Update analyzer build.
[clang.git] / test / CodeGen / x86_64-arguments.c
1 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-unknown-unknown -emit-llvm -o - %s| FileCheck %s
2 #include <stdarg.h>
4 // CHECK: %0 = type { i64, double }
6 // CHECK: define signext i8 @f0()
7 char f0(void) {
8 return 0;
11 // CHECK: define signext i16 @f1()
12 short f1(void) {
13 return 0;
16 // CHECK: define i32 @f2()
17 int f2(void) {
18 return 0;
21 // CHECK: define float @f3()
22 float f3(void) {
23 return 0;
26 // CHECK: define double @f4()
27 double f4(void) {
28 return 0;
31 // CHECK: define x86_fp80 @f5()
32 long double f5(void) {
33 return 0;
36 // CHECK: define void @f6(i8 signext %a0, i16 signext %a1, i32 %a2, i64 %a3, i8* %a4)
37 void f6(char a0, short a1, int a2, long long a3, void *a4) {
40 // CHECK: define void @f7(i32 %a0)
41 typedef enum { A, B, C } e7;
42 void f7(e7 a0) {
45 // Test merging/passing of upper eightbyte with X87 class.
47 // CHECK: define %0 @f8_1()
48 // CHECK: define void @f8_2(i64 %a0.coerce0, double %a0.coerce1)
49 union u8 {
50 long double a;
51 int b;
53 union u8 f8_1() { while (1) {} }
54 void f8_2(union u8 a0) {}
56 // CHECK: define i64 @f9()
57 struct s9 { int a; int b; int : 0; } f9(void) { while (1) {} }
59 // CHECK: define void @f10(i64 %a0.coerce)
60 struct s10 { int a; int b; int : 0; };
61 void f10(struct s10 a0) {}
63 // CHECK: define void @f11(%struct.s19* sret %agg.result)
64 union { long double a; float b; } f11() { while (1) {} }
66 // CHECK: define i32 @f12_0()
67 // CHECK: define void @f12_1(i32 %a0.coerce)
68 struct s12 { int a __attribute__((aligned(16))); };
69 struct s12 f12_0(void) { while (1) {} }
70 void f12_1(struct s12 a0) {}
72 // Check that sret parameter is accounted for when checking available integer
73 // registers.
74 // CHECK: define void @f13(%struct.s13_0* sret %agg.result, i32 %a, i32 %b, i32 %c, i32 %d, {{.*}}* byval %e, i32 %f)
76 struct s13_0 { long long f0[3]; };
77 struct s13_1 { long long f0[2]; };
78 struct s13_0 f13(int a, int b, int c, int d,
79 struct s13_1 e, int f) { while (1) {} }
81 // CHECK: define void @f14({{.*}}, i8 signext %X)
82 void f14(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, char X) {}
84 // CHECK: define void @f15({{.*}}, i8* %X)
85 void f15(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f, void *X) {}
87 // CHECK: define void @f16({{.*}}, float %X)
88 void f16(float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f, float g, float h,
89 float X) {}
91 // CHECK: define void @f17({{.*}}, x86_fp80 %X)
92 void f17(float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f, float g, float h,
93 long double X) {}
95 // Check for valid coercion. The struct should be passed/returned as i32, not
96 // as i64 for better code quality.
97 // rdar://8135035
98 // CHECK: define void @f18(i32 %a, i32 %f18_arg1.coerce)
99 struct f18_s0 { int f0; };
100 void f18(int a, struct f18_s0 f18_arg1) { while (1) {} }
102 // Check byval alignment.
