Hack to make it work with CCL
[cl-glfw.git] / lib / opengl-nv_register_combiners.lisp
1 ;;;; This file was automatically generated by /home/bill/programming/cl-glfw/generators/make-bindings-from-spec.lisp
3 (in-package #:cl-glfw-opengl)
5 ;;;; nv_register_combiners
7 (defconstant +register-combiners-nv+ #x8522)
8 (defconstant +variable-a-nv+ #x8523)
9 (defconstant +variable-b-nv+ #x8524)
10 (defconstant +variable-c-nv+ #x8525)
11 (defconstant +variable-d-nv+ #x8526)
12 (defconstant +variable-e-nv+ #x8527)
13 (defconstant +variable-f-nv+ #x8528)
14 (defconstant +variable-g-nv+ #x8529)
15 (defconstant +constant-color0-nv+ #x852A)
16 (defconstant +constant-color1-nv+ #x852B)
17 (defconstant +primary-color-nv+ #x852C)
18 (defconstant +secondary-color-nv+ #x852D)
19 (defconstant +spare0-nv+ #x852E)
20 (defconstant +spare1-nv+ #x852F)
21 (defconstant +discard-nv+ #x8530)
22 (defconstant +e-times-f-nv+ #x8531)
23 (defconstant +spare0-plus-secondary-color-nv+ #x8532)
24 (defconstant +register-combiners-nv+ #x8522)
25 (defconstant +variable-a-nv+ #x8523)
26 (defconstant +variable-b-nv+ #x8524)
27 (defconstant +variable-c-nv+ #x8525)
28 (defconstant +variable-d-nv+ #x8526)
29 (defconstant +variable-e-nv+ #x8527)
30 (defconstant +variable-f-nv+ #x8528)
31 (defconstant +variable-g-nv+ #x8529)
32 (defconstant +constant-color0-nv+ #x852A)
33 (defconstant +constant-color1-nv+ #x852B)
34 (defconstant +primary-color-nv+ #x852C)
35 (defconstant +secondary-color-nv+ #x852D)
36 (defconstant +spare0-nv+ #x852E)
37 (defconstant +spare1-nv+ #x852F)
38 (defconstant +discard-nv+ #x8530)
39 (defconstant +e-times-f-nv+ #x8531)
40 (defconstant +spare0-plus-secondary-color-nv+ #x8532)
41 (defconstant +unsigned-identity-nv+ #x8536)
42 (defconstant +unsigned-invert-nv+ #x8537)
43 (defconstant +expand-normal-nv+ #x8538)
44 (defconstant +expand-negate-nv+ #x8539)
45 (defconstant +half-bias-normal-nv+ #x853A)
46 (defconstant +half-bias-negate-nv+ #x853B)
47 (defconstant +signed-identity-nv+ #x853C)
48 (defconstant +signed-negate-nv+ #x853D)
49 (defconstant +scale-by-two-nv+ #x853E)
50 (defconstant +scale-by-four-nv+ #x853F)
51 (defconstant +scale-by-one-half-nv+ #x8540)
52 (defconstant +bias-by-negative-one-half-nv+ #x8541)
53 (defconstant +combiner-input-nv+ #x8542)
54 (defconstant +combiner-mapping-nv+ #x8543)
55 (defconstant +combiner-component-usage-nv+ #x8544)
56 (defconstant +combiner-ab-dot-product-nv+ #x8545)
57 (defconstant +combiner-cd-dot-product-nv+ #x8546)
58 (defconstant +combiner-mux-sum-nv+ #x8547)
59 (defconstant +combiner-scale-nv+ #x8548)
60 (defconstant +combiner-bias-nv+ #x8549)
61 (defconstant +combiner-ab-output-nv+ #x854A)
62 (defconstant +combiner-cd-output-nv+ #x854B)
63 (defconstant +combiner-sum-output-nv+ #x854C)
64 (defconstant +max-general-combiners-nv+ #x854D)
65 (defconstant +num-general-combiners-nv+ #x854E)
66 (defconstant +color-sum-clamp-nv+ #x854F)
67 (defconstant +combiner0-nv+ #x8550)
68 (defconstant +combiner1-nv+ #x8551)
69 (defconstant +combiner2-nv+ #x8552)
70 (defconstant +combiner3-nv+ #x8553)
71 (defconstant +combiner4-nv+ #x8554)
72 (defconstant +combiner5-nv+ #x8555)
73 (defconstant +combiner6-nv+ #x8556)
74 (defconstant +combiner7-nv+ #x8557)
75 (defconstant +texture0-arb+ #x84C0)
76 (defconstant +texture1-arb+ #x84C1)
77 (defglextfun "GetFinalCombinerInputParameterivNV"
78 get-final-combiner-input-parameter-iv-nv :return "void" :args
79 ((:name |variable| :type |CombinerVariableNV| :direction :in)
80 (:name |pname| :type |CombinerParameterNV| :direction :in)
81 (:name |params| :type |Int32| :direction :out :array t :size (|pname|)))
82 :category "NV_register_combiners" :deprecated nil :version "1.1")
83 (defglextfun "GetFinalCombinerInputParameterfvNV"
84 get-final-combiner-input-parameter-fv-nv :return "void" :args
85 ((:name |variable| :type |CombinerVariableNV| :direction :in)
86 (:name |pname| :type |CombinerParameterNV| :direction :in)
87 (:name |params| :type |Float32| :direction :out :array t :size (|pname|)))
88 :category "NV_register_combiners" :deprecated nil :version "1.1")
89 (defglextfun "GetCombinerOutputParameterivNV"
90 get-combiner-output-parameter-iv-nv :return "void" :args
91 ((:name |stage| :type |CombinerStageNV| :direction :in)
92 (:name |portion| :type |CombinerPortionNV| :direction :in)
93 (:name |pname| :type |CombinerParameterNV| :direction :in)
94 (:name |params| :type |Int32| :direction :out :array t :size (|pname|)))
