Reland "Add base::TimeDelta::Max()"
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1 // Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include <algorithm>
6 #include <limits>
8 #include "base/debug/trace_event.h"
9 #include "cc/base/region.h"
10 #include "cc/debug/debug_colors.h"
11 #include "cc/resources/picture_pile_impl.h"
12 #include "cc/resources/raster_worker_pool.h"
13 #include "skia/ext/analysis_canvas.h"
14 #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkCanvas.h"
15 #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkSize.h"
16 #include "ui/gfx/rect_conversions.h"
17 #include "ui/gfx/size_conversions.h"
18 #include "ui/gfx/skia_util.h"
20 namespace cc {
22 PicturePileImpl::ClonesForDrawing::ClonesForDrawing(
23 const PicturePileImpl* pile, int num_threads) {
24 for (int i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) {
25 scoped_refptr<PicturePileImpl> clone =
26 PicturePileImpl::CreateCloneForDrawing(pile, i);
27 clones_.push_back(clone);
31 PicturePileImpl::ClonesForDrawing::~ClonesForDrawing() {
34 scoped_refptr<PicturePileImpl> PicturePileImpl::Create() {
35 return make_scoped_refptr(new PicturePileImpl);
38 scoped_refptr<PicturePileImpl> PicturePileImpl::CreateFromOther(
39 const PicturePileBase* other) {
40 return make_scoped_refptr(new PicturePileImpl(other));
43 scoped_refptr<PicturePileImpl> PicturePileImpl::CreateCloneForDrawing(
44 const PicturePileImpl* other, unsigned thread_index) {
45 return make_scoped_refptr(new PicturePileImpl(other, thread_index));
48 PicturePileImpl::PicturePileImpl()
49 : clones_for_drawing_(ClonesForDrawing(this, 0)) {
52 PicturePileImpl::PicturePileImpl(const PicturePileBase* other)
53 : PicturePileBase(other),
54 clones_for_drawing_(ClonesForDrawing(
55 this, RasterWorkerPool::GetNumRasterThreads())) {
58 PicturePileImpl::PicturePileImpl(
59 const PicturePileImpl* other, unsigned thread_index)
60 : PicturePileBase(other, thread_index),
61 clones_for_drawing_(ClonesForDrawing(this, 0)) {
64 PicturePileImpl::~PicturePileImpl() {
67 PicturePileImpl* PicturePileImpl::GetCloneForDrawingOnThread(
68 unsigned thread_index) const {
69 CHECK_GT(clones_for_drawing_.clones_.size(), thread_index);
70 return clones_for_drawing_.clones_[thread_index].get();
73 void PicturePileImpl::RasterDirect(
74 SkCanvas* canvas,
75 const gfx::Rect& canvas_rect,
76 float contents_scale,
77 RenderingStatsInstrumentation* rendering_stats_instrumentation) {
78 RasterCommon(canvas,
79 NULL,
80 canvas_rect,
81 contents_scale,
82 rendering_stats_instrumentation,
83 false);
86 void PicturePileImpl::RasterForAnalysis(
87 skia::AnalysisCanvas* canvas,
88 const gfx::Rect& canvas_rect,
89 float contents_scale,
90 RenderingStatsInstrumentation* stats_instrumentation) {
91 RasterCommon(
92 canvas, canvas, canvas_rect, contents_scale, stats_instrumentation, true);
95 void PicturePileImpl::RasterToBitmap(
96 SkCanvas* canvas,
97 const gfx::Rect& canvas_rect,
98 float contents_scale,
99 RenderingStatsInstrumentation* rendering_stats_instrumentation) {
100 if (clear_canvas_with_debug_color_) {
101 // Any non-painted areas will be left in this color.
102 canvas->clear(DebugColors::NonPaintedFillColor());
105 // If this picture has opaque contents, it is guaranteeing that it will
106 // draw an opaque rect the size of the layer. If it is not, then we must
107 // clear this canvas ourselves.
