Fix load order.
[cl-tuples.git] / tuple-expander.lisp
1 ;;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;80
4 #+cl-tuples-debug (declaim (optimize (speed 0) (safety 3) (debug 3)))
5 #-cl-tuples-debug (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) (debug 0)))
7 (in-package :cl-tuples)
9 (defun construct-tuple-array-reference (type-name tuple-array-name index)
10 "Given a tuple type and an array index, return a form for returnign the array index"
11 `(the ,(tuple-element-type type-name) (aref (the ,(tuple-typespec* type-name) ,tuple-array-name) ,index)))
13 (defun construct-tuple-value-type (type-name)
14 "Given a tuple name construct the for of a value typespec for it eg (values single-float single-float)"
15 `(values ,@(loop for i from 0 below (tuple-size type-name) collect (tuple-element-type type-name))))
17 (defun construct-tuple-slots (type-name)
18 "Given a tuple type return a list of slots sutable for the body of a defstruct body eg: ((A 0.0 :TYPE SINGLE-FLOAT) (B 0.0 :TYPE SINGLE-FLOAT))"
19 (loop for e in (tuple-elements type-name)
20 collect
21 (list e (tuple-initial-element type-name) :type (tuple-element-type type-name))))
23 (defparameter *tuple-expander-keywords*
24 '(:def-tuple-values
25 :def-tuple-type :def-tuple-array-type
26 :def-tuple-struct
27 :def-tuple-getter
28 :def-tuple-aref
29 :def-tuple-aref*
30 :def-nth-tuple
31 :def-with-tuple :def-with-tuple* :def-with-tuple-aref
32 :def-tuple-set :def-tuple-setter :def-tuple-aref-setter*
33 :def-tuple-aref-setter
34 :def-tuple-vector-push :def-tuple-vector-push-extend
35 :def-tuple-vector-push* :def-tuple-vector-push-extend*
36 :def-new-tuple :def-tuple-maker
37 :def-tuple-maker* :def-tuple-array-maker
38 :def-tuple-array-dimensions
39 :def-tuple-fill-pointer :def-tuple-setf-fill-pointer
40 :def-tuple-setf* :def-tuple-array-setf*
41 :def-tuple-array-setf))
43 (defgeneric tuple-symbol (type-name expansion))
45 (defgeneric tuple-expansion-fn (type-name expansion))
47 ;; eg. (vector3d-values* 1 2 3) => #{ 1 2 3 }
48 (defmethod tuple-symbol ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-values)))
49 (make-adorned-symbol type-name :suffix "VALUES" :asterisk t ))
51 ;; eg (vector3d-values* 1.2 3.0 1.2) => #{ 1.2 3.0 1.2 }
52 (defmethod tuple-expansion-fn ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-values)))
53 "Expand to a macro that will create a values form representing our tuple type."
54 `(defmacro ,(tuple-symbol type-name expansion) (&rest elements)
55 `(the ,',(construct-tuple-value-type type-name)
56 (values ,@elements))))
58 ;; deftype form for the multiple value equivalent of the struct
59 ;; eg. (deftype vector3d* () `(values single-float single-float single-float))
60 (defmethod tuple-symbol ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-type)))
61 (make-adorned-symbol type-name :asterisk t))
63 (defmethod tuple-expansion-fn ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-type)))
64 "Expand the tuple multiple value deftype form."
65 `(deftype ,(tuple-symbol type-name expansion) ()
66 ,(construct-tuple-value-type type-name)))
68 ;; deftype form for the array equivalent of the struct
69 ;; eg (deftype vector3d-array () (vector single-float *))
70 (defmethod tuple-symbol ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-array-type)))
71 (make-adorned-symbol type-name :suffix "ARRAY"))
73 (defmethod tuple-expansion-fn ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-array-type)))
74 "Expand the deftype form for an array of tuples"
75 `(deftype ,(tuple-symbol type-name expansion) ()
76 (vector ,(tuple-element-type type-name) *)))
78 ;; deftype form to generate the structure definition eg (defstruct vector3d ..)
