3 1. Sync your Chromium tree to the latest revision to pick up any plugin
4 changes and test the new compiler against ToT
5 1. Update clang revision in tools/clang/scripts/update.sh, upload CL to
7 1. Run tools/clang/scripts/package.py to create a tgz of the binary (mac and
9 1. Do a local clobber build with that clang (mac and linux). Check that
10 everything builds fine and no new warnings appear. (Optional if the
11 revision picked in 1 was vetted by other means already.)
12 1. Upload the binaries using gsutil, they will appear at
13 http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/chromium-browser-clang/index.html
14 1. Run goma package update script to push these packages to goma, send email
15 1. `git cl try -m tryserver.chromium.mac -b mac_chromium_rel_ng -b
16 mac_chromium_asan_rel_ng -b mac_chromium_gn_dbg -b ios_rel_device_ninja &&
17 git cl try -m tryserver.chromium.linux -b linux_chromium_gn_dbg -b
18 linux_chromium_chromeos_dbg_ng -b linux_chromium_asan_rel_ng -b
19 linux_chromium_chromeos_asan_rel_ng -b android_clang_dbg_recipe -b
20 linux_chromium_trusty32_rel -b linux_chromium_rel_ng && git cl try -m
21 tryserver.blink -b linux_blink_rel`
22 1. Commit roll CL from the first step
23 1. The bots will now pull the prebuilt binary, and goma will have a matching