First commit : 0.14.0 version (with roadmap in doc instead of
[cloog.git] / source / domain.c
2 /**-------------------------------------------------------------------**
3 ** CLooG **
4 **-------------------------------------------------------------------**
5 ** domain.c **
6 **-------------------------------------------------------------------**
7 ** First version: october 28th 2001 **
8 **-------------------------------------------------------------------**/
11 /******************************************************************************
12 * CLooG : the Chunky Loop Generator (experimental) *
13 ******************************************************************************
14 * *
15 * Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Cedric Bastoul *
16 * *
17 * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the *
18 * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software *
19 * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later *
20 * version. *
21 * *
22 * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but *
23 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY *
24 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License *
25 * for more details. *
26 * *
27 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along *
28 * with software; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
29 * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
30 * *
31 * CLooG, the Chunky Loop Generator *
32 * Written by Cedric Bastoul, *
33 * *
34 ******************************************************************************/
35 /* CAUTION: the english used for comments is probably the worst you ever read,
36 * please feel free to correct and improve it !
40 # include <stdlib.h>
41 # include <stdio.h>
42 # include <ctype.h>
43 # include "../include/cloog/cloog.h"
46 /**
47 * The maximal number of rays allowed to be allocated by PolyLib. In fact since
48 * version 5.20, PolyLib automatically tune the number of rays by multiplying
49 * by 2 this number each time the maximum is reached. For unknown reasons
50 * PolyLib makes a segmentation fault if this number is too small. If this
51 * number is too small, performances will be reduced, if it is too high, memory
52 * will be saturated. Note that the option "-rays X" set this number to X.
54 int MAX_RAYS = 50 ;
57 /******************************************************************************
58 * Memory leaks hunting *
59 ******************************************************************************/
62 /**
63 * These functions and global variables are devoted to memory leaks hunting: we
64 * want to know at each moment how many Polyhedron structures had been allocated
65 * (cloog_domain_allocated) and how many had been freed (cloog_domain_freed).
66 * Each time a Polyhedron structure is allocated, a call to the function
67 * cloog_domain_leak_up() must be carried out, and respectively
68 * cloog_domain_leak_down() when a Polyhedron structure is freed. The special
69 * variable cloog_domain_max gives the maximal number of Polyhedron structures
70 * simultaneously alive (i.e. allocated and non-freed) in memory.
71 * - July 3rd->11th 2003: first version (memory leaks hunt and correction).
75 int cloog_domain_allocated = 0 ;
76 int cloog_domain_freed = 0 ;
77 int cloog_domain_max = 0 ;
80 void cloog_domain_leak_up()
81 { cloog_domain_allocated ++ ;
82 if ((cloog_domain_allocated-cloog_domain_freed) > cloog_domain_max)
83 cloog_domain_max = cloog_domain_allocated - cloog_domain_freed ;
87 void cloog_domain_leak_down()
88 { cloog_domain_freed ++ ;
92 /* The same for Value variables since in GMP mode they have to be freed. */
93 int cloog_value_allocated = 0 ;
94 int cloog_value_freed = 0 ;
95 int cloog_value_max = 0 ;
98 void cloog_value_leak_up()
99 { cloog_value_allocated ++ ;
100 if ((cloog_value_allocated-cloog_value_freed) > cloog_value_max)
101 cloog_value_max = cloog_value_allocated - cloog_value_freed ;
105 void cloog_value_leak_down()
106 { cloog_value_freed ++ ;
110 /******************************************************************************
111 * PolyLib interface *
112 ******************************************************************************/
115 /* CLooG makes an intensive use of polyhedral operations and the PolyLib do
116 * the job. Here are the interfaces to all the PolyLib calls (CLooG uses 19
117 * PolyLib functions), with or without some adaptations. If another polyhedral
118 * library can be used, only these functions have to be changed.
119 * - April 16th 2005: Since PolyLib 5.20, compacting is no more useful and have
120 * been removed. The direct use of the PolyLib's Polyhedron
121 * data structure is also replaced with the CloogDomain data
122 * structure that includes the Polyhedron and an additional
123 * counter on how many pointers point on this structure.
124 * This allows to save memory (cloog_domain_copy now only
125 * increment the counter) while memory leaks are avoided (the
126 * function cloog_domain_free decrements the counter and
127 * actually frees the data structure only when its value
128 * is 0).
133 * cloog_domain_matrix2domain function:
134 * Given a matrix of constraints (matrix), this function constructs and returns
135 * the corresponding domain (i.e. the CloogDomain structure including the
136 * polyhedron with its double representation: constraint matrix and the set of
137 * rays).
139 CloogDomain * cloog_domain_matrix2domain(CloogMatrix * matrix)
140 { return (cloog_domain_alloc(Constraints2Polyhedron(matrix,MAX_RAYS))) ;
145 * cloog_domain_domain2matrix function:
146 * Given a polyhedron (in domain), this function returns its corresponding
147 * matrix of constraints.
149 CloogMatrix * cloog_domain_domain2matrix(CloogDomain * domain)
150 { cloog_matrix_leak_up() ;
151 return Polyhedron2Constraints(domain->polyhedron) ;
156 * cloog_domain_print function:
157 * This function prints the content of a CloogDomain structure (domain) into
158 * a file (foo, possibly stdout).
160 void cloog_domain_print(FILE * foo, CloogDomain * domain)
161 { Polyhedron_Print(foo,P_VALUE_FMT,domain->polyhedron) ;
162 fprintf(foo,"Number of active references: %d\n",domain->references) ;
167 * cloog_polyhedron_print function:
168 * This function prints the content of a Polyhedron structure (polyhedron) into
169 * a file (foo, possibly stdout). Just there as a development facility.
171 void cloog_polyhedron_print(FILE * foo, Polyhedron * polyhedron)
172 { Polyhedron_Print(foo,P_VALUE_FMT,polyhedron) ;
177 * cloog_domain_free function:
178 * This function frees the allocated memory for a CloogDomain structure
179 * (domain). It decrements the number of active references to this structure,
180 * if there are no more references on the structure, it frees it (with the
181 * included list of polyhedra).
183 void cloog_domain_free(CloogDomain * domain)
184 { if (domain != NULL)
185 { domain->references -- ;
187 if (domain->references == 0)
188 { if (domain->polyhedron != NULL)
189 { cloog_domain_leak_down() ;
190 Domain_Free(domain->polyhedron) ;
192 free(domain) ;
199 * cloog_domain_copy function:
200 * This function returns a copy of a CloogDomain structure (domain). To save
201 * memory this is not a memory copy but we increment a counter of active
202 * references inside the structure, then return a pointer to that structure.
204 CloogDomain * cloog_domain_copy(CloogDomain * domain)
205 { domain->references ++ ;
206 return domain ;
211 * cloog_domain_image function:
212 * This function returns a CloogDomain structure such that the included
213 * polyhedral domain is computed from the former one into another
214 * domain according to a given affine mapping function (mapping).
216 CloogDomain * cloog_domain_image(CloogDomain * domain, CloogMatrix * mapping)
217 { return (cloog_domain_alloc(DomainImage(domain->polyhedron,mapping,MAX_RAYS)));
222 * cloog_domain_preimage function:
223 * Given a polyhedral domain (polyhedron) inside a CloogDomain structure and a
224 * mapping function (mapping), this function returns a new CloogDomain structure
225 * with a polyhedral domain which when transformed by mapping function (mapping)
226 * gives (polyhedron).