79 (defmethod tuple-symbol ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-struct)))
80 (make-adorned-symbol type-name))
82 (defmethod tuple-expansion-fn ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-struct)))
83 "Defines a structure that will hold the tuple based on a vector."
84 `(defstruct (,(tuple-symbol type-name expansion) (:type vector) (:constructor nil))
85 ,@(construct-tuple-slots type-name)))
87 ;; -- generalised access --
89 ;; return macro that will convert an array to a values form (vector3d* v) => #{ x y z }
90 (defmethod tuple-symbol ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-getter)))
91 (make-adorned-symbol type-name :asterisk t))
93 (defmethod tuple-expansion-fn ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-getter)))
94 "Create a macro that will return the contents of a place representing our tuple as a value form"
95 `(defmacro ,(tuple-symbol type-name :def-tuple-getter) (tuple-array-name)
96 `(the ,(construct-tuple-value-type ',type-name)
97 (values
98 ,@(loop
99 for index from 0 below (tuple-size ',type-name)
100 collect
101 (construct-tuple-array-reference ',type-name tuple-array-name index))))))
104 ;; generate a setter for use with setf that takes values and places them into an array eg (vector3d-setter v #{ 1 2 3 })
105 (defmethod tuple-symbol ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-setter)))
106 (make-adorned-symbol type-name :suffix "SETTER" :asterisk t))
108 (defun construct-tuple-set-aref (type-name tuple-place index varlist)
109 `(setf (aref (the ,(tuple-typespec* type-name) ,tuple-place) ,index) ,(nth index varlist)))
111 (defmethod tuple-expansion-fn ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-setter)))
112 "Create a macro that will set an tuple place form to the values of a tuple value form"
113 `(defmacro ,(tuple-symbol type-name :def-tuple-setter) (tuple-place tuple-values)
114 (let* ((varlist (make-gensym-list ,(tuple-size type-name))))
115 `(multiple-value-bind
116 ,varlist
117 ,tuple-values
118 (declare (type ,',(tuple-element-type type-name) ,@varlist))
119 (values
120 ,@(loop
121 for index from 0 below ,(tuple-size type-name)
122 collect
123 (construct-tuple-set-aref ',type-name tuple-place index varlist)))))))
125 ;; generate a setter for use with setf that takes values and places them into an array eg (vector3d-setter v #{ 1 2 3 })
126 (defmethod tuple-symbol ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-set)))
127 (make-adorned-symbol type-name :prefix "SET"))
129 ;; to do -- this needs type declarations
130 (defmethod tuple-expansion-fn ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-set)))
131 `(defun ,(tuple-symbol type-name :def-tuple-set) (tuple-place ,@(tuple-elements type-name))
132 ,@(loop
133 for index from 0 below (tuple-size type-name)
134 collect
135 `(setf (aref tuple-place ,index) ,(nth index (tuple-elements type-name))))))
137 ;; generalised reference to a tuple place
138 (defmethod tuple-symbol ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-setf*)))
139 (make-adorned-symbol type-name :suffix "SETTER" :asterisk t))
141 (defmethod tuple-expansion-fn ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-setf*)))
142 "Expand form that creates generalized reference to a tuple place"
143 `(defsetf ,(tuple-symbol type-name :def-tuple-getter) ,(tuple-symbol type-name :def-tuple-setter)))
145 ;; -- arrays --
147 ;; to do -- possibly re-engineer as a macro
149 ;; create a flat array dimensioned to hold n tuples eg. (make-vector3d-array 3 :adjustable t)
150 (defmethod tuple-symbol ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-array-maker)))
151 (make-adorned-symbol type-name :prefix "MAKE" :suffix "ARRAY" ))
153 (defmethod tuple-expansion-fn ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-array-maker)))
154 "Create macro that creates a array of tuple array places."
