Add Sad Tab resources to the iOS build.
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1 // Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "config.h"
7 #include "cc/math_util.h"
9 #include <cmath>
10 #include <limits>
12 #include "ui/gfx/quad_f.h"
13 #include "ui/gfx/rect.h"
14 #include "ui/gfx/rect_conversions.h"
15 #include "ui/gfx/rect_f.h"
16 #include "ui/gfx/vector2d_f.h"
17 #include <public/WebTransformationMatrix.h>
19 using WebKit::WebTransformationMatrix;
21 namespace cc {
23 const double MathUtil::PI_DOUBLE = 3.14159265358979323846;
24 const float MathUtil::PI_FLOAT = 3.14159265358979323846f;
26 static HomogeneousCoordinate projectHomogeneousPoint(const WebTransformationMatrix& transform, const gfx::PointF& p)
28 // In this case, the layer we are trying to project onto is perpendicular to ray
29 // (point p and z-axis direction) that we are trying to project. This happens when the
30 // layer is rotated so that it is infinitesimally thin, or when it is co-planar with
31 // the camera origin -- i.e. when the layer is invisible anyway.
32 if (!transform.m33())
33 return HomogeneousCoordinate(0, 0, 0, 1);
35 double x = p.x();
36 double y = p.y();
37 double z = -(transform.m13() * x + transform.m23() * y + transform.m43()) / transform.m33();
38 // implicit definition of w = 1;
40 double outX = x * transform.m11() + y * transform.m21() + z * transform.m31() + transform.m41();
41 double outY = x * transform.m12() + y * transform.m22() + z * transform.m32() + transform.m42();
42 double outZ = x * transform.m13() + y * transform.m23() + z * transform.m33() + transform.m43();
43 double outW = x * transform.m14() + y * transform.m24() + z * transform.m34() + transform.m44();
45 return HomogeneousCoordinate(outX, outY, outZ, outW);
48 static HomogeneousCoordinate mapHomogeneousPoint(const WebTransformationMatrix& transform, const gfx::Point3F& p)
50 double x = p.x();
51 double y = p.y();
52 double z = p.z();
53 // implicit definition of w = 1;
55 double outX = x * transform.m11() + y * transform.m21() + z * transform.m31() + transform.m41();
56 double outY = x * transform.m12() + y * transform.m22() + z * transform.m32() + transform.m42();
57 double outZ = x * transform.m13() + y * transform.m23() + z * transform.m33() + transform.m43();
58 double outW = x * transform.m14() + y * transform.m24() + z * transform.m34() + transform.m44();
60 return HomogeneousCoordinate(outX, outY, outZ, outW);
63 static HomogeneousCoordinate computeClippedPointForEdge(const HomogeneousCoordinate& h1, const HomogeneousCoordinate& h2)
65 // Points h1 and h2 form a line in 4d, and any point on that line can be represented
66 // as an interpolation between h1 and h2:
67 // p = (1-t) h1 + (t) h2
69 // We want to compute point p such that p.w == epsilon, where epsilon is a small
70 // non-zero number. (but the smaller the number is, the higher the risk of overflow)
71 // To do this, we solve for t in the following equation:
72 // p.w = epsilon = (1-t) * h1.w + (t) * h2.w
74 // Once paramter t is known, the rest of p can be computed via p = (1-t) h1 + (t) h2.
76 // Technically this is a special case of the following assertion, but its a good idea to keep it an explicit sanity check here.
77 DCHECK(h2.w != h1.w);
78 // Exactly one of h1 or h2 (but not both) must be on the negative side of the w plane when this is called.
79 DCHECK(h1.shouldBeClipped() ^ h2.shouldBeClipped());
81 double w = 0.00001; // or any positive non-zero small epsilon
83 double t = (w - h1.w) / (h2.w - h1.w);
85 double x = (1-t) * h1.x + t * h2.x;
86 double y = (1-t) * h1.y + t * h2.y;
87 double z = (1-t) * h1.z + t * h2.z;
89 return HomogeneousCoordinate(x, y, z, w);
92 static inline void expandBoundsToIncludePoint(float& xmin, float& xmax, float& ymin, float& ymax, const gfx::PointF& p)
94 xmin = std::min(p.x(), xmin);
95 xmax = std::max(p.x(), xmax);
96 ymin = std::min(p.y(), ymin);
97 ymax = std::max(p.y(), ymax);
100 static inline void addVertexToClippedQuad(const gfx::PointF& newVertex, gfx::PointF clippedQuad[8], int& numVerticesInClippedQuad)
102 clippedQuad[numVerticesInClippedQuad] = newVertex;
103 numVerticesInClippedQuad++;
106 gfx::Rect MathUtil::mapClippedRect(const WebTransformationMatrix& transform, const gfx::Rect& srcRect)
108 return gfx::ToEnclosingRect(mapClippedRect(transform, gfx::RectF(srcRect)));
111 gfx::RectF MathUtil::mapClippedRect(const WebTransformationMatrix& transform, const gfx::RectF& srcRect)
113 if (transform.isIdentityOrTranslation()) {
114 gfx::RectF mappedRect(srcRect);
115 mappedRect.Offset(static_cast<float>(transform.m41()), static_cast<float>(transform.m42()));
116 return mappedRect;
119 // Apply the transform, but retain the result in homogeneous coordinates.
