Set release date.
[clive.git] / clive
1 #!/usr/bin/env perl
2 # -*- coding: ascii -*-
3 ###########################################################################
4 # clive, the non-interactive video extraction utility
6 # Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Toni Gundogdu <>
8 # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
9 # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
10 # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
19 ###########################################################################
21 use warnings;
22 use strict;
24 use constant VERSION => "2.1.8";
25 use constant MBDIV => 0x100000;
26 use constant SHOWFMT_DEFAULT => qq/%D: "%t" | %mMB/;
28 binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
29 # NOTE: Using "require" instead of "use" causes "Can't locate
30 # auto/WWW/Curl/ in @INC".
31 use WWW::Curl::Easy 4.05;
32 use Getopt::Long qw(:config bundling);
33 use Cwd qw(getcwd);
34 use Config::Tiny;
35 use File::Spec;
36 use Encode;
38 # Non-essential modules: set flags indicating availability
39 my %opted_mods = (Clipboard => 1, Expect => 1, IOPager => 1, ReadKey => 1);
40 eval "use Clipboard"; $opted_mods{Clipboard} = 0 if $@;
41 eval "use IO::Pager"; $opted_mods{IOPager} = 0 if $@;
42 sub exp_continue() {}; # Satisfies: "Bareword "exp_continue" not allowed while"
43 eval "use Expect"; $opted_mods{Expect} = 0 if $@;
44 eval "use Term::ReadKey"; $opted_mods{ReadKey} = 0 if $@;
47 || File::Spec->catfile($ENV{HOME}, ".config/clive");
49 my $CONFIGFILE = File::Spec->catfile($CONFIGDIR, "config");
50 my $CACHEFILE = File::Spec->catfile($CONFIGDIR, "cache");
51 my $RECALLFILE = File::Spec->catfile($CONFIGDIR, "recall");
53 my %opts; # runtime options
54 my @queue; # input URLs
55 my $curl; # curl handle, reused throughout lifespan
56 my $cache_db; # handle to cache BDB
57 my %cache; # handle to cache BDB (tied hash)
58 my $hash; # sha1 hash of the current url used together with %cache
59 my %entry; # multi-purpose hash for caching
60 my $ytube_logged=0; # youtube: whether logged-in
61 my $time_started; # time file transfer started
62 my @exec_files; # holds fnames for --exec
63 my @emit_queue; # videos to be emitted
64 my $logfile; # path to logfile (--output-file, --append-file)
65 my %dp; # dot progress data
66 my %bp; # bar progress data
67 my $workdir=getcwd; # startup workdir
68 my @stream=(0,-1); # 0=stream flag, 1=stream pid
69 my $curr_fpath; # current video output filepath
70 my $recv_sigwinch=0;# whether SIGWINCH was received
71 my $term_width; # current terminal width
73 my %re_hosts = ( # Precompiled regex used to identify the host
74 IsYoutube => qr||i,
75 IsGoogle => qr||i,
76 IsSevenload => qr||i,
77 IsBreak => qr||i,
78 IsLastfm => qr||i,
79 IsLiveleak => qr||i,
80 IsEvisor => qr||i,
81 IsDmotion => qr||i,
84 # Parse config
85 my $c = Config::Tiny->read($CONFIGFILE);
86 %opts = (
87 progress => $c->{_}->{progress},
88 agent => $c->{http}->{agent},
89 proxy => $c->{http}->{proxy},
90 maxspeed => $c->{http}->{maxspeed},
91 minspeed => $c->{http}->{minspeed},
92 format => $c->{output}->{format},
93 savedir => $c->{output}->{savedir},
94 cclass => $c->{output}->{cclass},
95 fnfmt => $c->{output}->{file},
96 showfmt => $c->{output}->{show},
97 ytuser => $c->{youtube}->{user},
98 ytpass => $c->{youtube}->{pass},
99 exec => $c->{commands}->{exec},
100 streamexec => $c->{commands}->{stream},
101 clivepass => $c->{commands}->{clivepass},
104 $opts{clivepass} = $ENV{CLIVEPASS_PATH} unless $opts{clivepass};
105 $opts{progress} = 'bar' unless $opts{progress};
106 $opts{format} = $opts{format} || 'flv';
107 $opts{extract} = 1;
108 $opts{login} = 1;
109 $opts{case} = 1;
111 GetOptions(\%opts,
112 'debug|d', 'help|h', 'overwrite|W', 'savebatch|T=s',
113 'paste|p', 'show|s', 'delete|D', 'clear|C',
114 'continue|c', 'renew|R', 'recall|r', 'format|f=s',
115 'output|o=s', 'append|a=s', 'background|b', 'quiet|q',
116 'grep|g=s', 'agent|U=s', 'proxy|y=s', 'savedir|S=s',
117 'cclass|l=s', 'exec|x=s', 'progress|G=s', 'clivepass|V=s',
118 'stream=i',
119 'version|v' => \&print_version,
120 # Commented out until WWW::Curl is fixed:
121 # 'maxspeed!', 'minspeed!',
122 # Workarounds since $longopt!|$shortopt cannot be used.
123 'no-extract|n' => sub { $opts{extract} = 0 },
124 'no-login|L' => sub { $opts{login} = 0 },
125 'no-proxy|X' => sub { $opts{proxy} = "" },
126 # Workaround for options with dashes. There's likely a better way.
127 'ignore-case|i' => sub { $opts{case} = 0 },
128 'filename-format|N=s' => sub { $opts{fnfmt} = $_[1] },
129 'show-format|H=s' => sub { $opts{showfmt} = $_[1] },
130 'youtube-user|u=s' => sub { $opts{ytuser} = $_[1] },
131 'youtube-pass|t=s' => sub { $opts{ytpass} = $_[1] },
132 'emit-csv|e' => sub { $opts{emitcsv} = 1 },
133 'emit-xml|E' => sub { $opts{emitxml} = 1 },
134 'stream-exec=s' => sub { $opts{streamexec} = $_[1] },
135 'output-video|O=s' => sub { $opts{outputfname} = $_[1] },
136 ) or exit(1);
138 if ($opts{help}) {
139 require Pod::Usage;
140 Pod::Usage::pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 1)
143 main();
146 ## Subroutines: Signal handlers
148 sub handle_sigwinch {
149 # my $sign = shift;
150 $recv_sigwinch = 1;
154 ## Subroutines: Connection
156 sub init_curl {
157 $curl = WWW::Curl::Easy->new;
159 $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $opts{agent} || "Mozilla/5.0");
160 $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
161 $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, 1);
162 $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
163 $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_NOBODY, 0);
165 $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1)
166 if $opts{debug};
168 $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_PROXY, $opts{proxy})
169 if defined $opts{proxy};
171 $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_MAX_RECV_SPEED_LARGE, $opts{maxspeed})
172 if $opts{maxpseed}; # NOTE: No effect. Bug in WWW::Curl::Easy?
