third_party: Add OWNERS for re2 library.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / base /
1 # Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 # found in the LICENSE file.
5 import("//build/config/ui.gni")
6 import("//testing/test.gni")
8 if (is_android) {
9   import("//build/config/android/rules.gni")
12 config("base_implementation") {
13   defines = [ "BASE_IMPLEMENTATION" ]
16 if (is_win) {
17   # This is in a separate config so the flags can be applied to dependents.
18   # ldflags in GN aren't automatically inherited.
19   config("base_win_linker_flags") {
20     ldflags = [
21       "/DELAYLOAD:cfgmgr32.dll",
22       "/DELAYLOAD:powrprof.dll",
23       "/DELAYLOAD:setupapi.dll",
24     ]
25   }
28 source_set("base_paths") {
29   sources = [
30     "",
31     "base_paths.h",
32     "",
33     "base_paths_android.h",
34     "base_paths_mac.h",
35     "",
36     "",
37     "base_paths_posix.h",
38     "",
39     "base_paths_win.h",
40   ]
42   if (is_android || is_mac || is_ios) {
43     sources -= [ "" ]
44   }
46   if (is_nacl) {
47     sources -= [
48       "",
49       "",
50     ]
51   }
53   configs += [ ":base_implementation" ]
55   deps = [
56     "//base/memory",
57     "//base/process",
58   ]
60   visibility = [ ":base" ]
63 component("base") {
64   sources = [
65     "allocator/",
66     "allocator/allocator_extension.h",
67     "allocator/",
68     "allocator/type_profiler_control.h",
69     "android/",
70     "android/animation_frame_time_histogram.h",
71     "android/",
72     "android/apk_assets.h",
73     "android/",
74     "android/application_status_listener.h",
75     "android/",
76     "android/base_jni_onload.h",
77     "android/",
78     "android/base_jni_registrar.h",
79     "android/",
80     "android/build_info.h",
81     "android/",
82     "android/command_line_android.h",
83     "android/",
84     "android/content_uri_utils.h",
85     "android/",
86     "android/",
87     "android/event_log.h",
88     "android/",
89     "android/field_trial_list.h",
90     "android/",
91     "android/fifo_utils.h",
92     "android/",
93     "android/important_file_writer_android.h",
94     "android/",
95     "android/java_handler_thread.h",
96     "android/",
97     "android/java_runtime.h",
98     "android/",
99     "android/jni_android.h",
100     "android/",
101     "android/jni_array.h",
102     "android/",
103     "android/jni_registrar.h",
104     "android/",
105     "android/jni_string.h",
106     "android/",
107     "android/jni_utils.h",
108     "android/",
109     "android/jni_weak_ref.h",
110     "android/library_loader/library_load_from_apk_status_codes.h",
111     "android/library_loader/",
112     "android/library_loader/library_loader_hooks.h",
113     "android/library_loader/",
114     "android/library_loader/library_prefetcher.h",
115     "android/",
116     "android/locale_utils.h",
117     "android/",
118     "android/memory_pressure_listener_android.h",
119     "android/",
120     "android/path_service_android.h",
121     "android/",
122     "android/path_utils.h",
123     "android/",
124     "android/record_histogram.h",
125     "android/",
126     "android/record_user_action.h",
127     "android/",
128     "android/scoped_java_ref.h",
129     "android/",
130     "android/sys_utils.h",
131     "android/thread_utils.h",
132     "android/",
133     "android/trace_event_binding.h",
134     "async_socket_io_handler.h",
135     "",
136     "",
137     "",
138     "at_exit.h",
139     "atomic_ref_count.h",
140     "atomic_sequence_num.h",
141     "atomicops.h",
142     "atomicops_internals_gcc.h",
143     "atomicops_internals_mac.h",
144     "atomicops_internals_portable.h",
145     "",
146     "atomicops_internals_x86_gcc.h",
147     "atomicops_internals_x86_msvc.h",
148     "auto_reset.h",
149     "",
150     "barrier_closure.h",
151     "",
152     "base64.h",
153     "base_export.h",
154     "base_switches.h",
155     "basictypes.h",
156     "",
157     "big_endian.h",
158     "bind.h",
159     "",
160     "bind_helpers.h",
161     "bind_internal.h",
162     "bind_internal_win.h",
163     "bits.h",
164     "",
165     "build_time.h",
166     "callback.h",
167     "",
168     "callback_helpers.h",
169     "",
170     "callback_internal.h",
171     "cancelable_callback.h",
172     "",
173     "command_line.h",
174     "compiler_specific.h",
175     "containers/adapters.h",
176     "containers/hash_tables.h",
177     "containers/linked_list.h",
178     "containers/mru_cache.h",
179     "containers/scoped_ptr_hash_map.h",
180     "containers/scoped_ptr_map.h",
181     "containers/small_map.h",
182     "containers/stack_container.h",
183     "",
184     "cpu.h",
185     "critical_closure.h",
186     "",
187     "",
188     "deferred_sequenced_task_runner.h",
189     "",
190     "environment.h",
191     "file_descriptor_posix.h",
192     "file_version_info.h",
193     "file_version_info_mac.h",
194     "",
195     "",
196     "file_version_info_win.h",
