An accessibility tree update with two roots should be rejected.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / components / policy.gypi
1 # Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 # found in the LICENSE file.
6   'includes': [
7     # Included to get 'mac_bundle_id' and other variables.
8     '../build/chrome_settings.gypi',
9   ],
10   'variables': {
11     'chromium_code': 1,
12     'grit_out_dir': '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome',
13     'policy_out_dir': '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/policy',
14     'protoc_out_dir': '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/protoc_out',
15     'generate_policy_source_script_path':
16         'policy/tools/',
17     'policy_constant_header_path':
18         '<(policy_out_dir)/policy/policy_constants.h',
19     'policy_constant_source_path':
20         '<(policy_out_dir)/policy/',
21     'protobuf_decoder_path':
22         '<(policy_out_dir)/policy/',
23     'app_restrictions_path':
24         '<(policy_out_dir)/app_restrictions.xml',
25     # This is the "full" protobuf, which defines one protobuf message per
26     # policy. It is also the format currently used by the server.
27     'chrome_settings_proto_path':
28         '<(policy_out_dir)/policy/chrome_settings.proto',
29     # This protobuf is equivalent to chrome_settings.proto but shares messages
30     # for policies of the same type, so that less classes have to be generated
31     # and compiled.
32     'cloud_policy_proto_path':
33         '<(policy_out_dir)/policy/cloud_policy.proto',
34   },
35   'conditions': [
36     ['component=="static_library"', {
37       'targets': [
38         {
39           # GN version: //components/policy:policy_component
40           'target_name': 'policy_component',
41           'type': 'none',
42           'dependencies': [
43             'policy_component_common',
44             'policy_component_browser',
45           ],
46         },
47         {
48           # GN version: //components/policy:policy_component_common
49           'target_name': 'policy_component_common',
50           'type': 'static_library',
51           'includes': [
52             'policy/policy_common.gypi',
53           ],
54         },
55         {
56           # GN version: //components/policy:policy_component_browser
57           'target_name': 'policy_component_browser',
58           'type': 'static_library',
59           'dependencies': [
60             'policy_component_common',
61           ],
62           'includes': [
63             'policy/policy_browser.gypi',
64           ],
65         },
66       ],
67     }, {  # component=="shared_library"
68       'targets': [
69         {
70           # GN version: //components/policy:policy_component
71           'target_name': 'policy_component',
72           'type': 'shared_library',
73           'includes': [
74             'policy/policy_common.gypi',
75             'policy/policy_browser.gypi',
76           ],
77         },
78         {
79           # GN version: //components/policy:policy_component_common
80           'target_name': 'policy_component_common',
81           'type': 'none',
82           'dependencies': [
83             'policy_component',
84           ],
85         },
86         {
87           # GN version: //components/policy:policy_component_browser
88           'target_name': 'policy_component_browser',
89           'type': 'none',
90           'dependencies': [
91             'policy_component',
92           ],
93         },
94       ],
95     }],
96     ['configuration_policy==1', {
97       'targets': [
98         {
99           # GN version: //components/policy:cloud_policy_code_generate
100           'target_name': 'cloud_policy_code_generate',
101           'type': 'none',
102           'actions': [
103             {
104               'inputs': [
105                 'policy/resources/policy_templates.json',
106                 '<(DEPTH)/chrome/VERSION',
107                 '<(generate_policy_source_script_path)',
108               ],
109               'outputs': [
110                 '<(policy_constant_header_path)',
111                 '<(policy_constant_source_path)',
112                 '<(protobuf_decoder_path)',
113                 '<(chrome_settings_proto_path)',
114                 '<(cloud_policy_proto_path)',
115                 '<(app_restrictions_path)',
116               ],
117               'action_name': 'generate_policy_source',
118               'action': [
119                 'python',
120                 '<@(generate_policy_source_script_path)',
121                 '--policy-constants-header=<(policy_constant_header_path)',
122                 '--policy-constants-source=<(policy_constant_source_path)',
123                 '--chrome-settings-protobuf=<(chrome_settings_proto_path)',
124                 '--cloud-policy-protobuf=<(cloud_policy_proto_path)',
125                 '--cloud-policy-decoder=<(protobuf_decoder_path)',
126                 '--app-restrictions-definition=<(app_restrictions_path)',
127                 '<(DEPTH)/chrome/VERSION',
128                 '<(OS)',
129                 '<(chromeos)',
130                 'policy/resources/policy_templates.json',
131               ],
132               'message': 'Generating policy source',