228 CloogDomain * cloog_domain_preimage(CloogDomain * domain, CloogMatrix * mapping)
229 { return (cloog_domain_alloc(DomainPreimage(domain->polyhedron,
230 mapping,MAX_RAYS))) ;
235 * cloog_domain_convex function:
236 * Given a polyhedral domain (polyhedron), this function concatenates the lists
237 * of rays and lines of the two (or more) polyhedra in the domain into one
238 * combined list, and find the set of constraints which tightly bound all of
239 * those objects. It returns the corresponding polyhedron.
241 CloogDomain * cloog_domain_convex(CloogDomain * domain)
242 { return (cloog_domain_alloc(DomainConvex(domain->polyhedron,MAX_RAYS)));
247 * cloog_domain_simplify function:
248 * Given two polyhedral domains (pol1) and (pol2) inside two CloogDomain
249 * structures, this function finds the largest domain set (or the smallest list
250 * of non-redundant constraints), that when intersected with polyhedral
251 * domain (pol2) equals (Pol1)intersect(Pol2). The output is a new CloogDomain
252 * structure with a polyhedral domain with the "redundant" constraints removed.
253 * NB: this function do not work as expected with unions of polyhedra...
255 CloogDomain * cloog_domain_simplify(CloogDomain * dom1, CloogDomain * dom2)
256 { return (cloog_domain_alloc(DomainSimplify(dom1->polyhedron,
257 dom2->polyhedron,MAX_RAYS))) ;
262 * cloog_domain_union function:
263 * This function returns a new CloogDomain structure including a polyhedral
264 * domain which is the union of two polyhedral domains (pol1) U (pol2) inside
265 * two CloogDomain structures.
267 CloogDomain * cloog_domain_union(CloogDomain * dom1, CloogDomain * dom2)
268 { return (cloog_domain_alloc(DomainUnion(dom1->polyhedron,
269 dom2->polyhedron,MAX_RAYS))) ;
274 * cloog_domain_disjoint function:
275 * This function returns a new CloogDomain structure including a polyhedral
276 * domain represented using union of *disjoint* polyhedra (no intersection
277 * between the different union components).
279 CloogDomain * cloog_domain_disjoint(CloogDomain * dom)
280 { return (cloog_domain_alloc(Disjoint_Domain(dom->polyhedron,0,MAX_RAYS))) ;
285 * cloog_domain_intersection function:
286 * This function returns a new CloogDomain structure including a polyhedral
287 * domain which is the intersection of two polyhedral domains (pol1)inter(pol2)
288 * inside two CloogDomain structures.
290 CloogDomain * cloog_domain_intersection(CloogDomain * dom1, CloogDomain * dom2)
291 { return (cloog_domain_alloc(DomainIntersection(dom1->polyhedron,
292 dom2->polyhedron,MAX_RAYS))) ;
297 * cloog_domain_difference function:
298 * This function returns a new CloogDomain structure including a polyhedral
299 * domain which is the difference of two polyhedral domains domain \ minus
300 * inside two CloogDomain structures.
301 * - November 8th 2001: first version.
303 CloogDomain * cloog_domain_difference(CloogDomain * domain, CloogDomain * minus)
304 { if (cloog_domain_isempty(minus))
305 return(cloog_domain_copy(domain)) ;
306 else
307 return (cloog_domain_alloc(DomainDifference(domain->polyhedron,
308 minus->polyhedron,MAX_RAYS))) ;
313 * cloog_domain_includes function:
314 * This function returns 1 if the polyhedral domain inside 'container' includes
315 * the polyhedral domain inside 'contents', 0 otherwise.
316 * - September 14th 2002: first version.
318 int cloog_domain_includes(CloogDomain * container, CloogDomain * contents)
319 { int is_in ;
320 Polyhedron * p1, * p2 ;
322 for (p1=container->polyhedron; p1; p1=p1->next)
323 { is_in = 0 ;
325 for (p2=contents->polyhedron; p2; p2=p2->next)
326 if (PolyhedronIncludes(p1,p2))
327 { is_in = 1 ;
328 break ;
331 if (!is_in)
332 return 0 ;
335 return 1 ;
340 * cloog_domain_addconstraints function :
341 * This function adds source's polyhedron constraints to target polyhedron: for
342 * each element of the polyhedron inside 'target' (i.e. element of the union
343 * of polyhedra) it adds the constraints of the corresponding element in
344 * 'source'.
345 * - August 10th 2002: first version.
346 * Nota bene for future : it is possible that source and target don't have the
347 * same number of elements (try iftest2 without non-shared constraint
348 * elimination in cloog_loop_separate !). This function is yet another part
349 * of the DomainSimplify patching problem...
351 CloogDomain * cloog_domain_addconstraints(domain_source, domain_target)
352 CloogDomain * domain_source, * domain_target ;
353 { unsigned nb_constraint ;
354 Value * constraints ;
355 Polyhedron * source, * target, * new, * next, * last ;
357 source = domain_source->polyhedron ;
358 target = domain_target->polyhedron ;
360 constraints = source->p_Init ;
361 nb_constraint = source->NbConstraints ;
362 source = source->next ;
363 new = AddConstraints(constraints,nb_constraint,target,MAX_RAYS) ;
364 last = new ;
365 next = target->next ;
367 while (next != NULL)
368 { /* BUG !!! This is actually a bug. I don't know yet how to cleanly avoid
369 * the situation where source and target do not have the same number of
370 * elements. So this 'if' is an awful trick, waiting for better.
372 if (source != NULL)
373 { constraints = source->p_Init ;
374 nb_constraint = source->NbConstraints ;
375 source = source->next ;
377 last->next = AddConstraints(constraints,nb_constraint,next,MAX_RAYS) ;
378 last = last->next ;
379 next = next->next ;
382 return (cloog_domain_alloc(new)) ;
387 * cloog_domain_sort function:
388 * This function topologically sorts (nb_pols) polyhedra. Here (pols) is a an
389 * array of pointers to polyhedra, (nb_pols) is the number of polyhedra,
390 * (level) is the level to consider for partial ordering (nb_par) is the
391 * parameter space dimension, (permut) if not NULL, is an array of (nb_pols)
392 * integers that contains a permutation specification after call in order to
393 * apply the topological sorting.
395 void cloog_domain_sort(pols, nb_pols, level, nb_par, permut)
396 Polyhedron ** pols ;
397 unsigned nb_pols, level, nb_par ;
398 int * permut ;
399 { int * time ;
401 /* time is an array of (nb_pols) integers to store logical time values. We
402 * do not use it, but it is compulsory for PolyhedronTSort.
404 time = (int *)malloc(nb_pols*sizeof(int)) ;
406 /* PolyhedronTSort will fill up permut (and time). */
407 PolyhedronTSort(pols,nb_pols,level,nb_par,time,permut,MAX_RAYS) ;
409 free(time) ;
414 * cloog_domain_empty function:
415 * This function allocates the memory space for a CloogDomain structure and
416 * sets its polyhedron to an empty polyhedron with 'dimension' dimensions.
417 * Then it returns a pointer to the allocated space.
418 * - June 10th 2005: first version.
420 CloogDomain * cloog_domain_empty(int dimension)
421 { return (cloog_domain_alloc(Empty_Polyhedron(dimension))) ;
425 /******************************************************************************
426 * Structure display function *
427 ******************************************************************************/
431 * cloog_domain_print_structure :
432 * this function is a more human-friendly way to display the CloogDomain data
433 * structure, it only shows the constraint system and includes an indentation
434 * level (level) in order to work with others print_structure functions.
