Wrap functions with optional arguments
[cl-zmq.git] / zmq.lisp
1 (in-package :cl-zmq)
3 (defcvar "errno" :int)
5 (defmacro defcfun* (name-and-options return-type &body args)
6 (let* ((c-name (car name-and-options))
7 (l-name (cadr name-and-options))
8 (n-name (cffi::format-symbol t "%~A" l-name))
9 (name (list c-name n-name))
11 (docstring (when (stringp (car args)) (pop args)))
12 (ret (gensym)))
13 (loop with opt
14 for i in args
15 unless (consp i) do (setq opt t)
16 else
17 collect i into args*
18 and if (not opt) collect (car i) into names
19 else collect (car i) into opts
20 and collect (list (car i) 0) into opts-init
21 end
22 finally (return
23 `(progn
24 (defcfun ,name ,return-type
25 ,@args*)
27 (defun ,l-name (,@names &optional ,@opts-init)
28 ,docstring
29 (let ((,ret (,n-name ,@names ,@opts)))
30 (when ,(if (eq return-type :pointer)
31 `(zerop (pointer-address ,ret))
32 `(not (zerop ,ret)))
33 (error (convert-from-foreign (%strerror *errno*) :string)))
34 ,ret)))))))
36 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
37 ;; 0MQ errors.
38 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
40 (defconstant hausnumero 156384712
41 "A number random anough not to collide with different errno ranges on
42 different OSes. The assumption is that error_t is at least 32-bit type.")
44 ;; On Windows platform some of the standard POSIX errnos are not defined.
45 ;; #ifndef ENOTSUP
46 ;; #define ENOTSUP (ZMQ_HAUSNUMERO + 1)
47 ;; #endif
50 ;; #endif
52 ;; Native 0MQ error codes.
53 (defconstant emthread (+ hausnumero 50))
54 (defconstant efsm (+ hausnumero 51))
55 (defconstant enocompatproto (+ hausnumero 52))
57 (defcfun ("zmq_strerror" %strerror) :pointer
58 "Resolves system errors and 0MQ errors to human-readable string."
59 (errnum :int))
61 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
62 ;; 0MQ message definition.
63 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
65 (defconstant max-vsm-size 30
66 "Maximal size of \"Very Small Message\". VSMs are passed by value
67 to avoid excessive memory allocation/deallocation.
68 If VMSs larger than 255 bytes are required, type of 'vsm_size'
69 field in zmq_msg_t structure should be modified accordingly.")
71 ;; Message types. These integers may be stored in 'content' member of the
72 ;; message instead of regular pointer to the data.
73 (defconstant delimiter 31)
74 (defconstant vsm 32)
76 (defcstruct msg
77 "A message. if 'shared' is true, message content pointed to by 'content'
78 is shared, i.e. reference counting is used to manage its lifetime
79 rather than straighforward malloc/free. struct zmq_msg_content is
80 not declared in the api."
81 (content :pointer)
82 (shared :uchar)
83 (vsm-size :uchar)
84 (vsm-data :uchar :count 30)) ;; FIXME max-vsm-size
86 (defcfun ("zmq_msg_init" msg-init) :int
87 "Initialise an empty message (zero bytes long)."
88 (msg msg))
90 (defcfun* ("zmq_msg_init_size" msg-init-size) :int
91 "Initialise a message 'size' bytes long.
93 Errors: ENOMEM - the size is too large to allocate."
94 (msg msg)
95 (size :long))
97 ;;typedef void (zmq_free_fn) (void *data);
98 (defcfun ("zmq_msg_init_data" msg-init-data) :int
99 "Initialise a message from an existing buffer. Message isn't copied,
100 instead 0MQ infrastructure takes ownership of the buffer and
101 deallocation function (ffn) will be called once the data are not
102 needed anymore. Note that deallocation function prototype is designed
103 so that it complies with standard C 'free' function."
104 (msg msg)
105 (data :pointer)
106 (size :long)
107 (ffn :pointer)) ; zmq_free_fn
109 (defcfun ("zmq_msg_close" msg-close) :int
110 "Deallocate the message."
