (more efficient)
448 ;; (Tom Almy states:) we can't get the destructive versions of union
449 ;; intersection, and set-difference to run faster than the non-destructive
450 ;; subrs. Therefore we will just have the destructive versions do their
451 ;; non-destructive counterparts
453 (export
454 '(nunion nintersection nset-difference set-exclusive-or nset-exclusive-or))
456 (setf (symbol-function 'nunion)
457 (symbol-function 'union)
458 (symbol-function 'nintersection)
459 (symbol-function 'intersection)
460 (symbol-function 'nset-difference)
461 (symbol-function 'set-difference))
463 (defun set-exclusive-or (list1 list2 &rest rest)
464 (append (apply #'set-difference list1 list2 rest)
465 (apply #'set-difference list2 list1 rest)))
467 (defun nset-exclusive-or (list1 list2 &rest rest)
468 (nconc (apply #'set-difference list1 list2 rest)
469 (apply #'set-difference list2 list1 rest)))
472 ;;;;
473 ;;;;
474 ;;;; Additional Common Lisp Functions for Xlisp 2.0
475 ;;;; From the init.lsp file supplied in the Xlisp distribution
476 ;;;;
477 ;;;;
479 (export '(set-macro-character get-macro-character))
481 ; (set-macro-character ch fun [ tflag [ rtab ] ])
482 (defun set-macro-character (ch fun &optional tflag (rtab *readtable*))
483 (setf (aref rtab (char-int ch))
484 (cons (if tflag :tmacro :nmacro) fun))
487 ; (get-macro-character ch [ rtab ])
488 (defun get-macro-character (ch &optional (rtab *readtable*))
489 (if (consp (aref rtab (char-int ch)))
490 (cdr (aref *readtable* (char-int ch)))
491 nil))
493 ;;;;
494 ;;;;
495 ;;;; Additional Readtable Functions
496 ;;;;
497 ;;;;
498 ;;**** need to be fixed once proper readtables are available
500 (export '(copy-readtable readtablep set-syntax-from-char))
502 (defconstant *common-lisp-readtable* (copy-array *readtable*))
504 (defun copy-readtable (&optional (rt *readtable*) (dest (make-array 256)))
505 (let ((source (if rt rt *common-lisp-readtable*)))
506 (replace dest source)))
508 (defun readtablep (rt) (and (vectorp rt) (= (length rt) 256)))
510 (defun set-syntax-from-char (to from &optional (dest *readtable*) src)
511 (let ((source (if src src *common-lisp-readtable*)))
512 (setf (aref dest (char-int to)) (aref source (char-int from)))
516 ;;;;
517 ;;;;
518 ;;;; Additional System Functions for Xlisp 2.0
519 ;;;; From the init.lsp file supplied in the Xlisp distribution
520 ;;;;
521 ;;;;
523 (export '(savefun debug nodebug))
525 ; (savefun fun) - save a function definition to a file
526 (defmacro savefun (fun)
527 `(let* ((fname (concatenate 'string (symbol-name ',fun) ".lsp"))
528 (fval (function-lambda-expression (symbol-function ',fun)))
529 (fp (open fname :direction :output)))
530 (cond (fp (print (cons (if (eq (car fval) 'lambda)
531 'defun
532 'defmacro)
533 (cons ',fun (cdr fval))) fp)
534 (close fp)
535 fname)
536 (t nil))))
538 ; (debug) - enable debug breaks
539 (defun debug ()
540 (setq *breakenable* t))
542 ; (nodebug) - disable debug breaks
543 (defun nodebug ()
544 (setq *breakenable* nil))
547 ;;;;;
548 ;;;;; Symbol and Package Functions
549 ;;;;;
551 (export '(defpackage do-symbols do-external-symbols do-all-symbols
552 apropos apropos-list))
554 (defmacro do-symbol-arrays (s res a body)
555 (let ((arraysym (gensym))
556 (isym (gensym))
557 (asym (gensym))
558 (listsym (gensym)))
559 `(let ((,arraysym ,a)
560 (,isym 0)
561 (,asym nil)
562 (,listsym nil)
563 (,s nil))
564 (block nil
565 (tagbody
566 new-array
567 (when (null ,arraysym)
568 (setf ,s nil)
569 (return ,res))
570 (setf ,asym (first ,arraysym) ,arraysym (rest ,arraysym) ,isym -1)
571 new-list
572 (setf ,isym (1+ ,isym))
573 (if (<= 199 ,isym) (go new-array))
574 (setf ,listsym (aref ,asym ,isym))