197     "files/dir_reader_fallback.h",
198     "files/dir_reader_linux.h",
199     "files/dir_reader_posix.h",
200     "files/",
201     "files/",
202     "files/file_enumerator.h",
203     "files/",
204     "files/",
205     "files/",
206     "files/file_path.h",
207     "files/",
208     "files/",
209     "files/file_path_watcher.h",
210     "files/",
211     "files/file_path_watcher_fsevents.h",
212     "files/",
213     "files/file_path_watcher_kqueue.h",
214     "files/",
215     "files/",
216     "files/",
217     "files/",
218     "files/",
219     "files/file_proxy.h",
220     "files/",
221     "files/file_tracing.h",
222     "files/",
223     "files/file_util.h",
224     "files/",
225     "files/",
226     "files/",
227     "files/",
228     "files/",
229     "files/file_util_proxy.h",
230     "files/",
231     "files/",
232     "files/",
233     "files/important_file_writer.h",
234     "files/",
235     "files/memory_mapped_file.h",
236     "files/",
237     "files/",
238     "files/",
239     "files/scoped_file.h",
240     "files/",
241     "files/scoped_temp_dir.h",
242     "format_macros.h",
243     "gtest_prod_util.h",
244     "",
245     "guid.h",
246     "",
247     "",
248     "",
249     "hash.h",
250     "id_map.h",
251     "ios/device_util.h",
252     "ios/",
253     "ios/ios_util.h",
254     "ios/",
255     "ios/scoped_critical_action.h",
256     "ios/",
257     "ios/weak_nsobject.h",
258     "ios/",
259     "",
260     "lazy_instance.h",
261     "",
262     "linux_util.h",
263     "",
264     "location.h",
265     "",
266     "logging.h",
267     "",
268     "logging_win.h",
269     "mac/authorization_util.h",
270     "mac/",
271     "mac/bind_objc_block.h",
272     "mac/bundle_locations.h",
273     "mac/",
274     "mac/cocoa_protocols.h",
275     "mac/",
276     "mac/dispatch_source_mach.h",
277     "mac/foundation_util.h",
278     "mac/",
279     "mac/",
280     "mac/launch_services_util.h",
281     "mac/",
282     "mac/launchd.h",
283     "mac/",
284     "mac/libdispatch_task_runner.h",
285     "mac/",
286     "mac/mac_logging.h",
287     "mac/mac_util.h",
288     "mac/",
289     "mac/",
290     "mac/mach_logging.h",
291     "mac/objc_property_releaser.h",
292     "mac/",
293     "mac/",
294     "mac/os_crash_dumps.h",
295     "mac/scoped_aedesc.h",
296     "mac/scoped_authorizationref.h",
297     "mac/scoped_block.h",
298     "mac/scoped_cftyperef.h",
299     "mac/scoped_ioobject.h",
300     "mac/scoped_ioplugininterface.h",
301     "mac/scoped_launch_data.h",
302     "mac/",
303     "mac/scoped_mach_port.h",
304     "mac/",
305     "mac/scoped_mach_vm.h",
306     "mac/scoped_nsautorelease_pool.h",
307     "mac/",
308     "mac/scoped_nsexception_enabler.h",
309     "mac/",
310     "mac/scoped_nsobject.h",
311     "mac/scoped_objc_class_swizzler.h",
312     "mac/",
313     "mac/scoped_sending_event.h",
314     "mac/",
315     "mac/sdk_forward_declarations.h",
316     "mac/",
317     "macros.h",
318     "",
319     "md5.h",
320     "message_loop/",
321     "message_loop/incoming_task_queue.h",
322     "message_loop/",
323     "message_loop/message_loop.h",
324     "message_loop/",
325     "message_loop/message_loop_proxy.h",
326     "message_loop/",
327     "message_loop/message_loop_proxy_impl.h",
328     "message_loop/",
329     "message_loop/message_pump.h",
330     "message_loop/",
331     "message_loop/message_pump_android.h",
332     "message_loop/",
333     "message_loop/message_pump_default.h",
334     "message_loop/",
335     "message_loop/message_pump_glib.h",
336     "message_loop/",
337     "message_loop/message_pump_io_ios.h",
338     "message_loop/",
339     "message_loop/message_pump_libevent.h",
340     "message_loop/message_pump_mac.h",
341     "message_loop/",
342     "message_loop/",
343     "message_loop/message_pump_win.h",
344     "move.h",
345     "native_library.h",
346     "",
347     "",
348     "",
349     "",
350     "nix/",
351     "nix/mime_util_xdg.h",
352     "nix/",
353     "nix/xdg_util.h",
354     "numerics/safe_conversions.h",
355     "numerics/safe_conversions_impl.h",
356     "numerics/safe_math.h",
357     "numerics/safe_math_impl.h",
358     "observer_list.h",
359     "observer_list_threadsafe.h",
360     "",
361     "os_compat_android.h",
362     "",
363     "os_compat_nacl.h",
364     "",
365     "path_service.h",
366     "",
367     "pending_task.h",
368     "",
369     "pickle.h",
370     "port.h",
371     "posix/eintr_wrapper.h",
372     "posix/",
373     "posix/",
374     "posix/global_descriptors.h",
375     "posix/",
376     "posix/safe_strerror.h",
377     "posix/",
378     "posix/unix_domain_socket_linux.h",
379     "power_monitor/",
380     "power_monitor/power_monitor.h",
381     "power_monitor/",
382     "power_monitor/power_monitor_device_source.h",
383     "power_monitor/",
384     "power_monitor/power_monitor_device_source_android.h",
385     "power_monitor/",
386     "power_monitor/",
387     "power_monitor/",
