App_shell doesn't have similar implementation of ChromeExtensionsNetworkDelegateImpl...
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / cc /
1 # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 # found in the LICENSE file.
5 """Top-level presubmit script for cc.
7 See
8 for more details about the presubmit API built into depot_tools.
9 """
11 import re
12 import string
14 CC_SOURCE_FILES=(r'^cc/.*\.(cc|h)$',)
16 def CheckChangeLintsClean(input_api, output_api):
17 input_api.cpplint._cpplint_state.ResetErrorCounts() # reset global state
18 source_filter = lambda x: input_api.FilterSourceFile(
19 x, white_list=CC_SOURCE_FILES, black_list=None)
20 files = [f.AbsoluteLocalPath() for f in
21 input_api.AffectedSourceFiles(source_filter)]
22 level = 1 # strict, but just warn
24 for file_name in files:
25 input_api.cpplint.ProcessFile(file_name, level)
27 if not input_api.cpplint._cpplint_state.error_count:
28 return []
30 return [output_api.PresubmitPromptWarning(
31 'Changelist failed check.')]
33 def CheckAsserts(input_api, output_api, white_list=CC_SOURCE_FILES, black_list=None):
34 black_list = tuple(black_list or input_api.DEFAULT_BLACK_LIST)
35 source_file_filter = lambda x: input_api.FilterSourceFile(x, white_list, black_list)
37 assert_files = []
38 notreached_files = []
40 for f in input_api.AffectedSourceFiles(source_file_filter):
41 contents = input_api.ReadFile(f, 'rb')
42 # WebKit ASSERT() is not allowed.
43 if"\bASSERT\(", contents):
44 assert_files.append(f.LocalPath())
45 # WebKit ASSERT_NOT_REACHED() is not allowed.
46 if"ASSERT_NOT_REACHED\(", contents):
47 notreached_files.append(f.LocalPath())
49 if assert_files:
50 return [output_api.PresubmitError(
51 'These files use ASSERT instead of using DCHECK:',
52 items=assert_files)]
53 if notreached_files:
54 return [output_api.PresubmitError(
55 'These files use ASSERT_NOT_REACHED instead of using NOTREACHED:',
56 items=notreached_files)]
57 return []
59 def CheckStdAbs(input_api, output_api,
60 white_list=CC_SOURCE_FILES, black_list=None):
61 black_list = tuple(black_list or input_api.DEFAULT_BLACK_LIST)
62 source_file_filter = lambda x: input_api.FilterSourceFile(x,
63 white_list,
64 black_list)
66 using_std_abs_files = []
67 found_fabs_files = []
68 missing_std_prefix_files = []
70 for f in input_api.AffectedSourceFiles(source_file_filter):
71 contents = input_api.ReadFile(f, 'rb')
72 if"using std::f?abs;", contents):
73 using_std_abs_files.append(f.LocalPath())
74 if"\bfabsf?\(", contents):
75 found_fabs_files.append(f.LocalPath());
77 no_std_prefix = r"(?<!std::)"
78 # Matches occurrences of abs/absf/fabs/fabsf without a "std::" prefix.
79 abs_without_prefix = r"%s(\babsf?\()" % no_std_prefix
80 fabs_without_prefix = r"%s(\bfabsf?\()" % no_std_prefix
81 # Skips matching any lines that have "// NOLINT".
82 no_nolint = r"(?![^\n]*//\s+NOLINT)"
84 expression = re.compile("(%s|%s)%s" %
85 (abs_without_prefix, fabs_without_prefix, no_nolint))
86 if
87 missing_std_prefix_files.append(f.LocalPath())
89 result = []
90 if using_std_abs_files:
91 result.append(output_api.PresubmitError(
92 'These files have "using std::abs" which is not permitted.',
93 items=using_std_abs_files))
94 if found_fabs_files:
95 result.append(output_api.PresubmitError(
96 'std::abs() should be used instead of std::fabs() for consistency.',
97 items=found_fabs_files))
98 if missing_std_prefix_files:
99 result.append(output_api.PresubmitError(
100 'These files use abs(), absf(), fabs(), or fabsf() without qualifying '
101 'the std namespace. Please use std::abs() in all places.',
102 items=missing_std_prefix_files))
103 return result
105 def CheckPassByValue(input_api,
106 output_api,
107 white_list=CC_SOURCE_FILES,
108 black_list=None):
109 black_list = tuple(black_list or input_api.DEFAULT_BLACK_LIST)
110 source_file_filter = lambda x: input_api.FilterSourceFile(x,
111 white_list,
112 black_list)
114 local_errors = []
116 # Well-defined simple classes containing only <= 4 ints, or <= 2 floats.