174 $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT, $opts{minspeed})
175 if $opts{minspeed}; # Ditto.
178 sub auth_youtube { # Log into Youtube
179 print "[youtube] attempt to login as $opts{ytuser} ..."
180 unless $opts{quiet};
182 my $response = "";
183 open my $fh, ">", \$response;
185 my $login_url = ""
186 ."&username=$opts{ytuser}&password=$opts{ytpass}"
187 ."&action_login=log+in&hl=en-GB";
189 $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_URL, $login_url);
190 $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, ""); # Enable cookies from here on
191 $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_ENCODING, ""); # Supported encodings
192 $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, $fh);
194 my $rc = $curl->perform;
195 my $errmsg;
197 if ( $rc == 0 ) {
198 $response =~ tr{\n}//d;
199 $errmsg = "error: login was incorrect"
200 if $response =~ /your log-in was incorrect/i;
201 $errmsg = "error: check your login password"
202 if $response =~ /check your password/i and !$errmsg;
203 $errmsg = "error: too many login failures, try again later"
204 if $response =~ /too many login failures/i and !$errmsg;
205 } else {
206 $errmsg = "error: ".$curl->strerror($rc)." (http/$rc)";
208 close $fh;
210 print STDERR "\n$errmsg\n" and exit
211 if $errmsg;
213 print "done.\n"
214 unless $opts{quiet};
216 $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_COOKIE, "is_adult="
217 . uc( Digest::SHA::sha1_hex(rand()) ) );
219 $ytube_logged = 1;
223 # Subroutines: Queue
225 sub process_queue {
226 init_curl();
228 require Digest::SHA;
229 require HTML::TokeParser;
230 require URI::Escape;
231 require File::Basename;
232 require POSIX;
234 foreach ( @queue ) {
235 $hash = Digest::SHA::sha1_hex($_);
237 my $errmsg;
238 my ($rc, $rfh, $response) = fetch_page($_);
240 if ( $rc == 0 or $rc == 0xff ) {
241 $rc = $curl->getinfo(CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE)
242 unless $rc == 0xff; # read from cache
244 if ( $rc == 200 or $rc == 0xff ) {
245 if ( !defined( $entry{page_url} ) ) {
246 next if process_page($_, \$response, $rfh) == -1;
248 extract_video() if $entry{xurl};
249 } else {
250 $errmsg = $curl->strerror($rc)." (http/$rc)";
252 } else {
253 $errmsg = $curl->strerror($rc)." (http/$rc)";
255 close $rfh;
257 print STDERR "\nerror: $errmsg\n"
258 if $errmsg;
260 exec_cmd();
261 emit();
264 sub fetch_page {
265 my ($url, $response, $from_cache, $rc) = (shift, "");
266 open my $fh, ">", \$response;
268 # Youtube: login only if both username and password are defined
269 if ( $opts{ytuser} and $opts{ytpass} and $opts{login} ) {
270 auth_youtube()
271 if !$ytube_logged and $url =~ /$re_hosts{IsYoutube}/;
274 if ( $cache{$hash} ) {
275 fetch_entry($hash); # Make sure cached "format" matches with options
276 $from_cache = 1
277 if $opts{format} eq $entry{file_format};
280 $from_cache = 0
281 if $opts{renew};
283 printf "%s $url ...",
284 $from_cache ? "cache" : "fetch"
285 unless $opts{quiet};
287 $rc = 0xff; # flag: read cache entry
289 unless ( $from_cache ) {
290 %entry = ();
291 $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_URL, $url);
292 $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_ENCODING, "");
293 $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, $fh);
294 $rc = $curl->perform;
297 return ($rc, $fh, decode_utf8($response));
300 sub process_page {
301 my ($url, $response_ref, $response_fh) = @_;
303 print "done.\nprocess page ..."
304 unless $opts{quiet};
306 $$response_ref =~ tr{\n}//d;
308 my $p = HTML::TokeParser->new($response_ref);
309 $p->get_tag("title");
310 my $title = $p->get_trimmed_text;
312 my ($xurl, $id);
313 if ( $url =~ /$re_hosts{IsYoutube}/ ) {
314 ($xurl, $id) = handle_youtube($response_ref);
315 } elsif ( $url =~ /$re_hosts{IsGoogle}/ ) {
316 ($xurl, $id) = handle_google($response_ref);
317 } elsif ( $url =~ /$re_hosts{IsSevenload}/ ) {
318 ($xurl, $id) = handle_sevenload($response_ref, $response_fh);
319 } elsif ( $url =~ /$re_hosts{IsBreak}/ ) {
320 ($xurl, $id, $title) = handle_break($response_ref);
321 } elsif ( $url =~ /$re_hosts{IsLiveleak}/ ) {
322 ($xurl, $id) = handle_liveleak($response_ref, $response_fh);
323 } elsif ( $url =~ /$re_hosts{IsEvisor}/ ) {
324 ($xurl, $id) = handle_evisor($response_ref);
325 } elsif ($url =~ /$re_hosts{IsDmotion}/) {
326 ($xurl, $id) = handle_dmotion($response_ref);
328 return -1
329 if !$xurl or !$id or !$title;
331 $title =~ tr{;}//d; # Cache values cannot contain ';'
333 $entry{page_url} = $url;
334 $entry{xurl} = $xurl;
335 $entry{page_title} = $title;
336 $entry{video_id} = $id;
337 $entry{file_format} = $opts{format};
339 return 0;
342 sub query_video_length {
343 my ($content_type, $errmsg);
345 unless ( $entry{file_length} ) {
346 print "done.\nquery length ..."
347 unless $opts{quiet};
349 $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_URL, $entry{xurl});
350 # Do not download: GET => HEAD request.
