chromeos: dbus: add Bluetooth properties support
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome_frame / chrome_frame_activex_base.h
1 // Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <atlbase.h>
9 #include <atlcom.h>
10 #include <atlctl.h>
11 #include <exdisp.h>
12 #include <wininet.h>
13 #include <shdeprecated.h> // for IBrowserService2
14 #include <shlguid.h>
16 #include <set>
17 #include <string>
18 #include <vector>
20 #include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
21 #include "base/string_util.h"
22 #include "base/stringprintf.h"
23 #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h"
24 #include "base/win/scoped_bstr.h"
25 #include "base/win/scoped_comptr.h"
26 #include "base/win/scoped_variant.h"
27 #include "grit/chrome_frame_resources.h"
28 #include "chrome/app/chrome_command_ids.h"
29 #include "chrome/common/url_constants.h"
30 #include "chrome_frame/chrome_frame_plugin.h"
31 #include "chrome_frame/chrome_tab.h"
32 #include "chrome_frame/com_message_event.h"
33 #include "chrome_frame/com_type_info_holder.h"
34 #include "chrome_frame/simple_resource_loader.h"
35 #include "chrome_frame/urlmon_url_request.h"
36 #include "chrome_frame/urlmon_url_request_private.h"
37 #include "chrome_frame/utils.h"
38 #include "grit/generated_resources.h"
39 #include "net/base/cookie_monster.h"
41 // Connection point class to support firing IChromeFrameEvents (dispinterface).
42 template<class T>
43 class ATL_NO_VTABLE ProxyDIChromeFrameEvents
44 : public IConnectionPointImpl<T, &DIID_DIChromeFrameEvents> {
45 public:
46 void FireMethodWithParams(ChromeFrameEventDispId dispid,
47 const VARIANT* params, size_t num_params) {
48 T* me = static_cast<T*>(this);
49 // We need to copy the whole vector and AddRef the sinks in case
50 // some would get disconnected as we fire methods. Note that this is not
51 // a threading issue, but a re-entrance issue, because the connection
52 // can be affected by the implementation of the sinks receiving the event.
53 me->Lock();
54 std::vector< base::win::ScopedComPtr<IUnknown> > sink_array(
55 m_vec.GetSize());
56 for (int connection = 0; connection < m_vec.GetSize(); ++connection)
57 sink_array[connection] = m_vec.GetAt(connection);
58 me->Unlock();
60 for (size_t sink = 0; sink < sink_array.size(); ++sink) {
61 DIChromeFrameEvents* events =
62 static_cast<DIChromeFrameEvents*>(sink_array[sink].get());
63 if (events) {
64 DISPPARAMS disp_params = {
65 const_cast<VARIANT*>(params),
66 NULL,
67 num_params,
68 0};
69 HRESULT hr = events->Invoke(static_cast<DISPID>(dispid),
70 DIID_DIChromeFrameEvents,
72 &disp_params, NULL, NULL, NULL);
73 DLOG_IF(ERROR, FAILED(hr)) << "invoke(" << dispid << ") failed" <<
74 base::StringPrintf("0x%08X", hr);
79 void FireMethodWithParam(ChromeFrameEventDispId dispid,
80 const VARIANT& param) {
81 FireMethodWithParams(dispid, &param, 1);
84 void Fire_onload(IDispatch* event) {
86 var.pdispVal = event;
87 FireMethodWithParam(CF_EVENT_DISPID_ONLOAD, var);
90 void Fire_onloaderror(IDispatch* event) {
92 var.pdispVal = event;
93 FireMethodWithParam(CF_EVENT_DISPID_ONLOADERROR, var);
96 void Fire_onmessage(IDispatch* event) {
98 var.pdispVal = event;
99 FireMethodWithParam(CF_EVENT_DISPID_ONMESSAGE, var);
102 void Fire_onreadystatechanged(long readystate) { // NOLINT
103 VARIANT var = { VT_I4 };
104 var.lVal = readystate;
108 void Fire_onprivatemessage(IDispatch* event, BSTR target) {
109 // Arguments in reverse order to the function declaration, because
110 // that's what DISPPARAMS requires.
111 VARIANT args[2] = { { VT_BSTR, }, {VT_DISPATCH, } };
112 args[0].bstrVal = target;
113 args[1].pdispVal = event;
116 args,
117 arraysize(args));
120 void Fire_onchannelerror() { // NOLINT
124 void Fire_onclose() { // NOLINT
125 FireMethodWithParams(CF_EVENT_DISPID_ONCLOSE, NULL, 0);
129 extern bool g_first_launch_by_process_;
131 namespace chrome_frame {
132 // Implemented outside this file so that the header doesn't include
133 // automation_messages.h.