388     "power_monitor/",
389     "power_monitor/",
390     "power_monitor/",
391     "power_monitor/power_monitor_source.h",
392     "power_monitor/power_observer.h",
393     "profiler/",
394     "profiler/alternate_timer.h",
395     "profiler/",
396     "profiler/native_stack_sampler.h",
397     "profiler/",
398     "profiler/scoped_profile.h",
399     "profiler/",
400     "profiler/scoped_tracker.h",
401     "profiler/",
402     "profiler/stack_sampling_profiler.h",
403     "profiler/",
404     "profiler/",
405     "profiler/",
406     "profiler/tracked_time.h",
407     "",
408     "rand_util.h",
409     "",
410     "",
411     "",
412     "",
413     "run_loop.h",
414     "scoped_generic.h",
415     "",
416     "scoped_native_library.h",
417     "scoped_observer.h",
418     "sequence_checker.h",
419     "",
420     "sequence_checker_impl.h",
421     "",
422     "sequenced_task_runner.h",
423     "sequenced_task_runner_helpers.h",
424     "sha1.h",
425     "",
426     "",
427     "single_thread_task_runner.h",
428     "stl_util.h",
429     "strings/",
430     "strings/latin1_string_conversions.h",
431     "strings/",
432     "strings/nullable_string16.h",
433     "strings/",
434     "strings/safe_sprintf.h",
435     "strings/",
436     "strings/string16.h",
437     "strings/",
438     "strings/string_number_conversions.h",
439     "strings/",
440     "strings/string_piece.h",
441     "strings/",
442     "strings/string_split.h",
443     "strings/string_tokenizer.h",
444     "strings/",
445     "strings/string_util.h",
446     "strings/",
447     "strings/string_util_posix.h",
448     "strings/string_util_win.h",
449     "strings/stringize_macros.h",
450     "strings/",
451     "strings/stringprintf.h",
452     "strings/sys_string_conversions.h",
453     "strings/",
454     "strings/",
455     "strings/",
456     "strings/",
457     "strings/utf_offset_string_conversions.h",
458     "strings/",
459     "strings/utf_string_conversion_utils.h",
460     "strings/",
461     "strings/utf_string_conversions.h",
462     "",
463     "supports_user_data.h",
464     "sync_socket.h",
465     "",
466     "",
467     "synchronization/",
468     "synchronization/cancellation_flag.h",
469     "synchronization/condition_variable.h",
470     "synchronization/",
471     "synchronization/",
472     "synchronization/",
473     "synchronization/lock.h",
474     "synchronization/lock_impl.h",
475     "synchronization/",
476     "synchronization/",
477     "synchronization/spin_wait.h",
478     "synchronization/waitable_event.h",
479     "synchronization/",
480     "synchronization/waitable_event_watcher.h",
481     "synchronization/",
482     "synchronization/",
483     "synchronization/",
484     "sys_byteorder.h",
485     "",
486     "sys_info.h",
487     "",
488     "",
489     "",
490     "",
491     "",
492     "",
493     "",
494     "",
495     "",
496     "system_monitor/",
497     "system_monitor/system_monitor.h",
498     "task/",
499     "task/cancelable_task_tracker.h",
500     "",
501     "task_runner.h",
502     "task_runner_util.h",
503     "template_util.h",
504     "third_party/dmg_fp/dmg_fp.h",
505     "third_party/dmg_fp/",
506     "third_party/dmg_fp/",
507     "third_party/icu/",
508     "third_party/icu/icu_utf.h",
509     "third_party/nspr/",
510     "third_party/nspr/prtime.h",
511     "third_party/superfasthash/superfasthash.c",
512     "",
513     "thread_task_runner_handle.h",
514     "threading/non_thread_safe.h",
515     "threading/",
516     "threading/non_thread_safe_impl.h",
517     "threading/platform_thread.h",
518     "threading/",
519     "threading/",
520     "threading/platform_thread_internal_posix.h",
521     "threading/",
522     "threading/",
523     "threading/",
524     "threading/",
525     "threading/",
526     "threading/post_task_and_reply_impl.h",
527     "threading/",
528     "threading/sequenced_worker_pool.h",
529     "threading/",
530     "threading/simple_thread.h",
531     "threading/",
532     "threading/thread.h",
533     "threading/thread_checker.h",
534     "threading/",
535     "threading/thread_checker_impl.h",
536     "threading/",
537     "threading/thread_collision_warner.h",
538     "threading/",
539     "threading/thread_id_name_manager.h",
540     "threading/thread_local.h",
541     "threading/",
542     "threading/",
543     "threading/",
544     "threading/thread_local_storage.h",
545     "threading/",
546     "threading/",
547     "threading/",
548     "threading/",
549     "threading/thread_restrictions.h",
550     "threading/",
551     "threading/watchdog.h",
552     "threading/",
553     "threading/worker_pool.h",
554     "threading/",
555     "threading/worker_pool_posix.h",
556     "threading/",
557     "time/",
558     "time/clock.h",
559     "time/",
560     "time/default_clock.h",
561     "time/",
562     "time/default_tick_clock.h",
563     "time/",
564     "time/tick_clock.h",
565     "time/",
566     "time/time.h",
567     "time/",
568     "time/",