155 `(defun ,(tuple-symbol type-name :def-tuple-array-maker) (dimensions &key adjustable (initial-element ,(tuple-initial-element type-name)) (fill-pointer nil fill-pointer-p))
156 (make-array (* ,(tuple-size type-name) dimensions)
157 :adjustable adjustable
158 :initial-element initial-element
159 :fill-pointer (when fill-pointer-p (* ,(tuple-size type-name) fill-pointer))
160 :element-type ',(tuple-element-type type-name))))
163 ;; create an array accessor that will pick an individual tuple out of an array of tuples
164 (defmethod tuple-symbol ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-aref)))
165 (make-adorned-symbol type-name :suffix "AREF"))
167 (defmethod tuple-expansion-fn ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-aref)))
168 "Create a macro that will set an indexed array of tuple places to the values of a tuple struct form"
169 `(defun ,(tuple-symbol type-name :def-tuple-aref) (tuple-array tuple-index)
170 (the ,(tuple-typespec* type-name)
171 (subseq (the ,(tuple-typespec** type-name) tuple-array)
172 (* ,(tuple-size type-name) tuple-index)
173 (* ,(tuple-size type-name) (1+ tuple-index))))))
176 ;; create an array accessor that accesses an array of tuples and produces a value form eg (vector3d-aref* vecs 2) => #{ 2.3 4.3 2.4 }
177 (defmethod tuple-symbol ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-aref*)))
178 (make-adorned-symbol type-name :suffix "AREF" :asterisk t))
180 (defmethod tuple-expansion-fn ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-aref*)))
181 "Create a macro that will index an array that is considered to be an array of tuples and extract an individual tuple as a value form"
182 `(defmacro ,(tuple-symbol type-name :def-tuple-aref*) (tuple-array array-index)
183 (let* ((varlist (make-gensym-list ,(tuple-size type-name)))
184 (array-index-sym (gensym))
185 (counter-sym (gensym)))
186 `(let ((,array-index-sym (* ,',(tuple-size type-name) ,array-index)))
187 (the ,',(tuple-typespec type-name)
188 (let ((,counter-sym 0))
189 (values ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (x)
190 (declare (ignore x))
191 (prog1
192 `(aref (the ,',(tuple-typespec** type-name) ,tuple-array)
193 (the fixnum (+ ,counter-sym ,array-index-sym)))
194 `(incf (the fixnum ,counter-sym))))
195 varlist))))))))
197 ;; decided not to use this one..
198 (defmethod tuple-symbol ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-nth-tuple)))
199 (make-adorned-symbol type-name :prefix "NTH"))
201 (defmethod tuple-expansion-fn ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-nth-tuple)))
202 `(defun ,(tuple-symbol type-name :def-tuple-setter) (index tuple-place)
203 (make-array ,(tuple-size type-name) :displaced-to tuple-place :displaced-index-offset (* ,(tuple-size type-name) index))))
205 (defmethod tuple-symbol ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-aref-setter)))
206 (make-adorned-symbol type-name :suffix "AREF-SETTER"))
208 (defmethod tuple-expansion-fn ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-aref-setter)))
209 "Create a macro that will set an indexed array of tuple places to the values of a tuple struct form"
210 `(defun ,(tuple-symbol type-name :def-tuple-aref-setter) (array-name tuple-index tuple)
211 (setf (subseq array-name
212 (* ,(tuple-size type-name) tuple-index)
213 (* ,(tuple-size type-name) (1+ tuple-index)))
214 tuple)))
216 ;; create a setter macro (for generalised setf places) that will set a tuple value form into an indexed array
217 ;; eg (vector3d-aref-setter vecs 2 #{ 2.3 2.3 4.2 })
218 (defmethod tuple-symbol ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-aref-setter*)))
219 (make-adorned-symbol type-name :suffix "AREF-SETTER" :asterisk t))
221 (defmethod tuple-expansion-fn ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-aref-setter*)))
222 "Create a macro that will set an indexed array of tuple places to the values of a tuple value form"
223 `(defmacro ,(tuple-symbol type-name :def-tuple-aref-setter*) (array-name array-index tuple-values)