134 std::string ActiveXCreateUrl(const GURL& parsed_url,
135 const AttachExternalTabParams& params);
136 int GetDisposition(const AttachExternalTabParams& params);
137 void GetMiniContextMenuData(UINT cmd,
138 const MiniContextMenuParams& params,
139 GURL* referrer,
140 GURL* url);
141 } // namespace chrome_frame
143 // Common implementation for ActiveX and Active Document
144 template <class T, const CLSID& class_id>
145 class ATL_NO_VTABLE ChromeFrameActivexBase : // NOLINT
146 public CComObjectRootEx<CComMultiThreadModel>,
147 public IOleControlImpl<T>,
148 public IOleObjectImpl<T>,
149 public IOleInPlaceActiveObjectImpl<T>,
150 public IViewObjectExImpl<T>,
151 public IOleInPlaceObjectWindowlessImpl<T>,
152 public ISupportErrorInfo,
153 public IQuickActivateImpl<T>,
154 public com_util::IProvideClassInfo2Impl<class_id,
155 DIID_DIChromeFrameEvents>,
156 public com_util::IDispatchImpl<IChromeFrame>,
157 public IConnectionPointContainerImpl<T>,
158 public ProxyDIChromeFrameEvents<T>,
159 public IPropertyNotifySinkCP<T>,
160 public CComCoClass<T, &class_id>,
161 public CComControl<T>,
162 public ChromeFramePlugin<T> {
163 protected:
164 typedef std::set<base::win::ScopedComPtr<IDispatch> > EventHandlers;
165 typedef ChromeFrameActivexBase<T, class_id> BasePlugin;
167 public:
168 ChromeFrameActivexBase()
170 url_fetcher_(new UrlmonUrlRequestManager()),
171 failed_to_fetch_in_place_frame_(false),
172 draw_sad_tab_(false) {
173 m_bWindowOnly = TRUE;
174 url_fetcher_->set_container(static_cast<IDispatch*>(this));
177 ~ChromeFrameActivexBase() {
178 url_fetcher_->set_container(NULL);
187 BEGIN_COM_MAP(ChromeFrameActivexBase)
193 COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IOleInPlaceObjectWindowless)
195 COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY2(IOleWindow, IOleInPlaceObjectWindowless)
196 COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IOleInPlaceActiveObject)
199 COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(ISupportErrorInfo)
201 COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IProvideClassInfo)
202 COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IProvideClassInfo2)
203 COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY(IConnectionPointContainer)
204 COM_INTERFACE_ENTRY_FUNC_BLIND(0, InterfaceNotSupported)
212 BEGIN_MSG_MAP(ChromeFrameActivexBase)
216 CHAIN_MSG_MAP(ChromeFramePlugin<T>)
217 CHAIN_MSG_MAP(CComControl<T>)
221 // IViewObjectEx
224 inline HRESULT IViewObject_Draw(DWORD draw_aspect, LONG index,
225 void* aspect_info, DVTARGETDEVICE* ptd, HDC info_dc, HDC dc,
226 LPCRECTL bounds, LPCRECTL win_bounds) {
227 // ATL ASSERTs if dwDrawAspect is DVASPECT_DOCPRINT, so we cheat.
228 DWORD aspect = draw_aspect;
229 if (aspect == DVASPECT_DOCPRINT)
230 aspect = DVASPECT_CONTENT;
232 return CComControl<T>::IViewObject_Draw(aspect, index, aspect_info, ptd,
233 info_dc, dc, bounds, win_bounds);
238 void SetResourceModule() {
239 SimpleResourceLoader* loader_instance = SimpleResourceLoader::GetInstance();
240 DCHECK(loader_instance);
241 HMODULE res_dll = loader_instance->GetResourceModuleHandle();
242 _AtlBaseModule.SetResourceInstance(res_dll);
245 HRESULT FinalConstruct() {
246 SetResourceModule();
248 if (!Initialize())
249 return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
251 // Set to true if this is the first launch by this process.
252 // Used to perform one time tasks.
253 if (g_first_launch_by_process_) {
254 g_first_launch_by_process_ = false;
256 GetIEVersion(),
258 IE_10,
259 IE_10 + 1);
262 return S_OK;
265 void FinalRelease() {
266 Uninitialize();
269 void ResetUrlRequestManager() {
270 url_fetcher_.reset(new UrlmonUrlRequestManager());
273 static HRESULT WINAPI InterfaceNotSupported(void* pv, REFIID riid, void** ppv,
274 DWORD dw) {
275 #ifndef NDEBUG
276 wchar_t buffer[64] = {0};
277 ::StringFromGUID2(riid, buffer, arraysize(buffer));
278 DVLOG(1) << "E_NOINTERFACE: " << buffer;
279 #endif
280 return E_NOINTERFACE;
283 // ISupportsErrorInfo
284 STDMETHOD(InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo)(REFIID riid) {
285 static const IID* interfaces[] = {
286 &IID_IChromeFrame,
287 &IID_IDispatch
290 for (int i = 0; i < arraysize(interfaces); ++i) {
291 if (InlineIsEqualGUID(*interfaces[i], riid))
292 return S_OK;
294 return S_FALSE;
297 // Called to draw our control when chrome hasn't been initialized.
298 virtual HRESULT OnDraw(ATL_DRAWINFO& draw_info) { // NOLINT
299 if (NULL == draw_info.prcBounds) {
301 return E_FAIL;
304 if (draw_sad_tab_) {
305 // TODO(tommi): Draw a proper sad tab.
306 RECT rc = {0};
307 if (draw_info.prcBounds) {
308 = draw_info.prcBounds->top;
309 rc.bottom = draw_info.prcBounds->bottom;
310 rc.left = draw_info.prcBounds->left;
311 rc.right = draw_info.prcBounds->right;
312 } else {
313 GetClientRect(&rc);
315 ::DrawTextA(draw_info.hdcDraw, ":-(", -1, &rc,
317 } else {
318 // Don't draw anything.
320 return S_OK;
323 // Used to setup the document_url_ member needed for completing navigation.
324 // Create external tab (possibly in incognito mode).
325 HRESULT IOleObject_SetClientSite(IOleClientSite* client_site) {
326 // If we currently have a document site pointer, release it.
