chromeos: dbus: add Bluetooth properties support
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / ash / shell.h
1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #ifndef ASH_SHELL_H_
6 #define ASH_SHELL_H_
7 #pragma once
9 #include <utility>
10 #include <vector>
12 #include "ash/ash_export.h"
13 #include "base/basictypes.h"
14 #include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
15 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
16 #include "base/compiler_specific.h"
17 #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
18 #include "ui/gfx/size.h"
20 class CommandLine;
22 namespace aura {
23 class EventFilter;
24 class RootWindow;
25 class Window;
27 namespace gfx {
28 class Point;
29 class Rect;
31 namespace views {
32 class NonClientFrameView;
33 class Widget;
36 namespace ash {
38 class AcceleratorController;
39 class Launcher;
40 class NestedDispatcherController;
41 class PowerButtonController;
42 class ShellDelegate;
43 class VideoDetector;
44 class WindowCycleController;
46 namespace internal {
47 class ActivationController;
48 class AcceleratorFilter;
49 class AppList;
50 class DragDropController;
51 class FocusCycler;
52 class InputMethodEventFilter;
53 class RootWindowEventFilter;
54 class RootWindowLayoutManager;
55 class ShadowController;
56 class ShelfLayoutManager;
57 class StackingController;
58 class TooltipController;
59 class VisibilityController;
60 class WindowModalityController;
61 class WorkspaceController;
64 // Shell is a singleton object that presents the Shell API and implements the
65 // RootWindow's delegate interface.
67 // Upon creation, the Shell sets itself as the RootWindow's delegate, which
68 // takes ownership of the Shell.
69 class ASH_EXPORT Shell {
70 public:
71 // In compact window mode we fill the screen with a single maximized window,
72 // similar to ChromeOS R17 and earlier. In overlapping mode we have draggable
73 // windows. In managed mode the workspace arranges windows for the user.
74 enum WindowMode {
80 enum Direction {
85 // A shell must be explicitly created so that it can call |Init()| with the
86 // delegate set. |delegate| can be NULL (if not required for initialization).
87 static Shell* CreateInstance(ShellDelegate* delegate);
89 // Should never be called before |CreateInstance()|.
90 static Shell* GetInstance();
92 static void DeleteInstance();
94 const gfx::Size& compact_status_area_offset() const {
95 return compact_status_area_offset_;
98 aura::Window* GetContainer(int container_id);
99 const aura::Window* GetContainer(int container_id) const;
101 // Adds or removes |filter| from the RootWindowEventFilter.
102 void AddRootWindowEventFilter(aura::EventFilter* filter);
103 void RemoveRootWindowEventFilter(aura::EventFilter* filter);
104 size_t GetRootWindowEventFilterCount() const;
106 // Shows the background menu over |widget|.
107 void ShowBackgroundMenu(views::Widget* widget, const gfx::Point& location);
109 // Toggles app list.
110 void ToggleAppList();
112 // Dynamic window mode chooses between MODE_OVERLAPPING and MODE_COMPACT
113 // based on screen resolution and dynamically changes modes when the screen
114 // resolution changes (e.g. plugging in a monitor).
115 void set_dynamic_window_mode(bool value) { dynamic_window_mode_ = value; }
117 // Changes the current window mode, which will cause all the open windows
118 // to be laid out in the new mode and layout managers and event filters to be
119 // installed or removed.
120 void ChangeWindowMode(WindowMode mode);
122 // Sets an appropriate window mode for the given screen resolution.
123 void SetWindowModeForMonitorSize(const gfx::Size& monitor_size);
125 // Returns true if the screen is locked.
126 bool IsScreenLocked() const;
128 // Returns true if a modal dialog window is currently open.
129 bool IsModalWindowOpen() const;
131 // See enum WindowMode for details.
132 bool IsWindowModeCompact() const { return window_mode_ == MODE_COMPACT; }
134 // Sets the offset between the corner of the status area and the corner of the
135 // screen when we're using the compact window mode.
136 void SetCompactStatusAreaOffset(gfx::Size& offset);
138 // Creates a default views::NonClientFrameView for use by windows in the
139 // Ash environment.
140 views::NonClientFrameView* CreateDefaultNonClientFrameView(
141 views::Widget* widget);
143 // Rotate focus through containers that can recieve focus.