224 (let* ((varlist (make-gensym-list ,(tuple-size type-name)))
225 (array-index-sym (gensym)))
226 `(let ((,array-index-sym (* ,',(tuple-size type-name) ,array-index)))
227 (multiple-value-bind
228 ,varlist
229 ,tuple-values
230 (declare (type ,',(tuple-element-type type-name) ,@varlist))
231 (values ,@(let ((counter 0))
232 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
233 (prog1
234 `(setf (aref (the ,',(tuple-typespec** type-name) ,array-name)
235 (the fixnum (+ (the fixnum ,counter) (the fixnum ,array-index-sym))))
236 (the ,',(tuple-element-type type-name) ,x))
237 (incf counter)))
238 varlist))))))))
240 (defmethod tuple-symbol ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-array-setf)))
241 (make-adorned-symbol type-name :suffix "AREF" ))
243 (defmethod tuple-expansion-fn ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-array-setf)))
244 "Expand form that creates generalized reference to tuple-arrays"
245 `(defsetf ,(tuple-symbol type-name :def-tuple-aref)
246 ,(tuple-symbol type-name :def-tuple-aref-setter)))
248 ;; generalised reference to an array of tuples via value forms
249 (defmethod tuple-symbol ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-array-setf*)))
250 (make-adorned-symbol type-name :suffix "AREF" :asterisk t))
252 (defmethod tuple-expansion-fn ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-array-setf*)))
253 "Expand form that creates generalized reference to tuple-arrays"
254 `(defsetf ,(tuple-symbol type-name :def-tuple-aref*)
255 ,(tuple-symbol type-name :def-tuple-aref-setter*)))
257 ;; create a function that returns the dimensions of an array scaled down to tuple units
258 (defmethod tuple-symbol ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-array-dimensions)))
259 (make-adorned-symbol type-name :suffix "ARRAY-DIMENSIONS"))
261 (defmethod tuple-expansion-fn ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-array-dimensions)))
262 "Create macro that returns the number of tuples in an array of tuple places."
263 `(defun ,(tuple-symbol type-name :def-tuple-array-dimensions) (tuple-array)
264 (the fixnum (/ (the fixnum (length tuple-array)) (the fixnum ,(tuple-size type-name))))))
266 ;; create a function that returns the fillpoiinter of an array scaled down to tuple units
267 (defmethod tuple-symbol ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-fill-pointer)))
268 (make-adorned-symbol type-name :suffix "FILL-POINTER"))
270 (defmethod tuple-expansion-fn ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-fill-pointer)))
271 "Create macro that returns the number of tuples in an array of tuple places."
272 `(defun ,(tuple-symbol type-name :def-tuple-fill-pointer) (tuple-array)
273 (the fixnum (/ (the fixnum (fill-pointer tuple-array)) (the fixnum ,(tuple-size type-name))))))
275 ;; create a function that returns the fillpoiinter of an array scaled down to tuple units
276 (defmethod tuple-symbol ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-setf-fill-pointer)))
277 (make-adorned-symbol type-name :suffix "FILL-POINTER"))
279 (defmethod tuple-expansion-fn ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-setf-fill-pointer)))
280 "Create macro that returns the number of tuples in an array of tuple places."
281 (with-gensyms (actual-fill-ptr)
282 `(defun (setf ,(tuple-symbol type-name :def-tuple-fill-pointer)) (value tuple-array)
283 (declare (type fixnum value))
284 (let ((,actual-fill-ptr
285 (the fixnum (* value (the fixnum ,(tuple-size type-name))))))
286 (setf (fill-pointer tuple-array) ,actual-fill-ptr)))))
288 ;; --- vectors --
290 (defmethod tuple-symbol ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-vector-push)))
291 (make-adorned-symbol type-name :suffix "VECTOR-PUSH"))
293 ;; tuple-vector-push
294 (defmethod tuple-expansion-fn ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-vector-push)))
295 "Create a macro that will push a tuple value form into an array of existing tuple places."
