Export all symbols only once.
[cl-v4l2.git] / videodev2.lisp
1 (in-package :cl-v4l2)
3 (defclass v4l2 (standard-class) ())
5 (defmethod validate-superclass ((obj v4l2) (obj1 standard-class)) t)
7 (defun class-slot-definition (class slot)
8 (dolist (s (class-direct-slots class))
9 (when (equal slot (slot-definition-name s))
10 (return s))))
12 (defvar v4l2-slot-readers (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
13 (defvar v4l2-slot-writers (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
15 (defmethod slot-value-using-class ((class v4l2) inst slot)
16 (if (string= (string-upcase (slot-definition-name slot)) "RAW")
17 (call-next-method class inst)
18 (funcall (gethash (cons (class-name class) (slot-definition-name slot))
19 v4l2-slot-readers)
20 inst)))
22 (defmethod (setf slot-value-using-class) (new (class v4l2) inst slot)
23 (if (string= (string-upcase (slot-definition-name slot)) "RAW")
24 (call-next-method new class inst)
25 (funcall (gethash (cons (class-name class) (slot-definition-name slot)) v4l2-slot-writers)
26 new inst)))
28 (defmacro define-wrapper (class-and-type supers &optional slots)
29 (destructuring-bind (class-name &optional (struct-type class-name))
30 (cffi::ensure-list class-and-type)
31 (let ((slots (or slots (cffi::foreign-slot-names struct-type)))
32 (raw-accessor (cffi::format-symbol t "~A-RAW" class-name)))
33 `(progn
34 (defclass ,class-name ,supers
35 (,@(loop for slot in slots collect
36 `(,slot))
37 (raw :accessor ,raw-accessor))
38 (:metaclass v4l2))
40 ,@(loop for slot in slots
41 for slot-name = (cffi::format-symbol t "~A-~A" class-name slot)
42 for slot-type = (cffi::slot-type (cffi::get-slot-info class-name slot))
43 collect
44 `(defun ,slot-name (inst)
45 ,(if (or (eq slot-type :char) (eq slot-type :uchar))
46 `(cffi:convert-from-foreign
47 (cffi:foreign-slot-value (,raw-accessor inst) ',class-name ',slot) :string)
48 (if (cffi::aggregatep (cffi::parse-type slot-type))
49 `(make-instance ',slot-type
50 :pointer (cffi:foreign-slot-value (,raw-accessor inst) ',class-name ',slot))
51 `(cffi:foreign-slot-value (,raw-accessor inst) ',class-name ',slot))))
52 collect
53 `(setf (gethash (cons ',class-name ',slot) v4l2-slot-readers)
54 (fdefinition ',slot-name))
56 collect
57 `(defun (setf ,slot-name) (new inst)
58 (setf (cffi:foreign-slot-value (,raw-accessor inst) ',class-name ',slot)
59 (cffi:convert-to-foreign new ',slot-type)))
60 collect
61 `(setf (gethash (cons ',class-name ',slot) v4l2-slot-writers)
62 (fdefinition '(setf ,slot-name))))
64 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((inst ,class-name) &key pointer)
65 (let ((obj (or pointer (cffi:foreign-alloc ',class-name))))
66 (setf (,raw-accessor inst) obj)
67 (unless pointer
68 (tg:finalize inst (lambda ()
69 (cl:format t "finalize ~A~%" obj)
70 (foreign-free obj))))))
71 ',class-name))))
73 (defmacro def-c-struct (name &rest args)
74 `(progn
75 (defcstruct ,name
76 ,@args)
77 (define-wrapper ,name ())))
79 (defmacro def-c-union (name &rest args)
80 `(progn
81 (defcunion ,name
82 ,@args)
83 (define-wrapper ,name ())))
85 (def-c-struct capability
86 (driver :uchar :count 16)
87 (card :uchar :count 32)
88 (bus-info :uchar :count 32)
89 (version :uint32)
90 (capabilities :uint32)
91 (reserved :uint32 :count 4))
93 (def-c-struct fract
94 (numerator :uint32)
95 (denominator :uint32))
97 (def-c-struct captureparm
98 (capability :uint32) ; Supported modes
99 (capturemode :uint32) ; Current mode
100 (timeperframe fract) ; Time per frame in .1us units
101 (extendedmode :uint32) ; Driver-specific extensions
102 (readbuffers :uint32) ; # of buffers for read
103 (reserved :uint32 :count 4))
105 (def-c-struct outputparm
106 (capability :uint32) ; Supported modes
107 (outputmode :uint32) ; Current mode
108 (timeperframe fract) ; Time per frame in .1us units
109 (extendedmode :uint32) ; Driver-specific extensions
110 (writebuffers :uint32) ; # of buffers for write
111 (reserved :uint32 :count 4))
113 (def-c-union streamparm-union
114 (capture captureparm)
115 (output outputparm)
116 (raw-data :uchar :count 200))
118 (defcenum buf-type
119 (:buf-type-video-capture 1)
120 :buf-type-video-output
121 :buf-type-video-overlay
122 :buf-type-vbi-capture
123 :buf-type-vbi-output
124 :buf-type-sliced-vbi-capture
125 :buf-type-sliced-vbi-output
126 :buf-type-video-output-overlay)
128 (def-c-struct streamparm
129 (type buf-type)
130 (parm streamparm-union))
132 (defcenum tuner-type
133 (:tuner-radio 1)
134 :tuner-analog-tv
135 :tuner-digital-tv)
137 (def-c-struct tuner
138 (index :uint32)
139 (name :uchar :count 32)
140 (type tuner-type)
141 (capability :uint32)
142 (rangelow :uint32)
143 (rangehigh :uint32)
144 (rxsubchans :uint32)
145 (audmode :uint32)
146 (signal :int32)
147 (afc :int32)
148 (reserved :uint32 :count 4))
150 (def-c-struct standard
151 (index :uint32)
152 (id :uint64)
153 (name :uchar :count 24)
154 (frameperiod fract)
155 (framelines :uint32)
156 (reserved :uint32 :count 4))
158 (def-c-struct input
159 (index :uint32) ; Which input
160 (name :uchar :count 32) ; Label
161 (type :uint32) ; Type of input
162 (audioset :uint32) ; Associated audios (bitfield)
163 (tuner :uint32) ; Associated tuner
164 (std :uint64)
165 (status :uint32)
166 (reserved :uint32 :count 4))
169 ;; F O R M A T E N U M E R A T I O N
171 (def-c-struct fmtdesc
172 (index :uint32) ; Format number
173 (type buf-type) ; buffer type
174 (flags :uint32)
175 (description :uchar :count 32) ; Description string
176 (pixelformat :uint32) ; Format fourcc
177 (reserved :uint32 :count 4))
179 ;; Values for the 'type' field
180 (defconstant input-type-tuner 1)
182 (defconstant input-type-camera 2)
184 (defcenum field
185 :field-any ; driver can choose from none
186 ; top, bottom, interlaced
187 ; depending on whatever it thinks
188 ; is approximate ...