575 new-item
576 (if (null ,listsym) (go new-list))
577 (setf ,s (first ,listsym) ,listsym (rest ,listsym))
578 (tagbody ,@body)
579 (go new-item))))))
581 (defmacro do-symbols (spr &rest body)
582 (let ((packsym (gensym))
583 (usessym (gensym))
584 (arraysym (gensym)))
585 `(let* ((,packsym ,(if (second spr) (second spr) '*package*))
586 (,usessym (package-use-list ,packsym))
587 (,arraysym (cons (package-obarray ,packsym nil)
588 (mapcar #'package-obarray
589 (cons ,packsym ,usessym)))))
590 (do-symbol-arrays ,(first spr) ,(third spr) ,arraysym ,body))))
592 (defmacro do-external-symbols (spr &rest body)
593 (let ((packsym (gensym))
594 (arraysym (gensym)))
595 `(let* ((,packsym ,(if (second spr) (second spr) '*package*))
596 (,arraysym (list (package-obarray ,packsym))))
597 (do-symbol-arrays ,(first spr) ,(third spr) ,arraysym ,body))))
599 (defmacro do-all-symbols (sr &rest body)
600 (let ((packsym (gensym))
601 (arraysym (gensym)))
602 `(let* ((,packsym (list-all-packages))
603 (,arraysym nil))
604 (dolist (p ,packsym)
605 (push (package-obarray p) ,arraysym)
606 (push (package-obarray p nil) ,arraysym))
607 (do-symbol-arrays ,(first sr) ,(second sr) ,arraysym ,body))))
610 ;;**** this overflows in compilation
611 (defmacro defpackage (pname &rest options)
612 `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
613 (let* ((pname ',pname)
614 (options ',options)
615 (pack (find-package ',pname))
616 (nicknames nil))
617 (dolist (opt options)
618 (if (eq (first opt) :nicknames)
619 (setf nicknames (append (rest opt) nicknames))))
620 (if pack
621 (rename-package pack
622 pname
623 (mapcar #'string
624 (append nicknames
625 (package-nicknames pack))))
626 (setf pack (make-package pname :nicknames
627 (mapcar #'string nicknames))))
628 (dolist (opt options)
629 (case (first opt)
630 (:shadow (shadow (mapcar #'string (rest opt)) pack))
631 (:shadowing-import-from
632 (let ((from-pack (find-package (second opt))))
633 (dolist (sname (rest (rest opt)))
634 (multiple-value-bind (sym found)
635 (find-symbol (string sname) from-pack)
636 (if found
637 (shadowing-import sym pack)
638 (error "no symbol named ~s in package ~s"
639 (string sname)
640 from-pack))))))))
641 (dolist (opt options)
642 (if (eq (first opt) :use)
643 (use-package (mapcar #'string (rest opt)) pack)))
644 (dolist (opt options)
645 (case (first opt)
646 (:intern
647 (dolist (sname (rest opt)) (intern (string sname) pack)))
648 (:import-from
649 (let ((from-pack (find-package (second opt))))
650 (dolist (sname (rest (rest opt)))
651 (multiple-value-bind (sym found)
652 (find-symbol (string sname) from-pack)
653 (if found
654 (import sym pack)
655 (error "no symbol named ~s in package ~s"
656 (string sname)
657 from-pack))))))))
658 (dolist (opt options)
659 (if (eq (first opt) :export)
660 (dolist (sname (rest opt))
661 (export (intern (string sname) pack) pack))))
662 pack)))
664 (defmacro defpackage (pname &rest options)
665 `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
666 (do-defpackage ',pname ',options)))
668 (defun do-defpackage (pname options)
669 (let ((pack (find-package pname))
670 (nicknames nil))
671 (dolist (opt options)
672 (if (eq (first opt) :nicknames)
673 (setf nicknames (append (rest opt) nicknames))))
674 (if pack
675 (rename-package pack
676 pname
677 (remove-duplicates
678 (mapcar #'string
679 (append nicknames (package-nicknames pack)))
680 :test #'string=))
681 (setf pack (make-package pname :nicknames
682 (remove-duplicates
683 (mapcar #'string nicknames)
684 :test #'string=))))
685 (dolist (opt options)
686 (case (first opt)
687 (:shadow (shadow (mapcar #'string (rest opt)) pack))
688 (:shadowing-import-from