569     "time/",
570     "timer/",
571     "timer/elapsed_timer.h",
572     "timer/hi_res_timer_manager.h",
573     "timer/",
574     "timer/",
575     "timer/",
576     "timer/mock_timer.h",
577     "timer/",
578     "timer/timer.h",
579     "",
580     "tracked_objects.h",
581     "",
582     "tracking_info.h",
583     "tuple.h",
584     "",
585     "value_conversions.h",
586     "",
587     "values.h",
588     "",
589     "version.h",
590     "",
591     "vlog.h",
592     "win/",
593     "win/enum_variant.h",
594     "win/event_trace_consumer.h",
595     "win/",
596     "win/event_trace_controller.h",
597     "win/",
598     "win/event_trace_provider.h",
599     "win/",
600     "win/i18n.h",
601     "win/",
602     "win/iat_patch_function.h",
603     "win/",
604     "win/iunknown_impl.h",
605     "win/",
606     "win/message_window.h",
607     "win/",
608     "win/metro.h",
609     "win/",
610     "win/object_watcher.h",
611     "win/",
612     "win/registry.h",
613     "win/",
614     "win/resource_util.h",
615     "win/",
616     "win/scoped_bstr.h",
617     "win/scoped_co_mem.h",
618     "win/scoped_com_initializer.h",
619     "win/scoped_comptr.h",
620     "win/scoped_gdi_object.h",
621     "win/",
622     "win/scoped_handle.h",
623     "win/scoped_hdc.h",
624     "win/scoped_hglobal.h",
625     "win/",
626     "win/scoped_process_information.h",
627     "win/scoped_propvariant.h",
628     "win/scoped_select_object.h",
629     "win/",
630     "win/scoped_variant.h",
631     "win/",
632     "win/shortcut.h",
633     "win/",
634     "win/startup_information.h",
635     "win/",
636     "win/win_util.h",
637     "win/",
638     "win/windows_version.h",
639     "win/",
640     "win/wrapped_window_proc.h",
641   ]
643   sources -= [
644     "",
645     "",
646   ]
648   configs += [ ":base_implementation" ]
650   deps = [
651     ":base_static",
652     "//base/allocator:allocator_extension_thunks",
653     "//base/third_party/dynamic_annotations",
654     "//third_party/modp_b64",
655   ]
657   public_deps = [
658     ":base_paths",
659     "//base/debug",
660     "//base/json",
661     "//base/memory",
662     "//base/metrics",
663     "//base/process",
664     "//base/trace_event",
665   ]
667   # Allow more direct string conversions on platforms with native utf8
668   # strings
669   if (is_mac || is_ios || is_chromeos) {
670     defines = [ "SYSTEM_NATIVE_UTF8" ]
671   }
673   if (is_android) {
674     sources -= [ "power_monitor/" ]
676     # Android uses some Linux sources, put those back.
677     set_sources_assignment_filter([])
678     sources += [
679       "files/",
680       "posix/",
681       "",
682     ]
683     set_sources_assignment_filter(sources_assignment_filter)
685     deps += [
686       ":base_jni_headers",
687       "//third_party/ashmem",
688       "//third_party/android_tools:cpu_features",
689     ]
691     # uses the Android logging library.
692     libs = [ "log" ]
693   }
695   if (is_chromeos) {
696     sources -= [ "power_monitor/" ]
697   }
699   if (is_nacl) {
700     # We reset sources_assignment_filter in order to explicitly include
701     # the linux file (which would otherwise be filtered out).
702     set_sources_assignment_filter([])
703     sources += [
704       "files/",
705       "",
706       "threading/",
707     ]
708     set_sources_assignment_filter(sources_assignment_filter)
710     sources -= [
711       "allocator/",
712       "allocator/type_profiler_control.h",
713       "",
714       "",
715       "files/",
716       "files/",
717       "files/",
718       "files/",
719       "files/",
720       "files/",
721       "files/important_file_writer.h",
722       "files/",
723       "message_loop/",
724       "",
725       "",
726       "",
727       "",
728       "",
729       "",
730       "",
731     ]
732   } else {
733     # Remove NaCl stuff.
734     sources -= [
735       "",
736       "os_compat_nacl.h",
737       "",
738     ]
739   }
741   # Windows.
742   if (is_win) {
743     sources -= [
744       "message_loop/",
745       "strings/",
747       # Not using because it may have caused a
748       # regression to page cycler moz.
749       "",
750     ]
752     # TODO(jschuh): fix size_t to int truncations.
753     configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:no_size_t_to_int_warning" ]
755     libs = [
756       "cfgmgr32.lib",
757       "netapi32.lib",
758       "powrprof.lib",
759       "setupapi.lib",
760     ]
761     all_dependent_configs = [ ":base_win_linker_flags" ]
762   } else if (!is_nacl) {
763     # Non-Windows.
764     deps += [ "//third_party/libevent" ]
765   }
767   # Mac.
768   if (is_mac || is_ios) {
769     # Common Desktop / iOS excludes
770     sources -= [
771       "",
772       "strings/",
773       "threading/",
774     ]
776     if (is_ios) {
777       sources -= [
778         "files/",
779         "files/file_path_watcher_fsevents.h",
780       ]
781     }
782   } else {
783     # Non-Mac.
