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[cl-gtk2.git] / gboxed.test.lisp
1 (in-package :gobject)
3 (define-foreign-type g-boxed-foreign-type ()
4 ((info :initarg :info
5 :accessor g-boxed-foreign-info
6 :initform (error "info must be specified"))
7 (free-from-foreign :initarg :free-from-foreign
8 :initform nil
9 :accessor g-boxed-foreign-free-from-foreign)
10 (free-to-foreign :initarg :free-to-foreign
11 :initform nil
12 :accessor g-boxed-foreign-free-to-foreign)
13 (for-callback :initarg :for-callback
14 :initform nil
15 :accessor g-boxed-foreign-for-callback))
16 (:actual-type :pointer))
18 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
19 (defstruct g-boxed-info
20 name
21 g-type))
23 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
24 (defun get-g-boxed-foreign-info (name)
25 (get name 'g-boxed-foreign-info)))
27 (define-parse-method g-boxed-foreign (name &key free-from-foreign free-to-foreign for-callback)
28 (let ((info (get-g-boxed-foreign-info name)))
29 (assert info nil "Unknown foreign GBoxed type ~A" name)
30 (make-instance 'g-boxed-foreign-type
31 :info info
32 :free-from-foreign free-from-foreign
33 :free-to-foreign free-to-foreign
34 :for-callback for-callback)))
36 (eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
37 (defstruct (g-boxed-cstruct-wrapper-info (:include g-boxed-info))
38 cstruct
39 slots))
41 (defmacro define-g-boxed-cstruct (name cstruct-name g-type-name &body slots)
42 `(progn
43 (defstruct ,name
44 ,@(iter (for (name type &key initarg) in slots)
45 (collect (list name initarg))))
46 (defcstruct ,cstruct-name
47 ,@(iter (for (name type &key initarg) in slots)
48 (collect `(,name ,type))))
49 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
50 (setf (get ',name 'g-boxed-foreign-info)
51 (make-g-boxed-cstruct-wrapper-info :name ',name
52 :g-type ,g-type-name
53 :cstruct ',cstruct-name
54 :slots ',(iter (for (name type &key initarg) in slots)
55 (collect name)))))))
57 (define-g-boxed-cstruct gdk-rectangle gdk-rectangle-cstruct "GdkRectangle"
58 (x :int :initarg 0)
59 (y :int :initarg 0)
60 (width :int :initarg 0)
61 (height :int :initarg 0))
63 (defgeneric create-temporary-native (type proxy)
64 (:documentation "Creates a native structure (or passes a pointer to copy contained in PROXY)
65 that contains the same data that the PROXY contains and returns a pointer to it.
67 This call is always paired by call to FREE-TEMPORARY-NATIVE and calls may be nested."))
69 (defgeneric free-temporary-native (type proxy native-ptr)
70 (:documentation "Frees the native structure that was previously created
73 Also reads data from native structure pointer to by NATIVE-PTR
74 and sets the PROXY to contain the same data.
76 This call is always paired by call to CREATE-TEMPORARY-NATIVE and calls may be nested."))
78 (defgeneric create-proxy-for-native (type native-ptr)
79 (:documentation "Creates a proxy that is initialized by data contained in native
80 structured pointed to by NATIVE-PTR.
82 Created proxy should not be linked to NATIVE-PTR and should have
83 indefinite lifetime (until garbage collector collects it). Specifically,
84 if proxy need a pointer to native structure, it should make a copy of
85 a structure.
87 If proxy requires finalization, finalizers should be added."))
89 (defgeneric create-reference-proxy (type native-ptr)
90 (:documentation "Creates a reference proxy for a native structure pointed to by NATIVE-PTR.
92 Reference proxy's lifetime is bound to duration of a callback. When the
93 callback returns the reference proxy is declared invalid and operations on it are errors.
95 This call is always paired by call to FREE-REFERENCE-PROXY and calls will not nest."))
97 (defgeneric free-reference-proxy (type proxy native-ptr)
98 (:documentation "Frees a reference proxy PROXY previously created by call to
99 CREATE-REFERENCE-PROXY. This call should ensure that all changes on PROXY are
100 reflected in native structure pointed to by NATIVE-PTR.