108 if (!contents_opaque_) {
109 // Clearing is about ~4x faster than drawing a rect even if the content
110 // isn't covering a majority of the canvas.
111 canvas->clear(SK_ColorTRANSPARENT);
112 } else {
113 // Even if it is opaque, on any rasterizations that touch the edge of the
114 // layer, we also need to raster the background color underneath the last
115 // texel (since the recording won't cover it) and outside the last texel
116 // (due to linear filtering when using this texture).
117 gfx::SizeF total_content_size = gfx::ScaleSize(tiling_.total_size(),
118 contents_scale);
119 gfx::Rect content_rect(gfx::ToCeiledSize(total_content_size));
121 // The final texel of content may only be partially covered by a
122 // rasterization; this rect represents the content rect that is fully
123 // covered by content.
124 gfx::Rect deflated_content_rect = content_rect;
125 deflated_content_rect.Inset(0, 0, 1, 1);
126 if (!deflated_content_rect.Contains(canvas_rect)) {
127 // Drawing at most 2 x 2 x (canvas width + canvas height) texels is 2-3X
128 // faster than clearing, so special case this.
129 canvas->save();
130 canvas->translate(-canvas_rect.x(), -canvas_rect.y());
131 gfx::Rect inflated_content_rect = content_rect;
132 inflated_content_rect.Inset(0, 0, -1, -1);
133 canvas->clipRect(gfx::RectToSkRect(inflated_content_rect),
134 SkRegion::kReplace_Op);
135 canvas->clipRect(gfx::RectToSkRect(deflated_content_rect),
136 SkRegion::kDifference_Op);
137 canvas->drawColor(background_color_, SkXfermode::kSrc_Mode);
138 canvas->restore();
142 RasterCommon(canvas,
143 NULL,
144 canvas_rect,
145 contents_scale,
146 rendering_stats_instrumentation,
147 false);
150 void PicturePileImpl::CoalesceRasters(const gfx::Rect& canvas_rect,
151 const gfx::Rect& content_rect,
152 float contents_scale,
153 PictureRegionMap* results) {
154 DCHECK(results);
155 // Rasterize the collection of relevant picture piles.
156 gfx::Rect layer_rect = gfx::ScaleToEnclosingRect(
157 content_rect, 1.f / contents_scale);
159 // Coalesce rasters of the same picture into different rects:
160 // - Compute the clip of each of the pile chunks,
161 // - Subtract it from the canvas rect to get difference region
162 // - Later, use the difference region to subtract each of the comprising
163 // rects from the canvas.
164 // Note that in essence, we're trying to mimic clipRegion with intersect op
165 // that also respects the current canvas transform and clip. In order to use
166 // the canvas transform, we must stick to clipRect operations (clipRegion
167 // ignores the transform). Intersect then can be written as subtracting the
168 // negation of the region we're trying to intersect. Luckily, we know that all
169 // of the rects will have to fit into |content_rect|, so we can start with
170 // that and subtract chunk rects to get the region that we need to subtract
171 // from the canvas. Then, we can use clipRect with difference op to subtract
172 // each rect in the region.
173 for (TilingData::Iterator tile_iter(&tiling_, layer_rect);
174 tile_iter; ++tile_iter) {
175 PictureMap::iterator map_iter = picture_map_.find(tile_iter.index());
176 if (map_iter == picture_map_.end())
177 continue;
178 PictureInfo& info = map_iter->second;
179 Picture* picture = info.GetPicture();
180 if (!picture)
181 continue;
183 // This is intentionally *enclosed* rect, so that the clip is aligned on
184 // integral post-scale content pixels and does not extend past the edges
185 // of the picture chunk's layer rect. The min_contents_scale enforces that
186 // enough buffer pixels have been added such that the enclosed rect
187 // encompasses all invalidated pixels at any larger scale level.
