added missing .asd file
[closure-common.git] / characters.lisp
1 ;;; copyright (c) 2004 knowledgeTools Int. GmbH
2 ;;; Author of this version: David Lichteblau <>
3 ;;;
4 ;;; derived from runes.lisp, (c) copyright 1998,1999 by Gilbert Baumann
5 ;;;
6 ;;; License: Lisp-LGPL (See file COPYING for details).
7 ;;;
8 ;;; This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 ;;; under the terms of the version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public
10 ;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation, as clarified
11 ;;; by the "Preamble to the Gnu Lesser General Public License" found in
12 ;;; the file COPYING.
13 ;;;
14 ;;; This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 ;;; but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
16 ;;; merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU
17 ;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
18 ;;;
19 ;;; Version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License is in the file
20 ;;; COPYING that was distributed with this file. If it is not present,
21 ;;; you can access it from (until
22 ;;; superseded by a newer version) or write to the Free Software
23 ;;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
25 (in-package :runes)
27 (deftype rune () #-lispworks 'character #+lispworks 'lw:simple-char)
28 (deftype rod () '(vector rune))
29 (deftype simple-rod () '(simple-array rune))
31 (definline rune (rod index)
32 (char rod index))
34 (defun (setf rune) (new rod index)
35 (setf (char rod index) new))
37 (definline %rune (rod index)
38 (aref (the simple-string rod) (the fixnum index)))
40 (definline (setf %rune) (new rod index)
41 (setf (aref (the simple-string rod) (the fixnum index)) new))
43 (defun rod-capitalize (rod)
44 (string-upcase rod))
46 (definline code-rune (x) (code-char x))
47 (definline rune-code (x) (char-code x))
49 (definline rune= (x y)
50 (char= x y))
52 (defun rune-downcase (rune)
53 (char-downcase rune))
55 (definline rune-upcase (rune)
56 (char-upcase rune))
58 (defun rune-upper-case-letter-p (rune)
59 (upper-case-p rune))
61 (defun rune-lower-case-letter-p (rune)
62 (lower-case-p rune))
64 (defun rune-equal (x y)
65 (char-equal x y))
67 (defun rod-downcase (rod)
68 (string-downcase rod))
70 (defun rod-upcase (rod)
71 (string-upcase rod))
73 (definline white-space-rune-p (char)
74 (or (char= char #\tab)
75 (char= char #.(code-char 10)) ;Linefeed
76 (char= char #.(code-char 13)) ;Carriage Return
77 (char= char #\space)))
79 (definline digit-rune-p (char &optional (radix 10))
80 (digit-char-p char radix))
82 (defun rod (x)
83 (cond
84 ((stringp x) x)
85 ((symbolp x) (string x))
86 ((characterp x) (string x))
87 ((vectorp x) (coerce x 'string))
88 ((integerp x) (string (code-char x)))
89 (t (error "Cannot convert ~S to a ~S" x 'rod))))
91 (defun runep (x)
92 (characterp x))
94 (defun sloopy-rod-p (x)
95 (stringp x))
97 (defun rod= (x y)
98 (if (zerop (length x))
99 (zerop (length y))
100 (and (plusp (length y)) (string= x y))))
102 (defun rod-equal (x y)
103 (string-equal x y))
105 (definline make-rod (size)
106 (make-string size :element-type 'rune))
108 (defun char-rune (char)
109 char)
111 (defun rune-char (rune &optional default)
112 (declare (ignore default))
113 rune)
115 (defun rod-string (rod &optional (default-char #\?))
116 (declare (ignore default-char))
117 rod)
119 (defun string-rod (string)
120 string)
122 ;;;;
124 (defun rune<= (rune &rest more-runes)
125 (loop
126 for (a b) on (cons rune more-runes)
127 while b
128 always (char<= a b)))
130 (defun rune>= (rune &rest more-runes)
131 (loop
132 for (a b) on (cons rune more-runes)
133 while b
134 always (char>= a b)))
136 (defun rodp (object)
137 (stringp object))
139 (defun rod-subseq (source start &optional (end (length source)))
140 (unless (stringp source)
141 (error "~S is not of type ~S." source 'rod))
142 (subseq source start end))
144 (defun rod-subseq* (source start &optional (end (length source)))
145 (rod-subseq source start end))
147 (defun rod< (rod1 rod2)
148 (string< rod1 rod2))