133               'conditions': [
134                 ['OS!="android"', {
135                   'outputs!': [
136                     '<(app_restrictions_path)',
137                   ],
138                 }],
139               ],
140             },
141           ],
142           'direct_dependent_settings': {
143             'include_dirs': [
144               '<(policy_out_dir)',
145               '<(protoc_out_dir)',
146             ],
147           },
148         },
149         {
150           # GN version: //components/policy:cloud_policy_proto_generated_compile
151           'target_name': 'cloud_policy_proto_generated_compile',
152           'type': '<(component)',
153           'sources': [
154             '<(cloud_policy_proto_path)',
155           ],
156           'variables': {
157             'proto_in_dir': '<(policy_out_dir)/policy',
158             'proto_out_dir': 'policy/proto',
159             'cc_generator_options': 'dllexport_decl=POLICY_PROTO_EXPORT:',
160             'cc_include': 'components/policy/policy_proto_export.h',
161           },
162           'dependencies': [
163             'cloud_policy_code_generate',
164           ],
165           'includes': [
166             '../build/protoc.gypi',
167           ],
168           'defines': [
170           ],
171           # TODO(jschuh): fix size_t to int truncations.
172           'msvs_disabled_warnings': [4267, ],
173         },
174         {
175           # This target builds the "full" protobuf, used for tests only.
176           # GN version: //components/policy:chrome_settings_proto_generated_compile
177           'target_name': 'chrome_settings_proto_generated_compile',
178           'type': 'static_library',
179           'sources': [
180             '<(chrome_settings_proto_path)',
181           ],
182           'variables': {
183             'proto_in_dir': '<(policy_out_dir)/policy',
184             'proto_out_dir': 'policy/proto',
185           },
186           'dependencies': [
187             'cloud_policy_code_generate',
188             'cloud_policy_proto_generated_compile',
189           ],
190           'includes': [
191             '../build/protoc.gypi',
192           ],
193         },
194         {
195           # GN version: //components/policy
196           'target_name': 'policy',
197           'type': 'static_library',
198           'hard_dependency': 1,
199           'direct_dependent_settings': {
200             'include_dirs': [
201               '<(policy_out_dir)',
202               '<(protoc_out_dir)',
203             ],
204           },
205           'sources': [
206             '<(policy_constant_header_path)',
207             '<(policy_constant_source_path)',
208             '<(protobuf_decoder_path)',
209           ],
210           'include_dirs': [
211             '<(DEPTH)',
212           ],
213           'dependencies': [
214             'cloud_policy_code_generate',
215             'cloud_policy_proto_generated_compile',
216             '<(DEPTH)/base/base.gyp:base',
217             '<(DEPTH)/third_party/protobuf/protobuf.gyp:protobuf_lite',
218           ],
219           'defines': [
221           ],
222         },
223         {
224           # GN version: //components/policy/proto
225           'target_name': 'cloud_policy_proto',
226           'type': '<(component)',
227           'sources': [
228             'policy/proto/chrome_extension_policy.proto',
229             'policy/proto/device_management_backend.proto',
230             'policy/proto/device_management_local.proto',
231             'policy/proto/policy_signing_key.proto',
232           ],
233           'variables': {
234             'proto_in_dir': 'policy/proto',
235             'proto_out_dir': 'policy/proto',
236             'cc_generator_options': 'dllexport_decl=POLICY_PROTO_EXPORT:',
237             'cc_include': 'components/policy/policy_proto_export.h',
238           },
239           'includes': [
240             '../build/protoc.gypi',
241           ],
242           'conditions': [
243             ['OS=="android" or OS=="ios"', {
244               'sources!': [
245                 'policy/proto/chrome_extension_policy.proto',
246               ],
247             }],
248             ['chromeos==0', {
249               'sources!': [
250                 'policy/proto/device_management_local.proto',
251               ],
252             }],
253           ],
254           'defines': [
256           ],
257         },
258         {
259           # GN version: //components/policy:test_support
260           'target_name': 'policy_test_support',
261           'type': 'none',
262           'hard_dependency': 1,
263           'direct_dependent_settings': {
264             'include_dirs': [
265               '<(policy_out_dir)',
266               '<(protoc_out_dir)',
267             ],
268           },
269           'dependencies': [
270             'chrome_settings_proto_generated_compile',
271             'policy',
272           ],
273         },
274         {
275           # GN version: //components/policy:policy_component_test_support
276           'target_name': 'policy_component_test_support',
277           'type': 'static_library',
278           # This must be undefined so that POLICY_EXPORT works correctly in
279           # the static_library build.
