Non-blocking ops now raise error-again when op can't be performed
[cl-zmq.git] / meta.lisp
1 (in-package :cl-zmq)
3 (defclass zmq (standard-class) ())
5 (defmethod validate-superclass ((obj zmq) (obj1 standard-class)) t)
7 (defvar *zmq-slot-readers* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
8 (defvar *zmq-slot-writers* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
10 (defmethod slot-value-using-class ((class zmq) inst slot)
11 (if (string= (string-upcase (slot-definition-name slot)) "RAW")
12 (call-next-method class inst)
13 (funcall (gethash (cons (class-name class) (slot-definition-name slot))
14 *zmq-slot-readers*)
15 inst)))
17 (defmethod (setf slot-value-using-class) (new (class zmq) inst slot)
18 (if (string= (string-upcase (slot-definition-name slot)) "RAW")
19 (call-next-method new class inst)
20 (funcall (gethash (cons (class-name class) (slot-definition-name slot))
21 *zmq-slot-writers*)
22 new inst)))
24 (defmacro define-wrapper (class-and-type supers &optional slots)
25 (destructuring-bind (class-name &optional (struct-type class-name))
26 (cffi::ensure-list class-and-type)
27 (let ((slots (or slots (cffi::foreign-slot-names struct-type)))
28 (raw-accessor (cffi::format-symbol t "~A-RAW" class-name)))
29 `(progn
30 (defclass ,class-name ,supers
31 (,@(loop for slot in slots collect
32 `(,slot))
33 (raw :accessor ,raw-accessor))
34 (:metaclass zmq))
36 ,@(loop for slot in slots
37 for slot-name = (cffi::format-symbol t "~A-~A" class-name slot)
38 for slot-type = (cffi::slot-type (cffi::get-slot-info class-name slot))
39 collect
40 `(defun ,slot-name (inst)
41 ,(if (or (eq slot-type :char) (eq slot-type :uchar))
42 `(convert-from-foreign
43 (foreign-slot-value (,raw-accessor inst) ',class-name ',slot) :string)
44 (if (cffi::aggregatep (cffi::parse-type slot-type))
45 `(make-instance ',slot-type
46 :pointer (foreign-slot-value (,raw-accessor inst) ',class-name ',slot))
47 `(foreign-slot-value (,raw-accessor inst) ',class-name ',slot))))
48 collect
49 `(setf (gethash (cons ',class-name ',slot) *zmq-slot-readers*)
50 (fdefinition ',slot-name))
52 collect
53 `(defun (setf ,slot-name) (new inst)
54 (setf (foreign-slot-value (,raw-accessor inst) ',class-name ',slot)
55 (convert-to-foreign new ',slot-type)))
56 collect
57 `(setf (gethash (cons ',class-name ',slot) *zmq-slot-writers*)
58 (fdefinition '(setf ,slot-name))))
60 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((inst ,class-name) &key pointer finalizer)
61 (let ((obj (or pointer (foreign-alloc ',class-name))))
62 (setf (,raw-accessor inst) obj)
63 (when finalizer
64 (tg:finalize inst (lambda () (funcall finalizer obj))))
65 (unless pointer
66 (tg:finalize inst (lambda () (foreign-free obj))))))
67 ',class-name))))
69 (defmacro def-c-struct (name &rest args)
70 "Define cffi struct and generate wrapper"
71 `(progn
72 (defcstruct ,name
73 ,@args)
74 (define-wrapper ,name ())))
76 (define-condition error-again (error)
77 ((argument :reader error-again :initarg :argument))
78 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
79 (write-string (convert-from-foreign
80 (%strerror (error-again condition))
81 :string)
82 stream))))
84 (defmacro defcfun* (name-and-options return-type &body args)
85 (let* ((c-name (car name-and-options))
86 (l-name (cadr name-and-options))
87 (n-name (cffi::format-symbol t "%~A" l-name))
88 (name (list c-name n-name))
90 (docstring (when (stringp (car args)) (pop args)))
91 (ret (gensym)))
92 (loop with opt
93 for i in args
94 unless (consp i) do (setq opt t)
95 else
96 collect i into args*
97 and if (not opt) collect (car i) into names
98 else collect (car i) into opts
99 and collect (list (car i) 0) into opts-init
101 finally (return
102 `(progn
103 (defcfun ,name ,return-type
104 ,@args*)
106 (defun ,l-name (,@names &optional ,@opts-init)
107 ,docstring
108 (let ((,ret (,n-name ,@names ,@opts)))
109 (if ,(if (eq return-type :pointer)
110 `(zerop (pointer-address ,ret))
111 `(not (zerop ,ret)))
112 (cond
113 ((eq *errno* isys:eagain) (error 'error-again :argument *errno*))
114 (t (error (convert-from-foreign (%strerror *errno*) :string))))
115 ,ret))))))))