isolate_driver: Enable ninja parsing code all the time.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / net / base / prioritized_dispatcher.h
1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <vector>
10 #include "net/base/net_export.h"
11 #include "net/base/priority_queue.h"
13 namespace net {
15 // A priority-based dispatcher of jobs. Dispatch order is by priority (highest
16 // first) and then FIFO. The dispatcher enforces limits on the number of running
17 // jobs. It never revokes a job once started. The job must call OnJobFinished
18 // once it finishes in order to dispatch further jobs.
20 // This class is NOT thread-safe which is enforced by the underlying
21 // non-thread-safe PriorityQueue. All operations are O(p) time for p priority
22 // levels. It is safe to execute any method, including destructor, from within
23 // Job::Start.
25 class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE PrioritizedDispatcher {
26 public:
27 class Job;
28 typedef PriorityQueue<Job*>::Priority Priority;
30 // Describes the limits for the number of jobs started by the dispatcher.
31 // For example, |total_jobs| = 30 and |reserved_slots| = { 0, 5, 10, 5 } allow
32 // for at most 30 running jobs in total. Jobs at priority 0 can't use slots
33 // reserved for higher priorities, so they are limited to 10.
34 // If there are already 24 jobs running, then only 6 more jobs can start. No
35 // jobs at priority 1 or below can start. After one more job starts, no jobs
36 // at priority 2 or below can start, since the remaining 5 slots are reserved
37 // for priority 3 or above.
38 struct NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE Limits {
39 Limits(Priority num_priorities, size_t total_jobs);
40 ~Limits();
42 // Total allowed running jobs.
43 size_t total_jobs;
44 // Number of slots reserved for each priority and higher.
45 // Sum of |reserved_slots| must be no greater than |total_jobs|.
46 std::vector<size_t> reserved_slots;
49 // An interface to the job dispatched by PrioritizedDispatcher. The dispatcher
50 // does not own the Job but expects it to live as long as the Job is queued.
51 // Use Cancel to remove Job from queue before it is dispatched. The Job can be
52 // deleted after it is dispatched or canceled, or the dispatcher is destroyed.
53 class Job {
54 public:
55 // Note: PrioritizedDispatcher will never delete a Job.
56 virtual ~Job() {}
57 // Called when the dispatcher starts the job. Once the job finishes, it must
58 // call OnJobFinished.
59 virtual void Start() = 0;
62 // A handle to the enqueued job. The handle becomes invalid when the job is
63 // canceled, updated, or started.
64 typedef PriorityQueue<Job*>::Pointer Handle;
66 // Creates a dispatcher enforcing |limits| on number of running jobs.
67 explicit PrioritizedDispatcher(const Limits& limits);
69 ~PrioritizedDispatcher();
71 size_t num_running_jobs() const { return num_running_jobs_; }
72 size_t num_queued_jobs() const { return queue_.size(); }
73 size_t num_priorities() const { return max_running_jobs_.size(); }
75 // Adds |job| with |priority| to the dispatcher. If limits permit, |job| is
76 // started immediately. Returns handle to the job or null-handle if the job is
77 // started. The dispatcher does not own |job|, but |job| must live as long as
78 // it is queued in the dispatcher.
79 Handle Add(Job* job, Priority priority);
81 // Just like Add, except that it adds Job at the font of queue of jobs with
82 // priorities of |priority|.
83 Handle AddAtHead(Job* job, Priority priority);
85 // Removes the job with |handle| from the queue. Invalidates |handle|.
86 // Note: a Handle is valid iff the job is in the queue, i.e. has not Started.
87 void Cancel(const Handle& handle);
89 // Cancels and returns the oldest-lowest-priority Job invalidating any
90 // handles to it. Returns NULL if the queue is empty.
91 Job* EvictOldestLowest();
93 // Moves the queued job with |handle| to the end of all values with priority
94 // |priority| and returns the updated handle, or null-handle if it starts the
95 // job. Invalidates |handle|. No-op if priority did not change.
96 Handle ChangePriority(const Handle& handle, Priority priority);
98 // Notifies the dispatcher that a running job has finished. Could start a job.
99 void OnJobFinished();
101 // Retrieves the Limits that |this| is currently using. This may not exactly
102 // match the Limits this was created with. In particular, the number of slots
103 // reserved for the lowest priority will always be 0, even if it was non-zero
104 // in the Limits passed to the constructor or to SetLimits.
105 Limits GetLimits() const;
107 // Updates |max_running_jobs_| to match |limits|. Starts jobs if new limit
108 // allows. Does not stop jobs if the new limits are lower than the old ones.
109 void SetLimits(const Limits& limits);
111 // Set the limits to zero for all priorities, allowing no new jobs to start.
112 void SetLimitsToZero();
114 private:
115 // Attempts to dispatch the job with |handle| at priority |priority| (might be
116 // different than |handle.priority()|. Returns true if successful. If so
117 // the |handle| becomes invalid.
118 bool MaybeDispatchJob(const Handle& handle, Priority priority);
120 // Attempts to dispatch the next highest priority job in the queue. Returns
121 // true if successful, and all handles to that job become invalid.
122 bool MaybeDispatchNextJob();
124 // Queue for jobs that need to wait for a spare slot.
125 PriorityQueue<Job*> queue_;
126 // Maximum total number of running jobs allowed after a job at a particular
127 // priority is started. If a greater or equal number of jobs are running, then
128 // another job cannot be started.
129 std::vector<size_t> max_running_jobs_;
130 // Total number of running jobs.
131 size_t num_running_jobs_;
133 DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(PrioritizedDispatcher);
136 } // namespace net