chrome.bluetoothSocket: clean-up Listen functions
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / content / renderer / media / webmediaplayer_ms.h
1 // Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
9 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
10 #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
11 #include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
12 #include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
13 #include "cc/layers/video_frame_provider.h"
14 #include "media/filters/skcanvas_video_renderer.h"
15 #include "skia/ext/platform_canvas.h"
16 #include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebMediaPlayer.h"
17 #include "url/gurl.h"
19 namespace blink {
20 class WebFrame;
21 class WebMediaPlayerClient;
24 namespace media {
25 class MediaLog;
28 namespace webkit {
29 class WebLayerImpl;
32 namespace content {
33 class MediaStreamAudioRenderer;
34 class MediaStreamRendererFactory;
35 class VideoFrameProvider;
36 class WebMediaPlayerDelegate;
38 // WebMediaPlayerMS delegates calls from WebCore::MediaPlayerPrivate to
39 // Chrome's media player when "src" is from media stream.
41 // WebMediaPlayerMS works with multiple objects, the most important ones are:
43 // VideoFrameProvider
44 // provides video frames for rendering.
46 // TODO(wjia): add AudioPlayer.
47 // AudioPlayer
48 // plays audio streams.
50 // blink::WebMediaPlayerClient
51 // WebKit client of this media player object.
52 class WebMediaPlayerMS
53 : public blink::WebMediaPlayer,
54 public cc::VideoFrameProvider,
55 public base::SupportsWeakPtr<WebMediaPlayerMS> {
56 public:
57 // Construct a WebMediaPlayerMS with reference to the client, and
58 // a MediaStreamClient which provides VideoFrameProvider.
59 WebMediaPlayerMS(blink::WebFrame* frame,
60 blink::WebMediaPlayerClient* client,
61 base::WeakPtr<WebMediaPlayerDelegate> delegate,
62 media::MediaLog* media_log,
63 scoped_ptr<MediaStreamRendererFactory> factory);
64 virtual ~WebMediaPlayerMS();
66 virtual void load(LoadType load_type,
67 const blink::WebURL& url,
68 CORSMode cors_mode);
70 // Playback controls.
71 virtual void play();
72 virtual void pause();
73 virtual bool supportsSave() const;
74 virtual void seek(double seconds);
75 virtual void setRate(double rate);
76 virtual void setVolume(double volume);
77 virtual void setPreload(blink::WebMediaPlayer::Preload preload);
78 virtual blink::WebTimeRanges buffered() const;
79 virtual double maxTimeSeekable() const;
81 // Methods for painting.
82 virtual void paint(blink::WebCanvas* canvas,
83 const blink::WebRect& rect,
84 unsigned char alpha);
86 // True if the loaded media has a playable video/audio track.
87 virtual bool hasVideo() const;
88 virtual bool hasAudio() const;
90 // Dimensions of the video.
91 virtual blink::WebSize naturalSize() const;
93 // Getters of playback state.
94 virtual bool paused() const;
95 virtual bool seeking() const;
96 virtual double duration() const;
97 virtual double currentTime() const;
99 // Internal states of loading and network.
100 virtual blink::WebMediaPlayer::NetworkState networkState() const;
101 virtual blink::WebMediaPlayer::ReadyState readyState() const;
103 virtual bool didLoadingProgress();
105 virtual bool hasSingleSecurityOrigin() const;
106 virtual bool didPassCORSAccessCheck() const;
108 virtual double mediaTimeForTimeValue(double timeValue) const;
110 virtual unsigned decodedFrameCount() const;
111 virtual unsigned droppedFrameCount() const;
112 virtual unsigned audioDecodedByteCount() const;
113 virtual unsigned videoDecodedByteCount() const;
115 // VideoFrameProvider implementation.
116 virtual void SetVideoFrameProviderClient(
117 cc::VideoFrameProvider::Client* client) OVERRIDE;
118 virtual scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame> GetCurrentFrame() OVERRIDE;
119 virtual void PutCurrentFrame(const scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame>& frame)
122 private:
123 // The callback for VideoFrameProvider to signal a new frame is available.
124 void OnFrameAvailable(const scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame>& frame);
125 // Need repaint due to state change.
126 void RepaintInternal();
128 // The callback for source to report error.
129 void OnSourceError();
131 // Helpers that set the network/ready state and notifies the client if
132 // they've changed.
133 void SetNetworkState(blink::WebMediaPlayer::NetworkState state);
134 void SetReadyState(blink::WebMediaPlayer::ReadyState state);
136 // Getter method to |client_|.
137 blink::WebMediaPlayerClient* GetClient();
139 blink::WebFrame* frame_;
141 blink::WebMediaPlayer::NetworkState network_state_;
142 blink::WebMediaPlayer::ReadyState ready_state_;
144 blink::WebTimeRanges buffered_;
146 // Used for DCHECKs to ensure methods calls executed in the correct thread.
147 base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
149 blink::WebMediaPlayerClient* client_;
151 base::WeakPtr<WebMediaPlayerDelegate> delegate_;
153 // Specify content:: to disambiguate from cc::.
154 scoped_refptr<content::VideoFrameProvider> video_frame_provider_;
155 bool paused_;
157 // |current_frame_| is updated only on main thread. The object it holds
158 // can be freed on the compositor thread if it is the last to hold a
159 // reference but media::VideoFrame is a thread-safe ref-pointer. It is
160 // however read on the compositing thread so locking is required around all
161 // modifications on the main thread, and all reads on the compositing thread.
162 scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame> current_frame_;
163 // |current_frame_used_| is updated on both main and compositing thread.
164 // It's used to track whether |current_frame_| was painted for detecting
165 // when to increase |dropped_frame_count_|.
166 bool current_frame_used_;
167 // |current_frame_lock_| protects |current_frame_used_| and |current_frame_|.
168 base::Lock current_frame_lock_;
169 bool pending_repaint_;
171 scoped_ptr<webkit::WebLayerImpl> video_weblayer_;
173 // A pointer back to the compositor to inform it about state changes. This is
174 // not NULL while the compositor is actively using this webmediaplayer.
175 cc::VideoFrameProvider::Client* video_frame_provider_client_;
177 bool received_first_frame_;
178 base::TimeDelta current_time_;
179 unsigned total_frame_count_;
180 unsigned dropped_frame_count_;
181 media::SkCanvasVideoRenderer video_renderer_;
183 scoped_refptr<MediaStreamAudioRenderer> audio_renderer_;
185 scoped_refptr<media::MediaLog> media_log_;
187 scoped_ptr<MediaStreamRendererFactory> renderer_factory_;
192 } // namespace content