351 $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_NOBODY, 1);
352 my $rc = $curl->perform;
353 # Reset back: HEAD => GET
354 $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1);
356 $entry{file_length} =
359 $content_type =
360 $entry{file_suffix} =
361 $curl->getinfo(CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE);
363 $rc = $curl->getinfo(CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE);
365 if ( $rc == 200 ) {
366 my $content_ok = 0;
367 if ( $content_type =~ m{video/(.*)} ) {
368 $entry{file_suffix} = $1;
369 if ( $content_type =~ /(.*)-(.*)$/ ) {
370 $entry{file_suffix} = $2;
371 } $content_ok = 1;
372 # Break, Evisor and Metacafe return "text/plain" for Content-Type
373 } elsif ( $content_type =~ m{text/plain} ) {
374 if ( $opts{format} eq "flv" ) {
375 if ( $entry{page_url} =~ /$re_hosts{IsBreak}/
376 or $entry{page_url} =~ /$re_hosts{IsEvisor}/ ) {
377 #or $entry{page_url} =~ /$re_hosts{IsMetacafe}/ ) {
378 $entry{file_suffix} = "flv";
379 $content_ok = 1;
382 # Liveleak returns "flv-application/octet-stream"
383 } elsif ( $content_type =~ m{flv-application/octet-stream} ) {
384 if ( $entry{page_url} =~ /$re_hosts{IsLiveleak}/ ) {
385 if ( $opts{format} eq "flv" ) {
386 $entry{file_suffix} = 'flv';
387 $content_ok = 1;
391 $errmsg = "expected different content-type, "
392 . "received \"$content_type\""
393 unless $content_ok;
394 } else {
395 $errmsg = "server returned http/$rc";
397 } else { # Construct content-type from cache
398 $content_type = "video/$entry{file_suffix}";
401 unless ( $opts{quiet} ) {
402 if ( !$errmsg ) { print "done.\n"; }
403 else { print STDERR "\nerror: $errmsg\n"; }
406 return ($errmsg ? -1:0, $content_type);
409 sub extract_video {
410 my ($rc, $content_type) = query_video_length();
412 return
413 if $rc != 0 or !defined $content_type;
415 my $fn = $opts{outputfname} || title_to_filename($entry{page_title});
416 my $path = File::Spec->catfile($opts{savedir} || $workdir, $fn);
417 my $filemode = ">";
418 my $remaining = $entry{file_length};
419 my $size = -s $path || 0;
420 my $cont_from = 0;
422 save_entry($hash);
424 if ( $size > 0 and !$opts{overwrite} ) {
425 if ( $size == $entry{file_length} and $opts{extract} ) {
426 print STDERR
427 "error: file is already fully retrieved; nothing to do\n";
429 push @exec_files,$path
430 if $opts{exec};
432 return
433 unless $opts{emitcsv} or $opts{emitxml};
435 } elsif ( $size < $entry{file_length} and $opts{continue} ) {
436 $cont_from = $size;
437 $filemode = ">>";
438 $remaining = ($entry{file_length} - $cont_from);
439 } else {
440 ($path,$fn) =
441 newname_if_exists( $opts{savedir} || $workdir, $fn );
445 if ( $opts{emitcsv} or $opts{emitxml} ) {
446 $entry{fn} = $fn;
447 $entry{remaining} = $remaining;
448 $entry{cont_from} = $cont_from;
449 push @emit_queue, {%entry};
450 return;
453 unless ( $opts{quiet} ) {
454 print "file: $fn\n";
455 print "length: $entry{file_length} ";
457 printf"(%.2fMB) ",$entry{file_length}/MBDIV
458 if $entry{file_length};
460 printf "from: %u (left: %u) ", $cont_from, $remaining
461 if $cont_from;
463 printf "[$content_type]"
464 if $content_type;
466 print "\n";
469 my $errmsg;
470 if ( $rc == 0 ) {
471 return
472 unless $opts{extract};
474 if ( open my $fh, "$filemode$path" ) {
475 $curr_fpath = $path;
477 # Disable: encoding, header
478 $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
479 $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_ENCODING, "identity");
480 $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_URL, $entry{xurl});
481 $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, $fh);
483 $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_RESUME_FROM, $cont_from)
484 if $cont_from;
486 unless ( $opts{quiet} ) {
487 $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION, \&progress_callback);
488 $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 0);
489 $time_started = time;
491 # Use 'dot' progress if the output is not a TTY
492 if ( $opts{progress} !~ /^dot/ and $opts{progress} ne 'none' ) {
493 $opts{progress} = 'dot'
494 if ! -t STDOUT or ! -t STDERR;
497 $stream[0] = 0; # reset streaming flag
499 if ( $opts{progress} =~ /^bar/ ) {
500 bar_init($cont_from, $entry{file_length});
501 } elsif ( $opts{progress} =~ /^dot/ ) {
502 dot_init()
506 $rc = $curl->perform;
507 close $fh;
509 if ( $rc == 0 ) {
510 $rc = $curl->getinfo(CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE);
511 if ( $rc == 200 or $rc == 206 ) {
512 if ( $opts{progress} =~ /^bar/ ) { bar_finish() }
513 elsif ( $opts{progress} =~ /^dot/ ) { dot_finish() }
514 waitpid($stream[1],0) if $stream[0];
515 } else {
516 $errmsg = $curl->strerror($rc)." (http/$rc)";
519 else {
520 $errmsg = $curl->strerror($rc)." (http/$rc)";
523 # Reset
524 $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_RESUME_FROM, 0);
525 $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
526 } else {
527 $errmsg = "$path: $!";
529 } else {
530 $errmsg = $curl->strerror($rc)." (http/$rc)";
533 if ( ! $errmsg ) {
534 print "\nclosed http/$rc.\n"
535 unless $opts{quiet};
537 push @exec_files,$path
538 if $opts{exec};
539 } else {
540 print STDERR "\nerror: $errmsg\n";
543 # Disable: progress
544 $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 1);
547 sub get_queue {
548 if ( $opts{recall} and -e $RECALLFILE ) {
549 if ( open my $fh, "<$RECALLFILE" ) {
550 parse_input($_) while ( <$fh> );
551 close $fh;
552 } else {
553 print STDERR "error: $RECALLFILE: $!";
557 if ( $opts{paste} ) {
558 print STDERR "error: Clipboard module not found\n" and exit
559 unless $opted_mods{Clipboard};
560 my $data = Clipboard->paste();
561 if ( $data ) {
562 parse_input($_) foreach split(/\n/,$data);
566 parse_input($_) foreach @ARGV;
567 grep_cache() if $opts{grep};
568 unless ( @queue ) { parse_input($_) while ( <STDIN> ); }
570 if ( open my $fh, ">$RECALLFILE" ) {
571 print $fh "$_\n" foreach @queue;
572 close $fh;
573 } else {
574 print STDERR "error: $RECALLFILE: $!";
577 if ( $opts{savebatch} ) {
578 if ( open my $fh, ">", $opts{savebatch} ) {
579 print $fh "$_\n" foreach @queue;
580 close $fh;
581 } else {
582 print STDERR "error: $opts{savebatch}: $!";
587 sub parse_input {
588 my $url = shift;
590 return if $url =~ /^$/;