327 doc_site_.Release();
328 if (client_site) {
329 doc_site_.QueryFrom(client_site);
332 if (client_site == NULL) {
333 in_place_frame_.Release();
336 return CComControlBase::IOleObject_SetClientSite(client_site);
339 bool HandleContextMenuCommand(UINT cmd, const MiniContextMenuParams& params) {
340 if (cmd == IDC_ABOUT_CHROME_FRAME) {
341 int tab_handle = automation_client_->tab()->handle();
342 HostNavigate(GURL("about:version"), GURL(), NEW_WINDOW);
343 return true;
344 } else {
345 switch (cmd) {
350 GURL referrer, url;
351 chrome_frame::GetMiniContextMenuData(cmd, params, &referrer, &url);
352 DoFileDownloadInIE(UTF8ToWide(url.spec()).c_str());
353 return true;
356 case IDC_PRINT: {
357 automation_client_->PrintTab();
358 return true;
363 return false;
366 // Should connections initiated by this class try to block
367 // responses served with the X-Frame-Options header?
368 // ActiveX controls genereally will want to do this,
369 // returning true, while true top-level documents
370 // (ActiveDocument servers) will not. Your specialization
371 // of this template should implement this method based on how
372 // it "feels" from a security perspective. If it's hosted in another
373 // scriptable document, return true, else false.
375 // The base implementation returns true unless we are in privileged
376 // mode, in which case we always trust our container so we return false.
377 bool is_frame_busting_enabled() const {
378 return !is_privileged();
381 // Needed to support PostTask.
382 static bool ImplementsThreadSafeReferenceCounting() {
383 return true;
386 static void BringWebBrowserWindowToTop(IWebBrowser2* web_browser2) {
387 DCHECK(web_browser2);
388 if (web_browser2) {
389 web_browser2->put_Visible(VARIANT_TRUE);
390 HWND ie_window = NULL;
391 web_browser2->get_HWND(reinterpret_cast<long*>(&ie_window));
392 ::BringWindowToTop(ie_window);
396 protected:
397 virtual void GetProfilePath(const std::wstring& profile_name,
398 FilePath* profile_path) {
399 bool is_IE = (lstrcmpi(profile_name.c_str(), kIexploreProfileName) == 0) ||
400 (lstrcmpi(profile_name.c_str(), kRundllProfileName) == 0);
401 // Browsers without IDeleteBrowsingHistory in non-priv mode
402 // have their profiles moved into "Temporary Internet Files".
403 if (is_IE && GetIEVersion() < IE_8) {
404 *profile_path = GetIETemporaryFilesFolder();
405 *profile_path = profile_path->Append(L"Google Chrome Frame");
406 } else {
407 ChromeFramePlugin::GetProfilePath(profile_name, profile_path);
409 DVLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__ << ": " << profile_path->value();
412 void OnLoad(const GURL& url) {
413 if (ready_state_ < READYSTATE_COMPLETE) {
414 ready_state_ = READYSTATE_COMPLETE;
418 HRESULT hr = InvokeScriptFunction(onload_handler_, url.spec());
421 void OnLoadFailed(int error_code, const std::string& url) {
422 HRESULT hr = InvokeScriptFunction(onerror_handler_, url);
425 void OnMessageFromChromeFrame(const std::string& message,
426 const std::string& origin,
427 const std::string& target) {
428 base::win::ScopedComPtr<IDispatch> message_event;
429 if (SUCCEEDED(CreateDomEvent("message", message, origin,
430 message_event.Receive()))) {
431 base::win::ScopedVariant event_var;
432 event_var.Set(static_cast<IDispatch*>(message_event));
433 InvokeScriptFunction(onmessage_handler_, event_var.AsInput());
437 virtual void OnTabbedOut(bool reverse) {
438 DCHECK(m_bInPlaceActive);
440 HWND parent = ::GetParent(m_hWnd);
441 ::SetFocus(parent);
442 base::win::ScopedComPtr<IOleControlSite> control_site;
443 control_site.QueryFrom(m_spClientSite);
444 if (control_site)
445 control_site->OnFocus(FALSE);
448 virtual void OnOpenURL(const GURL& url_to_open,
449 const GURL& referrer, int open_disposition) {
450 HostNavigate(url_to_open, referrer, open_disposition);
453 // Called when Chrome has decided that a request needs to be treated as a
454 // download. The caller will be the UrlRequest worker thread.
455 // The worker thread will block while we process the request and take
456 // ownership of the request object.
457 // There's room for improvement here and also see todo below.
458 LPARAM OnDownloadRequestInHost(UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam,
459 BOOL& handled) {
460 ChromeFrameUrl cf_url;
461 cf_url.Parse(UTF8ToWide(GetDocumentUrl()));
463 // Always issue the download request in a new window to ensure that the
464 // currently loaded ChromeFrame document does not inadvartently see an
465 // unload request. This runs javascript unload handlers on the page which
466 // renders the page non functional.
467 VARIANT flags = { VT_I4 };
468 V_I4(&flags) = navNoHistory;
469 if (!cf_url.attach_to_external_tab())
470 V_I4(&flags) |= navOpenInNewWindow;
472 DownloadInHostParams* download_params =
473 reinterpret_cast<DownloadInHostParams*>(wparam);
474 DCHECK(download_params);
475 // TODO(tommi): It looks like we might have to switch the request object
476 // into a pass-through request object and serve up any thus far received
477 // content and headers to IE in order to prevent what can currently happen
478 // which is reissuing requests and turning POST into GET.
479 if (download_params->moniker) {
480 NavigateBrowserToMoniker(
481 doc_site_, download_params->moniker,
482 UTF8ToWide(download_params->request_headers).c_str(),
483 download_params->bind_ctx, NULL, download_params->post_data,
484 &flags);
486 delete download_params;
487 return TRUE;
490 virtual void OnAttachExternalTab(const AttachExternalTabParams& params) {
491 GURL current_url(static_cast<BSTR>(url_));
492 std::string url = chrome_frame::ActiveXCreateUrl(current_url, params);
493 // Pass the current document url as the referrer for the new navigation.