435 * Written by Olivier Chorier, Luc Marchaud, Pierre Martin and Romain Tartiere.
436 * - April 24th 2005: Initial version.
437 * - May 26th 2005: Memory leak hunt.
438 * - June 16th 2005: (Ced) Integration in domain.c.
440 void cloog_domain_print_structure(FILE * file, CloogDomain * domain, int level)
441 { int i ;
442 CloogMatrix * matrix ;
444 /* Go to the right level. */
445 for(i=0; i<level; i++)
446 fprintf(file,"|\t") ;
448 if (domain != NULL)
449 { fprintf(file,"+-- CloogDomain\n") ;
451 /* Print the matrix. */
452 matrix = cloog_domain_domain2matrix(domain) ;
453 cloog_matrix_print_structure(file,matrix,level) ;
454 cloog_matrix_free(matrix) ;
456 /* A blank line. */
457 for (i=0; i<level+1; i++)
458 fprintf(file,"|\t") ;
459 fprintf(file,"\n") ;
461 else
462 fprintf(file,"+-- Null CloogDomain\n") ;
468 * cloog_domain_list_print function:
469 * This function prints the content of a CloogDomainList structure into a
470 * file (foo, possibly stdout).
471 * - November 6th 2001: first version.
473 void cloog_domain_list_print(FILE * foo, CloogDomainList * list)
474 { while (list != NULL)
475 { cloog_domain_print(foo,list->domain) ;
476 list = list->next ;
481 /******************************************************************************
482 * Memory deallocation function *
483 ******************************************************************************/
487 * cloog_domain_list_free function:
488 * This function frees the allocated memory for a CloogDomainList structure.
489 * - November 6th 2001: first version.
491 void cloog_domain_list_free(CloogDomainList * list)
492 { CloogDomainList * temp ;
494 while (list != NULL)
495 { temp = list->next ;
496 cloog_domain_free(list->domain) ;
497 free(list) ;
498 list = temp ;
503 /******************************************************************************
504 * Reading function *
505 ******************************************************************************/
509 * cloog_domain_read function:
510 * Adaptation from the PolyLib. This function reads a matrix into a file (foo,
511 * posibly stdin) and returns a pointer to a polyhedron containing the read
512 * information.
513 * - October 18th 2001: first version.
515 CloogDomain * cloog_domain_read(FILE * foo)
516 { CloogMatrix * matrix ;
517 CloogDomain * domain ;
519 matrix = cloog_matrix_read(foo) ;
520 domain = cloog_domain_matrix2domain(matrix) ;
521 cloog_matrix_free(matrix) ;
523 return(domain) ;
528 * cloog_domain_union_read function:
529 * This function reads a union of polyhedra into a file (foo, posibly stdin) and
530 * returns a pointer to a Polyhedron containing the read information.
531 * - September 9th 2002: first version.
532 * - October 29th 2005: (debug) removal of a leak counting "correction" that
533 * was just false since ages.
535 CloogDomain * cloog_domain_union_read(FILE * foo)
536 { int i, nb_components ;
537 char s[MAX_STRING] ;
538 CloogDomain * domain, * temp, * old ;
540 /* domain reading: nb_components (constraint matrices). */
541 while (fgets(s,MAX_STRING,foo) == 0) ;
542 while ((*s=='#' || *s=='\n') || (sscanf(s," %d",&nb_components)<1))
543 fgets(s,MAX_STRING,foo) ;
545 if (nb_components > 0)
546 { /* 1. first part of the polyhedra union, */
547 domain = cloog_domain_read(foo) ;
548 /* 2. and the nexts. */
549 for (i=1;i<nb_components;i++)
550 { /* Leak counting is OK since next allocated domain is freed here. */
551 temp = cloog_domain_read(foo) ;
552 old = domain ;
553 domain = cloog_domain_union(temp,old) ;
554 cloog_domain_free(temp) ;
555 cloog_domain_free(old) ;
557 return domain ;
559 else
560 return NULL ;
565 * cloog_domain_list_read function:
566 * This function reads a list of polyhedra into a file (foo, posibly stdin) and
567 * returns a pointer to a CloogDomainList containing the read information.
568 * - November 6th 2001: first version.
570 CloogDomainList * cloog_domain_list_read(FILE * foo)
571 { int i, nb_pols ;
572 char s[MAX_STRING] ;
573 CloogDomainList * list, * now, * next ;
576 /* We read first the number of polyhedra in the list. */
577 while (fgets(s,MAX_STRING,foo) == 0) ;
578 while ((*s=='#' || *s=='\n') || (sscanf(s," %d",&nb_pols)<1))
579 fgets(s,MAX_STRING,foo) ;
581 /* Then we read the polyhedra. */
582 list = NULL ;
583 if (nb_pols > 0)
584 { list = (CloogDomainList *)malloc(sizeof(CloogDomainList)) ;
585 list->domain = cloog_domain_read(foo) ;
586 list->next = NULL ;
587 now = list ;
588 for (i=1;i<nb_pols;i++)
589 { next = (CloogDomainList *)malloc(sizeof(CloogDomainList)) ;
590 next->domain = cloog_domain_read(foo) ;
591 next->next = NULL ;
592 now->next = next ;
593 now = now->next ;
596 return(list) ;
600 /******************************************************************************
601 * Processing functions *
602 ******************************************************************************/
606 * cloog_domain_malloc function:
607 * This function allocates the memory space for a CloogDomain structure and
608 * sets its fields with default values. Then it returns a pointer to the
609 * allocated space.
610 * - November 21th 2005: first version.
612 CloogDomain * cloog_domain_malloc()
613 { CloogDomain * domain ;
615 domain = (CloogDomain *)malloc(sizeof(CloogDomain)) ;
616 if (domain == NULL)
617 { fprintf(stderr, "[CLooG]ERROR: memory overflow.\n") ;
618 exit(1) ;
620 cloog_domain_leak_up() ;
622 /* We set the various fields with default values. */
623 domain->polyhedron = NULL ;
624 domain->references = 1 ;
626 return domain ;
631 * cloog_domain_alloc function:
632 * This function allocates the memory space for a CloogDomain structure and
633 * sets its fields with those given as input. Then it returns a pointer to the
634 * allocated space.
635 * - April 19th 2005: first version.
636 * - November 21th 2005: cloog_domain_malloc use.
638 CloogDomain * cloog_domain_alloc(Polyhedron * polyhedron)
639 { CloogDomain * domain ;
641 if (polyhedron == NULL)
642 return NULL ;
643 else
644 { domain = cloog_domain_malloc() ;
645 domain->polyhedron = polyhedron ;
647 return domain ;
653 * cloog_domain_isempty function:
654 * This function returns 1 if the polyhedron given as input is empty, 0
655 * otherwise.
656 * - October 28th 2001: first version.
658 int cloog_domain_isempty(CloogDomain * domain)
659 { if (domain->polyhedron == NULL)
660 return 1 ;
662 if (domain->polyhedron->next)
663 return(0) ;
664 return((domain->polyhedron->Dimension < domain->polyhedron->NbEq) ? 1 : 0) ;
669 * cloog_domain_universe function:
670 * This function returns 1 if the polyhedron given as input describe the
671 * universe of its dimension, 0 otherwise. Nb: the NbBid field of a polyhedron
672 * gives the number of bidirectionnal rays.