591 return if $url =~ /^#/;
593 chomp $url;
595 if ( $url =~ /&srcurl=(.*?)&/ ) { # GVideo: one of many redirects
596 printf "found redirect ...%s\n=> %s\n",
597 (split(/&/,$url))[0],
598 (split(/&/,URI::Escape::uri_unescape($1)))[0]
599 unless $opts{quiet};
600 $url = URI::Escape::uri_unescape($1);
603 # Insert http:// if not found
604 $url = "http://$url"
605 if $url !~ m{^http://}i;
607 # Translate embedded URL to video page URL
608 translate_embed(\$url);
610 # wraps Youtube videos as their own
611 if ( $url =~ /$re_hosts{IsLastfm}/ ) {
612 $url =~ /\+1\-(.+)/;
614 print STDERR "error: nosupport: $url\n" and return -1
615 unless defined($1);
617 $url = "$1";
620 # Remove params from the URL
621 ($url) = split(/&/,$url);
623 foreach my $re ( %re_hosts ) {
624 push @queue,$url and return 0
625 if $url =~ /$re/;
628 print STDERR "error: nosupport: $url\n";
630 return -1;
634 # Subroutines: Video page handlers
636 sub handle_youtube {
637 my ($response_ref, $xurl) = (shift);
639 my %re = (
640 GrabID => qr/"video_id": "(.*?)"/,
641 GrabT => qr/"t": "(.*?)"/
644 my $id = $1 if $$response_ref =~ /$re{GrabID}/;
645 my $t = $1 if $$response_ref =~ /$re{GrabT}/;
647 if ( $id and $t ) {
648 $xurl = "$id&t=$t";
650 my $fmt;
651 if ( $opts{format} eq "mp4" ) { $fmt = 18; }
652 elsif ( $opts{format} eq "3gpp" ) { $fmt = 17; }
653 elsif ( $opts{format} eq "xflv" ) { $fmt = 6; }
655 $xurl .= "&fmt=$fmt"
656 if $fmt;
657 } else {
658 printf STDERR "\nerror: failed to extract &%s\n",
659 $id ? "t"
660 : "video_id";
662 return ($xurl, $id);
665 sub handle_google {
666 my $response_ref = shift;
668 my %re = (
669 #GrabRedirect => qr|lfRedirect\('(.*?)'|,
670 GrabVideoURL => qr|videoUrl\\x3d(.*?)\\x26|,
671 GrabID => qr|docid: '(.*?)'|,
672 GrabMP4 => qr|href="http://vp\.(.*?)"|,
675 #my $redir = $1 if $$response_ref =~ /$re{GrabRedirect}/;
676 my $xurl = URI::Escape::uri_unescape($1)
677 if $$response_ref =~ /$re{GrabVideoURL}/;
679 my $id = $1 if $$response_ref =~ /$re{GrabID}/;
680 my $mp4 = $1 if $$response_ref =~ /$re{GrabMP4}/;
682 # if ( $redir ) {
683 #* http/302 redirects to the actual video hosts again.
684 # Leaving this commented out until they decide to flip it back on
685 # again after some mind-boggling brainstorming.
686 # $redir =~ s{\\x3d}{=};
687 # push @queue, $redir;
688 # print "Found a redirect to another host. Pushed into queue.\n"
689 # unless $opts{quiet};
690 # } else {
691 $xurl = "http://vp.$mp4"
692 if $mp4 and $opts{format} eq "mp4";
694 print STDERR "\nerror: extraction url not found\n"
695 unless $xurl;
697 return ($xurl, $id);
700 sub handle_sevenload {
701 my ($response_ref, $response_fh) = @_;
703 my %re = ( GrabConfigPath => qr|configPath=(.*?)"| );
705 my $conf_path = URI::Escape::uri_unescape($1)
706 if $$response_ref =~ /$re{GrabConfigPath}/;
708 my ($xurl,$id,$errmsg);
709 if ($conf_path) {
710 ($xurl,$id) =
711 fetch_sevenload_configxml($conf_path, $response_fh);
712 } else {
713 $errmsg = "configPath not found";
715 $errmsg = "item id not found" if !$errmsg && !$id;
716 $errmsg = "extraction url not found" if !$errmsg && !$xurl;
717 print STDERR "\nerror: $errmsg\n" if $errmsg;
718 return ($xurl,$id);
721 sub handle_break {
722 my $response_ref = shift;
724 my %re = (
725 GrabTitle => qr|id="vid_title" content="(.*?)"|,
726 GrabID => qr|ContentID='(.*?)'|,
727 GrabFilePath => qr|ContentFilePath='(.*?)'|,
728 GrabFileName => qr|FileName='(.*?)'|
731 my $title = $1 if $$response_ref =~ /$re{GrabTitle}/;
732 my $id = $1 if $$response_ref =~ /$re{GrabID}/;
733 my $fpath = $1 if $$response_ref =~ /$re{GrabFilePath}/;
734 my $fname = $1 if $$response_ref =~ /$re{GrabFileName}/;
736 my ($xurl, $errmsg);
737 if ( $fpath and $fname ) {
738 $xurl = "$fpath/$fname.flv";
739 } else {
740 $errmsg = "failed to extract ContentFilePath"
741 if !$fpath;
743 $errmsg = "failed to extract FileName"
744 if !$fname and !$errmsg;
747 $errmsg = "failed to extract title"
748 if !$title and !$errmsg;
750 $errmsg = "failed to extract id"
751 if !$id and !$errmsg;
753 print STDERR "\nerror: $errmsg\n"
754 if $errmsg;
756 return ($xurl, $id, $title);
759 sub handle_liveleak {
760 my ($response_ref, $response_fh) = @_;
762 my %re = (
763 GrabID => qr|token=(.*?)&|,
764 GrabConfigURL => qr|'config','(.*?)'|,
767 my $id = $1
768 if $$response_ref =~ /$re{GrabID}/;
770 my $conf_url = URI::Escape::uri_unescape($1)
771 if $$response_ref =~ /$re{GrabConfigURL}/;
773 my ($xurl,$errmsg);
774 if ( $conf_url ) {
775 $xurl = fetch_liveleak_config($conf_url);
776 # Re-enable: header, reset WRITEDATA, the above overrides the
777 # original settings.
778 $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
779 $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, $response_fh);
780 } else {
781 $errmsg = "config url not found";
784 $errmsg = "id not found" if !$id && !$errmsg;
785 print "error: $errmsg\n" if $errmsg;
787 return ($xurl, $id);
790 sub handle_evisor {
791 my $respr = shift;
793 my %re = (
794 GrabXurl => qr|file=(.*?)"|,
795 GrabID => qr|.+/(.*?).flv|,
798 my ($xurl, $id, $errmsg);
800 $xurl = $1
801 if $$respr =~ /$re{GrabXurl}/;
803 $id = $1
804 if $xurl and $xurl =~ /$re{GrabID}/;
806 $errmsg = "video extraction url not found"
807 unless $xurl;
809 $errmsg = "video id not found"
810 unless $id and !$errmsg;
812 print STDERR "error: $errmsg\n"
813 if $errmsg;
815 return ($xurl, $id);
818 sub handle_dmotion {
819 my $resp = shift;
821 my %re = (
822 GrabID => qr|swf%2F(.*?)"|,
823 GrabPaths => qr|"video", "(.*?)"|
826 my ($id,@paths);
827 $id = $1 if $$resp =~ /$re{GrabID}/;
828 my $paths = URI::Escape::uri_unescape($1)
829 if $$resp =~ /$re{GrabPaths}/;
831 use constant ADDR => "";
833 my $xurl;
834 if ($id && $paths) {
835 foreach (split(/\|\|/,$paths)) {
836 my ($path,$type) = split(/@@/,$_);
837 if ($type eq "spark") { # same as regular flv
838 $xurl = ADDR.$path;
840 if ($type eq $opts{format}) {
841 $xurl = ADDR.$path;
842 last;
847 my $errmsg;
848 $errmsg = "id not found" if !$id;
849 $errmsg = "paths not found" if !$paths && !$errmsg;
850 $errmsg = "failed to construct xurl" if !$xurl && !$errmsg;
852 print STDERR "\nerror: $errmsg\n"
853 if $errmsg;
855 return ($xurl,$id);
859 # Subroutines: Progress
860 # NOTE: the 'dot' progress copies much from wget.