111 (msg msg))
113 (defcfun ("zmq_msg_move" msg-move) :int
114 "Move the content of the message from 'src' to 'dest'. The content isn't
115 copied, just moved. 'src' is an empty message after the call. Original
116 content of 'dest' message is deallocated."
117 (dest msg)
118 (src msg))
120 (defcfun ("zmq_msg_copy" msg-copy) :int
121 "Copy the 'src' message to 'dest'. The content isn't copied, instead
122 reference count is increased. Don't modify the message data after the
123 call as they are shared between two messages. Original content of 'dest'
124 message is deallocated."
125 (dest msg)
126 (src msg))
128 (defcfun ("zmq_msg_data" msg-data) :pointer
129 "Returns pointer to message data."
130 (msg msg))
132 (defcfun ("zmq_msg_size" msg-size) :int
133 "Return size of message data (in bytes)."
134 (msg msg))
136 (defcfun ("zmq_msg_type" msg-type) :long
137 "Returns type of the message."
138 (msg msg))
140 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
141 ;; 0MQ infrastructure (a.k.a. context) initialisation & termination.
142 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
144 (defconstant poll 1
145 "Flag specifying that the sockets within this context should be pollable.
146 This may be a little less efficient that raw non-pollable sockets.")
148 (defcfun* ("zmq_init" init) :pointer
149 "Initialise 0MQ context. 'app_threads' specifies maximal number
150 of application threads that can own open sockets at the same time.
151 'io_threads' specifies the size of thread pool to handle I/O operations.
152 'flags' argument is a bitmap composed of the flags defined above.
154 Errors: EINVAL - one of the arguments is less than zero or there are no
155 threads declared at all."
156 (app-threads :int)
157 (io-threads :int)
158 (flags :int))
160 (defcfun ("zmq_term" term) :int
161 "Deinitialise 0MQ context. If there are still open sockets, actual
162 deinitialisation of the context is delayed till all the sockets are closed."
163 (context :pointer))
165 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
166 ;; 0MQ socket definition.
167 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
169 ;; Creating a 0MQ socket.
170 ;; **********************
172 (defconstant p2p 0
173 "Socket to communicate with a single peer. Allows for a singe connect or a
174 single accept. There's no message routing or message filtering involved.")
176 (defconstant pub 1
177 "Socket to distribute data. Recv fuction is not implemented for this socket
178 type. Messages are distributed in fanout fashion to all the peers.")
180 (defconstant sub 2
181 "Socket to subscribe for data. Send function is not implemented for this
182 socket type. However, subscribe function can be used to modify the
183 message filter (see ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE socket option).")
185 (defconstant req 3
186 "Socket to send requests and receive replies. Requests are
187 load-balanced among all the peers. This socket type allows
188 only an alternated sequence of send's and recv's")
190 (defconstant rep 4
191 "Socket to receive requests and send replies. This socket type allows
192 only an alternated sequence of recv's and send's. Each send is routed to
193 the peer that issued the last received request.")
195 (defcfun* ("zmq_socket" socket) :pointer
196 "Open a socket.
198 Errors: EINVAL - invalid socket type.
199 EMFILE - the number of application threads entitled to hold open
200 sockets at the same time was exceeded."
201 (context :pointer)
202 (type :int))
204 ;; Destroying the socket.
205 ;; **********************
207 (defcfun ("zmq_close" close) :int
208 "Close the socket."
209 (s :pointer))
211 ;; Manipulating socket options.
212 ;; ****************************
214 ;; Available socket options, their types and default values.
216 (defconstant hwm 1
217 "High watermark for the message pipes associated with the socket. The water
218 mark cannot be exceeded. If the messages don't fit into the pipe emergency
219 mechanisms of the particular socket type are used (block, drop etc.) If HWM
220 is set to zero, there are no limits for the content of the pipe.