494 HostNavigate(GURL(url), current_url, chrome_frame::GetDisposition(params));
497 virtual void OnHandleContextMenu(const ContextMenuModel& menu_model,
498 int align_flags,
499 const MiniContextMenuParams& params) {
500 scoped_refptr<BasePlugin> ref(this);
501 ChromeFramePlugin<T>::OnHandleContextMenu(menu_model, align_flags, params);
504 LRESULT OnCreate(UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam,
505 BOOL& handled) { // NO_LINT
507 url_fetcher_->put_notification_window(m_hWnd);
508 if (automation_client_.get()) {
509 automation_client_->SetParentWindow(m_hWnd);
510 } else {
511 NOTREACHED() << "No automation server";
512 return -1;
514 // Only fire the 'interactive' ready state if we aren't there already.
515 if (ready_state_ < READYSTATE_INTERACTIVE) {
516 ready_state_ = READYSTATE_INTERACTIVE;
519 return 0;
522 LRESULT OnDestroy(UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam,
523 BOOL& handled) { // NO_LINT
524 DVLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__;
525 return 0;
528 // ChromeFrameDelegate override
529 virtual void OnAutomationServerReady() {
530 draw_sad_tab_ = false;
531 ChromeFramePlugin<T>::OnAutomationServerReady();
533 ready_state_ = READYSTATE_COMPLETE;
537 // ChromeFrameDelegate override
538 virtual void OnAutomationServerLaunchFailed(
539 AutomationLaunchResult reason, const std::string& server_version) {
540 DVLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__;
542 draw_sad_tab_ = true;
548 virtual void OnCloseTab() {
549 Fire_onclose();
552 // Overridden to take advantage of readystate prop changes and send those
553 // to potential listeners.
554 HRESULT FireOnChanged(DISPID dispid) {
555 if (dispid == DISPID_READYSTATE) {
556 Fire_onreadystatechanged(ready_state_);
558 return __super::FireOnChanged(dispid);
561 // IChromeFrame
562 // Property getter/setters for the src attribute, which contains a URL.
563 // The ChromeFrameActivex control initiates navigation to this URL
564 // when instantiated.
565 STDMETHOD(get_src)(BSTR* src) {
566 if (NULL == src) {
567 return E_POINTER;
570 *src = SysAllocString(url_);
571 return S_OK;
574 STDMETHOD(put_src)(BSTR src) {
575 if (src == NULL)
576 return E_INVALIDARG;
578 // Switch the src to UTF8 and try to expand to full URL
579 std::string src_utf8;
580 WideToUTF8(src, SysStringLen(src), &src_utf8);
581 std::string full_url = ResolveURL(GetDocumentUrl(), src_utf8);
583 // We can initiate navigation here even if ready_state is not complete.
584 // We do not have to set proxy, and AutomationClient will take care
585 // of navigation just after CreateExternalTab is done.
586 if (!automation_client_->InitiateNavigation(full_url,
587 GetDocumentUrl(),
588 this)) {
589 // TODO(robertshield): Make InitiateNavigation return more useful
590 // error information.
591 return E_INVALIDARG;
594 // Save full URL in BSTR member
595 url_.Reset(::SysAllocString(UTF8ToWide(full_url).c_str()));
597 return S_OK;
600 STDMETHOD(get_onload)(VARIANT* onload_handler) {
601 if (NULL == onload_handler)
602 return E_INVALIDARG;
604 *onload_handler = onload_handler_.Copy();
606 return S_OK;
609 // Property setter for the onload attribute, which contains a
610 // javascript function to be invoked on successful navigation.
611 STDMETHOD(put_onload)(VARIANT onload_handler) {
612 if (V_VT(&onload_handler) != VT_DISPATCH) {
613 DLOG(WARNING) << "Invalid onload handler type: "
614 << onload_handler.vt
615 << " specified";
616 return E_INVALIDARG;
619 onload_handler_ = onload_handler;
621 return S_OK;
624 // Property getter/setters for the onloaderror attribute, which contains a
625 // javascript function to be invoked on navigation failure.
626 STDMETHOD(get_onloaderror)(VARIANT* onerror_handler) {
627 if (NULL == onerror_handler)
628 return E_INVALIDARG;
630 *onerror_handler = onerror_handler_.Copy();
632 return S_OK;
635 STDMETHOD(put_onloaderror)(VARIANT onerror_handler) {
636 if (V_VT(&onerror_handler) != VT_DISPATCH) {
637 DLOG(WARNING) << "Invalid onloaderror handler type: "
638 << onerror_handler.vt
639 << " specified";
640 return E_INVALIDARG;
643 onerror_handler_ = onerror_handler;
645 return S_OK;
648 // Property getter/setters for the onmessage attribute, which contains a
649 // javascript function to be invoked when we receive a message from the
650 // chrome frame.
651 STDMETHOD(put_onmessage)(VARIANT onmessage_handler) {
652 if (V_VT(&onmessage_handler) != VT_DISPATCH) {
653 DLOG(WARNING) << "Invalid onmessage handler type: "
654 << onmessage_handler.vt
655 << " specified";
656 return E_INVALIDARG;
659 onmessage_handler_ = onmessage_handler;
661 return S_OK;
664 STDMETHOD(get_onmessage)(VARIANT* onmessage_handler) {
665 if (NULL == onmessage_handler)
666 return E_INVALIDARG;
668 *onmessage_handler = onmessage_handler_.Copy();
670 return S_OK;
673 STDMETHOD(get_readyState)(long* ready_state) { // NOLINT
674 DVLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__;
675 DCHECK(ready_state);
677 if (!ready_state)
678 return E_INVALIDARG;
680 *ready_state = ready_state_;
682 return S_OK;
685 // Property getter/setters for use_chrome_network flag. This flag
686 // indicates if chrome network stack is to be used for fetching
687 // network requests.