862 sub progress_callback {
863 my $percent = 0;
865 if ( $opts{progress} =~ /^dot/ ) { $percent = dot_update(@_); }
866 elsif ( $opts{progress} =~ /^bar/ ) { $percent = bar_update(@_); }
868 if ($opts{stream}
869 && $opts{streamexec}
870 && !$stream[0])
872 fork_streamer() if $percent >= $opts{stream};
874 return 0;
877 sub dot_init {
878 $dp{dots} = 0;
879 $dp{rows} = 0;
880 $dp{dlthen} = 0;
881 $dp{accum} = 0;
883 # Default style
884 $dp{dot_bytes} = 1024;
885 $dp{dot_spacing} = 10;
886 $dp{dots_in_line} = 50;
888 my ($type,$style) = split(/:/,$opts{progress});
890 if ( $style ) {
891 if ( $style eq 'binary' ) {
892 $dp{dot_bytes} = 8192;
893 $dp{dot_spacing} = 16;
894 $dp{dots_in_line} = 48;
895 } elsif ( $style eq 'mega' ) {
896 $dp{dot_bytes} = 65536;
897 $dp{dot_spacing} = 8;
898 $dp{dots_in_line} = 48;
903 sub dot_update {
904 my ($clientp, $dltotal, $dlnow, $ultotal, $ulnow) = @_;
906 my ($percent, $elapsed, $rate, $eta) =
907 calc_progress($dlnow, $dltotal);
909 return 0
910 if $elapsed < 1.0;
912 my $row_bytes = $dp{dot_bytes} * $dp{dots_in_line};
914 $dp{accum} += $dlnow - $dp{dlthen};
915 $dp{dlthen} = $dlnow;
917 for (; $dp{accum} >= $dp{dot_bytes}; $dp{accum} -= $dp{dot_bytes}) {
919 printf "\n%6dK", $dp{rows} * $row_bytes / 1024
920 if $dp{dots} == 0;
922 print " "
923 if $dp{dots} % $dp{dot_spacing} == 0;
925 ++$dp{dots};
926 print ".";
928 if ( $dp{dots} >= $dp{dots_in_line} ) {
929 ++$dp{rows};
930 $dp{dots} = 0;
932 dot_print_row_stats($percent, $elapsed, $eta, $rate, 0);
935 return $percent;
938 sub dot_finish {
939 return if $opts{quiet};
941 my $row_bytes = $dp{dot_bytes} * $dp{dots_in_line};
943 printf "\n%6dK", $dp{rows} * $row_bytes / 1024
944 if $dp{dots} == 0;
946 for (my $i=$dp{dots}; $i<$dp{dots_in_line}; $i++) {
947 print " "
948 if $i % $dp{dot_spacing} == 0;
950 print " ";
953 my $elapsed = time - $time_started;
954 my $eta = time2str($elapsed, 1);
955 my $rate = $entry{file_length} / $elapsed;
957 dot_print_row_stats(100, $elapsed, $eta, $rate, 1);
960 sub dot_print_row_stats {
961 my ($percent, $elapsed, $eta, $rate, $last) = @_;
962 my ($unit,$_rate) = get_units($rate);
964 printf "%3d%% %4.1f%s", $percent, $_rate, $unit;
965 printf "%s%s", $last ? "=":" ", $eta;
968 use constant DEFAULT_TERM_WIDTH => 80;
970 sub get_term_width {
972 unless $opted_mods{ReadKey};
973 my ($width) = GetTerminalSize();
974 return $width;
977 sub bar_init {
978 my ($initial, $total) = @_;
980 $total = $initial
981 if $initial > $total;
983 $term_width = get_term_width();
985 $bp{initial} = $initial; # bytes dl previously
986 $bp{total} = $total; # expected bytes
987 $bp{width} = DEFAULT_TERM_WIDTH-1;
988 $bp{started} = time;
989 $bp{lastupd} = 0;
990 $bp{done} = 0;
993 use constant REFRESH_INTERVAL => 0.2;
995 sub bar_update {
996 my ($clientp, $total, $now, $ultotal, $ulnow) = @_;
998 my $force_update = 0;
999 if ($recv_sigwinch) {
1000 my $old_width = $term_width;
1001 $term_width = get_term_width();
1002 if ($term_width != $old_width) {
1003 $bp{width} = $term_width - 1;
1004 $force_update = 1;
1006 $recv_sigwinch = 0;
1009 my $tnow = time;
1010 my $elapsed = $tnow - $bp{started};
1012 if (!$bp{done}) {
1013 return 0
1014 if ( ($elapsed - $bp{lastupd}) < REFRESH_INTERVAL
1015 && !$force_update)
1016 } else {
1017 $now = $bp{total};
1020 $bp{lastupd} = $elapsed;
1021 my $size = $bp{initial} + $now;
1023 my $fname_len = 32;
1024 if ($bp{width} > DEFAULT_TERM_WIDTH) {
1025 $fname_len += $bp{width} - DEFAULT_TERM_WIDTH;
1028 my $buffer =
1029 substr(File::Basename::basename($curr_fpath), 0, $fname_len);
1031 my $percent = 0;
1032 if ($bp{total} > 0) {
1033 my $_size = !$bp{done} ? $size:$now;
1034 $percent = 100.0 * $size / $bp{total};
1035 if ($percent < 100) {
1036 $buffer .= sprintf(" %2d%% ", $percent);
1037 } else {
1038 $buffer .= sprintf(" 100%%");
1040 $buffer .= sprintf(" %4.1fM / %4.1fM",
1041 $_size/MBDIV, $bp{total}/MBDIV);
1044 my $rate = $elapsed ? ($now/$elapsed):0;
1045 my $tmp = "";
1046 if ($rate > 0) {
1047 my $eta;
1048 if (!$bp{done}) {
1049 my $left = ($total-$now)/$rate;
1050 $eta = time2str($left);
1051 } else {
1052 $eta = time2str($elapsed);
1054 my ($unit,$_rate) = get_units($rate);
1055 $tmp = sprintf(" %4.1f%s %6s", $_rate, $unit, $eta);
1056 } else {
1057 $tmp = " --.-K/s --:--";
1060 # pad to max. width leaving enough space for rate+eta
1061 my $pad = $bp{width} - length($tmp) - length($buffer);
1062 $buffer .= sprintf("%${pad}s"," ");
1063 $buffer .= $tmp; # append rate+eta
1065 printf("\r%s",$buffer);
1066 $bp{count} = $now;
1068 return $percent;
1071 sub bar_finish {
1072 return if $opts{quiet};
1074 if ( $bp{total} > 0
1075 && $bp{count} + $bp{initial} > $bp{total} ) {