296 `(defun ,(tuple-symbol type-name :def-tuple-vector-push) (tuple array-name)
297 (declare (type ,(tuple-typespec* type-name) tuple) (type ,(tuple-typespec** type-name) array-name))
298 (loop
299 for index from 0 below ,(tuple-size type-name)
300 do (vector-push (the ,(tuple-element-type type-name) (aref tuple index)) array-name))
301 (the fixnum (/ (the fixnum (fill-pointer array-name)) (the fixnum ,(tuple-size type-name))))))
303 (defmethod tuple-symbol ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-vector-push-extend)))
304 (make-adorned-symbol type-name :suffix "VECTOR-PUSH-EXTEND"))
306 ;; tuple-vector-push
307 (defmethod tuple-expansion-fn ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-vector-push-extend)))
308 "Create a macro that will push a tuple value form into an array of existing tuple places."
309 `(defun ,(tuple-symbol type-name :def-tuple-vector-push-extend) (tuple array-name)
310 (declare (type ,(tuple-typespec* type-name) tuple) (type ,(tuple-typespec** type-name) array-name))
311 (loop
312 for index from 0 below (the fixnum ,(tuple-size type-name))
313 do (vector-push-extend (aref tuple (the fixnum index)) array-name))
314 (the fixnum (/ (the fixnum (fill-pointer array-name)) (the fixnum ,(tuple-size type-name))))))
316 ;; eg. (vector3d-push* vecs #{ 0.0 1.0 3.0 })
317 (defmethod tuple-symbol ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-vector-push*)))
318 (make-adorned-symbol type-name :suffix "VECTOR-PUSH" :asterisk t))
320 ;; tuple-vector-push
321 (defmethod tuple-expansion-fn ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-vector-push*)))
322 "Create a macro that will push a tuple value form into an array of existing tuple places."
323 `(defmacro ,(tuple-symbol type-name :def-tuple-vector-push*) (tuple-values array-name)
324 (let* ((varlist (make-gensym-list ,(tuple-size type-name))))
325 `(progn
326 (multiple-value-bind
327 ,varlist
328 ,tuple-values
329 (declare (type ,',(tuple-element-type type-name) ,@varlist))
330 ,@(loop
331 for index from 0 below ,(tuple-size type-name)
332 collect
333 `(vector-push (the fixnum,(nth index varlist)) (the ,',(tuple-typespec** type-name) ,array-name))))
334 (the fixnum (/ (the fixnum (fill-pointer ,array-name)) (the fixnum ,',(tuple-size type-name))))))))
336 ;; eg. (vector3d-push-extend* vecs #{ 0.0 1.0 3.0 })
337 (defmethod tuple-symbol ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-vector-push-extend*)))
338 (make-adorned-symbol type-name :suffix "VECTOR-PUSH-EXTEND" :asterisk t))
340 (defmethod tuple-expansion-fn ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-vector-push-extend*)))
341 "Create a macro that will push a tuple value form into an array of existing tuple places, extending if adjustable."
342 `(defmacro ,(tuple-symbol type-name :def-tuple-vector-push-extend*) (tuple-values array-name)
343 (let* ((varlist (make-gensym-list ,(tuple-size type-name))))
344 `(progn
345 (multiple-value-bind
346 ,varlist
347 ,tuple-values
348 (declare (type ,',(tuple-element-type type-name) ,@varlist))
349 ,@(loop
350 for index from 0 below ,(tuple-size type-name)
351 collect
352 `(vector-push-extend (the fixnum ,(nth index varlist)) (the ,',(tuple-typespec** type-name) ,array-name) ,',(tuple-size type-name))))
353 (the fixnum (/ (the fixnum (fill-pointer ,array-name)) (the fixnum ,',(tuple-size type-name))))))))
355 ;; -- bindings --
356 ;; bind tuple vector to symbols during evaluation of the form eg (with-vector3d #( 1.0 2.0 3.0 ) (x y z) (fomat t "~A" (list x y z)))
357 (defmethod tuple-symbol ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-with-tuple)))
358 (make-adorned-symbol type-name :prefix "WITH"))
360 (defmethod tuple-expansion-fn ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-with-tuple)))
361 "Create a wrapper that will bind a tuple place to symbols during evaluation of the body."