689 (let ((from-pack (find-package (second opt))))
690 (dolist (sname (rest (rest opt)))
691 (multiple-value-bind (sym found)
692 (find-symbol (string sname) from-pack)
693 (if found
694 (shadowing-import sym pack)
695 (error "no symbol named ~s in package ~s"
696 (string sname)
697 from-pack))))))))
698 (dolist (opt options)
699 (if (eq (first opt) :use)
700 (use-package (mapcar #'string (rest opt)) pack)))
701 (dolist (opt options)
702 (case (first opt)
703 (:intern
704 (dolist (sname (rest opt)) (intern (string sname) pack)))
705 (:import-from
706 (let ((from-pack (find-package (second opt))))
707 (dolist (sname (rest (rest opt)))
708 (multiple-value-bind (sym found)
709 (find-symbol (string sname) from-pack)
710 (if found
711 (import sym pack)
712 (error "no symbol named ~s in package ~s"
713 (string sname)
714 from-pack))))))))
715 (dolist (opt options)
716 (if (eq (first opt) :export)
717 (dolist (sname (rest opt))
718 (export (intern (string sname) pack) pack))))
719 pack))
721 (defun apropos (x &optional package)
722 (if package
723 (do-symbols (s package)
724 (if (string-search x s) (format t "~s~%" s)))
725 (do-all-symbols (s)
726 (if (string-search x s) (format t "~s~%" s))))
727 (values))
729 (defun apropos-list (x &optional package)
730 (let ((res nil))
731 (if package
732 (do-symbols (s package res)
733 (if (string-search x s) (push s res)))
734 (do-all-symbols (s res)
735 (if (string-search x s) (push s res))))))
738 ;;;;;
739 ;;;;; Additional Multiple Value Functions and Macros
740 ;;;;;
742 (export
743 '(values-list multiple-value-list multiple-value-bind multiple-value-setq))
745 (defun values-list (x) (apply #'values x))
747 (defmacro multiple-value-list (form)
748 `(multiple-value-call #'list ,form))
750 (defmacro multiple-value-bind (vars form &rest body)
751 (let ((rsym (gensym)))
752 `(multiple-value-call #'(lambda (&optional ,@vars &rest ,rsym)
753 (declare (ignore ,rsym))
754 ,@body)
755 ,form)))
757 (defmacro multiple-value-setq (variables form)
758 (let* ((tvars (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (gensym "V")) variables))
759 (pairs nil))
760 (mapc #'(lambda (x y) (push y pairs) (push x pairs)) variables tvars)
761 (if (null tvars) (push (gensym) tvars))
762 `(multiple-value-bind ,tvars ,form (setq ,@pairs) ,(first tvars))))
765 ;;;;
766 ;;;; Fixup some functions
767 ;;;;
769 (if (find-symbol "SAVE") (unexport 'save))
770 (if (find-symbol "RESTORE") (unexport 'restore))
772 (export '(save-workspace add-exit-function))
774 (defun save-workspace (name)
775 (loop
776 (unless (consp system::*exit-functions*) (return))
777 (let ((func (pop system::*exit-functions*)))
778 (ignore-errors (funcall func))))
779 (dolist (h (copy-list *hardware-objects*))
780 (send (third h) :remove))
781 (save name)
782 (exit))
784 (defun add-exit-function (fun)
785 (push fun system::*exit-functions*))
788 ;;;;
790 ;;;;
792 (export '(declare proclaim special))
794 (defmacro declare (&rest args)
795 (if *displace-macros*
796 (dolist (a args)
797 (if (eq (first a) 'special)
798 (return (warn "special declarations are not supported"))))))
800 (defun proclaim (decl)
801 (if (eq (first decl) 'special)
802 (dolist (s (rest decl))
803 (mark-as-special s))))
805 ;;;;
806 ;;;; More printing stuff
807 ;;;;
809 (export '(write write-string write-line finish-output clear-output
810 *print-pretty* *print-circle* *print-radix* *print-base*
811 *print-array* *read-base*
812 write-to-string prin1-to-string princ-to-string))
814 (defparameter *print-pretty* nil)
815 (defparameter *print-circle* nil)
816 (defparameter *print-radix* nil)
817 (defparameter *print-base* 10.)
818 (defparameter *print-array* t)
820 (defparameter *read-base* 10.)