117 pass_by_value_types = ['base::Time',
118 'base::TimeTicks',
121 for f in input_api.AffectedSourceFiles(source_file_filter):
122 contents = input_api.ReadFile(f, 'rb')
123 match =
124 r'\bconst +' + '(?P<type>(%s))&' %
125 string.join(pass_by_value_types, '|'),
126 contents)
127 if match:
128 local_errors.append(output_api.PresubmitError(
129 '%s passes %s by const ref instead of by value.' %
130 (f.LocalPath(),'type'))))
131 return local_errors
133 def CheckTodos(input_api, output_api):
134 errors = []
136 source_file_filter = lambda x: x
137 for f in input_api.AffectedSourceFiles(source_file_filter):
138 contents = input_api.ReadFile(f, 'rb')
139 if ('FIX'+'ME') in contents:
140 errors.append(f.LocalPath())
142 if errors:
143 return [output_api.PresubmitError(
144 'All TODO comments should be of the form TODO(name). ' +
145 'Use TODO instead of FIX' + 'ME',
146 items=errors)]
147 return []
149 def CheckScopedPtr(input_api, output_api,
150 white_list=CC_SOURCE_FILES, black_list=None):
151 black_list = tuple(black_list or input_api.DEFAULT_BLACK_LIST)
152 source_file_filter = lambda x: input_api.FilterSourceFile(x,
153 white_list,
154 black_list)
155 errors = []
156 for f in input_api.AffectedSourceFiles(source_file_filter):
157 for line_number, line in f.ChangedContents():
158 # Disallow:
159 # return scoped_ptr<T>(foo);
160 # bar = scoped_ptr<T>(foo);
161 # But allow:
162 # return scoped_ptr<T[]>(foo);
163 # bar = scoped_ptr<T[]>(foo);
164 if'(=|\breturn)\s*scoped_ptr<.*?(?<!])>\([^)]+\)', line):
165 errors.append(output_api.PresubmitError(
166 ('%s:%d uses explicit scoped_ptr constructor. ' +
167 'Use make_scoped_ptr() instead.') % (f.LocalPath(), line_number)))
168 # Disallow:
169 # return scoped_ptr<T>();
170 # bar = scoped_ptr<T>();
171 if'(=|\breturn)\s*scoped_ptr<.*?>\(\)', line):
172 errors.append(output_api.PresubmitError(
173 '%s:%d uses scoped_ptr<T>(). Use nullptr instead.' %
174 (f.LocalPath(), line_number)))
175 # Disallow:
176 # foo.PassAs<T>();
177 if'\bPassAs<.*?>\(\)', line):
178 errors.append(output_api.PresubmitError(
179 '%s:%d uses PassAs<T>(). Use Pass() instead.' %
180 (f.LocalPath(), line_number)))
181 return errors
183 def FindUnquotedQuote(contents, pos):
184 match ="(?<!\\)(?P<quote>\")", contents[pos:])
185 return -1 if not match else match.start("quote") + pos
187 def FindUselessIfdefs(input_api, output_api):
188 errors = []
189 source_file_filter = lambda x: x
190 for f in input_api.AffectedSourceFiles(source_file_filter):
191 contents = input_api.ReadFile(f, 'rb')
192 if'#if\s*0\s', contents):
193 errors.append(f.LocalPath())
194 if errors:
195 return [output_api.PresubmitError(
196 'Don\'t use #if '+'0; just delete the code.',
197 items=errors)]
198 return []
200 def FindNamespaceInBlock(pos, namespace, contents, whitelist=[]):
201 open_brace = -1
202 close_brace = -1
203 quote = -1
204 name = -1
205 brace_count = 1
206 quote_count = 0
207 while pos < len(contents) and brace_count > 0:
208 if open_brace < pos: open_brace = contents.find("{", pos)
209 if close_brace < pos: close_brace = contents.find("}", pos)
210 if quote < pos: quote = FindUnquotedQuote(contents, pos)
211 if name < pos: name = contents.find(("%s::" % namespace), pos)
213 if name < 0:
214 return False # The namespace is not used at all.