784     sources -= [
785       "files/",
786       "files/file_path_watcher_fsevents.h",
787       "files/",
788       "files/file_path_watcher_kqueue.h",
789     ]
790   }
792   # Linux.
793   if (is_linux) {
794     # TODO(brettw) this will need to be parameterized at some point.
795     linux_configs = []
796     if (use_glib) {
797       linux_configs += [ "//build/config/linux:glib" ]
798     }
800     configs += linux_configs
801     all_dependent_configs = linux_configs
803     # These dependencies are not required on Android, and in the case
804     # of xdg_mime must be excluded due to licensing restrictions.
805     deps += [
806       "//base/third_party/xdg_mime",
807       "//base/third_party/xdg_user_dirs",
808     ]
809   } else {
810     # Non-Linux.
811     sources -= [
812       "nix/",
813       "nix/mime_util_xdg.h",
814       "nix/",
815       "nix/xdg_util.h",
816     ]
818     if (!is_android) {
819       sources -= [
820         "",
821         "linux_util.h",
822       ]
823     }
824   }
826   # iOS
827   if (is_ios) {
828     set_sources_assignment_filter([])
830     sources += [
831       "atomicops_internals_mac.h",
832       "base_paths_mac.h",
833       "",
834       "file_version_info_mac.h",
835       "",
836       "files/",
837       "mac/bundle_locations.h",
838       "mac/",
839       "mac/foundation_util.h",
840       "mac/",
841       "mac/",
842       "mac/mac_logging.h",
843       "mac/",
844       "mac/mach_logging.h",
845       "mac/objc_property_releaser.h",
846       "mac/",
847       "mac/",
848       "mac/scoped_mach_port.h",
849       "mac/",
850       "mac/scoped_mach_vm.h",
851       "mac/scoped_nsautorelease_pool.h",
852       "mac/",
853       "mac/scoped_nsobject.h",
854       "mac/scoped_objc_class_swizzler.h",
855       "mac/",
856       "message_loop/message_pump_mac.h",
857       "message_loop/",
858       "strings/",
859       "threading/",
860       "time/",
861     ]
863     set_sources_assignment_filter(sources_assignment_filter)
864   }
866   if (!use_glib) {
867     sources -= [
868       "message_loop/",
869       "message_loop/message_pump_glib.h",
870     ]
871   }
873   configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:wexit_time_destructors" ]
874   if (!is_debug) {
875     configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:optimize" ]
876     configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:optimize_max" ]
877   }
879   allow_circular_includes_from = public_deps
882 # This is the subset of files from base that should not be used with a dynamic
883 # library. Note that this library cannot depend on base because base depends on
884 # base_static.
885 source_set("base_static") {
886   sources = [
887     "",
888     "base_switches.h",
889     "win/",
890     "win/pe_image.h",
891   ]
893   if (!is_debug) {
894     configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:optimize" ]
895     configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:optimize_max" ]
896   }
899 component("i18n") {
900   output_name = "base_i18n"
901   sources = [
902     "i18n/base_i18n_export.h",
903     "i18n/",
904     "i18n/bidi_line_iterator.h",
905     "i18n/",
906     "i18n/break_iterator.h",
907     "i18n/",
908     "i18n/case_conversion.h",
909     "i18n/",
910     "i18n/char_iterator.h",
911     "i18n/",
912     "i18n/file_util_icu.h",
913     "i18n/",
914     "i18n/i18n_constants.h",
915     "i18n/",
916     "i18n/icu_encoding_detection.h",
917     "i18n/",
918     "i18n/icu_string_conversions.h",
919     "i18n/",
920     "i18n/icu_util.h",
921     "i18n/",
922     "i18n/number_formatting.h",
923     "i18n/",
924     "i18n/rtl.h",
925     "i18n/",
926     "i18n/streaming_utf8_validator.h",
927     "i18n/",
928     "i18n/string_compare.h",
929     "i18n/",
930     "i18n/string_search.h",
931     "i18n/",
932     "i18n/time_formatting.h",
933     "i18n/",
934     "i18n/timezone.h",
935     "i18n/",
936     "i18n/utf8_validator_tables.h",
937   ]
938   defines = [ "BASE_I18N_IMPLEMENTATION" ]
939   configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:wexit_time_destructors" ]
940   deps = [
941     ":base",
942     "//base/third_party/dynamic_annotations",
943     "//third_party/icu",
944   ]
946   if (!is_debug) {
947     configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:optimize" ]
948     configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:optimize_max" ]
949   }
951   # TODO(jschuh): fix size_t to int truncations.
952   configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:no_size_t_to_int_warning" ]
955 if (is_win || (is_linux && !is_chromeos)) {
956   # TODO(GYP): Figure out which of these work and are needed on other platforms.