144 void RotateFocus(Direction direction);
146 #if !defined(OS_MACOSX)
147 AcceleratorController* accelerator_controller() {
148 return accelerator_controller_.get();
150 #endif // !defined(OS_MACOSX)
152 internal::RootWindowEventFilter* root_filter() {
153 return root_filter_;
155 internal::TooltipController* tooltip_controller() {
156 return tooltip_controller_.get();
158 PowerButtonController* power_button_controller() {
159 return power_button_controller_.get();
161 VideoDetector* video_detector() {
162 return video_detector_.get();
164 WindowCycleController* window_cycle_controller() {
165 return window_cycle_controller_.get();
168 ShellDelegate* delegate() { return delegate_.get(); }
170 Launcher* launcher() { return launcher_.get(); }
172 internal::ShelfLayoutManager* shelf() const { return shelf_; }
174 // Made available for tests.
175 internal::ShadowController* shadow_controller() {
176 return shadow_controller_.get();
179 private:
180 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ShellTest, ComputeWindowMode);
181 FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ShellTest, ChangeWindowMode);
183 typedef std::pair<aura::Window*, gfx::Rect> WindowAndBoundsPair;
185 explicit Shell(ShellDelegate* delegate);
186 virtual ~Shell();
188 void Init();
190 // Returns the appropriate window mode to use based on the primary monitor's
191 // |monitor_size| and the user's |command_line|.
192 WindowMode ComputeWindowMode(const gfx::Size& monitor_size,
193 CommandLine* command_line) const;
195 // Initializes or re-initializes the layout managers and event filters needed
196 // to support a given window mode and cleans up the unneeded ones.
197 void SetupCompactWindowMode();
198 void SetupNonCompactWindowMode();
200 // Sets the LayoutManager of the container with the specified id to NULL. This
201 // has the effect of deleting the current LayoutManager.
202 void ResetLayoutManager(int container_id);
204 static Shell* instance_;
206 internal::RootWindowEventFilter* root_filter_; // not owned
208 std::vector<WindowAndBoundsPair> to_restore_;
210 base::WeakPtrFactory<Shell> method_factory_;
212 #if !defined(OS_MACOSX)
213 scoped_ptr<NestedDispatcherController> nested_dispatcher_controller_;
215 scoped_ptr<AcceleratorController> accelerator_controller_;
216 #endif // !defined(OS_MACOSX)
218 scoped_ptr<ShellDelegate> delegate_;
220 scoped_ptr<Launcher> launcher_;
222 scoped_ptr<internal::AppList> app_list_;
224 scoped_ptr<internal::StackingController> stacking_controller_;
225 scoped_ptr<internal::ActivationController> activation_controller_;
226 scoped_ptr<internal::WindowModalityController> window_modality_controller_;
227 scoped_ptr<internal::DragDropController> drag_drop_controller_;
228 scoped_ptr<internal::WorkspaceController> workspace_controller_;
229 scoped_ptr<internal::ShadowController> shadow_controller_;
230 scoped_ptr<internal::TooltipController> tooltip_controller_;
231 scoped_ptr<internal::VisibilityController> visibility_controller_;
232 scoped_ptr<PowerButtonController> power_button_controller_;
233 scoped_ptr<VideoDetector> video_detector_;
234 scoped_ptr<WindowCycleController> window_cycle_controller_;
235 scoped_ptr<internal::FocusCycler> focus_cycler_;
237 // An event filter that pre-handles all key events to send them to an IME.
238 scoped_ptr<internal::InputMethodEventFilter> input_method_filter_;
240 #if !defined(OS_MACOSX)
241 // An event filter that pre-handles global accelerators.
242 scoped_ptr<internal::AcceleratorFilter> accelerator_filter_;
243 #endif
245 // The shelf for managing the launcher and the status widget in non-compact
246 // mode. Shell does not own the shelf. Instead, it is owned by container of
247 // the status area.
248 internal::ShelfLayoutManager* shelf_;
250 // Change window mode based on screen resolution.
251 bool dynamic_window_mode_;
253 // Can change at runtime.
254 WindowMode window_mode_;
256 // Owned by aura::RootWindow, cached here for type safety.
257 internal::RootWindowLayoutManager* root_window_layout_;
259 // Status area with clock, Wi-Fi signal, etc.
260 views::Widget* status_widget_;
262 // Offset between the corner of the status area and the corner of the screen
263 // when in the compact window mode.
264 gfx::Size compact_status_area_offset_;
269 } // namespace ash
271 #endif // ASH_SHELL_H_