converted to using drakmas parameters and dropped cl-ppcre as an explicit dependency
[cl-mediawiki.git] / src / main.lisp
1 (in-package :cl-mediawiki)
3 (defclass mediawiki ()
4 ((url :accessor url :initarg :url :initform nil)
5 (auth :accessor auth :initarg :auth :initform nil)
6 (cookie-jar :accessor cookie-jar :initarg cookie-jar :initform (make-instance 'drakma:cookie-jar))))
8 (defvar *mediawiki* nil
9 "the current instance of media wiki we are dealing with (mostly for use with with-mediawiki)")
11 (defmacro with-mediawiki ((obj) &body body)
12 `(let ((*mediawiki* ,(typecase obj
13 (list obj)
14 (string `(make-instance 'mediawiki :url ,obj)))))
15 ,@body
18 (defun make-api-request (api-params &key (basic-authorization (auth *mediawiki* )) (force-ssl T) (method :get))
19 (let ((full-url (format nil "~a/api.php" (url *mediawiki*))))
20 (push '("format" . "xml") api-params)
21 (multiple-value-bind (content status headers uri stream must-close status-word)
22 (drakma:http-request
23 full-url
24 :method method
25 :basic-authorization basic-authorization
26 :force-ssl force-ssl
27 :parameters api-params
28 :cookie-jar (cookie-jar *mediawiki*)
30 (declare (ignore headers uri stream must-close status-word))
31 (values content status))))
33 (defun make-parameters (params)
34 (loop for binding in params
35 when binding
36 collecting
37 (destructuring-bind (key val) binding
38 (cons (format nil "~(~a~)" key)
39 (typecase val
40 (symbol (format nil "~(~a~)" val))
41 (string val))))))
43 (defun parse-api-response-to-sxml (content)
44 (cxml:parse content (cxml-xmls:make-xmls-builder) :validate nil))
46 (defun attribute-value (key alist)
47 (cadr (assoc key alist :test #'equalp)))
49 (define-condition media-wiki-error (error)
50 ((obj :accessor obj :initarg :obj :initform nil)
51 (code :accessor code :initarg :code :initform nil)
52 (message :accessor message :initarg :message :initform nil)))
54 (defmethod print-object ((err media-wiki-error) stream)
55 (format stream "MEDIA-WIKI-ERROR: ~a ~a ~%~a"
56 (code err)
57 (message err)
58 (obj err)
61 (define-condition match-error (error)
62 ((obj :accessor obj :initarg :obj :initform nil)
63 (message :accessor message :initarg :message :initform nil)))
65 (defmacro match-response-with-error-reporting ((match-form object)&body body)
66 "Attempts to unify body as (match (match-form obj) ,@body)
68 will detect wiki errors and hand them back to us as reasonable CL signals
69 if we canot match signal a matching-error
71 (let ((obj-sym (gensym "obj")))
72 `(let ((,obj-sym ,object))
73 (unify:match-case
74 (,obj-sym)
75 (`("api"
76 NIL
77 ("error"
78 ,#T(list &rest ?err)))
79 (error 'media-wiki-error :obj ,obj-sym
80 :code (attribute-value "code" err)
81 :message (attribute-value "info" err)))
82 (,match-form
83 ,@body)
85 (error 'match-error :message "Error matching" :obj ,obj-sym))
86 ))))