280           'defines!': [
282           ],
283           'dependencies': [
284             'cloud_policy_proto',
285             'policy_component',
286             'policy_test_support',
287             '../testing/gmock.gyp:gmock',
288             '../testing/gtest.gyp:gtest',
289           ],
290           'include_dirs': [
291             '..',
292           ],
293           'sources': [
294             'policy/core/browser/',
295             'policy/core/browser/configuration_policy_pref_store_test.h',
296             'policy/core/common/cloud/',
297             'policy/core/common/cloud/mock_cloud_external_data_manager.h',
298             'policy/core/common/cloud/',
299             'policy/core/common/cloud/mock_cloud_policy_client.h',
300             'policy/core/common/cloud/',
301             'policy/core/common/cloud/mock_cloud_policy_store.h',
302             'policy/core/common/cloud/',
303             'policy/core/common/cloud/mock_device_management_service.h',
304             'policy/core/common/cloud/',
305             'policy/core/common/cloud/mock_user_cloud_policy_store.h',
306             'policy/core/common/cloud/',
307             'policy/core/common/cloud/policy_builder.h',
308             'policy/core/common/',
309             'policy/core/common/configuration_policy_provider_test.h',
310             'policy/core/common/',
311             'policy/core/common/fake_async_policy_loader.h',
312             'policy/core/common/',
313             'policy/core/common/mock_configuration_policy_provider.h',
314             'policy/core/common/',
315             'policy/core/common/mock_policy_service.h',
316             'policy/core/common/',
317             'policy/core/common/policy_test_utils.h',
318             'policy/core/common/',
319             'policy/core/common/preferences_mock_mac.h',
320             'policy/core/common/remote_commands/',
321             'policy/core/common/remote_commands/test_remote_command_job.h',
322             'policy/core/common/remote_commands/',
323             'policy/core/common/remote_commands/testing_remote_commands_server.h',
324           ],
325           'conditions': [
326             ['OS=="android"', {
327               'sources!': [
328                 'policy/core/common/',
329                 'policy/core/common/fake_async_policy_loader.h',
330               ],
331             }],
332             ['chromeos==1', {
333               'sources!': [
334                 'policy/core/common/cloud/',
335                 'policy/core/common/cloud/mock_user_cloud_policy_store.h',
336               ],
337             }],
338           ],
339         },
340       ],
341     }],
342     ['OS=="android" and configuration_policy==1', {
343       'targets': [
344         {
345           'target_name': 'app_restrictions_resources',
346           'type': 'none',
347           'variables': {
348             'resources_zip': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)/<(_target_name).zip',
349             'input_resources_dir':
350             '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/chrome/app/policy/android',
351             'create_zip_script': '../build/android/gyp/',
352           },
353           'copies': [
354             {
355               'destination': '<(input_resources_dir)/xml-v21/',
356               'files': [
357                 '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/policy/app_restrictions.xml'
358               ],
359             },
360           ],
361           'actions': [
362             {
363               'action_name': 'create_resources_zip',
364               'inputs': [
365                 '<(create_zip_script)',
366                 '<(input_resources_dir)/xml-v21/app_restrictions.xml',
367                 '<(input_resources_dir)/values-v21/restriction_values.xml',
368               ],
369               'outputs': [
370                 '<(resources_zip)'
371               ],
372               'action': [
373                 'python', '<(create_zip_script)',
374                 '--input-dir', '<(input_resources_dir)',
375                 '--output', '<(resources_zip)',
376               ],
377             }
378           ],
379           'all_dependent_settings': {
380             'variables': {
381               'additional_input_paths': ['<(resources_zip)'],
382               'dependencies_res_zip_paths': ['<(resources_zip)'],
383             },
384           },
385         }
386       ],
387     }],
388     ['OS=="win" and target_arch=="ia32" and configuration_policy==1', {
389       'targets': [
390         {
391           'target_name': 'policy_win64',
392           'type': 'static_library',
393           'hard_dependency': 1,
394           'sources': [
395             '<(policy_constant_header_path)',
396             '<(policy_constant_source_path)',
397           ],
398           'include_dirs': [