673 * - November 19th 2001: first version.
675 int cloog_domain_universe(CloogDomain * domain)
676 { if (domain->polyhedron->next)
677 return(0) ;
678 return((domain->polyhedron->Dimension == domain->polyhedron->NbBid) ? 1 : 0) ;
683 * cloog_domain_project function:
684 * From Quillere's LoopGen 0.4. This function returns the projection of
685 * (domain) on the (level) first dimensions (i.e. outer loops). It returns a
686 * pointer to the projected Polyhedron.
687 * - nb_par is the number of parameters.
689 * - October 27th 2001: first version.
690 * - June 21rd 2005: Adaptation for GMP (based on S. Verdoolaege's version of
691 * CLooG 0.12.1).
693 CloogDomain * cloog_domain_project(CloogDomain * domain, int level, int nb_par)
694 { int row, column, nb_rows, nb_columns, difference ;
695 CloogDomain * projected_domain ;
696 CloogMatrix * matrix ;
698 nb_rows = level + nb_par + 1 ;
699 nb_columns = domain->polyhedron->Dimension + 1 ;
700 difference = nb_columns - nb_rows ;
702 if (difference == 0)
703 return(cloog_domain_copy(domain)) ;
705 matrix = cloog_matrix_alloc(nb_rows,nb_columns) ;
707 for (row=0;row<level;row++)
708 for (column=0;column<nb_columns; column++)
709 value_set_si(matrix->p[row][column],(row == column ? 1 : 0)) ;
711 for (;row<nb_rows;row++)
712 for (column=0;column<nb_columns;column++)
713 value_set_si(matrix->p[row][column],(row+difference == column ? 1 : 0)) ;
715 projected_domain = cloog_domain_image(domain,matrix) ;
716 cloog_matrix_free(matrix) ;
718 return(projected_domain) ;
723 * cloog_domain_extend function:
724 * From Quillere's LoopGen 0.4. This function returns the (domain) given as
725 * input with (dim)+(nb_par) dimensions. The new dimensions are added before
726 * the (nb_par) parameters. This function does not free (domain), and returns
727 * a new polyhedron.
728 * - nb_par is the number of parameters.
730 * - October 27th 2001: first version.
731 * - June 21rd 2005: Adaptation for GMP (based on S. Verdoolaege's version of
732 * CLooG 0.12.1).
734 CloogDomain * cloog_domain_extend(CloogDomain * domain, int dim, int nb_par)
735 { int row, column, nb_rows, nb_columns, difference ;
736 CloogDomain * extended_domain ;
737 CloogMatrix * matrix ;
739 nb_rows = 1 + domain->polyhedron->Dimension ;
740 nb_columns = dim + nb_par + 1 ;
741 difference = nb_columns - nb_rows ;
743 if (difference == 0)
744 return(cloog_domain_copy(domain)) ;
746 matrix = cloog_matrix_alloc(nb_rows,nb_columns) ;
748 for (row=0;row<domain->polyhedron->Dimension-nb_par;row++)
749 for (column=0;column<nb_columns;column++)
750 value_set_si(matrix->p[row][column],(row == column ? 1 : 0)) ;
752 for (;row<=domain->polyhedron->Dimension;row++)
753 for (column=0;column<nb_columns;column++)
754 value_set_si(matrix->p[row][column],(row+difference == column ? 1 : 0)) ;
756 extended_domain = cloog_domain_preimage(domain,matrix) ;
757 cloog_matrix_free(matrix) ;
759 return(extended_domain) ;
764 * cloog_domain_never_integral function:
765 * For us, an equality like 3*i -4 = 0 is always false since 4%3 != 0. This
766 * function returns a boolean set to 1 if there is this kind of 'never true'
767 * constraint inside a polyhedron, 0 otherwise.
768 * - domain is the polyhedron to check,
770 * - November 28th 2001: first version.
771 * - June 26th 2003: for iterators, more 'never true' constraints are found
772 * (compare cholesky2 and vivien with a previous version),
773 * checking for the parameters created (compare using vivien).
774 * - June 28th 2003: Previously in loop.c and called
775 * cloog_loop_simplify_nevertrue, now here !
776 * - June 21rd 2005: Adaptation for GMP (based on S. Verdoolaege's version of
777 * CLooG 0.12.1).
778 * - October 14th 2005: Complete rewriting, not faster but code quite shorter.
780 int cloog_domain_never_integral(CloogDomain * domain)
781 { int i, dimension ;
782 Value gcd, modulo ;
783 Polyhedron * polyhedron ;
785 if ((domain == NULL) || (domain->polyhedron == NULL))
786 return 1 ;
788 value_init_c(gcd) ;
789 value_init_c(modulo) ;
790 polyhedron = domain->polyhedron ;
791 dimension = polyhedron->Dimension + 2 ;
793 /* For each constraint... */
794 for (i=0; i<polyhedron->NbConstraints; i++)
795 { /* If we have an equality and the scalar part is not zero... */
796 if (value_zero_p(polyhedron->Constraint[i][0]) &&
797 value_notzero_p(polyhedron->Constraint[i][dimension-1]))
798 { /* Then we check whether the scalar can be divided by the gcd of the
799 * unknown vector (including iterators and parameters) or not. If not,
800 * there is no integer point in the polyhedron and we return 1.
802 Vector_Gcd(&(polyhedron->Constraint[i][1]),dimension-2,&gcd) ;
803 value_modulus(modulo,polyhedron->Constraint[i][dimension-1],gcd) ;
805 if (value_notzero_p(modulo))
806 { value_clear_c(gcd) ;
807 value_clear_c(modulo) ;
808 return 1 ;
813 value_clear_c(gcd) ;
814 value_clear_c(modulo) ;
815 return(0) ;
820 * cloog_domain_stride function:
821 * This function finds the stride imposed to unknown with the column number
822 * 'strided_level' in order to be integral. For instance, if we have a
823 * constraint like -i - 2j + 2k = 0, and we consider k, then k can be integral
824 * only if (i + 2j)%2 = 0. Then only if i%2 = 0. Then k imposes a stride 2 to
825 * the unknown i. The function returns the imposed stride in a parameter field.
826 * - domain is the set of constraint we have to consider,
827 * - strided_level is the column number of the unknown for which a stride have
828 * to be found,
829 * - looking_level is the column number of the unknown that impose a stride to
830 * the first unknown.
831 * - stride is the stride that is returned back as a function parameter.
832 * - offset is the value of the constant c if the condition is of the shape
833 * (i + c)%s = 0, s being the stride.
835 * - June 28th 2003: first version.
836 * - July 14th 2003: can now look for multiple striding constraints and returns
837 * the GCD of the strides and the common offset.
838 * - June 21rd 2005: Adaptation for GMP (based on S. Verdoolaege's version of
839 * CLooG 0.12.1).