104 // CHECK: define void @f19(%struct.s19* byval align 16 %x)
105 struct s19 {
106 long double a;
108 void f19(struct s19 x) {}
110 // CHECK: define void @f20(%struct.s20* byval align 32 %x)
111 struct __attribute__((aligned(32))) s20 {
112 int x;
113 int y;
115 void f20(struct s20 x) {}
117 struct StringRef {
118 long x;
119 const char *Ptr;
122 // rdar://7375902
123 // CHECK: define i8* @f21(i64 %S.coerce0, i8* %S.coerce1)
124 const char *f21(struct StringRef S) { return S.x+S.Ptr; }
126 // PR7567
127 typedef __attribute__ ((aligned(16))) struct f22s { unsigned long long x[2]; } L;
128 void f22(L x, L y) { }
129 // CHECK: @f22
130 // CHECK: %x = alloca{{.*}}, align 16
131 // CHECK: %y = alloca{{.*}}, align 16
135 // PR7714
136 struct f23S {
137 short f0;
138 unsigned f1;
139 int f2;
143 void f23(int A, struct f23S B) {
144 // CHECK: define void @f23(i32 %A, i64 %B.coerce0, i32 %B.coerce1)
147 struct f24s { long a; int b; };
149 struct f23S f24(struct f23S *X, struct f24s *P2) {
150 return *X;
152 // CHECK: define %struct.f24s @f24(%struct.f23S* %X, %struct.f24s* %P2)
155 // rdar://8248065
156 typedef float v4f32 __attribute__((__vector_size__(16)));
157 v4f32 f25(v4f32 X) {
158 // CHECK: define <4 x float> @f25(<4 x float> %X)
159 // CHECK-NOT: alloca
160 // CHECK: alloca <4 x float>
161 // CHECK-NOT: alloca
162 // CHECK: store <4 x float> %X, <4 x float>*
163 // CHECK-NOT: store
164 // CHECK: ret <4 x float>
165 return X+X;
168 struct foo26 {
169 int *X;
170 float *Y;
173 struct foo26 f26(struct foo26 *P) {
174 // CHECK: define %struct.foo26 @f26(%struct.foo26* %P)
175 return *P;
179 struct v4f32wrapper {
180 v4f32 v;
183 struct v4f32wrapper f27(struct v4f32wrapper X) {
184 // CHECK: define <4 x float> @f27(<4 x float> %X.coerce)
185 return X;
188 // rdar://5711709
189 struct f28c {
190 double x;
191 int y;
193 void f28(struct f28c C) {
194 // CHECK: define void @f28(double %C.coerce0, i32 %C.coerce1)
197 struct f29a {
198 struct c {
199 double x;
200 int y;
201 } x[1];
204 void f29a(struct f29a A) {
205 // CHECK: define void @f29a(double %A.coerce0, i32 %A.coerce1)
208 // rdar://8249586
209 struct S0 { char f0[8]; char f2; char f3; char f4; };
210 void f30(struct S0 p_4) {
211 // CHECK: define void @f30(i64 %p_4.coerce0, i24 %p_4.coerce1)
214 // Pass the third element as a float when followed by tail padding.
215 // rdar://8251384
216 struct f31foo { float a, b, c; };
217 float f31(struct f31foo X) {
218 // CHECK: define float @f31(<2 x float> %X.coerce0, float %X.coerce1)
219 return X.c;
222 _Complex float f32(_Complex float A, _Complex float B) {
223 // rdar://6379669
224 // CHECK: define <2 x float> @f32(<2 x float> %A.coerce, <2 x float> %B.coerce)
225 return A+B;
229 // rdar://8357396
230 struct f33s { long x; float c,d; };
232 void f33(va_list X) {
233 va_arg(X, struct f33s);
236 typedef unsigned long long v1i64 __attribute__((__vector_size__(8)));
238 // rdar://8359248
239 // CHECK: define i64 @f34(i64 %arg.coerce)
240 v1i64 f34(v1i64 arg) { return arg; }
243 // rdar://8358475
244 // CHECK: define i64 @f35(i64 %arg.coerce)
245 typedef unsigned long v1i64_2 __attribute__((__vector_size__(8)));
246 v1i64_2 f35(v1i64_2 arg) { return arg+arg; }