221 Type: int64_t Unit: bytes Default: 0")
223 (defconstant lwm 2
224 "Low watermark makes sense only if high watermark is defined (is non-zero).
225 When the emergency state is reached when messages overflow the pipe, the
226 emergency lasts till the size of the pipe decreases to low watermark.
227 At that point normal state is resumed.
228 Type: int64_t Unit: bytes Default: 0")
230 (defconstant swap 3
231 "Swap allows the pipe to exceed high watermark. However, the data are written
232 to the disk rather than held in the memory. While the high watermark is not
233 exceeded there is no disk activity involved though. The value of the option
234 defines maximal size of the swap file.
235 Type: int64_t Unit: bytes Default: 0")
237 (defconstant affinity 4
238 "Affinity defines which threads in the thread pool will be used to handle
239 newly created sockets. This way you can dedicate some of the threads (CPUs)
240 to a specific work. Value of 0 means no affinity, work is distributed
241 fairly among the threads in the thread pool. For non-zero values, the lowest
242 bit corresponds to the thread 1, second lowest bit to the thread 2 etc.
243 Thus, value of 3 means that from now on newly created sockets will handle
244 I/O activity exclusively using threads no. 1 and 2.
245 Type: int64_t Unit: N/A (bitmap) Default: 0")
247 (defconstant identity 5
248 "Identity of the socket. Identity is important when restarting applications.
249 If the socket has no identity, each run of the application is completely
250 separated from other runs. However, with identity application reconnects to
251 existing infrastructure left by the previous run. Thus it may receive
252 messages that were sent in the meantime, it shares pipe limits with the
253 previous run etc.
254 Type: string Unit: N/A Default: NULL")
256 (defconstant subscribe 6
257 "Applicable only to 'sub' socket type. Eastablishes new message filter.
258 When 'sub' socket is created all the incoming messages are filtered out.
259 This option allows you to subscribe for all messages (\"*\"), messages with
260 specific topic (\"x.y.z\") and/or messages with specific topic prefix
261 (\"x.y.*\"). Topic is one-byte-size-prefixed string located at
262 the very beginning of the message. Multiple filters can be attached to
263 a single 'sub' socket. In that case message passes if it matches at least
264 one of the filters.
265 Type: string Unit: N/A Default: N/A")
267 (defconstant unsubscribe 7
268 "Applicable only to 'sub' socket type. Removes existing message filter.
269 The filter specified must match the string passed to ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE options
270 exactly. If there were several instances of the same filter created,
271 this options removes only one of them, leaving the rest in place
272 and functional.
273 Type: string Unit: N/A Default: N/A")
275 (defconstant rate 8
276 "This option applies only to multicast transports (pgm & udp). It specifies
277 maximal outgoing data rate that an individual sender socket can send.
278 Type: uint64_t Unit: kilobits/second Default: 100")
280 (defconstant recovery-ivl 9
281 "This option applies only to multicast transports (pgm & udp). It specifies
282 how long can the receiver socket survive when the sender is inaccessible.
283 Keep in mind that large recovery intervals at high data rates result in
284 very large recovery buffers, meaning that you can easily overload your box
285 by setting say 1 minute recovery interval at 1Gb/s rate (requires
286 7GB in-memory buffer).
287 Type: uint64_t Unit: seconds Default: 10")
289 (defconstant mcast-loop 10
290 "This option applies only to multicast transports (pgm & udp). Value of 1
291 means that the mutlicast packets can be received on the box they were sent
292 from. Setting the value to 0 disables the loopback functionality which
293 can have negative impact on the performance. if possible, disable
294 the loopback in production environments.
295 Type: uint64_t Unit: N/A (boolean value) Default: 1")
297 (defcfun* ("zmq_setsockopt" setsockopt) :int
298 "Sets an option on the socket. 'option' argument specifies the option (see
299 the option list above). 'optval' is a pointer to the value to set,
300 'optvallen' is the size of the value in bytes.
302 Errors: EINVAL - unknown option, a value with incorrect length
303 or invalid value."