102 After a call to FREE-REFERENCE-PROXY, PROXY is declared invalid and using it is an error,
103 operations on it should signal erros.
105 This call is always paired by call to CREATE-REFERENCE-PROXY."))
107 (defmethod create-temporary-native ((type g-boxed-cstruct-wrapper-info) proxy)
108 (format t "create-temporary-native~%")
109 (let* ((native-structure-type (g-boxed-cstruct-wrapper-info-cstruct type))
110 (native-structure (foreign-alloc native-structure-type)))
111 (iter (for slot in (g-boxed-cstruct-wrapper-info-slots type))
112 (setf (foreign-slot-value native-structure native-structure-type slot)
113 (slot-value proxy slot)))
114 native-structure))
116 (defmethod free-temporary-native ((type g-boxed-cstruct-wrapper-info) proxy native-structure)
117 (format t "free-temporary-native~%")
118 (let ((native-structure-type (g-boxed-cstruct-wrapper-info-cstruct type)))
119 (iter (for slot in (g-boxed-cstruct-wrapper-info-slots type))
120 (setf (slot-value proxy slot)
121 (foreign-slot-value native-structure native-structure-type slot))))
122 (foreign-free native-structure))
124 (defmethod create-proxy-for-native ((type g-boxed-cstruct-wrapper-info) native-structure)
125 (format t "create-proxy-for-native~%")
126 (let* ((native-structure-type (g-boxed-cstruct-wrapper-info-cstruct type))
127 (proxy (make-instance (g-boxed-info-name type))))
128 (iter (for slot in (g-boxed-cstruct-wrapper-info-slots type))
129 (setf (slot-value proxy slot)
130 (foreign-slot-value native-structure native-structure-type slot)))
131 proxy))
133 (defmethod create-reference-proxy ((type g-boxed-cstruct-wrapper-info) native-structure)
134 (format t "create-reference-proxy~%")
135 (create-proxy-for-native type native-structure))
137 (defmethod free-reference-proxy ((type g-boxed-cstruct-wrapper-info) proxy native-structure)
138 (format t "free-reference-proxy~%")
139 (let ((native-structure-type (g-boxed-cstruct-wrapper-info-cstruct type)))
140 (iter (for slot in (g-boxed-cstruct-wrapper-info-slots type))
141 (setf (foreign-slot-value native-structure native-structure-type slot)
142 (slot-value proxy slot)))))
144 (defmethod translate-to-foreign (proxy (type g-boxed-foreign-type))
145 (if proxy
146 (let* ((info (g-boxed-foreign-info type)))
147 (values (create-temporary-native info proxy) proxy))
148 (null-pointer)))
150 (defmethod free-translated-object (native-structure (type g-boxed-foreign-type) proxy)
151 (when proxy
152 (free-temporary-native (g-boxed-foreign-info type) proxy native-structure)))
154 (defmethod translate-from-foreign (native-structure (type g-boxed-foreign-type))
155 (unless (null-pointer-p native-structure)
156 (let* ((info (g-boxed-foreign-info type)))
157 (cond
158 ((g-boxed-foreign-for-callback type)
159 (create-reference-proxy info native-structure))
160 ((or (g-boxed-foreign-free-to-foreign type)
161 (g-boxed-foreign-free-from-foreign type))
162 (error "Feature not yet handled"))
163 (t (create-proxy-for-native info native-structure))))))
165 (defmethod cleanup-translated-object-for-callback ((type g-boxed-foreign-type) proxy native-structure)
166 (unless (null-pointer-p native-structure)
167 (free-reference-proxy (g-boxed-foreign-info type) proxy native-structure)))
169 (defmethod has-callback-cleanup ((type g-boxed-foreign-type))
172 (defcallback incf-rectangle :void ((rectangle (g-boxed-foreign gdk-rectangle :for-callback t))
173 (delta :int))
174 (incf (gdk-rectangle-x rectangle) delta)
