Fix asd for cmucl with unicode
[closure-common.git] / package.lisp
1 ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: CL-USER; -*-
2 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 ;;; Title: Generating a sane DEFPACKAGE for RUNES
4 ;;; Created: 1999-05-25
5 ;;; Author: Gilbert Baumann <>
6 ;;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 ;;; (c) copyright 1999,2000 by Gilbert Baumann
9 (in-package :cl-user)
11 (defpackage :runes
12 (:use :cl #-scl :trivial-gray-streams)
13 (:export #:definline
15 ;; runes.lisp
16 #:rune
17 #:rod
18 #:simple-rod
19 #:%rune
20 #:rod-capitalize
21 #:code-rune
22 #:rune-code
23 #:rune-downcase
24 #:rune-upcase
25 #:rod-downcase
26 #:rod-upcase
27 #:white-space-rune-p
28 #:digit-rune-p
29 #:rune=
30 #:rune<=
31 #:rune>=
32 #:rune-equal
33 #:runep
34 #:sloopy-rod-p
35 #:rod=
36 #:rod-equal
37 #:make-rod
38 #:char-rune
39 #:rune-char
40 #:rod-string
41 #:string-rod
42 #:rod-subseq
43 #:rod<
45 ;; xstream.lisp
46 #:xstream
47 #:make-xstream
48 #:make-rod-xstream
49 #:close-xstream
50 #:xstream-p
51 #:read-rune
52 #:peek-rune
53 #:fread-rune
54 #:fpeek-rune
55 #:consume-rune
56 #:unread-rune
57 #:xstream-position
58 #:xstream-line-number
59 #:xstream-column-number
60 #:xstream-plist
61 #:xstream-encoding
62 #:set-to-full-speed
63 #:xstream-name
65 ;; ystream.lisp
66 #:ystream
67 #:ystream-encoding
68 #:find-output-encoding
69 #:close-ystream
70 #:ystream-write-rune
71 #:ystream-write-rod
72 #:ystream-write-escapable-rune
73 #:ystream-write-escapable-rod
74 #:ystream-column
75 #:make-octet-vector-ystream
76 #:make-octet-stream-ystream
77 #:make-rod-ystream
78 #+rune-is-character #:make-character-stream-ystream
79 ;; These don't make too much sense on Unicode-enabled,
80 ;; implementations but for those applications using them anyway,
81 ;; I have commented out the reader conditionals now:
82 ;; #+rune-is-integer
83 #:make-string-ystream/utf8
84 ;; #+rune-is-integer
85 #:make-character-stream-ystream/utf8
86 #:runes-to-utf8/adjustable-string
88 #:rod-to-utf8-string
89 #:utf8-string-to-rod
90 #:make-octet-input-stream))
92 (defpackage :utf8-runes
93 (:use :cl)
94 (:export *utf8-runes-readtable*
95 #:rune #:rod #:simple-rod #:rod-string #:rod= #:make-rod
96 #:string-rod))
98 (defpackage :runes-encoding
99 (:use :cl :runes)
100 (:export
101 #:encoding-error
102 #:find-encoding
103 #:decode-sequence))