120 gfx::QuadF q = gfx::QuadF(gfx::RectF(srcRect));
121 HomogeneousCoordinate h1 = mapHomogeneousPoint(transform, gfx::Point3F(q.p1()));
122 HomogeneousCoordinate h2 = mapHomogeneousPoint(transform, gfx::Point3F(q.p2()));
123 HomogeneousCoordinate h3 = mapHomogeneousPoint(transform, gfx::Point3F(q.p3()));
124 HomogeneousCoordinate h4 = mapHomogeneousPoint(transform, gfx::Point3F(q.p4()));
126 return computeEnclosingClippedRect(h1, h2, h3, h4);
129 gfx::RectF MathUtil::projectClippedRect(const WebTransformationMatrix& transform, const gfx::RectF& srcRect)
131 // Perform the projection, but retain the result in homogeneous coordinates.
132 gfx::QuadF q = gfx::QuadF(gfx::RectF(srcRect));
133 HomogeneousCoordinate h1 = projectHomogeneousPoint(transform, q.p1());
134 HomogeneousCoordinate h2 = projectHomogeneousPoint(transform, q.p2());
135 HomogeneousCoordinate h3 = projectHomogeneousPoint(transform, q.p3());
136 HomogeneousCoordinate h4 = projectHomogeneousPoint(transform, q.p4());
138 return computeEnclosingClippedRect(h1, h2, h3, h4);
141 void MathUtil::mapClippedQuad(const WebTransformationMatrix& transform, const gfx::QuadF& srcQuad, gfx::PointF clippedQuad[8], int& numVerticesInClippedQuad)
143 HomogeneousCoordinate h1 = mapHomogeneousPoint(transform, gfx::Point3F(srcQuad.p1()));
144 HomogeneousCoordinate h2 = mapHomogeneousPoint(transform, gfx::Point3F(srcQuad.p2()));
145 HomogeneousCoordinate h3 = mapHomogeneousPoint(transform, gfx::Point3F(srcQuad.p3()));
146 HomogeneousCoordinate h4 = mapHomogeneousPoint(transform, gfx::Point3F(srcQuad.p4()));
148 // The order of adding the vertices to the array is chosen so that clockwise / counter-clockwise orientation is retained.
150 numVerticesInClippedQuad = 0;
152 if (!h1.shouldBeClipped())
153 addVertexToClippedQuad(h1.cartesianPoint2d(), clippedQuad, numVerticesInClippedQuad);
155 if (h1.shouldBeClipped() ^ h2.shouldBeClipped())
156 addVertexToClippedQuad(computeClippedPointForEdge(h1, h2).cartesianPoint2d(), clippedQuad, numVerticesInClippedQuad);
158 if (!h2.shouldBeClipped())
159 addVertexToClippedQuad(h2.cartesianPoint2d(), clippedQuad, numVerticesInClippedQuad);
161 if (h2.shouldBeClipped() ^ h3.shouldBeClipped())
162 addVertexToClippedQuad(computeClippedPointForEdge(h2, h3).cartesianPoint2d(), clippedQuad, numVerticesInClippedQuad);
164 if (!h3.shouldBeClipped())
165 addVertexToClippedQuad(h3.cartesianPoint2d(), clippedQuad, numVerticesInClippedQuad);
167 if (h3.shouldBeClipped() ^ h4.shouldBeClipped())
168 addVertexToClippedQuad(computeClippedPointForEdge(h3, h4).cartesianPoint2d(), clippedQuad, numVerticesInClippedQuad);
170 if (!h4.shouldBeClipped())
171 addVertexToClippedQuad(h4.cartesianPoint2d(), clippedQuad, numVerticesInClippedQuad);
173 if (h4.shouldBeClipped() ^ h1.shouldBeClipped())
174 addVertexToClippedQuad(computeClippedPointForEdge(h4, h1).cartesianPoint2d(), clippedQuad, numVerticesInClippedQuad);
176 DCHECK(numVerticesInClippedQuad <= 8);
179 gfx::RectF MathUtil::computeEnclosingRectOfVertices(gfx::PointF vertices[], int numVertices)
181 if (numVertices < 2)
182 return gfx::RectF();
184 float xmin = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
185 float xmax = -std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
186 float ymin = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
187 float ymax = -std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
189 for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i)
190 expandBoundsToIncludePoint(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, vertices[i]);
192 return gfx::RectF(gfx::PointF(xmin, ymin), gfx::SizeF(xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin));
195 gfx::RectF MathUtil::computeEnclosingClippedRect(const HomogeneousCoordinate& h1, const HomogeneousCoordinate& h2, const HomogeneousCoordinate& h3, const HomogeneousCoordinate& h4)
197 // This function performs clipping as necessary and computes the enclosing 2d
198 // gfx::RectF of the vertices. Doing these two steps simultaneously allows us to avoid
199 // the overhead of storing an unknown number of clipped vertices.
