Silently fail if load-extension extension doesn't have anything to load.
[cl-glfw.git] / lib / opengl-convenience.lisp
1 (in-package #:opengl)
3 (defmacro with-new-list (list mode &body forms)
4 "New/End-List wrapper."
5 `(progn
6 (gl:new-list ,list ,mode)
7 (unwind-protect (progn ,@forms)
8 (gl:end-list))))
10 (defmacro with-push-name (name &body forms)
11 "Select name push/pop wrapper"
12 `(progn
13 (gl:push-name ,name)
14 (unwind-protect (progn ,@forms)
15 (gl:pop-name))))
17 (defmacro with-begin (mode &body forms)
18 "Immediate mode block wrapper."
19 `(progn
20 (gl:begin ,mode)
21 (unwind-protect (progn ,@forms)
22 (gl:end))))
24 (defmacro with-push-attrib ((&rest attrib-bits) &body forms)
25 "Pushes the bitwise or of attrib-bits, executing forms and clean up with pop-attrib."
26 `(progn
27 (gl:push-attrib (logior ,@attrib-bits))
28 (unwind-protect (progn ,@forms)
29 (gl:pop-attrib))))
31 (defmacro with-push-matrix (&body forms)
32 "Pushes the current matrix onto the stack, executes forms and clean up with pop-matrix."
33 `(progn
34 (gl:push-matrix)
35 (unwind-protect (progn ,@forms)
36 (gl:pop-matrix))))
38 (defmacro with-setup-projection (&body forms)
39 "Switch to projection mode, load identity, execute forms and return to modelview matrix mode."
40 `(progn
41 (gl:matrix-mode gl:+projection+)
42 (gl:load-identity)
43 (unwind-protect (progn ,@forms)
44 (gl:matrix-mode gl:+modelview+))))
46 ;; 1.1 Conveniences
48 (defmacro with-push-client-attrib ((&rest attrib-bits) &body forms)
49 "Pushes the bitwise or of the client attrib-bits, executing forms and clean up with pop-client-attrib."
50 `(progn
51 (gl:push-client-attrib (logior ,@attrib-bits))
52 (unwind-protect (progn ,@forms)
53 (gl:pop-client-attrib))))
55 ;; 1.5 Conveniences
56 (defmacro with-begin-query ((target id) &body forms)
57 `(progn
58 (gl:begin-query ,target ,id)
59 (unwind-protect (progn ,@forms)
60 (gl:end-query))))
62 (defmacro with-map-buffer ((target access) &body forms)
63 "Executes forms with VBO buffer mapped as with gl:map-buffer, unmapping cleanly afterwards."
64 (let ((ntarget (gensym "TARGET-")))
65 `(let ((,ntarget ,target))
66 (gl:map-buffer ,ntarget ,access)
67 (unwind-protect (progn ,@forms)
68 (gl:unmap-buffer ,ntarget)))))
70 ;; 2.0 conveniences
72 (defun shader-source-from-stream (handle in)
73 (declare (type stream in))
74 (let* ((lines (loop for line = (read-line in nil) while line collecting line))
75 (c-lines (cffi:foreign-alloc :string :initial-contents lines)))
76 (gl:shader-source handle (length lines) c-lines (cffi:null-pointer))))
78 (defun check-compiled-shader (handle)
79 "Given a shader handle that has been compiled, checks and flags in a lisp-friendly manner
80 their compile status. Errors are signalled using an error with the shader log, success will
81 just warn with the contents of the program-log, if present."
82 (cffi:with-foreign-objects ((log-length 'gl:sizei)
83 (compile-status 'gl:int))
84 (gl:get-shader-iv handle gl:+info-log-length+ log-length)
85 (gl:get-shader-iv handle gl:+compile-status+ compile-status)
86 (let ((shader-log (when (> (cffi:mem-ref log-length 'gl:sizei) 1)
87 (cffi:with-foreign-pointer-as-string (str 4096)
88 (gl:get-shader-info-log handle (cffi:mem-ref log-length 'gl:sizei) (cffi:null-pointer) str)
89 (cffi:foreign-string-to-lisp str (cffi:mem-ref log-length 'gl:sizei))))))
90 (if (= (cffi:mem-ref compile-status 'gl:int)
91 gl:+true+)
92 (when shader-log (warn shader-log))
93 (error shader-log)))))
95 (defun make-shader (type source)
96 "Convenience function to create a shader of type given from source, which may either be a
97 pathname of a file to load from, or a string of the shader source directly. Returns handle of the new shader."
98 (let ((handle (gl:create-shader type)))
99 (if (typep source 'pathname)
100 (with-open-file (in source :direction :input)
101 (shader-source-from-stream handle in))
102 (with-input-from-string (in source)
103 (shader-source-from-stream handle in)))
104 (gl:compile-shader handle)
105 (check-compiled-shader handle)
106 handle))
108 (defun check-linked-program (handle)
109 "Given a program handle that has been linked, checks and flags in a lisp-friendly manner
110 their link status. Errors are signalled using an error with the program log, success will
111 just warn with the contents of the program-log, if present."
112 (cffi:with-foreign-objects ((log-length 'gl:sizei)
113 (link-status 'gl:int))
114 (gl:get-program-iv handle gl:+info-log-length+ log-length)
115 (gl:get-program-iv handle gl:+link-status+ link-status)
116 (let ((program-log (when (> (cffi:mem-ref log-length 'gl:sizei) 1)
117 (cffi:with-foreign-pointer-as-string (str 4096)
118 (gl:get-program-info-log handle (cffi:mem-ref log-length 'gl:sizei) (cffi:null-pointer) str)
119 (cffi:foreign-string-to-lisp str (cffi:mem-ref log-length 'gl:sizei))))))
120 (if (= (cffi:mem-ref link-status 'gl:int)
121 gl:+true+)
122 (when program-log (warn program-log))
123 (error program-log)))))
125 (defun make-program (&rest shader-handles)
126 "Given shader handles, creates a program, attaches any shaders given and links the program."
127 (let ((handle (gl:create-program)))
128 (dolist (shader-handle shader-handles)
129 (gl:attach-shader handle shader-handle))
130 (when shader-handles
131 (gl:link-program handle)
132 (check-linked-program handle))
133 handle))
135 (defmacro with-use-program (name &body forms)
136 "Executes forms using the shader program named. And cleanly use no-program afterwards."
137 `(progn
138 (gl:use-program ,name)
139 (unwind-protect (progn ,@forms)
140 (gl:use-program 0))))
142 (export '(with-new-list with-push-name with-begin with-push-attrib with-push-matrix with-setup-projection with-push-client-attrib with-begin-query with-map-buffer
143 shader-source-from-stream check-compiled-shader make-shader
144 check-linked-program make-program
145 with-use-program))