188 gfx::Rect chunk_rect = PaddedRect(tile_iter.index());
189 gfx::Rect content_clip =
190 gfx::ScaleToEnclosedRect(chunk_rect, contents_scale);
191 DCHECK(!content_clip.IsEmpty()) << "Layer rect: "
192 << picture->LayerRect().ToString()
193 << "Contents scale: " << contents_scale;
194 content_clip.Intersect(canvas_rect);
196 PictureRegionMap::iterator it = results->find(picture);
197 if (it == results->end()) {
198 Region& region = (*results)[picture];
199 region = content_rect;
200 region.Subtract(content_clip);
201 continue;
204 Region& region = it->second;
205 region.Subtract(content_clip);
209 void PicturePileImpl::RasterCommon(
210 SkCanvas* canvas,
211 SkDrawPictureCallback* callback,
212 const gfx::Rect& canvas_rect,
213 float contents_scale,
214 RenderingStatsInstrumentation* rendering_stats_instrumentation,
215 bool is_analysis) {
216 DCHECK(contents_scale >= min_contents_scale_);
218 canvas->translate(-canvas_rect.x(), -canvas_rect.y());
219 gfx::SizeF total_content_size = gfx::ScaleSize(tiling_.total_size(),
220 contents_scale);
221 gfx::Rect total_content_rect(gfx::ToCeiledSize(total_content_size));
222 gfx::Rect content_rect = total_content_rect;
223 content_rect.Intersect(canvas_rect);
225 canvas->clipRect(gfx::RectToSkRect(content_rect),
226 SkRegion::kIntersect_Op);
228 PictureRegionMap picture_region_map;
229 CoalesceRasters(
230 canvas_rect, content_rect, contents_scale, &picture_region_map);
232 #ifndef NDEBUG
233 Region total_clip;
234 #endif // NDEBUG
236 // Iterate the coalesced map and use each picture's region
237 // to clip the canvas.
238 for (PictureRegionMap::iterator it = picture_region_map.begin();
239 it != picture_region_map.end();
240 ++it) {
241 Picture* picture = it->first;
242 Region negated_clip_region = it->second;
244 #ifndef NDEBUG
245 Region positive_clip = content_rect;
246 positive_clip.Subtract(negated_clip_region);
247 total_clip.Union(positive_clip);
248 #endif // NDEBUG
250 base::TimeDelta best_duration = base::TimeDelta::Max();
251 int repeat_count = std::max(1, slow_down_raster_scale_factor_for_debug_);
252 int rasterized_pixel_count = 0;
254 for (int j = 0; j < repeat_count; ++j) {
255 base::TimeTicks start_time;
256 if (rendering_stats_instrumentation)
257 start_time = rendering_stats_instrumentation->StartRecording();
259 rasterized_pixel_count = picture->Raster(
260 canvas, callback, negated_clip_region, contents_scale);
262 if (rendering_stats_instrumentation) {
263 base::TimeDelta duration =
264 rendering_stats_instrumentation->EndRecording(start_time);
265 best_duration = std::min(best_duration, duration);
269 if (rendering_stats_instrumentation) {
270 if (is_analysis) {
271 rendering_stats_instrumentation->AddAnalysis(best_duration,
272 rasterized_pixel_count);
273 } else {
274 rendering_stats_instrumentation->AddRaster(best_duration,
275 rasterized_pixel_count);
280 #ifndef NDEBUG
281 // Fill the clip with debug color. This allows us to
282 // distinguish between non painted areas and problems with missing
283 // pictures.