189 :field-none ; this device has no fields ...
190 :field-top ; top field only
191 :field-bottom ; bottom field only
192 :field-interlaced ; both fields interlaced
193 :field-seq-tb ; both fields sequential into one
194 ; buffer, top-bottom order
195 :field-seq-bt ; same as above + bottom-top order
196 :field-alternate ; both fields alternating into
197 ; separate buffers
198 :field-interlaced-tb ; both fields interlaced, top field
199 ; first and the top field is
200 ; transmitted first
201 :field-interlaced-bt ; both fields interlaced, top field
202 ; first and the bottom field is
203 ; transmitted first
206 (defcenum colorspace
207 (:colorspace-smpte170m 1) ; ITU-R 601 -- broadcast NTSC/PAL
208 :colorspace_smpte240m ; 1125-Line (US) HDTV
209 :colorspace-rec709 ; HD and modern captures.
210 ; broken BT878 extents (601, luma range 16-253 instead of 16-235)
211 :colorspace-bt878
212 ; These should be useful. Assume 601 extents.
213 :colorspace-470-system-m
214 :colorspace-470-system-bg
216 ; I know there will be cameras that send this. So, this is
217 ; unspecified chromaticities and full 0-255 on each of the
218 ; Y'CbCr components
219 :colorspace-jpeg
221 ; For RGB colourspaces, this is probably a good start.
222 :colorspace-srgb)
225 ;; V I D E O I M A G E F O R M A T
227 (def-c-struct pix-format
228 (width :uint32)
229 (height :uint32)
230 (pixelformat :uint32)
231 (field field)
232 (bytesperline :uint32) ; for padding, zero if unused
233 (sizeimage :uint32)
234 (colorspace colorspace)
235 (priv :uint32)) ; private data, depends on pixelformat
237 ;; Stream data format
240 (def-c-struct timecode
241 (type :uint32)
242 (flags :uint32)
243 (frames :uchar)
244 (seconds :uchar)
245 (minutes :uchar)
246 (hours :uchar)
247 (userbits :uchar :count 4))
249 (defcenum memory
250 (:memory-mmap 1)
251 :memory-userptr
252 :memory-overlay)
254 ;; M E M O R Y - M A P P I N G B U F F E R S
256 (def-c-struct requestbuffers
257 (count :uint32)
258 (type buf-type)
259 (memory memory)
260 (reserved :uint32 :count 2))
262 (def-c-union buffer-union
263 (offset :uint32)
264 (userptr :ulong))
266 (def-c-struct buffer
267 (index :uint32)
268 (type buf-type)
269 (bytesused :uint32)
270 (flags :uint32)
271 (field field)
272 (timestamp timeval)
273 (timecode timecode)
274 (sequence :uint32)
275 ; memory location
276 (memory memory)
277 (m buffer-union)
278 (length :uint32)
279 (input :uint32)
280 (reserved :uint32))
282 (defcenum ctrl-type
283 (:ctrl-type-integer 1)
284 :ctrl-type-boolean
285 :ctrl-type-menu
286 :ctrl-type-button
287 :ctrl-type-integer64
288 :ctrl-type-ctrl-class)
290 ;; Used in the VIDIOC_QUERYCTRL ioctl for querying controls
291 (def-c-struct queryctrl
292 (id :uint32)
293 (type ctrl-type)
294 (name :uchar :count 32)
295 (minimum :int32)
296 (maximum :int32)
297 (step :int32)
298 (default-value :int32)
299 (flags :uint32)
300 (reserved :uint32 :count 2))
302 (def-c-struct control
303 (id :uint32)
304 (value :int32))
306 (defcenum power-line-frequency
307 :cid-power-line-frequency-disabled
308 :cid-power-line-frequency-50hz
309 :cid-power-line-frequency-60hz)
311 (defcenum colorfx
312 :colorfx-none
313 :colorfx-bw
314 :colorfx-sepia)
316 (defcenum exposure-auto-type
317 :exposure-auto
318 :exposure-manual
319 :exposure-shutter-priority
320 :exposure-aperture-priority)