688 STDMETHOD(get_useChromeNetwork)(VARIANT_BOOL* use_chrome_network) {
689 if (!use_chrome_network)
690 return E_INVALIDARG;
692 *use_chrome_network =
693 automation_client_->use_chrome_network() ? VARIANT_TRUE : VARIANT_FALSE;
694 return S_OK;
697 STDMETHOD(put_useChromeNetwork)(VARIANT_BOOL use_chrome_network) {
698 if (!is_privileged()) {
699 DLOG(ERROR) << "Attempt to set useChromeNetwork in non-privileged mode";
700 return E_ACCESSDENIED;
703 automation_client_->set_use_chrome_network(
704 (VARIANT_FALSE != use_chrome_network));
705 return S_OK;
708 // Posts a message to the chrome frame.
709 STDMETHOD(postMessage)(BSTR message, VARIANT target) {
710 if (NULL == message) {
711 return E_INVALIDARG;
714 if (!automation_client_.get())
715 return E_FAIL;
717 std::string utf8_target;
718 if (target.vt == VT_BSTR) {
719 int len = ::SysStringLen(target.bstrVal);
720 if (len == 1 && target.bstrVal[0] == L'*') {
721 utf8_target = "*";
722 } else {
723 GURL resolved(target.bstrVal);
724 if (!resolved.is_valid()) {
725 Error(L"Unable to parse the specified target URL.");
726 return E_INVALIDARG;
729 utf8_target = resolved.spec();
731 } else {
732 utf8_target = "*";
735 std::string utf8_message;
736 WideToUTF8(message, ::SysStringLen(message), &utf8_message);
738 GURL url(GURL(document_url_).GetOrigin());
739 std::string origin(url.is_empty() ? "null" : url.spec());
740 if (!automation_client_->ForwardMessageFromExternalHost(utf8_message,
741 origin,
742 utf8_target)) {
743 Error(L"Failed to post message to chrome frame");
744 return E_FAIL;
747 return S_OK;
750 STDMETHOD(addEventListener)(BSTR event_type, IDispatch* listener,
751 VARIANT use_capture) {
752 EventHandlers* handlers = NULL;
753 HRESULT hr = GetHandlersForEvent(event_type, &handlers);
754 if (FAILED(hr))
755 return hr;
757 DCHECK(handlers != NULL);
759 handlers->insert(base::win::ScopedComPtr<IDispatch>(listener));
761 return hr;
764 STDMETHOD(removeEventListener)(BSTR event_type, IDispatch* listener,
765 VARIANT use_capture) {
766 EventHandlers* handlers = NULL;
767 HRESULT hr = GetHandlersForEvent(event_type, &handlers);
768 if (FAILED(hr))
769 return hr;
771 DCHECK(handlers != NULL);
772 handlers->erase(base::win::ScopedComPtr<IDispatch>(listener));
774 return hr;
777 STDMETHOD(get_version)(BSTR* version) {
778 if (!automation_client_.get()) {
780 return E_FAIL;
783 if (version == NULL) {
784 return E_INVALIDARG;
787 *version = SysAllocString(automation_client_->GetVersion().c_str());
788 return S_OK;
791 STDMETHOD(postPrivateMessage)(BSTR message, BSTR origin, BSTR target) {
792 if (NULL == message)
793 return E_INVALIDARG;
795 if (!is_privileged()) {
796 DLOG(ERROR) << "Attempt to postPrivateMessage in non-privileged mode";
797 return E_ACCESSDENIED;
800 DCHECK(automation_client_.get());
801 std::string utf8_message, utf8_origin, utf8_target;
802 WideToUTF8(message, ::SysStringLen(message), &utf8_message);
803 WideToUTF8(origin, ::SysStringLen(origin), &utf8_origin);
804 WideToUTF8(target, ::SysStringLen(target), &utf8_target);
806 if (!automation_client_->ForwardMessageFromExternalHost(utf8_message,
807 utf8_origin,
808 utf8_target)) {
809 Error(L"Failed to post message to chrome frame");
810 return E_FAIL;
813 return S_OK;
816 STDMETHOD(installExtension)(BSTR crx_path) {
817 NOTREACHED(); // Deprecated.
818 return E_NOTIMPL;
821 STDMETHOD(loadExtension)(BSTR path) {
822 NOTREACHED(); // Deprecated.
823 return E_NOTIMPL;
826 STDMETHOD(getEnabledExtensions)() {
827 NOTREACHED(); // Deprecated.
828 return E_NOTIMPL;
831 STDMETHOD(registerBhoIfNeeded)() {
832 return E_NOTIMPL;
835 // Returns the vector of event handlers for a given event (e.g. "load").
836 // If the event type isn't recognized, the function fills in a descriptive
837 // error (IErrorInfo) and returns E_INVALIDARG.
838 HRESULT GetHandlersForEvent(BSTR event_type, EventHandlers** handlers) {
839 DCHECK(handlers != NULL);
841 // TODO(tommi): make these if() statements data-driven.
842 HRESULT hr = S_OK;
843 const wchar_t* event_type_end = event_type + ::SysStringLen(event_type);
844 if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(event_type, event_type_end, "message")) {
845 *handlers = &onmessage_;
846 } else if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(event_type, event_type_end, "load")) {
847 *handlers = &onload_;
848 } else if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(event_type, event_type_end, "loaderror")) {
849 *handlers = &onloaderror_;
850 } else if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(event_type, event_type_end,
851 "readystatechanged")) {
852 *handlers = &onreadystatechanged_;
853 } else if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(event_type, event_type_end,
854 "privatemessage")) {
855 // This event handler is only available in privileged mode.