1076 $bp{total} = $bp{initial} + $bp{count};
1079 $bp{done} = 1;
1080 bar_update(-1,-1,-1,-1,-1);
1083 sub calc_progress {
1084 my ($dlnow, $dltotal, $elapsed) = @_;
1086 my $percent = 0;
1088 $percent = int ($dlnow / $dltotal * 100)
1089 if $dltotal;
1091 $elapsed = time - $time_started
1092 unless $elapsed;
1094 my $eta = '--:--';
1095 my $rate = 0;
1097 $rate = $dlnow / $elapsed
1098 if $elapsed;
1100 if ( $rate > 0 ) {
1101 my $left = ( $dltotal - $dlnow ) / $rate;
1102 $eta = time2str($left);
1105 return ($percent, $elapsed, $rate, $eta);
1108 sub time2str {
1109 my ($secs) = @_;
1111 my $str;
1112 if ( $secs < 100 ) {
1113 $str = sprintf("%ds", $secs);
1114 } elsif ( $secs < 100 * 60 ) {
1115 $str = sprintf("%dm%ds", $secs / 60, $secs % 60);
1116 } elsif ( $secs < 48 * 3600) {
1117 $str = sprintf("%dh%dm", $secs / 3600, ($secs / 60) % 60);
1118 } elsif ( $secs < 100 * 86400) {
1119 $str = sprintf("%dd%dh", $secs / 86400, ($secs / 3600) % 60);
1120 } else {
1121 $str = sprintf("%dd", $secs / 86400);
1123 return $str;
1126 sub get_units {
1127 my ($rate) = @_;
1128 my @units = qw|K/s M/s G/s|;
1130 my $i = 0;
1131 if ($rate < 1024*1024) {
1132 $rate /= 1024;
1133 } elsif ($rate < 1024*1024) {
1134 $rate /= 1024*1024;
1135 $i = 1;
1136 } elsif ($rate < 1024*1024*1024) {
1137 $rate /= 1024*1024*1024;
1138 $i = 2;
1140 return ($units[$i],$rate);
1144 # Subroutines: LittleHelpers
1146 sub main {
1147 $SIG{WINCH} = \&handle_sigwinch;
1148 init_cache();
1150 if ( $opts{clear} ) { clear_cache(); }
1151 elsif ( $opts{show} ) { show_cache(); }
1153 verify_exec();
1155 grab_clivepass();
1156 get_queue();
1158 select STDERR; $| = 1; # => unbuffered
1159 select STDOUT; $| = 1;
1161 daemonize()
1162 if $opts{background};
1164 process_queue();
1166 free_cache();
1169 sub grab_clivepass {
1170 # TODO: Supports only Youtube. Expand to support other websites as needed.
1171 return
1172 unless $opts{login} and $opts{ytuser} and $opts{ytpass} eq "-";
1174 print STDERR "error: no path to clivepass, use --clivepass\n" and exit
1175 unless $opts{clivepass};
1177 print STDERR "error: Expect module not found\n" and exit
1178 unless $opted_mods{Expect};
1180 my $phrase;
1181 $phrase = getpass("Enter passphrase for clivepass: ")
1182 while ( ! $phrase );
1184 my $e = Expect->new;
1185 $e->log_stdout(0);
1186 $e->spawn($opts{clivepass}, "-g", $opts{ytuser})
1187 or print STDERR "error: could not spawn: $!\n" and exit;
1189 my ($spawned, $pwd);
1190 $e->expect(10, [
1191 qr'Enter passphrase: $',
1192 sub {
1193 my $fh = shift;
1194 $fh->send("$phrase\n");
1195 $spawned = 1;
1196 exp_continue;
1199 [ eof => sub {
1200 if ( $spawned ) {
1201 my $fh = shift;
1202 $pwd = $fh->before();
1203 if ( $pwd =~ /error: (.*?)$/ ) {
1204 print STDERR "clivepass: error: $1\n";
1205 exit;
1206 } else {
1207 $pwd = $1 if ( $pwd =~ /login: $opts{ytuser}=(.*?)$/ );
1209 } else {
1210 print STDERR "error: could not spawn $opts{clivepass}\n";
1211 exit;
1214 [ timeout => sub {
1215 print STDERR "error: clivepass: expect timed out\n";
1216 exit;
1217 }]);
1219 $opts{ytpass} = $pwd;
1222 sub getpass {
1223 system "stty -echo";
1224 print shift;
1225 chomp(my $pwd = <STDIN>);
1226 print "\n";
1227 system "stty echo";
1228 return $pwd;
1231 sub daemonize {
1232 $logfile = $opts{append}
1233 || $opts{output}
1234 || File::Spec->catfile( $workdir, "clive-log" );
1236 my $pid = fork;
1237 if ( $pid < 0 ) {
1238 print STDERR "\nerror: fork failed: $!";
1239 exit 1;
1240 } elsif ( $pid != 0 ) {
1241 print "continuing in background, pid $pid.\n";
1242 print "output will be written to $logfile.\n"
1243 unless $opts{quiet};
1244 exit 0;
1247 chdir $workdir;
1249 my $mode = $opts{append} ? ">>" : ">";
1250 $logfile = "/dev/null" if $opts{quiet};
1252 open STDOUT, "$mode", "$logfile"
1253 or die "error: cannot redirect STDOUT: $!";
1255 open STDERR, ">&STDOUT"
1256 or die "error: cannot dup STDOUT: $!";
1259 sub fork_streamer {
1260 $stream[0] = 1; # set flag
1261 my $child = fork;
1263 if ($child < 0) {
1264 print STDERR "error: fork failed: $!\n";
1265 } elsif ($child == 0) {
1266 my $cmd = $opts{streamexec};
1267 $cmd =~ s/%i/"$curr_fpath"/g;
1268 system("$cmd");
1269 exit(0);
1272 $stream[1] = $child;
1275 sub fetch_liveleak_playlist {
1276 my $playlist_url = shift;
1278 print "done.\nfetch playlist xspf ..."
1279 unless $opts{quiet};
1281 my $playlist = "";
1282 open my $fh, ">", \$playlist;
1284 $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_URL, $playlist_url);
1285 $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, $fh);
1287 my $rc = $curl->perform;
1288 close $fh;
1290 my ($xurl,$errmsg);
1291 if ( $rc == 0 ) {
1292 # NOTE: XML::XSPF exists in CPAN but this should work just as well.