399             '<(DEPTH)',
400           ],
401           'direct_dependent_settings':  {
402             'include_dirs': [
403               '<(policy_out_dir)'
404             ],
405           },
406           'dependencies': [
407             'cloud_policy_code_generate',
408           ],
409           'configurations': {
410             'Common_Base': {
411               'msvs_target_platform': 'x64',
412             },
413           },
414         },
415       ],
416     }],
417     ['OS!="ios"', {
418       'targets': [
419         {
420           # policy_templates has different inputs and outputs, so it can't use
421           # the rules of chrome_strings
422           'target_name': 'policy_templates',
423           'type': 'none',
424           'variables': {
425             'grit_grd_file': 'policy/resources/policy_templates.grd',
426             'grit_info_cmd': [
427               'python',
428               '<(DEPTH)/tools/grit/',
429               '<@(grit_defines)',
430             ],
431           },
432           'includes': [
433             '../build/grit_target.gypi',
434           ],
435           'actions': [
436             {
437               'action_name': 'policy_templates',
438               'includes': [
439                 '../build/grit_action.gypi',
440               ],
441             },
442           ],
443         },
444       ],
445     }],
446     ['OS=="mac"', {
447       'targets': [
448         {
449           # This is the bundle of the manifest file of Chrome.
450           # It contains the manifest file and its string tables.
451           'target_name': 'chrome_manifest_bundle',
452           'type': 'loadable_module',
453           'mac_bundle': 1,
454           'product_extension': 'manifest',
455           'product_name': '<(mac_bundle_id)',
456           'variables': {
457             # This avoids stripping debugging symbols from the target, which
458             # would fail because there is no binary code here.
459             'mac_strip': 0,
460           },
461           'dependencies': [
462              # Provides app-Manifest.plist and its string tables:
463             'policy_templates',
464           ],
465           'actions': [
466             {
467               'action_name': 'Copy MCX manifest file to manifest bundle',
468               'inputs': [
469                 '<(grit_out_dir)/app/policy/mac/app-Manifest.plist',
470               ],
471               'outputs': [
472                 '<(INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/app_manifest/<(mac_bundle_id).manifest',
473               ],
474               'action': [
475                 # Use plutil -convert xml1 to put the plist into Apple's
476                 # canonical format. As a side effect, this ensures that the
477                 # plist is well-formed.
478                 'plutil',
479                 '-convert',
480                 'xml1',
481                 '<@(_inputs)',
482                 '-o',
483                 '<@(_outputs)',
484               ],
485               'message':
486                   'Copying the MCX policy manifest file to the manifest bundle',
487               'process_outputs_as_mac_bundle_resources': 1,
488             },
489             {
490               'action_name':
491                   'Copy Localizable.strings files to manifest bundle',
492               'variables': {
493                 'input_path': '<(grit_out_dir)/app/policy/mac/strings',
494                 # Directory to collect the Localizable.strings files before
495                 # they are copied to the bundle.
496                 'output_path': '<(INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/app_manifest',
497                 # The reason we are not enumerating all the locales is that
498                 # the translations would eat up 3.5MB disk space in the
499                 # application bundle:
500                 'available_locales': 'en',
501               },
502               'inputs': [
503                 # TODO: remove this helper when we have loops in GYP
504                 '>!@(<(apply_locales_cmd) -d \'<(input_path)/ZZLOCALE.lproj/Localizable.strings\' <(available_locales))',
505               ],
506               'outputs': [
507                 # TODO: remove this helper when we have loops in GYP
508                 '>!@(<(apply_locales_cmd) -d \'<(output_path)/ZZLOCALE.lproj/Localizable.strings\' <(available_locales))',
509               ],
510               'action': [
511                 'cp', '-R',
512                 '<(input_path)/',
513                 '<(output_path)',
514               ],
515               'message':
516                   'Copy the Localizable.strings files to the manifest bundle',
517               'process_outputs_as_mac_bundle_resources': 1,
518             },
519           ],
520         },
521       ],
522     }],
523   ],