362 `(defmacro ,(tuple-symbol type-name :def-with-tuple) (tuple-place element-syms &body forms)
363 (assert (= (length element-syms) ,(tuple-size type-name)) nil "Incorrect length element-syms supplied to with-tuple*")
364 ` (multiple-value-bind
365 ,element-syms
366 (values ,@(let ((counter 0))
367 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
368 (declare (ignore x))
369 (prog1
370 `(aref (the ,',(tuple-typespec** type-name) ,tuple-place) ,counter)
371 (incf counter)))
372 element-syms)))
373 (declare (ignorable ,@element-syms) (type ,',(tuple-element-type type-name) ,@element-syms))
374 (progn ,@forms))))
376 ;; bind tuple values to symbols during evaluation of the form eg (with-vector3d* #{ 1.0 2.0 3.0 } (x y z) (fomat t "~A" (list x y z)))
377 (defmethod tuple-symbol ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-with-tuple*)))
378 (make-adorned-symbol type-name :prefix "WITH" :asterisk t))
380 (defmethod tuple-expansion-fn ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-with-tuple*)))
381 "Create a wrapper that will bind a tuple value form to symbols during evaluation of the body."
382 `(defmacro ,(tuple-symbol type-name :def-with-tuple*) (tuple element-syms &body forms)
383 (assert (= (length element-syms) ,(tuple-size type-name)) nil "Incorrect length element-syms supplied to with-tuple")
384 `(multiple-value-bind
385 ,element-syms
386 ,tuple
387 (declare (ignorable ,@element-syms) (type ,',(tuple-element-type type-name) ,@element-syms))
388 (progn ,@forms))))
391 ;; bind tuple array elements to symbols during evaluation of the form eg (with-vector3d-aref (vecs 2 (x y z)) (fomat t "~A" (list x y z)))
392 (defmethod tuple-symbol ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-with-tuple-aref)))
393 (make-adorned-symbol type-name :prefix "WITH" :suffix "AREF" ))
395 (defmethod tuple-expansion-fn ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-with-tuple-aref)))
396 "Create a wrapper macro that will bind an indexed tuple form in an array to symbols turing evaluation of the body."
397 `(defmacro ,(tuple-symbol type-name :def-with-tuple-aref) ((array-name index element-syms) &body forms)
398 (assert (= (length element-syms) ,(tuple-size type-name)) nil "Incorrect length element-syms supplied to with-tuple-aref")
399 (let* ((array-index-sym (gensym)))
400 `(let ((,array-index-sym (* ,',(tuple-size type-name) ,index)))
401 (multiple-value-bind
402 ,element-syms
403 ;; this is the bit we need to generate
404 (values ,@(let ((counter 0))
405 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
406 (declare (ignore x))
407 (prog1
408 `(aref (the ,',(tuple-typespec** type-name) ,array-name) (+ ,counter ,array-index-sym))
409 (incf counter)))
410 element-syms)))
411 (declare (ignorable ,@element-syms) (type ,',(tuple-element-type type-name)))
412 (progn ,@forms))))))
414 ;; -- constructors --
415 (defun construct-tuple-array-maker (type-name)
416 `(make-array ,(tuple-size type-name) :initial-element ,(tuple-initial-element type-name) :element-type ',(tuple-element-type type-name)))
418 ;; create a new tuple, freshly initialised eg (new-vector3d) => #( 0.0 0.0 0.0 )
419 (defmethod tuple-symbol ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-new-tuple)))
420 (make-adorned-symbol type-name :prefix "NEW" ))
422 (defmethod tuple-expansion-fn ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-new-tuple)))
423 "Create a macro that creates a new tuple."