856 if (is_privileged()) {
857 *handlers = &onprivatemessage_;
858 } else {
859 Error("Event type 'privatemessage' is privileged");
862 } else if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(event_type, event_type_end,
863 "extensionready")) {
864 // This event handler is only available in privileged mode.
865 if (is_privileged()) {
866 *handlers = &onextensionready_;
867 } else {
868 Error("Event type 'extensionready' is privileged");
871 } else {
872 Error(base::StringPrintf(
873 "Event type '%ls' not found", event_type).c_str());
874 hr = E_INVALIDARG;
877 return hr;
880 // Creates a new event object that supports the |data| property.
881 // Note: you should supply an empty string for |origin| unless you're
882 // creating a "message" event.
883 HRESULT CreateDomEvent(const std::string& event_type, const std::string& data,
884 const std::string& origin, IDispatch** event) {
885 DCHECK(event_type.length() > 0); // NOLINT
886 DCHECK(event != NULL);
888 CComObject<ComMessageEvent>* ev = NULL;
889 HRESULT hr = CComObject<ComMessageEvent>::CreateInstance(&ev);
890 if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
891 ev->AddRef();
893 base::win::ScopedComPtr<IOleContainer> container;
894 m_spClientSite->GetContainer(container.Receive());
895 if (ev->Initialize(container, data, origin, event_type)) {
896 *event = ev;
897 } else {
898 NOTREACHED() << "event->Initialize";
899 ev->Release();
900 hr = E_UNEXPECTED;
904 return hr;
907 // Helper function to execute a function on a script IDispatch interface.
908 HRESULT InvokeScriptFunction(const VARIANT& script_object,
909 const std::string& param) {
910 base::win::ScopedVariant script_arg(UTF8ToWide(param.c_str()).c_str());
911 return InvokeScriptFunction(script_object, script_arg.AsInput());
914 HRESULT InvokeScriptFunction(const VARIANT& script_object, VARIANT* param) {
915 return InvokeScriptFunction(script_object, param, 1);
918 HRESULT InvokeScriptFunction(const VARIANT& script_object, VARIANT* params,
919 int param_count) {
920 DCHECK_GE(param_count, 0);
921 DCHECK(params);
923 if (V_VT(&script_object) != VT_DISPATCH ||
924 script_object.pdispVal == NULL) {
925 return S_FALSE;
928 CComPtr<IDispatch> script(script_object.pdispVal);
929 HRESULT hr = script.InvokeN(static_cast<DISPID>(DISPID_VALUE),
930 params,
931 param_count);
932 // 0x80020101 == SCRIPT_E_REPORTED.
933 // When the script we're invoking has an error, we get this error back.
934 DLOG_IF(ERROR, FAILED(hr) && hr != 0x80020101) << "Failed to invoke script";
935 return hr;
938 // Gives the browser a chance to handle an accelerator that was
939 // sent to the out of proc chromium instance.
940 // Returns S_OK iff the accelerator was handled by the browser.
941 HRESULT AllowFrameToTranslateAccelerator(const MSG& msg) {
942 static const int kMayTranslateAcceleratorOffset = 0x5c;
943 // Although IBrowserService2 is officially deprecated, it's still alive
944 // and well in IE7 and earlier. We have to use it here to correctly give
945 // the browser a chance to handle keyboard shortcuts.
946 // This happens automatically for activex components that have windows that
947 // belong to the current thread. In that circumstance IE owns the message
948 // loop and can walk the line of components allowing each participant the
949 // chance to handle the keystroke and eventually falls back to
950 // v_MayTranslateAccelerator. However in our case, the message loop is
951 // owned by the out-of-proc chromium instance so IE doesn't have a chance to
952 // fall back on its default behavior. Instead we give IE a chance to
953 // handle the shortcut here.
954 MSG accel_message = msg;
955 accel_message.hwnd = ::GetParent(m_hWnd);
957 base::win::ScopedComPtr<IBrowserService2> bs2;
959 // For non-IE containers, we use the standard IOleInPlaceFrame contract
960 // (which IE does not support). For IE, we try to use IBrowserService2,
961 // but need special handling for IE8 (see below).
963 // We try to cache an IOleInPlaceFrame for our site. If we fail, we don't
964 // retry, and we fall back to the IBrowserService2 and PostMessage
965 // approaches below.
966 if (!in_place_frame_ && !failed_to_fetch_in_place_frame_) {
967 base::win::ScopedComPtr<IOleInPlaceUIWindow> dummy_ui_window;
968 RECT dummy_pos_rect = {0};
969 RECT dummy_clip_rect = {0};
970 OLEINPLACEFRAMEINFO dummy_frame_info = {0};
971 if (!m_spInPlaceSite ||
972 FAILED(m_spInPlaceSite->GetWindowContext(in_place_frame_.Receive(),
973 dummy_ui_window.Receive(),
974 &dummy_pos_rect,
975 &dummy_clip_rect,
976 &dummy_frame_info))) {
977 failed_to_fetch_in_place_frame_ = true;
981 // The IBrowserService2 code below (second conditional) explicitly checks
982 // for whether the IBrowserService2::v_MayTranslateAccelerator function is
983 // valid. On IE8 there is one vtable ieframe!c_ImpostorBrowserService2Vtbl
984 // where this function entry is NULL which leads to a crash. We don't know
985 // under what circumstances this vtable is actually used though.
