In iossim, ignore harmless messages from launchd.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / cc / rendering_stats.h
1 // Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include "base/basictypes.h"
9 #include "base/time.h"
10 #include "cc/cc_export.h"
12 namespace cc {
14 struct CC_EXPORT RenderingStats {
15 // FIXME: Rename these to animationFrameCount and screenFrameCount,
16 int64 numAnimationFrames;
17 int64 numFramesSentToScreen;
18 int64 droppedFrameCount;
19 double totalPaintTimeInSeconds;
20 double totalRasterizeTimeInSeconds;
21 double totalCommitTimeInSeconds;
22 int64 totalCommitCount;
23 int64 totalPixelsPainted;
24 int64 totalPixelsRasterized;
25 int64 numImplThreadScrolls;
26 int64 numMainThreadScrolls;
27 int64 numLayersDrawn;
28 int64 numMissingTiles;
29 int64 totalDeferredImageDecodeCount;
30 int64 totalDeferredImageCacheHitCount;
31 int64 totalImageGatheringCount;
32 double totalDeferredImageDecodeTimeInSeconds;
33 double totalImageGatheringTimeInSeconds;
34 // Note: when adding new members, please remember to update enumerateFields
35 // in
37 RenderingStats();
39 // In conjunction with enumerateFields, this allows the embedder to
40 // enumerate the values in this structure without
41 // having to embed references to its specific member variables. This
42 // simplifies the addition of new fields to this type.
43 class Enumerator {
44 public:
45 virtual void AddInt64(const char* name, int64 value) = 0;
46 virtual void AddDouble(const char* name, double value) = 0;
47 virtual void AddInt(const char* name, int value) = 0;
48 virtual void AddTimeDeltaInSecondsF(const char* name,
49 const base::TimeDelta& value) = 0;
51 protected:
52 virtual ~Enumerator() { }
55 // Outputs the fields in this structure to the provided enumerator.
56 void EnumerateFields(Enumerator* enumerator) const;
59 } // namespace cc
61 #endif // CC_RENDERING_STATS_H_