822 (defun write (x &key
823 ((:escape *print-escape*) *print-escape*)
824 ((:gensym *print-gensym*) *print-gensym*)
825 ((:readably *print-readably*) *print-readably*)
826 ((:length *print-length*) *print-length*)
827 ((:level *print-level*) *print-level*)
828 ((:case *print-case*) *print-case*)
829 ((:circle *print-circle*) *print-circle*)
830 ((:radix *print-radix*) *print-radix*)
831 ((:base *print-base*) *print-base*)
832 ((:array *print-array*) *print-array*)
833 ((:pretty *print-pretty*) *print-pretty*)
834 (stream *standard-output*))
835 (format stream (if *print-escape* "~s" "~a") x)
838 (defun write-string (string &optional (stream *standard-output*)
839 &key (start 0) end)
840 (format stream "~a" (subseq string start end))
841 string)
843 (defun write-line (string &optional (stream *standard-output*)
844 &key (start 0) end)
845 (format stream "~a~%" (subseq string start end))
846 string)
848 (defun finish-output (&optional (s *standard-output*)) (force-output s))
850 (defun clear-output (&optional (s *standard-output*)) (force-output s))
852 (defun write-to-string (x &rest args)
853 (with-output-to-string (s) (apply #'write x :stream s args)))
855 (defun prin1-to-string (arg) (format nil "~s" arg))
856 (defun princ-to-string (arg) (format nil "~a" arg))
859 ;;;;
860 ;;;; Miscellaneous
861 ;;;;
863 (export '(keywordp schar nreconc))
865 (defsetf char (x i) (v) `(setf (aref ,x ,i) ,v))
867 (defun keywordp (x)
868 (and (symbolp x) (eq (symbol-package x) (find-package "KEYWORD"))))
870 (setf (symbol-function 'schar) #'char)
872 (defun nreconc (x y) (nconc (nreverse x) y))
875 (export '(describe svref lambda-list-keywords get-properties))
877 (defun describe (x &optional (stream t))
878 (format stream "~&~s - ~a~%" x (type-of x)))
880 (setf (symbol-function 'svref) #'aref)
882 (defconstant lambda-list-keywords
883 '(&optional &rest &key &allow-other-keys &aux &whole &environment &body))
885 (defun get-properties (place ilist)
886 (let ((dflt (cons nil nil)))
887 (dolist (i ilist (values nil nil nil))
888 (let ((v (getf place i)))
889 (unless (eq v dflt) (return (values i v t)))))))
891 (export '(parse-integer compiled-function-p packagep gentemp bit-vector-p))
893 (defun parse-integer (s &key (start 0) end radix junk-allowed)
894 (read-from-string (subseq s start end)))
896 ;**** need to rule out macros
897 (defun compiled-function-p (f)
898 (typep f '(or subr byte-code-closure)))
900 (defun packagep (x) (typep x 'package))
902 (defvar *gentemp-counter* -1)
904 (defun gentemp (&optional (prefix "T") (package *package*))
905 (loop
906 (incf *gentemp-counter*)
907 (let ((name (format nil "~a~d" prefix *gentemp-counter*)))
908 (unless (find-symbol name package) (return (intern name package))))))
910 (defun bit-vector-p (x) nil)
912 ;;;;
914 ;;;; Simple implementation that only allows destructuring required arguents.
915 ;;;; Nothing is done with declarations at this point.
916 ;;;;
918 (export 'destructuring-bind)
920 ;;**** This can probably be made more efficient with little extra work.
921 ;;**** If the compiler optimizes out the apply calls, this work may
922 ;;**** not be worth it. Very complex code could produce deep recursions,
923 ;;**** but most of the time there are only one or two destructuring arguments.