201 // If no vertices on the quad are clipped, then we can simply return the enclosing rect directly.
202 bool somethingClipped = h1.shouldBeClipped() || h2.shouldBeClipped() || h3.shouldBeClipped() || h4.shouldBeClipped();
203 if (!somethingClipped) {
204 gfx::QuadF mappedQuad = gfx::QuadF(h1.cartesianPoint2d(), h2.cartesianPoint2d(), h3.cartesianPoint2d(), h4.cartesianPoint2d());
205 return mappedQuad.BoundingBox();
208 bool everythingClipped = h1.shouldBeClipped() && h2.shouldBeClipped() && h3.shouldBeClipped() && h4.shouldBeClipped();
209 if (everythingClipped)
210 return gfx::RectF();
213 float xmin = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
214 float xmax = -std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
215 float ymin = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
216 float ymax = -std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
218 if (!h1.shouldBeClipped())
219 expandBoundsToIncludePoint(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, h1.cartesianPoint2d());
221 if (h1.shouldBeClipped() ^ h2.shouldBeClipped())
222 expandBoundsToIncludePoint(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, computeClippedPointForEdge(h1, h2).cartesianPoint2d());
224 if (!h2.shouldBeClipped())
225 expandBoundsToIncludePoint(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, h2.cartesianPoint2d());
227 if (h2.shouldBeClipped() ^ h3.shouldBeClipped())
228 expandBoundsToIncludePoint(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, computeClippedPointForEdge(h2, h3).cartesianPoint2d());
230 if (!h3.shouldBeClipped())
231 expandBoundsToIncludePoint(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, h3.cartesianPoint2d());
233 if (h3.shouldBeClipped() ^ h4.shouldBeClipped())
234 expandBoundsToIncludePoint(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, computeClippedPointForEdge(h3, h4).cartesianPoint2d());
236 if (!h4.shouldBeClipped())
237 expandBoundsToIncludePoint(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, h4.cartesianPoint2d());
239 if (h4.shouldBeClipped() ^ h1.shouldBeClipped())
240 expandBoundsToIncludePoint(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, computeClippedPointForEdge(h4, h1).cartesianPoint2d());
242 return gfx::RectF(gfx::PointF(xmin, ymin), gfx::SizeF(xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin));
245 gfx::QuadF MathUtil::mapQuad(const WebTransformationMatrix& transform, const gfx::QuadF& q, bool& clipped)
247 if (transform.isIdentityOrTranslation()) {
248 gfx::QuadF mappedQuad(q);
249 mappedQuad += gfx::Vector2dF(static_cast<float>(transform.m41()), static_cast<float>(transform.m42()));
250 clipped = false;
251 return mappedQuad;
254 HomogeneousCoordinate h1 = mapHomogeneousPoint(transform, gfx::Point3F(q.p1()));
255 HomogeneousCoordinate h2 = mapHomogeneousPoint(transform, gfx::Point3F(q.p2()));
256 HomogeneousCoordinate h3 = mapHomogeneousPoint(transform, gfx::Point3F(q.p3()));
257 HomogeneousCoordinate h4 = mapHomogeneousPoint(transform, gfx::Point3F(q.p4()));
259 clipped = h1.shouldBeClipped() || h2.shouldBeClipped() || h3.shouldBeClipped() || h4.shouldBeClipped();
261 // Result will be invalid if clipped == true. But, compute it anyway just in case, to emulate existing behavior.
262 return gfx::QuadF(h1.cartesianPoint2d(), h2.cartesianPoint2d(), h3.cartesianPoint2d(), h4.cartesianPoint2d());
265 gfx::PointF MathUtil::mapPoint(const WebTransformationMatrix& transform, const gfx::PointF& p, bool& clipped)
267 HomogeneousCoordinate h = mapHomogeneousPoint(transform, gfx::Point3F(p));
269 if (h.w > 0) {
270 clipped = false;
271 return h.cartesianPoint2d();
274 // The cartesian coordinates will be invalid after dividing by w.
275 clipped = true;
277 // Avoid dividing by w if w == 0.