957   test("base_perftests") {
958     sources = [
959       "message_loop/",
961       # "test/",
962       "threading/",
963     ]
964     deps = [
965       ":base",
966       "//base/test:test_support",
967       "//base/test:test_support_perf",
968       "//testing/perf",
969       "//testing/gtest",
970     ]
972     if (is_android) {
973       deps += [ "//testing/android/native_test:native_test_native_code" ]
974     }
975   }
977   test("base_i18n_perftests") {
978     sources = [
979       "i18n/",
980     ]
981     deps = [
982       ":base",
983       ":i18n",
984       "//base/test:test_support",
985       "//base/test:test_support_perf",
986       "//testing/gtest",
987     ]
988   }
990   if (!is_ios) {
991     executable("build_utf8_validator_tables") {
992       sources = [
993         "i18n/",
994       ]
995       deps = [
996         ":base",
997         "//third_party/icu:icuuc",
998       ]
999     }
1001     executable("check_example") {
1002       sources = [
1003         "",
1004       ]
1005       deps = [
1006         ":base",
1007       ]
1008     }
1009   }
1012 component("prefs") {
1013   sources = [
1014     "prefs/base_prefs_export.h",
1015     "prefs/",
1016     "prefs/default_pref_store.h",
1017     "prefs/",
1018     "prefs/json_pref_store.h",
1019     "prefs/",
1020     "prefs/overlay_user_pref_store.h",
1021     "prefs/persistent_pref_store.h",
1022     "prefs/",
1023     "prefs/pref_change_registrar.h",
1024     "prefs/pref_filter.h",
1025     "prefs/",
1026     "prefs/pref_member.h",
1027     "prefs/pref_notifier.h",
1028     "prefs/",
1029     "prefs/pref_notifier_impl.h",
1030     "prefs/pref_observer.h",
1031     "prefs/",
1032     "prefs/pref_registry.h",
1033     "prefs/",
1034     "prefs/pref_registry_simple.h",
1035     "prefs/",
1036     "prefs/pref_service.h",
1037     "prefs/",
1038     "prefs/pref_service_factory.h",
1039     "prefs/",
1040     "prefs/pref_store.h",
1041     "prefs/",
1042     "prefs/pref_value_map.h",
1043     "prefs/",
1044     "prefs/pref_value_store.h",
1045     "prefs/",
1046     "prefs/scoped_user_pref_update.h",
1047     "prefs/",
1048     "prefs/value_map_pref_store.h",
1049     "prefs/writeable_pref_store.h",
1050   ]
1052   defines = [ "BASE_PREFS_IMPLEMENTATION" ]
1054   deps = [
1055     ":base",
1056   ]
1058   if (!is_debug) {
1059     configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:optimize" ]
1060     configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:optimize_max" ]
1061   }
1064 source_set("prefs_test_support") {
1065   testonly = true
1066   sources = [
1067     "prefs/",
1068     "prefs/mock_pref_change_callback.h",
1069     "prefs/",
1070     "prefs/pref_store_observer_mock.h",
1071     "prefs/",
1072     "prefs/testing_pref_service.h",
1073     "prefs/",
1074     "prefs/testing_pref_store.h",
1075   ]
1077   public_deps = [
1078     ":prefs",
1079   ]
1080   deps = [
1081     ":base",
1082     "//testing/gmock",
1083     "//testing/gtest",
1084   ]
1087 source_set("message_loop_tests") {
1088   testonly = true
1089   sources = [
1090     "message_loop/",
1091     "message_loop/message_loop_test.h",
1092   ]
1094   deps = [
1095     ":base",
1096     "//testing/gtest",
1097   ]
1100 if (is_win) {
1101   # Target to manually rebuild pe_image_test.dll which is checked into
1102   # base/test/data/pe_image.
1103   shared_library("pe_image_test") {
1104     sources = [
1105       "win/",
1106     ]
1107     ldflags = [
1108       "/DELAYLOAD:cfgmgr32.dll",
1109       "/DELAYLOAD:shell32.dll",
1110       "/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS",
1111     ]
1112     libs = [
1113       "cfgmgr32.lib",
1114       "shell32.lib",
1115     ]
1116   }
1119 test("base_unittests") {
1120   sources = [
1121     "android/",
1122     "android/",
1123     "android/",
1124     "android/",
1125     "android/",
1126     "android/library_loader/",
1127     "android/",
1128     "android/",
1129     "android/",
1130     "",
1131     "",
1132     "",
1133     "",
1134     "",
1135     "",
1136     "",
1137     "",
1138     "",
1139     "",
1140     "",
1141     "",
1142     "",
1143     "",
1144     "",
1145     "",
1146     "",
1147     "containers/",
1148     "containers/",
1149     "containers/",
1150     "containers/",
1151     "containers/",
1152     "containers/",
1153     "containers/",
1154     "containers/",
1155     "",
1156     "debug/",
1157     "debug/",
1158     "debug/",
1159     "debug/",
1160     "debug/",
1161     "debug/",
1162     "",
1163     "",
1164     "",
1165     "files/",
1166     "files/",
1167     "files/",
1168     "files/",
1169     "files/",
1170     "files/",
1171     "files/",
1172     "files/",
1173     "files/",
1174     "",
1175     "",
1176     "",
1177     "i18n/",
1178     "i18n/",
