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13 <a href="index.html">Common Lisp Quick Reference</a>
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19 <li><a href="index.html">home</a>
20 <li><a href="download.php">download</a>
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23 <li><a href="source.html">source</a>
24 <li><a href="license.html">license</a>
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31 <li><a href="https://developer.berlios.de/projects/clqr/">project page</a>
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35 <h3>LaTeX Source</h3>
36 Download
37 <pre><a href="http://prdownload.berlios.de/clqr/clqr.tar.gz">clqr.tar.gz</a></pre>
38 to get a recent snapshot.
39 <p>
40 Alternatively, you can use <a href="http://bazaar-vcs.org/">Bazaar</a> to get the
41 source tree including history. Say at your command prompt
42 <pre>bzr checkout ftp://anonymous@ftp.berlios.de/pub/clqr/clqr</pre>
44 <pre>bzr checkout http://clqr.berlios.de/clqr</pre>
45 and you will have all there is in a directory called clqr.
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55 &copy; 2008
56 <a href="mailto:trebb@users.berlios.de?subject=CLQR ">
57 Bert Burgemeister
58 </a>
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