986 if (in_place_frame_) {
987 hr = in_place_frame_->TranslateAccelerator(&accel_message, 0);
988 } else if (S_OK == DoQueryService(
989 SID_STopLevelBrowser, m_spInPlaceSite,
990 bs2.Receive()) && bs2.get() &&
991 *(*(reinterpret_cast<void***>(bs2.get())) +
992 kMayTranslateAcceleratorOffset)) {
993 hr = bs2->v_MayTranslateAccelerator(&accel_message);
994 } else {
995 // IE8 doesn't support IBrowserService2 unless you enable a special,
996 // undocumented flag with CoInternetSetFeatureEnabled and even then,
997 // the object you get back implements only a couple of methods of
998 // that interface... all the other entries in the vtable are NULL.
999 // In addition, the class that implements it is called
1000 // ImpostorBrowserService2 :)
1001 // IE8 does have a new interface though, presumably called
1002 // ITabBrowserService or something that can be abbreviated to TBS.
1003 // That interface has a method, TranslateAcceleratorTBS that does
1004 // call the root MayTranslateAccelerator function, but alas the
1005 // first argument to MayTranslateAccelerator is hard coded to FALSE
1006 // which means that global accelerators are not handled and we're
1007 // out of luck.
1008 // A third thing that's notable with regards to IE8 is that
1009 // none of the *MayTranslate* functions exist in a vtable inside
1010 // ieframe.dll. I checked this by scanning for the address of
1011 // those functions inside the dll and found none, which means that
1012 // all calls to those functions are relative.
1013 // So, for IE8 in certain cases, and for other containers that may
1014 // support neither IOleInPlaceFrame or IBrowserService2 our approach
1015 // is very simple. Just post the message to our parent window and IE
1016 // will pick it up if it's an accelerator. We won't know for sure if
1017 // the browser handled the keystroke or not.
1018 ::PostMessage(accel_message.hwnd, accel_message.message,
1019 accel_message.wParam, accel_message.lParam);
1022 return hr;
1025 virtual void OnAcceleratorPressed(const MSG& accel_message) {
1026 DCHECK(m_spInPlaceSite != NULL);
1027 // Allow our host a chance to handle the accelerator.
1028 // This catches things like Ctrl+F, Ctrl+O etc, but not browser
1029 // accelerators such as F11, Ctrl+T etc.
1030 // (see AllowFrameToTranslateAccelerator for those).
1031 HRESULT hr = TranslateAccelerator(const_cast<MSG*>(&accel_message));
1032 if (hr != S_OK)
1033 hr = AllowFrameToTranslateAccelerator(accel_message);
1035 DVLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__ << " browser response: "
1036 << base::StringPrintf("0x%08x", hr);
1038 if (hr != S_OK) {
1039 // The WM_SYSKEYDOWN/WM_SYSKEYUP messages are not processed by the
1040 // IOleControlSite and IBrowserService2::v_MayTranslateAccelerator
1041 // implementations. We need to understand this better. That is for
1042 // another day. For now we just post these messages back to the parent
1043 // which forwards it off to the frame. This should not cause major
1044 // grief for Chrome as it does not need to handle WM_SYSKEY* messages in
1045 // in ChromeFrame mode.
1046 // TODO(iyengar)
1047 // Understand and fix WM_SYSCHAR handling
1048 // We should probably unify the accelerator handling for the active
1049 // document and the activex.
1050 if (accel_message.message == WM_SYSCHAR ||
1051 accel_message.message == WM_SYSKEYDOWN ||
1052 accel_message.message == WM_SYSKEYUP) {
1053 ::PostMessage(GetParent(), accel_message.message, accel_message.wParam,
1054 accel_message.lParam);
1055 return;
1058 // Last chance to handle the keystroke is to pass it to chromium.
1059 // We do this last partially because there's no way for us to tell if
1060 // chromium actually handled the keystroke, but also since the browser
1061 // should have first dibs anyway.
1062 if (hr != S_OK && automation_client_.get()) {
1063 TabProxy* tab = automation_client_->tab();
1064 if (tab) {
1065 tab->ProcessUnhandledAccelerator(accel_message);
1070 protected:
1071 void HostNavigate(const GURL& url_to_open,
1072 const GURL& referrer, int open_disposition) {
1073 base::win::ScopedComPtr<IWebBrowser2> web_browser2;
1074 DoQueryService(SID_SWebBrowserApp, m_spClientSite, web_browser2.Receive());
1075 if (!web_browser2) {
1076 NOTREACHED() << "Failed to retrieve IWebBrowser2 interface";
1077 return;
1079 base::win::ScopedVariant url;
1080 // Check to see if the URL uses a "view-source:" prefix, if so, open it
1081 // using chrome frame full tab mode by using 'cf:' protocol handler.
1082 // Also change the disposition to NEW_WINDOW since IE6 doesn't have tabs.
1083 if (url_to_open.has_scheme() &&
1084 (url_to_open.SchemeIs(chrome::kViewSourceScheme) ||
1085 url_to_open.SchemeIs(chrome::kAboutScheme))) {
1086 std::wstring chrome_url;
1087 chrome_url.append(kChromeProtocolPrefix);
1088 chrome_url.append(UTF8ToWide(url_to_open.spec()));
1089 url.Set(chrome_url.c_str());
1090 open_disposition = NEW_WINDOW;
1091 } else {
1092 url.Set(UTF8ToWide(url_to_open.spec()).c_str());
1095 VARIANT flags = { VT_I4 };
1096 V_I4(&flags) = 0;
1098 IEVersion ie_version = GetIEVersion();
1099 DCHECK(ie_version != NON_IE && ie_version != IE_UNSUPPORTED);
1100 // Since IE6 doesn't support tabs, so we just use window instead.