278 if (!h.w)
279 return gfx::PointF();
281 // This return value will be invalid because clipped == true, but (1) users of this
282 // code should be ignoring the return value when clipped == true anyway, and (2) this
283 // behavior is more consistent with existing behavior of WebKit transforms if the user
284 // really does not ignore the return value.
285 return h.cartesianPoint2d();
288 gfx::Point3F MathUtil::mapPoint(const WebTransformationMatrix& transform, const gfx::Point3F& p, bool& clipped)
290 HomogeneousCoordinate h = mapHomogeneousPoint(transform, p);
292 if (h.w > 0) {
293 clipped = false;
294 return h.cartesianPoint3d();
297 // The cartesian coordinates will be invalid after dividing by w.
298 clipped = true;
300 // Avoid dividing by w if w == 0.
301 if (!h.w)
302 return gfx::Point3F();
304 // This return value will be invalid because clipped == true, but (1) users of this
305 // code should be ignoring the return value when clipped == true anyway, and (2) this
306 // behavior is more consistent with existing behavior of WebKit transforms if the user
307 // really does not ignore the return value.
308 return h.cartesianPoint3d();
311 gfx::QuadF MathUtil::projectQuad(const WebTransformationMatrix& transform, const gfx::QuadF& q, bool& clipped)
313 gfx::QuadF projectedQuad;
314 bool clippedPoint;
315 projectedQuad.set_p1(projectPoint(transform, q.p1(), clippedPoint));
316 clipped = clippedPoint;
317 projectedQuad.set_p2(projectPoint(transform, q.p2(), clippedPoint));
318 clipped |= clippedPoint;
319 projectedQuad.set_p3(projectPoint(transform, q.p3(), clippedPoint));
320 clipped |= clippedPoint;
321 projectedQuad.set_p4(projectPoint(transform, q.p4(), clippedPoint));
322 clipped |= clippedPoint;
324 return projectedQuad;
327 gfx::PointF MathUtil::projectPoint(const WebTransformationMatrix& transform, const gfx::PointF& p, bool& clipped)
329 HomogeneousCoordinate h = projectHomogeneousPoint(transform, p);
331 if (h.w > 0) {
332 // The cartesian coordinates will be valid in this case.
333 clipped = false;
334 return h.cartesianPoint2d();
337 // The cartesian coordinates will be invalid after dividing by w.
338 clipped = true;
340 // Avoid dividing by w if w == 0.
341 if (!h.w)
342 return gfx::PointF();
344 // This return value will be invalid because clipped == true, but (1) users of this
345 // code should be ignoring the return value when clipped == true anyway, and (2) this
346 // behavior is more consistent with existing behavior of WebKit transforms if the user
347 // really does not ignore the return value.
348 return h.cartesianPoint2d();
351 void MathUtil::flattenTransformTo2d(WebTransformationMatrix& transform)
353 // Set both the 3rd row and 3rd column to (0, 0, 1, 0).
355 // One useful interpretation of doing this operation:
356 // - For x and y values, the new transform behaves effectively like an orthographic
357 // projection was added to the matrix sequence.
358 // - For z values, the new transform overrides any effect that the transform had on
359 // z, and instead it preserves the z value for any points that are transformed.
360 // - Because of linearity of transforms, this flattened transform also preserves the
361 // effect that any subsequent (post-multiplied) transforms would have on z values.
363 transform.setM13(0);
364 transform.setM23(0);
365 transform.setM31(0);
366 transform.setM32(0);
367 transform.setM33(1);
368 transform.setM34(0);
369 transform.setM43(0);
372 static inline float scaleOnAxis(double a, double b, double c)
374 return std::sqrt(a * a + b * b + c * c);
377 gfx::Vector2dF MathUtil::computeTransform2dScaleComponents(const WebTransformationMatrix& transform)
379 if (transform.hasPerspective())
380 return gfx::Vector2dF(1, 1);
381 float xScale = scaleOnAxis(transform.m11(), transform.m12(), transform.m13());
382 float yScale = scaleOnAxis(transform.m21(), transform.m22(), transform.m23());
383 return gfx::Vector2dF(xScale, yScale);
386 float MathUtil::smallestAngleBetweenVectors(gfx::Vector2dF v1, gfx::Vector2dF v2)
388 double dotProduct = gfx::DotProduct(v1, v2) / v1.Length() / v2.Length();
389 // Clamp to compensate for rounding errors.
390 dotProduct = std::max(-1.0, std::min(1.0, dotProduct));
391 return static_cast<float>(Rad2Deg(std::acos(dotProduct)));
394 gfx::Vector2dF MathUtil::projectVector(gfx::Vector2dF source, gfx::Vector2dF destination)
396 float projectedLength = gfx::DotProduct(source, destination) / destination.LengthSquared();
397 return gfx::Vector2dF(projectedLength * destination.x(), projectedLength * destination.y());
400 } // namespace cc