424 `(defmacro ,(tuple-symbol type-name :def-new-tuple) ()
425 `(the ,',(tuple-typespec* type-name)
426 ,(construct-tuple-array-maker ',type-name))))
429 ;; create and initalise a tupe eg (make-vector3d 0.0 1.0 2.0) => #( 0.0 1.0 2.0 )
430 (defmethod tuple-symbol ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-maker)))
431 (make-adorned-symbol type-name :prefix "MAKE"))
433 (defmethod tuple-expansion-fn ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-maker)))
434 "Create a macro that creates new tuple place and initialize it from a list of elements"
435 `(defmacro ,(tuple-symbol type-name :def-tuple-maker) (&rest elements)
436 (assert (= (length elements) ,(tuple-size type-name)))
437 (let ((tuple-sym (gensym)))
438 `(let ((,tuple-sym
439 ,(construct-tuple-array-maker ',type-name)))
440 (declare (type ,',(tuple-typespec* type-name) ,tuple-sym))
441 (,',(tuple-symbol type-name :def-tuple-setter) ,tuple-sym (values ,@elements))
442 ,tuple-sym))))
445 ;; --- create and initialise from multiple values eg (make-vector3d* #{ 12.0 3.0 6.0 })
446 (defmethod tuple-symbol ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-maker*)))
447 (make-adorned-symbol type-name :prefix "MAKE" :asterisk t))
449 (defmethod tuple-expansion-fn ((type-name symbol) (expansion (eql :def-tuple-maker*)))
450 "Create a macro that creates new tuple place, form and initialize it with values"
451 `(defmacro ,(tuple-symbol type-name :def-tuple-maker*) (tuple-values)
452 (let ((varlist (make-gensym-list ,(tuple-size type-name)))
453 (tuple-sym (gensym))
454 (counter-sym 0))
455 (declare (type fixnum counter-sym))
456 `(let ((,tuple-sym
457 ,(construct-tuple-array-maker ',type-name)))
458 (declare (type ,',(tuple-typespec* type-name) ,tuple-sym))
459 (multiple-value-bind
460 ,varlist
461 ,tuple-values
462 (declare (type ,',(tuple-element-type type-name) ,@varlist))
463 (progn ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (x)
464 (prog1
465 `(setf (aref ,tuple-sym (the fixnum ,counter-sym)) ,x)
466 (incf counter-sym)))
467 varlist)
468 ,tuple-sym))))))
471 ;; -- def-tuple-op expanders begin here ------------------------------------
473 ;; (in-package :tuple-types)
475 ;; (defclass %tuple-fun ()
476 ;; ((name :intiarg :fun-name)
477 ;; (params :initarg :params)
478 ;; (types :initarg :types)
479 ;; (elements :initarg :elements)))
481 ;; (in-package :cl-tuples)
483 (defun symbol-macro-expander-fn (n names types elements gensyms body)
484 "Wrap the body of def tuple op in symbol macros mapped to gensyms to prevent
485 name capture."