841 void cloog_domain_stride(domain, strided_level, nb_par, stride, offset)
842 CloogDomain * domain ;
843 int strided_level, nb_par ;
844 Value * stride, * offset;
845 { int i, j, valid, looking_level, looking_max, dimension ;
846 Value looking_coeff, strided_coeff, ref_offset, potential, constant, tmp ;
847 Polyhedron * polyhedron ;
849 value_init_c(looking_coeff) ;
850 value_init_c(strided_coeff) ;
851 value_init_c(ref_offset) ;
852 value_init_c(potential) ;
853 value_init_c(constant) ;
854 value_init_c(tmp) ;
856 value_set_si(ref_offset,0) ;
857 value_set_si(potential,0) ;
858 value_set_si(*stride,0) ;
860 polyhedron = domain->polyhedron ;
861 dimension = polyhedron->Dimension ;
863 /* Looking for a non-unit stride. */
864 looking_max = dimension - nb_par + 1 ;
865 for (looking_level=strided_level+1;looking_level<looking_max;looking_level++)
866 { for (i=0; i<polyhedron->NbConstraints; i++)
867 { value_assign(strided_coeff, polyhedron->Constraint[i][strided_level]) ;
868 value_assign(looking_coeff, polyhedron->Constraint[i][looking_level]) ;
870 /* A potential interesting constraint is an equality such as the
871 * coefficient of the potentially non-unit strided iterator and the
872 * looking one are not zeros, and such as the looking coefficient do
873 * not divide the strided one.
875 valid = 1 ;
876 if (value_zero_p(polyhedron->Constraint[i][0]) &&
877 value_notzero_p(strided_coeff) &&
878 value_notzero_p(looking_coeff))
879 {value_modulus(tmp, strided_coeff, looking_coeff) ;
880 if (value_notzero_p(tmp))
881 { /* We verify that all the coefficient except the strided and the
882 * looking one give 0 by modulo looking_coef.
884 for (j=1;j<strided_level;j++)
885 { value_modulus(tmp, polyhedron->Constraint[i][j], looking_coeff) ;
886 if (value_notzero_p(tmp))
887 { valid = 0 ;
888 break ;
892 if (valid)
893 for (j=looking_level+1; j<=dimension; j++)
894 { value_modulus(tmp, polyhedron->Constraint[i][j], looking_coeff);
895 if (value_notzero_p(tmp))
896 { valid = 0 ;
897 break ;
901 /* If there is a non-unit stride, we take its absolute value.*/
902 if (valid)
903 { value_assign(constant, polyhedron->Constraint[i][dimension+1]) ;
904 value_modulus(*offset, constant, looking_coeff) ;
906 if (value_pos_p(looking_coeff))
907 value_assign(potential, looking_coeff) ;
908 else
909 value_oppose(potential, looking_coeff) ;
915 /* If a stride was found, we have to verify that the offset and the
916 * stride values are compatible with previous values (offsets must be the
917 * same, and we have to consider the GCD of the strides.
919 if (value_notzero_p(potential))
920 { if (value_notzero_p(*stride))
921 { if (value_ne(*offset, ref_offset))
922 { value_set_si(*offset, 0) ;
923 value_set_si(*stride, 1) ;
924 break ;
926 else
927 Gcd(*stride,potential,stride);/* Gcd(a,b,*result) in polylib/vector.h */
929 else
930 { /* We set the reference values. */
931 value_assign(*stride, potential) ;
932 value_assign(ref_offset, *offset) ;
934 value_set_si(potential, 0) ;
938 /* If no non-unit stride was found, this is because the stride is 1. */
939 if (value_zero_p(*stride))
940 { value_set_si(*offset, 0) ;
941 value_set_si(*stride, 1) ;
944 value_clear_c(looking_coeff) ;
945 value_clear_c(strided_coeff) ;
946 value_clear_c(ref_offset) ;
947 value_clear_c(potential) ;
948 value_clear_c(constant) ;
949 value_clear_c(tmp) ;
951 return ;
956 * cloog_domain_integral_lowerbound function:
957 * This function returns 1 if the lower bound of an iterator (such as its
958 * column rank in the constraint set 'domain' is 'level') is integral,
959 * 0 otherwise. If the lower bound is actually integral, the function fills
960 * the 'lower' field with the lower bound value.
961 * - June 29th 2003: first version.
962 * - June 21rd 2005: Adaptation for GMP (based on S. Verdoolaege's version of
963 * CLooG 0.12.1).
965 int cloog_domain_integral_lowerbound(domain, level, lower)
966 CloogDomain * domain ;
967 int level ;
968 Value * lower ;
969 { int i, first_lower=1, dimension, lower_constraint=-1 ;
970 Value iterator, constant, tmp;
971 Polyhedron * polyhedron ;
973 polyhedron = domain->polyhedron ;
974 dimension = polyhedron->Dimension ;
976 /* We want one and only one lower bound (e.g. no equality, no maximum
977 * calculation...).
979 for (i=0; i<polyhedron->NbConstraints; i++)
980 if (value_zero_p(polyhedron->Constraint[i][0]) &&
981 value_notzero_p(polyhedron->Constraint[i][level]))
982 return 0 ;
984 for (i=0; i<polyhedron->NbConstraints; i++)
985 if (value_pos_p(polyhedron->Constraint[i][level]))
986 { if (first_lower)
987 { first_lower = 0 ;
988 lower_constraint = i ;
990 else
991 return 0 ;
993 if (first_lower)
994 return 0 ;
996 /* We want an integral lower bound: no other non-zero entry except the
997 * iterator coefficient and the constant.
999 for (i=1; i<level; i++)
1000 if (value_notzero_p(polyhedron->Constraint[lower_constraint][i]))
1001 return 0 ;
1002 for (i=level+1; i<=polyhedron->Dimension; i++)
1003 if (value_notzero_p(polyhedron->Constraint[lower_constraint][i]))
1004 return 0 ;
1006 value_init_c(iterator) ;
1007 value_init_c(constant) ;
1008 value_init_c(tmp) ;
1010 /* If all is passed, then find the lower bound and return 1. */
1011 value_assign(iterator, polyhedron->Constraint[lower_constraint][level]) ;
1012 value_oppose(constant, polyhedron->Constraint[lower_constraint][dimension+1]);
1014 value_modulus(tmp, constant, iterator) ;
1015 value_division(*lower, constant, iterator) ;
1017 if (!(value_zero_p(tmp) || value_neg_p(constant)))
1018 value_increment(*lower, *lower) ;
1020 value_clear_c(iterator) ;
1021 value_clear_c(constant) ;
1022 value_clear_c(tmp) ;
1024 return 1 ;
1029 * cloog_domain_lowerbound_update function:
1030 * This function updates the integral lower bound of an iterator (such as its
1031 * column rank in the constraint set 'domain' is 'level') into 'lower'.
1032 * - Jun 29th 2003: first version.
1033 * - June 21rd 2005: Adaptation for GMP (based on S. Verdoolaege's version of
1034 * CLooG 0.12.1).
1036 void cloog_domain_lowerbound_update(domain, level, lower)
1037 CloogDomain * domain ;
1038 int level ;
1039 Value lower ;
1040 { int i ;
1041 Polyhedron * polyhedron ;
1043 polyhedron = domain->polyhedron ;
1045 /* There is only one lower bound, the first one is the good one. */
1046 for (i=0; i<polyhedron->NbConstraints; i++)
1047 if (value_pos_p(polyhedron->Constraint[i][level]))
1048 { value_set_si(polyhedron->Constraint[i][level], 1) ;
1049 value_oppose(polyhedron->Constraint[i][polyhedron->Dimension+1], lower) ;
1050 break ;
1056 * cloog_domain_lazy_equal function:
1057 * This function returns 1 if the domains given as input are the same, 0 if it
1058 * is unable to decide. This function makes an entry-to-entry comparison between
1059 * the constraint systems, if all the entries are the same, the domains are
1060 * obviously the same and it returns 1, at the first difference, it returns 0.