1293 # Parsing with XML::Simple results in errors due unescaped values.
1294 $playlist =~ tr{\n}//d;
1295 $xurl = $1
1296 if $playlist =~ /<location>(.*?)<\/location>/;
1297 } else {
1298 $errmsg = $curl->strerror($rc). " (http/$rc)";
1301 $errmsg = "location tag not found" if !$xurl && !$errmsg;
1302 print STDERR "\nerror: $errmsg\n" if $errmsg;
1304 return $xurl;
1307 sub fetch_liveleak_config {
1308 my $config_url = shift;
1310 print "done.\nfetch config xml ..."
1311 unless $opts{quiet};
1313 my $config = "";
1314 open my $fh, ">", \$config;
1316 # Disable: header
1317 $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
1318 $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_URL, $config_url);
1319 $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, $fh);
1321 my $rc = $curl->perform;
1322 close $fh;
1324 my ($xurl,$errmsg);
1325 if ( $rc == 0 ) {
1326 if ($config =~ /<file>(.*?)<\/file>/) {
1327 $xurl = fetch_liveleak_playlist($1)
1328 } else {
1329 $errmsg = "playlist url not found";
1331 } else {
1332 $errmsg = $curl->strerror($rc). " (http/$rc)\n";
1335 print STDERR "\nerror: $errmsg\n" if $errmsg;
1337 return $xurl;
1340 sub fetch_sevenload_configxml {
1341 my ($conf_url, $response_fh) = @_;
1343 print "done.\nfetch config xml..."
1344 unless $opts{quiet};
1346 my $conf_xml = "";
1347 open my $conf_fh, ">", \$conf_xml;
1349 # Disable: header
1350 $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
1351 $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_URL, $conf_url);
1352 $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, $conf_fh);
1354 my $rc = $curl->perform;
1355 close $conf_fh;
1357 # Re-enable: header
1358 $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
1359 $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, $response_fh);
1361 my ($xurl,$id);
1362 if ( $rc == 0 ) {
1363 my %re = (
1364 GrabXurl => qr|<location seeking="yes">(.*?)</location>|,
1365 GrabID => qr|item id="(.*?)"|,
1367 $id = $1
1368 if $conf_xml =~ /$re{GrabID}/;
1369 $xurl = $1
1370 if $conf_xml =~ /$re{GrabXurl}/;
1371 } else {
1372 print STDERR
1373 "\nerror: " .$curl->strerror($rc). " (http/$rc)\n";
1375 return ($xurl,$id);
1378 sub title_to_filename {
1379 my $title = shift;
1381 $title =~ s/(youtube|video||sevenload|dailymotion)//gi;
1382 $title =~ s/^\s+//;
1383 $title =~ s/\s+$//;
1385 my $r = $opts{cclass} || qr|\w|;
1386 $title = join('',$title =~ /$r/g);
1388 # Courtesy of:
1389 #
1390 my ($scheme, $authority, $path, $query, $fragment) =
1391 m{(?:([^:/?#]+):)?(?://([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?}o;
1392 # Extract the domain from the URL.
1393 my @a = split(/\./,$authority);
1395 my $fn = $opts{fnfmt} || "%t_%d_%i.%s";
1396 my $timestamp = POSIX::strftime("%F %T",localtime);
1398 my %h = (
1399 "%t" => $title,
1400 "%s" => $entry{file_suffix},
1401 "%d" => $a[scalar @a-2], # Without the TLD.
1402 "%i" => $entry{video_id},
1403 "%D" => (split(/ /,$timestamp))[0],
1404 "%T" => (split(/ /,$timestamp))[1],
1405 "%S" => $timestamp,
1408 my $m = join('|',keys %h);
1409 $fn =~ s/($m)/$h{$1}/ig;
1411 return $fn;
1414 sub newname_if_exists {
1415 my ($path, $orig, $new) = (shift, shift);
1417 for ( my $i=1;; $i++ ) {
1418 $new = File::Spec->catfile( $path, "$orig.$i" );
1419 last if ! -e $new;
1422 my ($vol, $dir, $fn) = File::Spec->splitpath($new);
1423 return ($new, $fn);
1426 sub format_show {
1427 my $s = shift;
1428 my %e = map_entry(shift);
1430 my $t = $opted_mods{IOPager}
1431 ? $e{page_title}
1432 : decode_utf8($e{page_title});
1434 my %h = (
1435 "%t" => $t,
1436 "%i" => $e{video_id},
1437 "%l" => $e{file_length},
1438 "%m" => sprintf("%.2f", $e{file_length}/MBDIV),
1439 "%u" => $e{page_url},
1440 "%x" => $e{xurl},
1441 "%D" => (split(/ /,$e{time_stamp}))[0],
1442 "%T" => (split(/ /,$e{time_stamp}))[1],
1443 "%S" => $e{time_stamp},
1446 my $m = join('|',keys %h);
1447 $s =~ s/($m)/$h{$1}/ig;
1449 return $s;
1452 sub init_cache {
1453 require File::Path;
1454 File::Path::mkpath([$CONFIGDIR], 0, 0700);
1455 require BerkeleyDB;
1456 $cache_db = tie %cache, "BerkeleyDB::Hash",
1457 -Filename => $CACHEFILE,
1458 -Flags => BerkeleyDB->DB_CREATE
1459 or die "error: cannot open $CACHEFILE: $!\n";
1462 sub show_cache {
1463 IO::Pager->new(*STDOUT)
1464 if $opted_mods{IOPager};
1466 my $fmt = $opts{showfmt} || SHOWFMT_DEFAULT;
1467 my @entries = ();
1469 require Digest::SHA;
1471 if ( $opts{grep} ) {
1472 grep_cache(); # Stores matches => @queue
1473 push @entries, format_show( $fmt, Digest::SHA::sha1_hex($_) )
1474 foreach ( @queue );
1475 } else {
1476 push @entries, format_show( $fmt, $_ )
1477 foreach ( sort keys %cache );
1480 print STDOUT "$_\n"
1481 foreach sort @entries;
1483 close STDOUT
1484 if $opted_mods{IOPager};
1486 if ( $opts{grep} and $opts{delete} and scalar @queue > 0 ) {
1487 print "Confirm delete (y/N):";
1488 $_ = lc <STDIN>;
1489 chomp;
1490 if ( lc $_ eq "y" ) {
1491 delete $cache{Digest::SHA::sha1_hex($_)}
1492 foreach ( @queue );
1495 exit;
1498 sub clear_cache {
1499 unlink $CACHEFILE if -e $CACHEFILE;
1500 exit;
1503 sub free_cache {
1504 undef $cache_db;
1505 untie %cache;
1508 sub map_entry {
1509 my $key = shift;
1510 my @values = split(/;/,$cache{$key});
1512 my @keys = qw(
1513 file_suffix file_length file_format page_title
1514 page_url time_stamp video_id xurl
1515 ); # Order matters. See also save_entry.