95 :category "NV_register_combiners" :deprecated nil :version "1.1")
96 (defglextfun "GetCombinerOutputParameterfvNV"
97 get-combiner-output-parameter-fv-nv :return "void" :args
98 ((:name |stage| :type |CombinerStageNV| :direction :in)
99 (:name |portion| :type |CombinerPortionNV| :direction :in)
100 (:name |pname| :type |CombinerParameterNV| :direction :in)
101 (:name |params| :type |Float32| :direction :out :array t :size (|pname|)))
102 :category "NV_register_combiners" :deprecated nil :version "1.1")
103 (defglextfun "GetCombinerInputParameterivNV" get-combiner-input-parameter-iv-nv
104 :return "void" :args
105 ((:name |stage| :type |CombinerStageNV| :direction :in)
106 (:name |portion| :type |CombinerPortionNV| :direction :in)
107 (:name |variable| :type |CombinerVariableNV| :direction :in)
108 (:name |pname| :type |CombinerParameterNV| :direction :in)
109 (:name |params| :type |Int32| :direction :out :array t :size (|pname|)))
110 :category "NV_register_combiners" :deprecated nil :version "1.1")
111 (defglextfun "GetCombinerInputParameterfvNV" get-combiner-input-parameter-fv-nv
112 :return "void" :args
113 ((:name |stage| :type |CombinerStageNV| :direction :in)
114 (:name |portion| :type |CombinerPortionNV| :direction :in)
115 (:name |variable| :type |CombinerVariableNV| :direction :in)
116 (:name |pname| :type |CombinerParameterNV| :direction :in)
117 (:name |params| :type |Float32| :direction :out :array t :size (|pname|)))
118 :category "NV_register_combiners" :deprecated nil :version "1.1")
119 (defglextfun "FinalCombinerInputNV" final-combiner-input-nv :return "void"
120 :args
121 ((:name |variable| :type |CombinerVariableNV| :direction :in)
122 (:name |input| :type |CombinerRegisterNV| :direction :in)
123 (:name |mapping| :type |CombinerMappingNV| :direction :in)
124 (:name |componentUsage| :type |CombinerComponentUsageNV| :direction :in))
125 :category "NV_register_combiners" :deprecated nil :version "1.1")
126 (defglextfun "CombinerOutputNV" combiner-output-nv :return "void" :args
127 ((:name |stage| :type |CombinerStageNV| :direction :in)
128 (:name |portion| :type |CombinerPortionNV| :direction :in)
129 (:name |abOutput| :type |CombinerRegisterNV| :direction :in)
130 (:name |cdOutput| :type |CombinerRegisterNV| :direction :in)
131 (:name |sumOutput| :type |CombinerRegisterNV| :direction :in)
132 (:name |scale| :type |CombinerScaleNV| :direction :in)
133 (:name |bias| :type |CombinerBiasNV| :direction :in)
134 (:name |abDotProduct| :type |Boolean| :direction :in)
135 (:name |cdDotProduct| :type |Boolean| :direction :in)
136 (:name |muxSum| :type |Boolean| :direction :in))
137 :category "NV_register_combiners" :deprecated nil :version "1.1")
138 (defglextfun "CombinerInputNV" combiner-input-nv :return "void" :args
139 ((:name |stage| :type |CombinerStageNV| :direction :in)
140 (:name |portion| :type |CombinerPortionNV| :direction :in)
141 (:name |variable| :type |CombinerVariableNV| :direction :in)
142 (:name |input| :type |CombinerRegisterNV| :direction :in)
143 (:name |mapping| :type |CombinerMappingNV| :direction :in)
144 (:name |componentUsage| :type |CombinerComponentUsageNV| :direction :in))
145 :category "NV_register_combiners" :deprecated nil :version "1.1")
146 (defglextfun "CombinerParameteriNV" combiner-parameter-i-nv :return "void"
147 :args
148 ((:name |pname| :type |CombinerParameterNV| :direction :in)
149 (:name |param| :type |Int32| :direction :in))
150 :category "NV_register_combiners" :deprecated nil :version "1.1")
151 (defglextfun "CombinerParameterivNV" combiner-parameter-iv-nv :return "void"
152 :args
153 ((:name |pname| :type |CombinerParameterNV| :direction :in)
154 (:name |params| :type |CheckedInt32| :direction :in :array t :size
155 (|pname|)))
156 :category "NV_register_combiners" :deprecated nil :version "1.1")
157 (defglextfun "CombinerParameterfNV" combiner-parameter-f-nv :return "void"
158 :args
159 ((:name |pname| :type |CombinerParameterNV| :direction :in)
160 (:name |param| :type |Float32| :direction :in))
161 :category "NV_register_combiners" :deprecated nil :version "1.1")
162 (defglextfun "CombinerParameterfvNV" combiner-parameter-fv-nv :return "void"
163 :args
164 ((:name |pname| :type |CombinerParameterNV| :direction :in)
165 (:name |params| :type |CheckedFloat32| :direction :in :array t :size
166 (|pname|)))
167 :category "NV_register_combiners" :deprecated nil :version "1.1")