1061 * This is a very fast way to verify this property. It has been shown (with the
1062 * CLooG benchmarks) that operations on equal domains are 17% of all the
1063 * polyhedral computations. For 75% of the actually identical domains, this
1064 * function answer that they are the same and allow to give immediately the
1065 * trivial solution instead of calling the heavy general functions of PolyLib.
1066 * - August 22th 2003: first version.
1067 * - June 21rd 2005: Adaptation for GMP (based on S. Verdoolaege's version of
1068 * CLooG 0.12.1).
1070 int cloog_domain_lazy_equal(CloogDomain * d1, CloogDomain * d2)
1071 { int i, nb_elements ;
1072 Polyhedron * p1, * p2 ;
1074 p1 = d1->polyhedron ;
1075 p2 = d2->polyhedron ;
1077 while ((p1 != NULL) && (p2 != NULL))
1078 { if ((p1->NbConstraints != p2->NbConstraints) ||
1079 (p1->Dimension != p2->Dimension))
1080 return 0 ;
1082 nb_elements = p1->NbConstraints * (p1->Dimension + 2) ;
1084 for (i=0;i<nb_elements;i++)
1085 if (value_ne(p1->p_Init[i], p2->p_Init[i]))
1086 return 0 ;
1088 p1 = p1->next ;
1089 p2 = p2->next ;
1092 if ((p1 != NULL) || (p2 != NULL))
1093 return 0 ;
1095 return 1 ;
1100 * cloog_domain_lazy_block function:
1101 * This function returns 1 if the two domains d1 and d2 given as input are the
1102 * same (possibly except for a dimension equal to a constant where we accept
1103 * a difference of 1) AND if we are sure that there are no other domain in
1104 * the code generation problem that may put integral points between those of
1105 * d1 and d2 (0 otherwise). In fact this function answers the question "can I
1106 * safely consider the two domains as only one with two statements (a block) ?".
1107 * This function is lazy: it asks for very standard scattering representation
1108 * (only one constraint per dimension which is an equality, and the constraints
1109 * are ordered per dimension depth: the left hand side of the constraint matrix
1110 * is the identity) and will answer NO at the very first problem.
1111 * - d1 and d2 are the two domains to check for blocking,
1112 * - scattering is the linked list of all domains,
1113 * - scattdims is the total number of scattering dimentions.
1115 * - April 30th 2005: beginning
1116 * - June 9th 2005: first working version.
1117 * - June 10th 2005: debugging.
1118 * - June 21rd 2005: Adaptation for GMP.
1119 * - October 16th 2005: (debug) some false blocks have been removed.
1121 int cloog_domain_lazy_block(d1, d2, scattering, scattdims)
1122 CloogDomain * d1, * d2 ;
1123 CloogDomainList * scattering ;
1124 int scattdims ;
1125 { int i, j, difference=0, different_constraint=0 ;
1126 Value date1, date2, date3, temp ;
1127 Polyhedron * p1, * p2, * p3 ;
1129 p1 = d1->polyhedron ;
1130 p2 = d2->polyhedron ;
1132 /* Some basic checks: we only accept convex domains, with same constraint
1133 * and dimension numbers.
1135 if ((p1->next != NULL) || (p2->next != NULL) ||
1136 (p1->NbConstraints != p2->NbConstraints) ||
1137 (p1->Dimension != p2->Dimension))
1138 return 0 ;
1140 /* There should be only one difference between the two domains, it
1141 * has to be at the constant level and the difference must be of +1,
1142 * moreover, after the difference all domain coefficient has to be 0.
1143 * The matrix shape is:
1145 * |===========|=====|<- 0 line
1146 * |===========|=====|
1147 * |===========|====?|<- different_constraint line (found here)
1148 * |===========|0000=|
1149 * |===========|0000=|<- pX->NbConstraints line
1150 * ^ ^ ^
1151 * | | |
1152 * | | (pX->Dimension + 2) column
1153 * | scattdims column
1154 * 0 column
1157 value_init_c(temp) ;
1158 for (i=0;i<p1->NbConstraints;i++)
1159 { if (difference == 0)
1160 { /* All elements except scalar must be equal. */
1161 for (j=0;j<(p1->Dimension + 1);j++)
1162 if (value_ne(p1->Constraint[i][j],p2->Constraint[i][j]))
1163 { value_clear_c(temp) ;
1164 return 0 ;
1166 /* The scalar may differ from +1 (now j=(p1->Dimension + 1)). */
1167 if (value_ne(p1->Constraint[i][j],p2->Constraint[i][j]))
1168 { value_increment(temp,p2->Constraint[i][j]) ;
1169 if (value_ne(p1->Constraint[i][j],temp))
1170 { value_clear_c(temp) ;
1171 return 0 ;
1173 else
1174 { difference = 1 ;
1175 different_constraint = i ;
1179 else
1180 { /* Scattering coefficients must be equal. */
1181 for (j=0;j<(scattdims+1);j++)
1182 if (value_ne(p1->Constraint[i][j],p2->Constraint[i][j]))
1183 { value_clear_c(temp) ;
1184 return 0 ;
1187 /* Domain coefficients must be 0. */
1188 for (;j<(p1->Dimension + 1);j++)
1189 if (value_notzero_p(p1->Constraint[i][j]) ||
1190 value_notzero_p(p2->Constraint[i][j]))
1191 { value_clear_c(temp) ;
1192 return 0 ;
1195 /* Scalar must be equal. */
1196 if (value_ne(p1->Constraint[i][j],p2->Constraint[i][j]))
1197 { value_clear_c(temp) ;
1198 return 0 ;
1202 value_clear_c(temp) ;
1204 /* If the domains are exactly the same, this is a block. */
1205 if (difference == 0)
1206 return 1 ;
1208 /* Now a basic check that the constraint with the difference is an
1209 * equality of a dimension with a constant.
1211 for (i=0;i<=different_constraint;i++)
1212 if (value_notzero_p(p1->Constraint[different_constraint][i]))
1213 return 0 ;
1215 if (value_notone_p(p1->Constraint[different_constraint]
1216 [different_constraint+1]))
1217 return 0 ;
1219 for (i=different_constraint+2;i<(p1->Dimension + 1);i++)
1220 if (value_notzero_p(p1->Constraint[different_constraint][i]))
1221 return 0 ;
1223 /* For the moment, d1 and d2 are a block candidate. There remains to check
1224 * that there is no other domain that may put an integral point between
1225 * them. In our lazy test we ensure this property by verifying that the
1226 * constraint matrices have a very strict shape: let us consider that the
1227 * dimension with the difference is d. Then the first d dimensions are
1228 * defined in their depth order using equalities (thus the first column begins
1229 * with d zeroes, there is a d*d identity matrix and a zero-matrix for
1230 * the remaining simensions). If a domain can put integral points between the
1231 * domains of the block candidate, this means that the other entries on the
1232 * first d constraints are equal to those of d1 or d2. Thus we are looking for
1233 * such a constraint system, if it exists d1 and d2 is considered to not be
1234 * a block, it is a bock otherwise.
1236 * 1. Only equalities (for the first different_constraint+1 lines).
1237 * | 2. Must be the identity.
1238 * | | 3. Must be zero.
1239 * | | | 4. Elements are equal, the last one is either date1 or 2.