1517 my $i = 0;
1518 return map { $_ => $values[$i++] } @keys;
1521 sub fetch_entry {
1522 %entry = map_entry($hash);
1523 $entry{page_title} = decode_utf8($entry{page_title});
1524 #while (my ($key, $value) = each(%entry)) { print "$key => $value\n"; } die;
1527 sub save_entry {
1528 my @values;
1530 $entry{time_stamp} = POSIX::strftime("%F %T",localtime);
1532 push @values,$entry{$_}
1533 foreach sort keys %entry;
1535 $cache{$hash} = join(';',@values);
1536 $cache_db->db_sync();
1539 sub grep_cache {
1540 my $g =
1541 $opts{case} ? qr|$opts{grep}|
1542 : qr|$opts{grep}|i;
1544 my $fmt = $opts{showfmt} || SHOWFMT_DEFAULT;
1546 foreach ( sort keys %cache ) {
1547 my @e = split(/;/,$cache{$_});
1548 if ( grep /$g/, @e ) {
1549 if ( $opts{delete} ) {
1550 if ( $opts{show} ) { push @queue,$e[4]; }
1551 else { delete $cache{$_}; }
1553 else { push @queue,$e[4]; } # 4=URL
1556 exit
1557 if $opts{delete} and not $opts{show};
1560 sub translate_embed {
1561 my ($url) = @_;
1562 $$url =~ s!/v/!/watch?v=!i; # youtube
1563 $$url =~ s!googleplayer.swf!videoplay!i; # googlevideo
1564 $$url =~ s!/pl/!/videos/!i; # sevenload
1565 $$url =~ s!/e/!/view?i=!i; # liveleak
1568 sub verify_exec {
1569 return if !$opts{exec};
1570 if ($opts{exec} !~ /[;+]$/) {
1571 print "error: --exec expression must be terminated "
1572 . "by either ';' or '+'\n";
1573 exit;
1577 sub exec_cmd {
1578 return if !$opts{exec};
1579 if ($opts{exec} =~ /;$/) { # semi
1580 foreach (@exec_files) {
1581 my $cmd = $opts{exec};
1582 $cmd =~ s/%i/"$_"/g;
1583 $cmd =~ tr{;}//d;
1584 system("$cmd");
1586 } else { # plus
1587 my $cmd = sprintf("%s ",$opts{exec});
1588 $cmd =~ s/%i//g;
1589 $cmd =~ tr{+}//d;
1590 $cmd .= sprintf('"%s" ',$_)
1591 foreach (@exec_files);
1592 system("$cmd");
1596 sub emit {
1597 print "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<queue>\n"
1598 if $opts{emitxml} and @emit_queue;
1600 require URI::Escape;
1602 foreach ( @emit_queue ) {
1603 if ( $opts{emitxml} ) {
1604 print " <video>\n";
1605 while ( my ($key,$value) = each (%$_) ) {
1606 $value = URI::Escape::uri_escape($value)
1607 if $key eq 'xurl' or $key eq 'page_url';
1608 print " <$key>$value</$key>\n";
1610 print " </video>\n";
1611 } elsif ( $opts{emitcsv} ) {
1612 printf qq/csv:"%s","%s","%s","%.2fMB",/
1613 . qq/"%s","%s","%s","%s","%s","%s"\n/,
1614 $_->{page_url}, $_->{xurl}, $_->{fn},
1615 $_->{file_length}/MBDIV, $_->{file_length},
1616 $_->{video_id}, $_->{time_stamp}, $_->{page_title},
1617 $_->{cont_from}, $_->{remaining};
1620 print "</queue>\n"
1621 if $opts{emitxml} and @emit_queue;
1624 sub print_version {
1625 my $perl_v = sprintf("--with-perl=%vd-%s",$^V,$^O);
1626 my $str = sprintf("clive %s. "
1627 . "Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Toni Gundogdu "
1628 . "<legatvs\>.\n",VERSION);
1629 $str .= "$perl_v ";
1630 my $i = 0;
1631 while (my ($key,$value) = each(%opted_mods)) {
1632 $str .= sprintf("--with-$key=%s ",$value ? "yes":"no");
1633 $str .= "\n" if (++$i % 2 == 0);
1635 $str .= "clive is licensed under the ISC license which is functionally\n"
1636 . "equivalent to the 2-clause BSD licence.\n"
1637 . "\tReport bugs to <>.\n";
1638 print "$str";
1639 exit;
1642 __END__
1644 =head1 SYNOPSIS
1646 clive [options]... [URL]...
1648 =head1 OPTIONS
1650 -h, --help print help and exit
1651 -v, --version print version and exit
1652 -b, --background go to background after startup
1653 -e, --emit-csv emit video details as csv to stdout
1654 -E, --emit-xml emit video details as csv to stdout
1655 -V, --clivepass=PATH path to clivepass
1656 HTTP Options:
1657 -U, --agent=STRING identify as STRING to http server
1658 -y, --proxy=ADDR use ADDR for http proxy
1659 -X, --no-proxy do not use http proxy
1660 Cache Options:
1661 -R, --renew renew cache entry for visited url
1662 -s, --show dump cache entries to stdout
1663 -H, --show-format=STRING format dumped cache entries
1664 -g, --grep=PATTERN grep cache entries for PATTERN
1665 -i, --ignore-case ignore case-differences with --grep
1666 -D, --delete delete matched entries from cache
1667 -C, --clear clear cache of all entries
1668 Logging and Input Options:
1669 -o, --output=LOGFILE log messages to LOGFILE
1670 -a, --append=LOGFILE append to LOGFILE
1671 -d, --debug print libcurl debug messages
1672 -q, --quiet turn off all output
1673 -r, --recall recall last url batch
1674 -T, --savebatch=FILE save url batch to FILE
1675 -p, --paste paste input from clipboard
1676 Download Options:
1677 -O, --output-video=FNAME write video to file
1678 -n, --no-extract do not extract any videos
1679 -c, --continue continue partially downloaded file
1680 -W, --overwrite overwrite existing video file
1681 -G, --progress=TYPE use progress indicator TYPE
1682 -u, --youtube-user=UNAME youtube username
1683 -t, --youtube-pass=PASSW youtube password
1684 -L, --no-login do not log into youtube
1685 -S, --savedir=DIR save video files to DIR
1686 -f, --format=FORMAT extract video FORMAT
1687 -l, --cclass=CLASS use CLASS to filter titles
1688 -N, --filename-format=STR use STR to construct output filename
1689 -x, --exec=COMMAND execute COMMAND subsequently
1690 --stream-exec=COMMAND stream COMMAND to be executed
1691 --stream=PERCENT execute stream command when transfer reaches %