1101 if (ie_version == IE_6) {
1102 if (open_disposition == NEW_FOREGROUND_TAB ||
1103 open_disposition == NEW_BACKGROUND_TAB ||
1104 open_disposition == NEW_WINDOW ||
1105 open_disposition == NEW_POPUP) {
1106 V_I4(&flags) = navOpenInNewWindow;
1107 } else if (open_disposition != CURRENT_TAB) {
1108 NOTREACHED() << "Unsupported open disposition in IE6";
1110 } else {
1111 switch (open_disposition) {
1113 V_I4(&flags) = navOpenInNewTab;
1114 break;
1116 V_I4(&flags) = navOpenInBackgroundTab;
1117 break;
1118 case NEW_WINDOW:
1119 case NEW_POPUP:
1120 V_I4(&flags) = navOpenInNewWindow;
1121 break;
1122 default:
1123 break;
1127 // TODO(sanjeevr): The navOpenInNewWindow flag causes IE to open this
1128 // in a new window ONLY if the user has specified
1129 // "Always open popups in a new window". Otherwise it opens in a new tab.
1130 // We need to investigate more and see if we can force IE to display the
1131 // link in a new window. MSHTML uses the below code to force an open in a
1132 // new window. But this logic also fails for us. Perhaps this flag is not
1133 // honoured if the ActiveDoc is not MSHTML.
1134 // Even the HLNF_DISABLEWINDOWRESTRICTIONS flag did not work.
1135 // Start of MSHTML-like logic.
1136 // CComQIPtr<ITargetFramePriv2> target_frame = web_browser2;
1137 // if (target_frame) {
1138 // CComPtr<IUri> uri;
1139 // CreateUri(UTF8ToWide(open_url_command->url_.spec()).c_str(),
1140 // Uri_CREATE_IE_SETTINGS, 0, &uri);
1141 // CComPtr<IBindCtx> bind_ctx;
1142 // CreateBindCtx(0, &bind_ctx);
1143 // target_frame->AggregatedNavigation2(
1145 // L"No_Name", uri, L"");
1146 // }
1147 // End of MSHTML-like logic
1148 VARIANT empty = base::win::ScopedVariant::kEmptyVariant;
1149 base::win::ScopedVariant http_headers;
1151 if (referrer.is_valid()) {
1152 std::wstring referrer_header = L"Referer: ";
1153 referrer_header += UTF8ToWide(referrer.spec());
1154 referrer_header += L"\r\n\r\n";
1155 http_headers.Set(referrer_header.c_str());
1158 // IE6 does not support tabs. If Chrome sent us a window open request
1159 // indicating that the navigation needs to occur in a foreground tab or
1160 // a popup window, then we need to ensure that the new window in IE6 is
1161 // brought to the foreground.
1162 if (ie_version == IE_6) {
1163 ChromeFrameUrl cf_url;
1164 cf_url.Parse(static_cast<BSTR>(url_));
1166 if (cf_url.attach_to_external_tab() &&
1167 (cf_url.disposition() == NEW_FOREGROUND_TAB ||
1168 cf_url.disposition() == NEW_POPUP)) {
1169 BringWebBrowserWindowToTop(web_browser2);
1173 HRESULT hr = web_browser2->Navigate2(url.AsInput(), &flags, &empty, &empty,
1174 http_headers.AsInput());
1175 // If the current window is a popup window then attempting to open a new
1176 // tab for the navigation will fail. We attempt to issue the navigation in
1177 // a new window in this case.
1178 //
1179 if (FAILED(hr) && V_I4(&flags) != navOpenInNewWindow) {
1180 V_I4(&flags) = navOpenInNewWindow;
1181 hr = web_browser2->Navigate2(url.AsInput(), &flags, &empty, &empty,
1182 http_headers.AsInput());
1184 << "Navigate2 failed with error: "
1185 << base::StringPrintf("0x%08X", hr);
1189 void InitializeAutomationSettings() {
1190 static const wchar_t kHandleTopLevelRequests[] = L"HandleTopLevelRequests";
1191 static const wchar_t kUseChromeNetworking[] = L"UseChromeNetworking";
1193 // Query and assign the top-level-request routing, and host networking
1194 // settings from the registry.
1195 bool top_level_requests = GetConfigBool(true, kHandleTopLevelRequests);
1196 bool chrome_network = GetConfigBool(false, kUseChromeNetworking);
1197 automation_client_->set_handle_top_level_requests(top_level_requests);
1198 automation_client_->set_use_chrome_network(chrome_network);
1201 base::win::ScopedBstr url_;
1202 base::win::ScopedComPtr<IOleDocumentSite> doc_site_;
1204 // If false, we tried but failed to fetch an IOleInPlaceFrame from our host.
1205 // Cached here so we don't try to fetch it every time if we keep failing.
1206 bool failed_to_fetch_in_place_frame_;
1207 bool draw_sad_tab_;
1209 base::win::ScopedComPtr<IOleInPlaceFrame> in_place_frame_;
1211 // For more information on the ready_state_ property see:
1212 //
1213 READYSTATE ready_state_;
1215 // The following members contain IDispatch interfaces representing the
1216 // onload/onerror/onmessage handlers on the page.
1217 base::win::ScopedVariant onload_handler_;
1218 base::win::ScopedVariant onerror_handler_;
1219 base::win::ScopedVariant onmessage_handler_;
1221 EventHandlers onmessage_;
1222 EventHandlers onloaderror_;
1223 EventHandlers onload_;
1224 EventHandlers onreadystatechanged_;
1225 EventHandlers onprivatemessage_;
1226 EventHandlers onextensionready_;
1228 // Handle network requests when host network stack is used. Passed to the
1229 // automation client on initialization.
1230 scoped_ptr<UrlmonUrlRequestManager> url_fetcher_;