486 ;; if this is a tuple type with elements, we expand using with-tuple
487 (if (tuple-typep (nth n types))
488 (progn
489 (assert (= (length (nth n gensyms))
490 (length (nth n elements)))
491 nil "~A contains too few elements for a ~A" (nth n elements) (nth n types))
492 ``(symbol-macrolet
493 ,',(loop
494 for gensym in (nth n gensyms)
495 for element in (nth n elements) collect `(,element ,gensym))
496 ;; (declare (ignorable ,@',(nth n gensyms)))
497 (symbol-macrolet ((,',(nth n names) (,',(make-adorned-symbol (nth n types) :suffix "VALUES" :asterisk t)
498 ,@',(loop
499 for gensym in (nth n gensyms)
500 collect gensym))))
501 ;; recurs down to the next parameter
502 ,,(if (< (1+ n) (length names))
503 (symbol-macro-expander-fn (1+ n) names types elements gensyms body)
504 ;; or bottom out
505 ``(progn ,@',body)))))
506 ;; if this is not a tuple type, and theres more to come, recurse down
507 (if (< (1+ n) (length names))
508 (symbol-macro-expander-fn (1+ n) names types elements gensyms body)
509 ;; otherwise, bottom out
510 ``(progn ,@',body))))
513 (defun arg-expander-fn-aux (n names types elements gensyms body)
514 "Handle the expansion of the n-th parameter in a def-tuple-op call list. Names are the "
515 (if (nth n types)
516 ;; if it's a tuple type, bind to gensyms using the apropiate with-tuple macro
517 (if (tuple-typep (nth n types))
518 ``(,',(make-adorned-symbol (nth n types) :prefix "WITH" :asterisk t)
519 ,,(nth n names) ,',(nth n gensyms)
520 ,,(if (< (1+ n) (length names))
521 (arg-expander-fn-aux (1+ n) names types elements gensyms body)
522 (symbol-macro-expander-fn 0 names types elements gensyms body)))
523 ;; otherwise just use a straight symbol
524 ``(symbol-macrolet ((,',(nth n names) (the ,',(nth n types) ,,(nth n names))))
525 ,,(if (< (1+ n) (length names))
526 (arg-expander-fn-aux (1+ n) names types elements gensyms body)
527 (symbol-macro-expander-fn 0 names types elements gensyms body))))
528 ;; if there are no associated parameters with this op, just expand the body
529 (symbol-macro-expander-fn 0 nil nil nil nil body)))
532 (defun body-expander-fn (names types elements gensyms body)
533 "Expand the declarations and return type wrapper round a def-tuple-op. form"
534 ;; have we specifed a return type?
535 (if (eq (caar body) :return)
536 (let ((ret-type
537 ;; is it a tuple type?
538 (if (tuple-typep (cadar body))
539 ;; yes, expand into type spec
540 (tuple-typespec (cadar body))
541 ;; no, just use literal expansion
542 (cadar body)))
543 ;; the rest of the body is the actual body
544 (real-body (cddar body)))
545 ;; when we have a parameter list, expand it
546 ``(the ,',ret-type
547 ,,(arg-expander-fn-aux 0 names types elements gensyms real-body)))
548 ;; ;; otherwise splice in the quoted body
549 ;; ``(the ,',ret-type
550 ;; (progn ,@',real-body)))
551 ;; no we havent specified a return type, just fall in
552 (arg-expander-fn-aux 0 names types elements gensyms body)))
554 (defun def-tuple-expander-fn (params types elements forms)
555 "Helper function for def-tuple-op. Expands the arguments into a series of WITH-* forms so that
556 symbols are bound to tuple elements in the body of the operator."
557 (assert (= (length params) (length types) (length elements)) ()
558 "Malformed def-tuple-op argument list.")
559 ;; if the first of the forms is a string then it's a docstring
560 (let ((body (if (stringp (first forms)) (rest forms) forms)))
561 ;; create a gensym for every tuple element - they are going to be symbol macros
562 (let ((gensyms
563 (mapcar #'(lambda (element-list)
564 (make-gensym-list (length element-list))) elements)))
565 ;; epand the body
566 (body-expander-fn params types elements gensyms body))))
568 ; tester
569 ;; (arg-expander-fn '(v q) '(vector3d quaternion) '((x y z) (qx qy qz qw)) '("Return the vector + real" (:return (values single-float single-float single-float single-float) (vertex3d-tuple x y z qw))))
570 ;; (arg-expander-fn '(v q n) '(vector3d quaternion single-float) '((x y z) (qx qy qz qw) nil) '("Return the vector + real" (:return vertex3d (vertex3d-tuple x y z qw))))