175 (incf (gdk-rectangle-y rectangle) delta)
176 (incf (gdk-rectangle-width rectangle) delta)
177 (incf (gdk-rectangle-height rectangle) delta)
178 (format t "~A~%" rectangle))
180 (defun do-incf-rect (r &optional (delta 1))
181 (foreign-funcall-pointer (callback incf-rectangle) ()
182 (g-boxed-foreign gdk-rectangle) r
183 :int delta
184 :void)
187 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
188 (defstruct (g-boxed-opaque-wrapper-info (:include g-boxed-info))
189 alloc free))
191 (defclass g-boxed-opaque ()
192 ((pointer :initarg :pointer
193 :initform nil
194 :accessor g-boxed-opaque-pointer)))
196 (defmethod create-temporary-native ((type g-boxed-opaque-wrapper-info) proxy)
197 (declare (ignore type))
198 (g-boxed-opaque-pointer proxy))
200 (defmethod free-temporary-native ((type g-boxed-opaque-wrapper-info) proxy native-structure)
201 (declare (ignore type proxy native-structure)))
203 (defmethod create-reference-proxy ((type g-boxed-opaque-wrapper-info) native-structure)
204 (make-instance (g-boxed-info-g-type type) :pointer native-structure))
206 (defmethod free-reference-proxy ((type g-boxed-opaque-wrapper-info) proxy native-structure)
207 (declare (ignore type native-structure))
208 (setf (g-boxed-opaque-pointer proxy) nil))
210 (defmethod create-proxy-for-native ((type g-boxed-opaque-wrapper-info) native-structure)
211 (let* ((g-type (g-boxed-info-g-type type))
212 (native-copy (g-boxed-copy g-type native-structure)))
213 (flet ((finalizer () (g-boxed-free g-type native-copy)))
214 (let ((proxy (make-instance (g-boxed-opaque-wrapper-info-g-type type) :pointer native-copy)))
215 (tg:finalize proxy #'finalizer)
216 proxy))))
218 (defmacro define-g-boxed-opaque (name g-type-name &key
219 (alloc (error "Alloc must be specified")))
220 (let ((native-copy (gensym "NATIVE-COPY-"))
221 (instance (gensym "INSTANCE-"))
222 (finalizer (gensym "FINALIZER-")))
223 `(progn (defclass ,name (g-boxed-opaque) ())
224 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((,instance ,name) &key &allow-other-keys)
225 (unless (g-boxed-opaque-pointer ,instance)
226 (let ((,native-copy ,alloc))
227 (flet ((,finalizer () (g-boxed-free ,g-type-name ,native-copy)))
228 (setf (g-boxed-opaque-pointer ,instance) ,native-copy)
229 (finalize ,instance #',finalizer)))))
230 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
231 (setf (get ',name 'g-boxed-foreign-info)
232 (make-g-boxed-opaque-wrapper-info :name ',name
233 :g-type ,g-type-name))))))
235 (define-g-boxed-opaque gtk-tree-path "GtkTreePath"
236 :alloc (let* ((native-structure (gtk-tree-path-new))
237 (native-copy (g-boxed-copy "GtkTreePath" native-structure)))
238 (gtk-tree-path-free native-structure)
239 native-copy))
241 (defcfun gtk-tree-path-new :pointer)
243 (defcfun gtk-tree-path-free :void
244 (gtk-tree-path :pointer))
246 (defcfun gtk-tree-path-copy :pointer
247 (gtk-tree-path :pointer))
249 (defcfun (%gtk-tree-path-get-depth "gtk_tree_path_get_depth") :int
250 (path (g-boxed-foreign gtk-tree-path)))
252 (defcfun (%gtk-tree-path-get-indices "gtk_tree_path_get_indices") (:pointer :int)
253 (path (g-boxed-foreign gtk-tree-path)))
255 (defcfun gtk-tree-path-append-index :void
256 (path (g-boxed-foreign gtk-tree-path))
257 (index :int))
259 (defun tree-path-get-indices (path)
260 (let ((n (%gtk-tree-path-get-depth path))
261 (indices (%gtk-tree-path-get-indices path)))
262 (loop
263 for i from 0 below n
264 collect (mem-aref indices :int i))))