1179     "i18n/",
1180     "i18n/",
1181     "i18n/",
1182     "i18n/",
1183     "i18n/",
1184     "i18n/",
1185     "i18n/",
1186     "i18n/",
1187     "i18n/",
1188     "",
1189     "ios/",
1190     "ios/",
1191     "json/",
1192     "json/",
1193     "json/",
1194     "json/",
1195     "json/",
1196     "json/",
1197     "",
1198     "",
1199     "mac/",
1200     "mac/",
1201     "mac/",
1202     "mac/",
1203     "mac/",
1204     "mac/",
1205     "mac/",
1206     "mac/",
1207     "mac/",
1208     "",
1209     "memory/",
1210     "memory/",
1211     "memory/",
1212     "memory/",
1213     "memory/",
1214     "memory/",
1215     "memory/",
1216     "memory/",
1217     "memory/",
1218     "memory/",
1219     "memory/",
1220     "memory/",
1221     "memory/",
1222     "memory/",
1223     "message_loop/",
1224     "message_loop/",
1225     "message_loop/",
1226     "message_loop/",
1227     "message_loop/",
1228     "metrics/",
1229     "metrics/",
1230     "metrics/",
1231     "metrics/",
1232     "metrics/",
1233     "metrics/",
1234     "metrics/",
1235     "metrics/",
1236     "metrics/",
1237     "metrics/",
1238     "",
1239     "numerics/",
1240     "",
1241     "",
1242     "",
1243     "",
1244     "posix/",
1245     "posix/",
1246     "power_monitor/",
1247     "prefs/",
1248     "prefs/",
1249     "prefs/",
1250     "prefs/",
1251     "prefs/",
1252     "prefs/",
1253     "prefs/",
1254     "prefs/",
1255     "prefs/",
1256     "prefs/",
1257     "process/",
1258     "process/memory_unittest_mac.h",
1259     "process/",
1260     "process/",
1261     "process/",
1262     "process/",
1263     "process/",
1264     "process/",
1265     "profiler/",
1266     "profiler/",
1267     "",
1268     "",
1269     "",
1270     "",
1271     "",
1272     "",
1273     "",
1274     "",
1275     "strings/",
1276     "strings/",
1277     "strings/",
1278     "strings/",
1279     "strings/",
1280     "strings/",
1281     "strings/",
1282     "strings/",
1283     "strings/",
1284     "strings/",
1285     "strings/",
1286     "strings/",
1287     "strings/",
1288     "strings/",
1289     "",
1290     "",
1291     "synchronization/",
1292     "synchronization/",
1293     "synchronization/",
1294     "synchronization/",
1295     "synchronization/",
1296     "",
1297     "system_monitor/",
1298     "task/",
1299     "",
1300     "",
1301     "test/expectations/",
1302     "test/expectations/",
1303     "test/",
1304     "test/",
1305     "test/",
1306     "test/",
1307     "threading/",
1308     "threading/",
1309     "threading/",
1310     "threading/",
1311     "threading/",
1312     "threading/",
1313     "threading/",
1314     "threading/",
1315     "threading/",
1316     "threading/",
1317     "threading/",
1318     "threading/",
1319     "threading/",
1320     "time/",
1321     "time/",
1322     "time/",
1323     "timer/",
1324     "timer/",
1325     "timer/",
1326     "",
1327     "",
1328     "",
1329     "",
1330     "",
1331     "",
1332     "win/",
1333     "win/",
1334     "win/",
1335     "win/",
1336     "win/",
1337     "win/",
1338     "win/",
1339     "win/",
1340     "win/",
1341     "win/",
1342     "win/",
1343     "win/",
1344     "win/",
1345     "win/",
1346     "win/",
1347     "win/",
1348     "win/",
1349     "win/",
1350     "win/",
1351   ]
1353   deps = [
1354     ":base",
1355     ":i18n",
1356     ":message_loop_tests",
1357     ":prefs",
1358     ":prefs_test_support",
1359     "//base/allocator",
1360     "//base/test:run_all_unittests",
1361     "//base/test:test_support",
1362     "//base/third_party/dynamic_annotations",
1363     "//base/trace_event:trace_event_unittests",
1364     "//testing/gmock",
1365     "//testing/gtest",
1366     "//third_party/icu",
1367   ]
1369   data = [
1370     "test/data/",
1372     # TODO(dpranke): Remove when icu declares this directly.
1373     "$root_out_dir/icudtl.dat",
1374   ]
1376   # Allow more direct string conversions on platforms with native utf8
1377   # strings
1378   if (is_mac || is_ios || is_chromeos) {
1379     defines = [ "SYSTEM_NATIVE_UTF8" ]
1380   }
1382   if (is_android) {
1383     apk_deps = [
1384       ":base_java",
1385       ":base_java_unittest_support",
1386     ]
1387     isolate_file = "base_unittests.isolate"
1388   }
1390   if (is_ios) {
1391     sources -= [
1392       "process/",
1393       "process/",
1394       "process/",
1395     ]
1397     # Pull in specific Mac files for iOS (which have been filtered out by file
1398     # name rules).
1399     set_sources_assignment_filter([])
1400     sources += [
1401       "mac/",
1402       "mac/",
1403       "mac/",
1404       "mac/",
1405       "",
1406     ]
1407     set_sources_assignment_filter(sources_assignment_filter)
1409     # TODO(GYP): dep on copy_test_data_ios action.
