Added tuple-typespec function
[cl-tuples.git] / symbols.lisp
1 ;;;; symbols.lisp
3 (in-package :cl-tuples)
5 ;; package used to hold tuple type info
6 (defpackage :tuple-types)
8 ;; make #{ .. } notation become a short hand for (values ...)
9 (defun |#{-reader| (stream char arg)
10 (declare (ignore char arg))
11 `(values ,@(read-delimited-list #\} stream t)))
13 (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\{ #'|#{-reader|)
14 (set-macro-character #\} (get-macro-character #\) nil))
16 (defmacro with-gensyms ((&rest names) &body body)
17 "Classic macro for creating named unique symbols."
18 `(let ,(loop for n in names collect `(,n (gensym)))
19 ,@body))
21 (defmacro once-only ((&rest names) &body body)
22 "Evaluate arguments once only in macro form body"
23 (let ((gensyms (loop for n in names collect (gensym))))
24 `(let (,@(loop for g in gensyms collect `(,g (gensym))))
25 `(let (,,@(loop for g in gensyms for n in names collect ``(,,g ,,n)))
26 ,(let (,@(loop for n in names for g in gensyms collect `(,n ,g)))
27 ,@body)))))
29 ;; define helper functions we will use
31 (defun gensym-list (n)
32 "Give us a list of gensyms n elements long"
33 (loop
34 for index from 0 below n
35 collect (gensym)))
38 (defun symbol-to-string (x)
39 "If the argument is a symbol or string, return it as a string."
40 (check-type x (or symbol string))
41 (cond
42 ((symbolp x)
43 (symbol-name x))
44 ((stringp x)
45 x)))
48 (defun make-adorned-symbol (name &key prefix suffix asterisk package)
49 (check-type name symbol)
50 (check-type prefix (or symbol string null))
51 (check-type suffix (or symbol string null))
52 (intern (concatenate 'string
53 (when prefix
54 (string prefix))
55 (when prefix "-")
56 (string name)
57 (when suffix
58 "-")
59 (when suffix
60 (string suffix))
61 (when asterisk
62 (string "*")))
63 (if package package *package*)))
65 (defun make-suffixed-symbol (name suffix)
66 (make-adorned-symbol name :suffix suffix))
68 (defun make-prefixed-symbol (name prefix)
69 (make-adorned-symbol name :prefix prefix))
71 (defun make-element-names (elements type-name)
72 "Given a list of element names form a set of symbols of the form
73 <type-name>-<element-name> as used in struct elements."
74 (check-type elements symbol)
75 (check-type type-name symbol)
76 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
77 (find-symbol
78 (concatenate 'string
79 (symbol-name type-name) "-struct-"
80 (symbol-name x))))
81 elements))
84 (defun make-tuple-symbol (type-name tuple-element-type elements)
85 "Makes a symbol used to identify a typle type. Information about the tuple type
86 is stored in the property list of the symbol."
87 (assert (listp elements))
88 (let
89 ((type-name-sym (intern (string type-name) :tuple-types)))
90 (progn
91 ;; deqfine the symbol
92 ;; store-value the elements
93 (setf (get type-name-sym 'elements) elements)
94 ;; store the # of elements ( a bit redundant )
95 (setf (get type-name-sym 'tuple-length) (length elements))
96 ;; store-value the type of the elements
97 (setf (get type-name-sym 'element-type) tuple-element-type)
98 ;; store-value a flag us to make sure it's a tuple-type symbol
99 (setf (get type-name-sym 'is-tuple) t))))
102 (defun tuple-typep (type-name)
103 "Test to see if this symbol represents a tuple type"
104 (get (find-symbol (string-upcase (string type-name)) :tuple-types) 'is-tuple))
106 (defun tuple-size (type-name)
107 "Return the size of the type"
108 (get (find-symbol (string-upcase (string type-name)) :tuple-types) 'tuple-length))
111 (defun tuple-element-type (type-name)
112 "Return the size of the type"
113 (get (find-symbol (string-upcase (string type-name)) :tuple-types) 'element-type))
115 (defun tuple-elements (type-name)
116 "Return the size of the type"
117 (get (find-symbol (string-upcase (string type-name)) :tuple-types) 'elements))
119 (defun tuple-typespec (type-name)
120 "Return typespec of tuple."
121 `(values ,@(loop
122 for i from 0 to (tuple-size type-name)
123 collect (tuple-element-type type-name))))
125 (defun symbol-macro-expander-fn (n names types elements gensyms body)
126 "Wrap the body of def tuple op in symbol macros mapped to gensyms to prevent
127 name capture."
128 (if (nth n elements)
129 ``(symbol-macrolet
130 ,',(loop
131 for gensym in (nth n gensyms)
132 for element in (nth n elements) collect `(,element ,gensym))
133 (declare (ignorable ,@',(nth n gensyms)))
134 (symbol-macrolet ((,',(nth n names) (,',(make-adorned-symbol (nth n types) :suffix "TUPLE")
135 ,@',(loop
136 for gensym in (nth n gensyms)
137 collect gensym))))
138 ,,(if (< (1+ n) (length names))
139 (symbol-macro-expander-fn (1+ n) names types elements gensyms body)
140 ``(progn ,@',body))))
141 (if (< (1+ n) (length names))
142 (symbol-macro-expander-fn (1+ n) names types elements gensyms body)
143 ``(progn ,@',body))))
146 (defun arg-expander-fn-aux (n names types elements gensyms body)
147 (if (nth n types)
148 ``(,',(make-adorned-symbol (nth n types) :prefix "WITH")
149 ,,(nth n names) ,',(nth n gensyms)
150 ,,(if (< (1+ n) (length names))
151 (arg-expander-fn-aux (1+ n) names types elements gensyms body)
152 (symbol-macro-expander-fn 0 names types elements gensyms body)))
153 ``(symbol-macrolet ((,',(nth n names) ,,(nth n names)))
154 ,,(if (< (1+ n) (length names))
155 (arg-expander-fn-aux (1+ n) names types elements gensyms body)
156 (symbol-macro-expander-fn 0 names types elements gensyms body)))))
159 (defun body-expander-fn (names types elements gensyms body)
160 (if (eq (caar body) :return)
161 (let ((ret-type (if (tuple-typep (cadar body))
163 (cadar body)))
164 (real-body (cddar body)))
165 `(the ,ret-type
166 ,(arg-expander-fn-aux 0 names types elements gensyms real-body)))
167 (arg-expander-fn-aux 0 names types elements gensyms body)))
169 (defun arg-expander-fn (names types elements forms)
170 "Helper function for def-tuple-op. Expands the arguments into a series of WITH-* forms so that
171 symbols are bound to tuple elements in the body of the operator."
172 (assert (= (length names) (length types) (length elements)) ()
173 "Malformed def-tuple-op argument list.")
174 (let ((body (if (stringp (first forms)) (rest forms) forms)))
175 (if (car types)
176 (let ((gensyms
177 (mapcar #'(lambda (element-list)
178 (gensym-list (length element-list))) elements)))
179 (body-expander-fn names types elements gensyms body)))))
181 ; tester
182 ;; (arg-expander-fn '(v q) '(vector3d quaternion) '((x y z) (qx qy qz qw)) '("Return the vector + real" (:return (values single-float single-float single-float single-float) (vertex3d-tuple x y z qw))))
183 ;; (arg-expander-fn '(v q) '(vector3d quaternion) '((x y z) (qx qy qz qw)) '("Return the vector + real" ((:return (values single-float single-float single-float single-float)) (vertex3d-tuple x y z qw))))