215 if open_brace < 0:
216 open_brace = len(contents)
217 if close_brace < 0:
218 close_brace = len(contents)
219 if quote < 0:
220 quote = len(contents)
222 next = min(open_brace, min(close_brace, min(quote, name)))
224 if next == open_brace:
225 brace_count += 1
226 elif next == close_brace:
227 brace_count -= 1
228 elif next == quote:
229 quote_count = 0 if quote_count else 1
230 elif next == name and not quote_count:
231 in_whitelist = False
232 for w in whitelist:
233 if re.match(w, contents[next:]):
234 in_whitelist = True
235 break
236 if not in_whitelist:
237 return True
238 pos = next + 1
239 return False
241 # Checks for the use of cc:: within the cc namespace, which is usually
242 # redundant.
243 def CheckNamespace(input_api, output_api):
244 errors = []
246 source_file_filter = lambda x: x
247 for f in input_api.AffectedSourceFiles(source_file_filter):
248 contents = input_api.ReadFile(f, 'rb')
249 match ='namespace\s*cc\s*{', contents)
250 if match:
251 whitelist = [
252 r"cc::remove_if\b",
254 if FindNamespaceInBlock(match.end(), 'cc', contents, whitelist=whitelist):
255 errors.append(f.LocalPath())
257 if errors:
258 return [output_api.PresubmitError(
259 'Do not use cc:: inside of the cc namespace.',
260 items=errors)]
261 return []
263 def CheckForUseOfWrongClock(input_api,
264 output_api,
265 white_list=CC_SOURCE_FILES,
266 black_list=None):
267 """Make sure new lines of code don't use a clock susceptible to skew."""
268 black_list = tuple(black_list or input_api.DEFAULT_BLACK_LIST)
269 source_file_filter = lambda x: input_api.FilterSourceFile(x,
270 white_list,
271 black_list)
272 # Regular expression that should detect any explicit references to the
273 # base::Time type (or base::Clock/DefaultClock), whether in using decls,
274 # typedefs, or to call static methods.
275 base_time_type_pattern = r'(^|\W)base::(Time|Clock|DefaultClock)(\W|$)'
277 # Regular expression that should detect references to the base::Time class
278 # members, such as a call to base::Time::Now.
279 base_time_member_pattern = r'(^|\W)(Time|Clock|DefaultClock)::'
281 # Regular expression to detect "using base::Time" declarations. We want to
282 # prevent these from triggerring a warning. For example, it's perfectly
283 # reasonable for code to be written like this:
285 # using base::Time;
286 # ...
287 # int64 foo_us = foo_s * Time::kMicrosecondsPerSecond;
288 using_base_time_decl_pattern = r'^\s*using\s+(::)?base::Time\s*;'
290 # Regular expression to detect references to the kXXX constants in the
291 # base::Time class. We want to prevent these from triggerring a warning.
292 base_time_konstant_pattern = r'(^|\W)Time::k\w+'
294 problem_re =
295 r'(' + base_time_type_pattern + r')|(' + base_time_member_pattern + r')')
296 exception_re =
297 r'(' + using_base_time_decl_pattern + r')|(' +
298 base_time_konstant_pattern + r')')
299 problems = []
300 for f in input_api.AffectedSourceFiles(source_file_filter):
301 for line_number, line in f.ChangedContents():
302 if
303 if not
304 problems.append(
305 ' %s:%d\n %s' % (f.LocalPath(), line_number, line.strip()))
307 if problems:
308 return [output_api.PresubmitPromptOrNotify(
309 'You added one or more references to the base::Time class and/or one\n'
310 'of its member functions (or base::Clock/DefaultClock). In cc code,\n'
311 'it is most certainly incorrect! Instead use base::TimeTicks.\n\n'
312 '\n'.join(problems))]
313 else:
314 return []
316 def CheckChangeOnUpload(input_api, output_api):
317 results = []
318 results += CheckAsserts(input_api, output_api)
319 results += CheckStdAbs(input_api, output_api)
320 results += CheckPassByValue(input_api, output_api)
321 results += CheckChangeLintsClean(input_api, output_api)
322 results += CheckTodos(input_api, output_api)
323 results += CheckScopedPtr(input_api, output_api)
324 results += CheckNamespace(input_api, output_api)
325 results += CheckForUseOfWrongClock(input_api, output_api)
326 results += FindUselessIfdefs(input_api, output_api)
327 results += input_api.canned_checks.CheckPatchFormatted(input_api, output_api)
328 return results
330 def GetPreferredTryMasters(project, change):
331 return {
332 'tryserver.blink': {
333 'linux_blink_rel': set(['defaulttests']),
335 'tryserver.chromium.gpu': {
336 'linux_gpu': set(['defaulttests']),
337 'mac_gpu': set(['defaulttests']),
338 'win_gpu': set(['defaulttests']),