1410   }
1412   if (is_linux) {
1413     sources -= [ "" ]
1414     sources += [ "nix/" ]
1415     deps += [ "//base/test:malloc_wrapper" ]
1417     if (use_glib) {
1418       configs += [ "//build/config/linux:glib" ]
1419     }
1420   }
1422   if (!is_linux || use_ozone) {
1423     sources -= [ "message_loop/" ]
1424   }
1426   if (is_posix || is_ios) {
1427     sources += [ "message_loop/" ]
1428     deps += [ "//third_party/libevent" ]
1429   }
1431   if (is_android) {
1432     deps += [ "//testing/android/native_test:native_test_native_code" ]
1433     set_sources_assignment_filter([])
1434     sources += [ "debug/" ]
1435     set_sources_assignment_filter(sources_assignment_filter)
1436   }
1438   # TODO(jschuh): fix size_t to int truncations.
1439   configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:no_size_t_to_int_warning" ]
1442 if (is_android) {
1443   # GYP: //base.gyp:base_jni_headers
1444   generate_jni("base_jni_headers") {
1445     sources = [
1446       "android/java/src/org/chromium/base/",
1447       "android/java/src/org/chromium/base/",
1448       "android/java/src/org/chromium/base/",
1449       "android/java/src/org/chromium/base/",
1450       "android/java/src/org/chromium/base/",
1451       "android/java/src/org/chromium/base/",
1452       "android/java/src/org/chromium/base/",
1453       "android/java/src/org/chromium/base/",
1454       "android/java/src/org/chromium/base/",
1455       "android/java/src/org/chromium/base/",
1456       "android/java/src/org/chromium/base/",
1457       "android/java/src/org/chromium/base/",
1458       "android/java/src/org/chromium/base/",
1459       "android/java/src/org/chromium/base/",
1460       "android/java/src/org/chromium/base/",
1461       "android/java/src/org/chromium/base/",
1462       "android/java/src/org/chromium/base/",
1463       "android/java/src/org/chromium/base/",
1464       "android/java/src/org/chromium/base/",
1465       "android/java/src/org/chromium/base/",
1466       "android/java/src/org/chromium/base/",
1467       "android/java/src/org/chromium/base/library_loader/",
1468       "android/java/src/org/chromium/base/metrics/",
1469       "android/java/src/org/chromium/base/metrics/",
1470     ]
1472     deps = [
1473       ":android_runtime_jni_headers",
1474     ]
1476     jni_package = "base"
1477   }
1479   # GYP: //base.gyp:android_runtime_jni_headers
1480   generate_jar_jni("android_runtime_jni_headers") {
1481     jni_package = "base"
1482     classes = [ "java/lang/Runtime.class" ]
1483   }
1485   # GYP: //base.gyp:base_java
1486   android_library("base_java") {
1487     srcjar_deps = [
1488       ":base_android_java_enums_srcjar",
1489       ":base_native_libraries_gen",
1490     ]
1492     deps = [
1493       "//third_party/jsr-305:jsr_305_javalib",
1494     ]
1496     DEPRECATED_java_in_dir = "android/java/src"
1498     # A new version of (with the actual correct values)
1499     # will be created when creating an apk.
1500     jar_excluded_patterns = [
1501       "*/NativeLibraries.class",
1502       "*/NativeLibraries##*.class",
1503     ]
1504   }
1506   # GYP: //base.gyp:base_javatests
1507   android_library("base_javatests") {
1508     deps = [
1509       ":base_java",
1510       ":base_java_test_support",
1511     ]
1512     DEPRECATED_java_in_dir = "android/javatests/src"
1513   }
1515   # GYP: //base.gyp:base_java_test_support
1516   android_library("base_java_test_support") {
1517     deps = [
1518       ":base_java",
1519       "//testing/android/reporter:reporter_java",
1520     ]
1521     DEPRECATED_java_in_dir = "test/android/javatests/src"
1522   }
1524   # GYP: //base.gyp:base_junit_tests
1525   junit_binary("base_junit_tests") {
1526     java_files = [ "android/junit/src/org/chromium/base/" ]
1527     deps = [
1528       ":base_java",
1529       ":base_java_test_support",
1530     ]
1531   }
1533   # GYP: //base.gyp:base_java_application_state
1534   # GYP: //base.gyp:base_java_library_load_from_apk_status_codes
1535   # GYP: //base.gyp:base_java_library_process_type
1536   # GYP: //base.gyp:base_java_memory_pressure_level
1537   java_cpp_enum("base_android_java_enums_srcjar") {
1538     sources = [
1539       "android/application_status_listener.h",
1540       "android/library_loader/library_load_from_apk_status_codes.h",
1541       "android/library_loader/library_loader_hooks.h",
1542       "memory/memory_pressure_listener.h",
1543     ]
1544     outputs = [
1545       "org/chromium/base/",
1546       "org/chromium/base/library_loader/",
1547       "org/chromium/base/library_loader/",
1548       "org/chromium/base/",
1549     ]
1550   }
1552   # GYP: //base/base.gyp:base_native_libraries_gen
1553   java_cpp_template("base_native_libraries_gen") {
1554     sources = [
1555       "android/java/templates/NativeLibraries.template",
1556     ]
1557     package_name = "org/chromium/base/library_loader"
1558   }
1560   # GYP: //base.gyp:base_java_unittest_support
1561   android_library("base_java_unittest_support") {
1562     deps = [
1563       ":base_java",
1564     ]
1565     java_files =
1566         [ "test/android/java/src/org/chromium/base/" ]
1567   }