1240 * | | | |
1241 * | /-\ /---\ /---\
1242 * |0|100|00000|=====|<- 0 line
1243 * |0|010|00000|=====|
1244 * |0|001|00000|====?|<- different_constraint line
1245 * |*|***|*****|*****|
1246 * |*|***|*****|*****|<- pX->NbConstraints line
1247 * ^ ^ ^ ^
1248 * | | | |
1249 * | | | (pX->Dimension + 2) column
1250 * | | scattdims column
1251 * | different_constraint+1 column
1252 * 0 column
1255 /* Step 1 and 2. This is only necessary to check one domain because
1256 * we checked that they are equal on this part before.
1258 for (i=0;i<=different_constraint;i++)
1259 { for (j=0;j<i+1;j++)
1260 if (value_notzero_p(p1->Constraint[i][j]))
1261 return 0 ;
1263 if (value_notone_p(p1->Constraint[i][i+1]))
1264 return 0 ;
1266 for (j=i+2;j<=different_constraint+1;j++)
1267 if (value_notzero_p(p1->Constraint[i][j]))
1268 return 0 ;
1271 /* Step 3. */
1272 for (i=0;i<=different_constraint;i++)
1273 for (j=different_constraint+2;j<=scattdims;j++)
1274 if (value_notzero_p(p1->Constraint[i][j]))
1275 return 0 ;
1277 value_init_c(date1) ;
1278 value_init_c(date2) ;
1279 value_init_c(date3) ;
1281 /* Now we have to check that the two different dates are unique. */
1282 value_assign(date1, p1->Constraint[different_constraint][p1->Dimension + 1]) ;
1283 value_assign(date2, p2->Constraint[different_constraint][p2->Dimension + 1]) ;
1285 /* Step 4. We check all domains except d1 and d2 and we look for at least
1286 * a difference with d1 or d2 on the first different_constraint+1 dimensions.
1288 while (scattering != NULL)
1289 { if ((scattering->domain != d1) && (scattering->domain != d2))
1290 { p3 = scattering->domain->polyhedron ;
1291 value_assign(date3,p3->Constraint[different_constraint][p3->Dimension+1]);
1292 difference = 0 ;
1294 if (value_ne(date3,date2) && value_ne(date3,date1))
1295 difference = 1 ;
1297 for (i=0;(i<different_constraint)&&(!difference);i++)
1298 for (j=0;(j<(p3->Dimension + 2))&&(!difference);j++)
1299 if (value_ne(p1->Constraint[i][j],p3->Constraint[i][j]))
1300 difference = 1 ;
1302 for (j=0;(j<(p3->Dimension + 1))&&(!difference);j++)
1303 if (value_ne(p1->Constraint[different_constraint][j],
1304 p3->Constraint[different_constraint][j]))
1305 difference = 1 ;
1307 if (!difference)
1308 { value_clear_c(date1) ;
1309 value_clear_c(date2) ;
1310 value_clear_c(date3) ;
1311 return 0 ;
1315 scattering = scattering->next ;
1318 value_clear_c(date1) ;
1319 value_clear_c(date2) ;
1320 value_clear_c(date3) ;
1321 return 1 ;
1326 * cloog_domain_lazy_disjoint function:
1327 * This function returns 1 if the domains given as input are disjoint, 0 if it
1328 * is unable to decide. This function finds the unknown with fixed values in
1329 * both domains (on a given constraint, their column entry is not zero and
1330 * only the constant coefficient can be different from zero) and verify that
1331 * their values are the same. If not, the domains are obviously disjoint and
1332 * it returns 1, if there is not such case it returns 0. This is a very fast
1333 * way to verify this property. It has been shown (with the CLooG benchmarks)
1334 * that operations on disjoint domains are 36% of all the polyhedral
1335 * computations. For 94% of the actually identical domains, this
1336 * function answer that they are disjoint and allow to give immediately the
1337 * trivial solution instead of calling the heavy general functions of PolyLib.
1338 * - August 22th 2003: first version.
1339 * - June 21rd 2005: Adaptation for GMP (based on S. Verdoolaege's version of
1340 * CLooG 0.12.1).
1342 int cloog_domain_lazy_disjoint(CloogDomain * d1, CloogDomain * d2)
1343 { int i1, j1, i2, j2, scat_dim ;
1344 Value scat_val ;
1345 Polyhedron * p1, * p2 ;
1347 p1 = d1->polyhedron ;
1348 p2 = d2->polyhedron ;
1350 if ((p1->next != NULL) || (p2->next != NULL))
1351 return 0 ;
1353 value_init_c(scat_val) ;
1355 for (i1=0; i1<p1->NbConstraints; i1++)
1356 { if (value_notzero_p(p1->Constraint[i1][0]))
1357 continue ;
1359 scat_dim = 1 ;
1360 while (value_zero_p(p1->Constraint[i1][scat_dim]) &&
1361 (scat_dim < p1->Dimension))
1362 scat_dim ++ ;
1364 if (value_notone_p(p1->Constraint[i1][scat_dim]))
1365 continue ;
1366 else
1367 { for (j1=scat_dim+1; j1<=p1->Dimension; j1++)
1368 if (value_notzero_p(p1->Constraint[i1][j1]))
1369 break ;
1371 if (j1 != p1->Dimension+1)
1372 continue ;
1374 value_assign(scat_val,p1->Constraint[i1][p1->Dimension+1]) ;
1376 for (i2=0; i2<p2->NbConstraints; i2++)
1377 { for (j2=0;j2<scat_dim;j2++)
1378 if (value_notzero_p(p2->Constraint[i2][j2]))
1379 break ;
1381 if ((j2 != scat_dim) || value_notone_p(p2->Constraint[i2][scat_dim]))
1382 continue ;
1384 for (j2=scat_dim+1; j2<p2->Dimension; j2++)
1385 if (value_notzero_p(p2->Constraint[i2][j2]))
1386 break ;
1388 if (j2 != p2->Dimension)
1389 continue ;
1391 if (value_ne(p2->Constraint[i2][p2->Dimension+1],scat_val))
1392 { value_clear_c(scat_val) ;
1393 return 1 ;
1399 value_clear_c(scat_val) ;
1400 return 0 ;
1405 * cloog_domain_list_lazy_same function:
1406 * This function returns 1 if two domains in the list are the same, 0 if it
1407 * is unable to decide.
1408 * - February 9th 2004: first version.
1410 int cloog_domain_list_lazy_same(CloogDomainList * list)
1411 { /*int i=1, j=1 ;*/
1412 CloogDomainList * current, * next ;
1414 current = list ;
1415 while (current != NULL)
1416 { next = current->next ;
1417 /*j=i+1;*/
1418 while (next != NULL)
1419 { if (cloog_domain_lazy_equal(current->domain,next->domain))
1420 { /*printf("Same domains: %d and %d\n",i,j) ;*/
1421 return 1 ;
1423 /*j++ ;*/
1424 next = next->next ;
1426 /*i++ ;*/
1427 current = current->next ;
1430 return 0 ;
1435 * cloog_domain_grow function:
1436 * This function extend the polyhedron (domain) onto the dimension (level) by a
1437 * step of 1, if (lower) is 1 then the lower bound of the dimension is the same
1438 * minus one, if (lower) is 0 then the upper bound of the dimension is the
1439 * same plus one. This function frees the Polyhedron structure given as input
1440 * and returns the extended one.
1441 * - March 27th 2004: first version.
1442 * - June 21rd 2005: Adaptation for GMP.