925 (defun do-destructure (ll al body)
926 (cond
927 ((null ll) `(progn (destructure-check-arg ,al t) ,@body))
928 ((and (eq (first ll) '&rest) (null (rest (rest ll))))
929 `(let ((,(second ll) ,al)) ,@body))
930 ((member (first ll) lambda-list-keywords)
931 `(apply #'(lambda ,ll ,@body) ,al))
932 ((consp (first ll))
933 (let ((als (gensym)))
934 `(let ((,als ,al))
935 (destructuring-bind ,(first ll) (first ,als)
936 ,(do-destructure (rest ll) `(rest ,als) body)))))
937 ((and (symbolp (first ll)) (not (null (first ll))))
938 (let ((als (gensym)))
939 `(let* ((,als (destructure-check-arg ,al nil))
940 (,(first ll) (first ,als)))
941 ,(do-destructure (rest ll) `(rest ,als) body))))
942 (t (error "bad formal argument list"))))
945 (defun destructuring-arglist-p (x)
946 (consp
947 (find-if #'(lambda (x) (or (member x lambda-list-keywords) (consp x))) x)))
949 (defun do-destructure (ll al body)
950 (let* ((args (destructure-fix-arglist ll))
951 (farg (first args)))
952 (cond
953 ((null args) `(progn (destructure-check-arg ,al t) ,@body))
954 ((not (destructuring-arglist-p args))
955 `(apply #'(lambda ,args ,@body) ,al))
956 ((consp farg)
957 (let ((asym (gensym)))
958 `(let ((,asym ,al))
959 ,(do-destructure farg
960 `(first ,asym)
961 (list (do-destructure (rest args)
962 `(rest ,asym)
963 body))))))
964 ((and (symbolp farg) (not (null farg)))
965 (let ((asym (gensym)))
966 `(let* ((,asym ,al)
967 (,farg (progn (destructure-check-arg ,asym nil)
968 (first ,asym))))
969 ,(do-destructure (rest args) `(rest ,asym) body))))
970 (t (error "bad formal argument list")))))
972 (defun destructure-check-arg (x toomany)
973 (if toomany
974 (unless (null x) (error "too many arguments"))
975 (unless (consp x) (error "too few arguments")))
978 (defun destructure-fix-arglist (ll)
979 (setf ll (copy-list ll))
980 (let ((last (last ll)))
981 (unless (null (cdr last))
982 (rplacd last (list '&rest (cdr last)))))
983 (let ((p (position '&body ll)))
984 (if p (setf (nth p ll) '&rest)))
987 (defmacro destructuring-bind (args vals &rest body)
988 (do-destructure (destructure-fix-arglist args) vals body))
990 (defmacro destructuring-bind (args vals &rest body)
991 (do-destructure args vals body))
994 ;;;;
996 ;;;;
998 (export '(special-form-p))
1000 (defun special-form-p (x)
1001 (and (symbolp x) (fboundp x) (typep (symbol-function x) 'fsubr)))
1004 ;;;;
1005 ;;;; COMPLEMENT
1006 ;;;;
1008 (export 'complement)
1010 (defun complement (f) #'(lambda (&rest args) (not (apply f args))))
1017 (export '(copy-structure copy-symbol))
1019 (defun copy-structure (struct) (xlisp::%copy-struct struct))
1021 (defun copy-symbol (sym &optional props)
1022 (let ((newsym (make-symbol (copy-seq (symbol-name sym)))))
1023 (when props
1024 (when (boundp sym)
1025 (setf (symbol-value newsym) (symbol-value sym)))
1026 (when (fboundp sym)
1027 (setf (symbol-function newsym) (symbol-function sym)))
1028 (setf (symbol-plist newsym) (copy-list (symbol-plist sym))))
1029 newsym))
1032 ;;;;
1033 ;;;; TAILP and LDIFF
1034 ;;;;
1035 ;;;; Definitions taken from HyperSpec.
1037 (export '(tailp ldiff))
1039 (defun tailp (object list)
1040 (do ((list list (cdr list)))
1041 ((atom list) (eql list object))
1042 (if (eql object list)
1043 (return t))))
1045 (defun ldiff (list object)
1046 (do ((list list (cdr list))
1047 (r '() (cons (car list) r)))
1048 ((atom list)
1049 (if (eql list object) (nreverse r) (nreconc r list)))
1050 (when (eql object list)
1051 (return (nreverse r)))))
1053 ;;;;
1054 ;;;; MEMBER-IF
1055 ;;;;
1057 (export 'member-if)
1059 (defun member-if (pred list &key key)
1060 (loop
1061 (when (null list) (return nil))
1062 (when (funcall pred (if key (funcall key (car list)) (car list)))
1063 (return list))
1064 (pop list)))
1066 ;;;;
1067 ;;;; ISQRT
1068 ;;;;
1070 (export 'isqrt)
1072 ;;**** ckeck this; look into vectorization
1073 (defun isqrt (x)
1074 (if (and (typep x 'integer) (not (minusp x)))
1075 (do* ((est (ash 1 (truncate (integer-length x) 2))
1076 (truncate (+ est est2) 2))
1077 (est2 (truncate x est) (truncate x est)))
1078 ((> 2 (abs (- est est2))) (min est est2)))
1079 (floor (sqrt x))))