304 (s :pointer)
305 (option :int)
306 (optval :pointer)
307 (optvallen :long))
309 ;; Creating connections.
310 ;; *********************
312 ;; Addresses are composed of the name of the protocol to use followed by ://
313 ;; and a protocol-specific address. Available protocols:
315 ;; tcp - the address is composed of IP address and port delimited by colon
316 ;; sign (:). The IP address can be a hostname (with 'connect') or
317 ;; a network interface name (with 'bind'). Examples "tcp://eth0:5555",
318 ;; "tcp://", "tcp://hq.mycompany.com:80".
320 ;; pgm & udp - both protocols have same address format. It's network interface
321 ;; to use, semicolon (;), multicast group IP address, colon (:) and
322 ;; port. Examples: "pgm://eth2;",
323 ;; "udp://;".
325 (defcfun ("zmq_bind" %bind) :int
326 "Bind the socket to a particular address.
328 Errors: EPROTONOSUPPORT - unsupported protocol.
329 ENOCOMPATPROTO - protocol is not compatible with the socket type."
330 (s :pointer)
331 (addr :pointer :char))
333 (defcfun ("zmq_connect" %connect) :int
334 "Connect the socket to a particular address.
336 Errors: EPROTONOSUPPORT - unsupported protocol.
337 ENOCOMPATPROTO - protocol is not compatible with the socket type."
338 (s :pointer)
339 (addr :pointer :char))
341 ;; Sending and receiving messages.
342 ;; *******************************
344 (defconstant noblock 1
345 "The flag specifying that the operation should be performed in
346 non-blocking mode. I.e. if it cannot be processed immediately,
347 error should be returned with errno set to EAGAIN.")
349 (defconstant noflush 2
350 "The flag specifying that zmq_send should not flush the message downstream
351 immediately. Instead, it should batch ZMQ_NOFLUSH messages and send them
352 downstream only if zmq_flush is invoked. This is an optimisation for cases
353 where several messages are sent in a single business transaction. However,
354 the effect is measurable only in extremely high-perf scenarios
355 (million messages a second or so). If that's not your case, use standard
356 flushing send instead.")
358 (defcfun* ("zmq_send" send) :int
359 "Send the message 'msg' to the socket 's'. 'flags' argument can be
360 combination the flags described above.
362 Errors: EAGAIN - message cannot be sent at the moment (applies only to
363 non-blocking send).
364 ENOTSUP - function isn't supported by particular socket type.
365 EFSM - function cannot be called at the moment."
366 (s :pointer)
367 (msg msg)
368 :optional
369 (flags :int))
371 (defcfun* ("zmq_flush" flush) :int
372 "Flush the messages that were send using ZMQ_NOFLUSH flag down the stream.
374 Errors: ENOTSUP - function isn't supported by particular socket type.
375 EFSM - function cannot be called at the moment."
376 (s :pointer))
378 (defcfun* ("zmq_recv" recv) :int
379 "Receive a message from the socket 's'. 'flags' argument can be combination
380 of the flags described above with the exception of ZMQ_NOFLUSH.
382 Errors: EAGAIN - message cannot be received at the moment (applies only to
383 non-blocking receive).
384 ENOTSUP - function isn't supported by particular socket type.
385 EFSM - function cannot be called at the moment."
386 (s :pointer)
387 (msg msg)
388 :optional
389 (flags :int))
391 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
392 ;; Helper functions.
393 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
395 ;; Helper functions used by perf tests so that they don't have to care
396 ;; about minutiae of time-related functions on different OS platforms.
398 (defcfun ("zmq_stopwatch_start" stopwatch-start) :pointer
399 "Starts the stopwatch. Returns the handle to the watch")
401 (defcfun ("zmq_stopwatch_stop" stopwatch-stop) :ulong
402 "Stops the stopwatch. Returns the number of microseconds elapsed since
403 the stopwatch was started."
404 (watch :pointer))
406 (defcfun ("zmq_sleep" sleep) :void
407 "Sleeps for specified number of seconds."
408 (seconds :int))