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16 <h1>Release notes for <tt>checker-XXX</tt> builds</h1>
18 <h4 id="checker_254">checker-254</h4>
20 <p><b>built:</b> January 27, 2011<br>
21 <b>download:</b> <a href="/checker/checker-254.tar.bz2">checker-254.tar.bz2</a></p>
22 <p><b>highlights:</b></p>
24 <ul>
25 <li>Introduces new <tt>-init</tt> method checker to check if a super class's init method is properly called.</li>
26 <li>Objective-C retain/release checker now reasons about calls to property accessor methods (setter/getter).</li>
27 <li>Introduces new attribute <a href="annotations.html#attr_ns_consumes_self">ns_consumes_self</a> to educate the Objective-C retain/release checker about custom &quot;init-like&quot; methods that do not follow the standard Cocoa naming conventions.</li>
28 <li>Introduces new attributes <a href="annotations.html#attr_ns_consumed">ns_consumed</a> and <a href="annotations.html#attr_cf_consumed">cf_consumed</a> to educate the Objective-C retain/release checker about methods/functions that decrement the reference count of a parameter.</li>
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