Move the ShortcutsBackend from history to autocomplete so that it can fully
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome / browser / autocomplete / shortcuts_provider.h
1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <map>
9 #include <set>
10 #include <string>
12 #include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
13 #include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_provider.h"
14 #include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/shortcuts_backend.h"
15 #include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/url_prefix.h"
17 class Profile;
18 class ShortcutsProviderTest;
20 // Provider of recently autocompleted links. Provides autocomplete suggestions
21 // from previously selected suggestions. The more often a user selects a
22 // suggestion for a given search term the higher will be that suggestion's
23 // ranking for future uses of that search term.
24 class ShortcutsProvider
25 : public AutocompleteProvider,
26 public ShortcutsBackend::ShortcutsBackendObserver {
27 public:
28 ShortcutsProvider(AutocompleteProviderListener* listener, Profile* profile);
30 // Performs the autocompletion synchronously. Since no asynch completion is
31 // performed |minimal_changes| is ignored.
32 virtual void Start(const AutocompleteInput& input,
33 bool minimal_changes) OVERRIDE;
35 virtual void DeleteMatch(const AutocompleteMatch& match) OVERRIDE;
37 private:
38 friend class ClassifyTest;
39 friend class ShortcutsProviderTest;
41 typedef std::multimap<base::char16, base::string16> WordMap;
43 virtual ~ShortcutsProvider();
45 // ShortcutsBackendObserver:
46 virtual void OnShortcutsLoaded() OVERRIDE;
48 // Performs the autocomplete matching and scoring.
49 void GetMatches(const AutocompleteInput& input);
51 // Returns an AutocompleteMatch corresponding to |shortcut|. Assigns it
52 // |relevance| score in the process, and highlights the description and
53 // contents against |term_string|, which should be the lower-cased version
54 // of the user's input. |term_string| and |fixed_up_term_string| are used
55 // to decide what can be inlined. If |prevent_inline_autocomplete|, no
56 // matches with inline completions will be allowed to be the default match.
57 AutocompleteMatch ShortcutToACMatch(
58 const history::ShortcutsDatabase::Shortcut& shortcut,
59 int relevance,
60 const base::string16& term_string,
61 const base::string16& fixed_up_term_string,
62 const bool prevent_inline_autocomplete);
64 // Returns a map mapping characters to groups of words from |text| that start
65 // with those characters, ordered lexicographically descending so that longer
66 // words appear before their prefixes (if any) within a particular
67 // equal_range().
68 static WordMap CreateWordMapForString(const base::string16& text);
70 // Given |text| and a corresponding base set of classifications
71 // |original_class|, adds ACMatchClassification::MATCH markers for all
72 // instances of the words from |find_words| within |text| and returns the
73 // resulting classifications. (|find_text| is provided as the original string
74 // used to create |find_words|. This is supplied because it's common for this
75 // to be a prefix of |text|, so we can quickly check for that and mark that
76 // entire substring as a match before proceeding with the more generic
77 // algorithm.)
79 // For example, given the |text|
80 // "Sports and News at - visit us!" and |original_class|
81 // {{0, NONE}, {18, URL}, {37, NONE}} (marking "" as a
82 // URL), calling with |find_text| set to "sp ew" would return
83 // {{0, MATCH}, {2, NONE}, {12, MATCH}, {14, NONE}, {18, URL|MATCH},
84 // {20, URL}, {37, NONE}}.
86 // |find_words| should be as constructed by CreateWordMapForString(find_text).
88 // |find_text| (and thus |find_words|) are expected to be lowercase. |text|
89 // will be lowercased in this function.
90 static ACMatchClassifications ClassifyAllMatchesInString(
91 const base::string16& find_text,
92 const WordMap& find_words,
93 const base::string16& text,
94 const ACMatchClassifications& original_class);
96 // Returns iterator to first item in |shortcuts_map_| matching |keyword|.
97 // Returns shortcuts_map_.end() if there are no matches.
98 ShortcutsBackend::ShortcutMap::const_iterator FindFirstMatch(
99 const base::string16& keyword,
100 ShortcutsBackend* backend);
102 int CalculateScore(const base::string16& terms,
103 const history::ShortcutsDatabase::Shortcut& shortcut,
104 int max_relevance);
106 std::string languages_;
107 bool initialized_;