1444 CloogDomain * cloog_domain_grow(CloogDomain * domain, int level, int lower)
1445 { int i, scalar_dim ;
1446 CloogMatrix * matrix ;
1447 CloogDomain * grow ;
1449 matrix = cloog_domain_domain2matrix(domain) ;
1450 cloog_domain_free(domain) ;
1451 scalar_dim = matrix->NbColumns - 1 ;
1453 for (i=0;i<matrix->NbRows;i++)
1454 if (value_one_p(matrix->p[i][0]))
1455 { if (((lower == 1) && value_pos_p(matrix->p[i][level])) ||
1456 ((lower == 0) && value_neg_p(matrix->p[i][level])))
1457 value_increment(matrix->p[i][scalar_dim],matrix->p[i][scalar_dim]) ;
1460 grow = cloog_domain_matrix2domain(matrix) ;
1461 cloog_matrix_free(matrix) ;
1462 return grow ;
1467 * Those functions are provided for "object encapsulation", to separate as much
1468 * as possible the inside of the CloogDomain structure from the rest of the
1469 * program, in order to ease the change of polyhedral library. For efficiency
1470 * reasons, they are defined and used as macros in domain.h.
1471 * - April 20th 2005: setting.
1473 Polyhedron * cloog_domain_polyhedron(CloogDomain * domain)
1474 { return domain->polyhedron ;
1477 int cloog_domain_dimension(CloogDomain * domain)
1478 { return domain->polyhedron->Dimension ;
1481 int cloog_domain_nbconstraints(CloogDomain * domain)
1482 { return domain->polyhedron->NbConstraints ;
1485 int cloog_domain_isconvex(CloogDomain * domain)
1486 { return (domain->polyhedron->next == NULL)? 1 : 0 ;
1492 * cloog_domain_cut_first function:
1493 * this function returns a CloogDomain structure with everything except the
1494 * first part of the polyhedra union of the input domain as domain. After a call
1495 * to this function, there remains in the CloogDomain structure provided as
1496 * input only the first part of the original polyhedra union.
1497 * - April 20th 2005: first version, extracted from different part of loop.c.
1499 CloogDomain * cloog_domain_cut_first(CloogDomain * domain)
1500 { CloogDomain * rest ;
1502 if ((domain != NULL) && (domain->polyhedron != NULL))
1503 { rest = cloog_domain_alloc(domain->polyhedron->next) ;
1504 domain->polyhedron->next = NULL ;
1506 else
1507 rest = NULL ;
1509 return rest ;
1514 * cloog_domain_lazy_isscalar function:
1515 * this function returns 1 if the dimension 'dimension' in the domain 'domain'
1516 * is scalar, this means that the only constraint on this dimension must have
1517 * the shape "x.dimension + scalar = 0" with x an integral variable. This
1518 * function is lazy since we only accept x=1 (further calculations are easier
1519 * in this way).
1520 * - June 14th 2005: first version.
1521 * - June 21rd 2005: Adaptation for GMP.
1523 int cloog_domain_lazy_isscalar(CloogDomain * domain, int dimension)
1524 { int i, j ;
1525 Polyhedron * polyhedron ;
1527 polyhedron = domain->polyhedron ;
1528 /* For each constraint... */
1529 for (i=0;i<polyhedron->NbConstraints;i++)
1530 { /* ...if it is concerned by the potentially scalar dimension... */
1531 if (value_notzero_p(polyhedron->Constraint[i][dimension+1]))
1532 { /* ...check that the constraint has the shape "dimension + scalar = 0". */
1533 for (j=0;j<=dimension;j++)
1534 if (value_notzero_p(polyhedron->Constraint[i][j]))
1535 return 0 ;
1537 if (value_notone_p(polyhedron->Constraint[i][dimension+1]))
1538 return 0 ;
1540 for (j=dimension+2;j<(polyhedron->Dimension + 1);j++)
1541 if (value_notzero_p(polyhedron->Constraint[i][j]))
1542 return 0 ;
1546 return 1 ;
1551 * cloog_domain_scalar function:
1552 * when we call this function, we know that "dimension" is a scalar dimension,
1553 * this function finds the scalar value in "domain" and returns it in "value".
1554 * - June 30th 2005: first version.
1556 void cloog_domain_scalar(CloogDomain * domain, int dimension, Value * value)
1557 { int i ;
1558 Polyhedron * polyhedron ;
1560 polyhedron = domain->polyhedron ;
1561 /* For each constraint... */
1562 for (i=0;i<polyhedron->NbConstraints;i++)
1563 { /* ...if it is the equality defining the scalar dimension... */
1564 if (value_notzero_p(polyhedron->Constraint[i][dimension+1]) &&
1565 value_zero_p(polyhedron->Constraint[i][0]))
1566 { /* ...Then send the scalar value. */
1567 value_assign(*value,polyhedron->Constraint[i][polyhedron->Dimension+1]) ;
1568 value_oppose(*value,*value) ;
1569 return ;
1573 /* We should have found a scalar value: if not, there is an error. */
1574 fprintf(stderr, "[CLooG]ERROR: dimension %d is not scalar as expected.\n",
1575 dimension) ;
1576 exit(0) ;
1581 * cloog_domain_erase_dimension function:
1582 * this function returns a CloogDomain structure builds from 'domain' where
1583 * we removed the dimension 'dimension' and every constraint considering this
1584 * dimension. This is not a projection ! Every data concerning the
1585 * considered dimension is simply erased.
1586 * - June 14th 2005: first version.
1587 * - June 21rd 2005: Adaptation for GMP.
1589 CloogDomain * cloog_domain_erase_dimension(CloogDomain * domain, int dimension)
1590 { int i, j, mi, nb_dim ;
1591 CloogMatrix * matrix ;
1592 CloogDomain * erased ;
1593 Polyhedron * polyhedron ;
1595 polyhedron = domain->polyhedron ;
1596 nb_dim = polyhedron->Dimension ;
1598 /* The matrix is one column less and at least one constraint less. */
1599 matrix = cloog_matrix_alloc(polyhedron->NbConstraints-1,nb_dim+1) ;
1601 /* mi is the constraint counter for the matrix. */
1602 mi = 0 ;
1603 for (i=0;i<polyhedron->NbConstraints;i++)
1604 if (value_zero_p(polyhedron->Constraint[i][dimension+1]))
1605 { for (j=0;j<=dimension;j++)
1606 value_assign(matrix->p[mi][j],polyhedron->Constraint[i][j]) ;
1608 for (j=dimension+2;j<nb_dim+2;j++)
1609 value_assign(matrix->p[mi][j-1],polyhedron->Constraint[i][j]) ;
1611 mi ++ ;
1614 erased = cloog_domain_matrix2domain(matrix) ;
1615 cloog_matrix_free(matrix) ;
1617 return erased ;
1622 * To change the order of the part of a polyhedral union, for funny results !
1623 * - September 10th 2005.
1625 void cloog_domain_reverse(CloogDomain * domain)
1626 { Polyhedron * polyhedron, * p, * q ,* r ;
1628 polyhedron = domain->polyhedron ;
1630 if ((polyhedron == NULL)||(polyhedron->next == NULL))
1631 return ;
1633 q = polyhedron->next ;
1634 polyhedron->next = NULL ;
1635 r = q->next ;
1636 q->next = polyhedron ;
1637 while (r != NULL)
1638 { p = q ;
1639 q = r ;
1640 r = r->next ;
1641 q->next = p ;
1643 domain->polyhedron = q ;