284 SkPaint paint;
285 for (Region::Iterator it(total_clip); it.has_rect();
286 canvas->clipRect(gfx::RectToSkRect(it.rect()), SkRegion::kDifference_Op);
287 paint.setColor(DebugColors::MissingPictureFillColor());
288 paint.setXfermodeMode(SkXfermode::kSrc_Mode);
289 canvas->drawPaint(paint);
290 #endif // NDEBUG
293 skia::RefPtr<SkPicture> PicturePileImpl::GetFlattenedPicture() {
294 TRACE_EVENT0("cc", "PicturePileImpl::GetFlattenedPicture");
296 gfx::Rect layer_rect(tiling_.total_size());
297 skia::RefPtr<SkPicture> picture = skia::AdoptRef(new SkPicture);
298 if (layer_rect.IsEmpty())
299 return picture;
301 SkCanvas* canvas = picture->beginRecording(
302 layer_rect.width(),
303 layer_rect.height(),
304 SkPicture::kUsePathBoundsForClip_RecordingFlag);
306 RasterToBitmap(canvas, layer_rect, 1.0, NULL);
307 picture->endRecording();
309 return picture;
312 void PicturePileImpl::AnalyzeInRect(
313 const gfx::Rect& content_rect,
314 float contents_scale,
315 PicturePileImpl::Analysis* analysis) {
316 AnalyzeInRect(content_rect, contents_scale, analysis, NULL);
319 void PicturePileImpl::AnalyzeInRect(
320 const gfx::Rect& content_rect,
321 float contents_scale,
322 PicturePileImpl::Analysis* analysis,
323 RenderingStatsInstrumentation* stats_instrumentation) {
324 DCHECK(analysis);
325 TRACE_EVENT0("cc", "PicturePileImpl::AnalyzeInRect");
327 gfx::Rect layer_rect = gfx::ScaleToEnclosingRect(
328 content_rect, 1.0f / contents_scale);
330 layer_rect.Intersect(gfx::Rect(tiling_.total_size()));
332 skia::AnalysisCanvas canvas(layer_rect.width(), layer_rect.height());
334 RasterForAnalysis(&canvas, layer_rect, 1.0f, stats_instrumentation);
336 analysis->is_solid_color = canvas.GetColorIfSolid(&analysis->solid_color);
337 analysis->has_text = canvas.HasText();
340 PicturePileImpl::Analysis::Analysis()
341 : is_solid_color(false),
342 has_text(false) {
345 PicturePileImpl::Analysis::~Analysis() {
348 PicturePileImpl::PixelRefIterator::PixelRefIterator(
349 const gfx::Rect& content_rect,
350 float contents_scale,
351 const PicturePileImpl* picture_pile)
352 : picture_pile_(picture_pile),
353 layer_rect_(gfx::ScaleToEnclosingRect(
354 content_rect, 1.f / contents_scale)),
355 tile_iterator_(&picture_pile_->tiling_, layer_rect_) {
356 // Early out if there isn't a single tile.
357 if (!tile_iterator_)
358 return;
360 AdvanceToTilePictureWithPixelRefs();
363 PicturePileImpl::PixelRefIterator::~PixelRefIterator() {
366 PicturePileImpl::PixelRefIterator&
367 PicturePileImpl::PixelRefIterator::operator++() {
368 ++pixel_ref_iterator_;
369 if (pixel_ref_iterator_)
370 return *this;
372 ++tile_iterator_;
373 AdvanceToTilePictureWithPixelRefs();
374 return *this;
377 void PicturePileImpl::PixelRefIterator::AdvanceToTilePictureWithPixelRefs() {
378 for (; tile_iterator_; ++tile_iterator_) {
379 PictureMap::const_iterator it =
380 picture_pile_->picture_map_.find(tile_iterator_.index());
381 if (it == picture_pile_->picture_map_.end())
382 continue;
384 const Picture* picture = it->second.GetPicture();
385 if (!picture || (processed_pictures_.count(picture) != 0) ||
386 !picture->WillPlayBackBitmaps())
387 continue;
389 processed_pictures_.insert(picture);
390 pixel_ref_iterator_ = Picture::PixelRefIterator(layer_rect_, picture);
391 if (pixel_ref_iterator_)
392 break;
396 void PicturePileImpl::DidBeginTracing() {
397 gfx::Rect layer_rect(tiling_.total_size());
398 std::set<void*> processed_pictures;
399 for (PictureMap::iterator it = picture_map_.begin();
400 it != picture_map_.end();
401 ++it) {
402 Picture* picture = it->second.GetPicture();
403 if (picture && (processed_pictures.count(picture) == 0)) {
404 picture->EmitTraceSnapshot();
405 processed_pictures.insert(picture);
410 } // namespace cc