Initial implementation of the permission API for Browser Plugin PointerLock
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / content / browser / browser_plugin / browser_plugin_guest.h
1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 // A BrowserPluginGuest is the browser side of a browser <--> embedder
6 // renderer channel. A BrowserPlugin (a WebPlugin) is on the embedder
7 // renderer side of browser <--> embedder renderer communication.
8 //
9 // BrowserPluginGuest lives on the UI thread of the browser process. It has a
10 // helper, BrowserPluginGuestHelper, which is a RenderViewHostObserver. The
11 // helper object intercepts messages (ViewHostMsg_*) directed at the browser
12 // process and redirects them to this class. Any messages about the guest render
13 // process that the embedder might be interested in receiving should be listened
14 // for here.
16 // BrowserPluginGuest is a WebContentsDelegate and WebContentsObserver for the
17 // guest WebContents. BrowserPluginGuest operates under the assumption that the
18 // guest will be accessible through only one RenderViewHost for the lifetime of
19 // the guest WebContents. Thus, cross-process navigation is not supported.
24 #include <map>
26 #include "base/compiler_specific.h"
27 #include "base/id_map.h"
28 #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
29 #include "base/shared_memory.h"
30 #include "base/time.h"
31 #include "content/common/browser_plugin/browser_plugin_message_enums.h"
32 #include "content/port/common/input_event_ack_state.h"
33 #include "content/public/browser/notification_observer.h"
34 #include "content/public/browser/notification_registrar.h"
35 #include "content/public/browser/web_contents_delegate.h"
36 #include "content/public/browser/web_contents_observer.h"
37 #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebDragOperation.h"
38 #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebDragStatus.h"
39 #include "third_party/WebKit/Source/WebKit/chromium/public/WebInputEvent.h"
40 #include "ui/gfx/rect.h"
41 #include "ui/surface/transport_dib.h"
43 struct BrowserPluginHostMsg_AutoSize_Params;
44 struct BrowserPluginHostMsg_CreateGuest_Params;
45 struct BrowserPluginHostMsg_ResizeGuest_Params;
46 struct ViewHostMsg_CreateWindow_Params;
47 #if defined(OS_MACOSX)
48 struct ViewHostMsg_ShowPopup_Params;
49 #endif
50 struct ViewHostMsg_UpdateRect_Params;
51 class WebCursor;
52 struct WebDropData;
54 namespace WebKit {
55 class WebInputEvent;
58 namespace content {
60 class BrowserPluginHostFactory;
61 class BrowserPluginEmbedder;
62 class BrowserPluginGuestManager;
63 class RenderProcessHost;
64 class RenderWidgetHostView;
65 struct MediaStreamRequest;
67 // A browser plugin guest provides functionality for WebContents to operate in
68 // the guest role and implements guest specific overrides for ViewHostMsg_*
69 // messages.
71 // BrowserPluginEmbedder is responsible for creating and destroying a guest.
72 class CONTENT_EXPORT BrowserPluginGuest : public NotificationObserver,
73 public WebContentsDelegate,
74 public WebContentsObserver {
75 public:
76 typedef base::Callback<void(bool)> GeolocationCallback;
77 virtual ~BrowserPluginGuest();
79 static BrowserPluginGuest* Create(
80 int instance_id,
81 WebContentsImpl* web_contents,
82 const BrowserPluginHostMsg_CreateGuest_Params& params);
84 // Overrides factory for testing. Default (NULL) value indicates regular
85 // (non-test) environment.
86 static void set_factory_for_testing(BrowserPluginHostFactory* factory) {
87 content::BrowserPluginGuest::factory_ = factory;
90 bool OnMessageReceivedFromEmbedder(const IPC::Message& message);
92 void Initialize(WebContentsImpl* embedder_web_contents,
93 const BrowserPluginHostMsg_CreateGuest_Params& params);
95 void set_guest_hang_timeout_for_testing(const base::TimeDelta& timeout) {
96 guest_hang_timeout_ = timeout;
99 WebContentsImpl* embedder_web_contents() const {
100 return embedder_web_contents_;
103 RenderWidgetHostView* GetEmbedderRenderWidgetHostView();
105 bool focused() const { return focused_; }
106 bool visible() const { return guest_visible_; }
107 void clear_damage_buffer() { damage_buffer_.reset(); }
109 void UpdateVisibility();
111 // NotificationObserver implementation.
112 virtual void Observe(int type,
113 const NotificationSource& source,
114 const NotificationDetails& details) OVERRIDE;
116 // WebContentsObserver implementation.
117 virtual void DidStartProvisionalLoadForFrame(
118 int64 frame_id,
119 int64 parent_frame_id,
120 bool is_main_frame,
121 const GURL& validated_url,
122 bool is_error_page,
123 bool is_iframe_srcdoc,
124 RenderViewHost* render_view_host) OVERRIDE;
125 virtual void DidFailProvisionalLoad(
126 int64 frame_id,
127 bool is_main_frame,
128 const GURL& validated_url,
129 int error_code,
130 const string16& error_description,
131 RenderViewHost* render_view_host) OVERRIDE;
132 virtual void DidCommitProvisionalLoadForFrame(
133 int64 frame_id,
134 bool is_main_frame,
135 const GURL& url,
136 PageTransition transition_type,
137 RenderViewHost* render_view_host) OVERRIDE;
138 virtual void DidStopLoading(RenderViewHost* render_view_host) OVERRIDE;
140 virtual void RenderViewReady() OVERRIDE;
141 virtual void RenderViewGone(base::TerminationStatus status) OVERRIDE;
142 virtual bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message) OVERRIDE;
145 // WebContentsDelegate implementation.
146 virtual bool CanDownload(RenderViewHost* render_view_host,
147 int request_id,
148 const std::string& request_method) OVERRIDE;
149 virtual bool HandleContextMenu(const ContextMenuParams& params) OVERRIDE;
150 virtual void RendererUnresponsive(WebContents* source) OVERRIDE;
151 virtual void RendererResponsive(WebContents* source) OVERRIDE;
152 virtual void RunFileChooser(WebContents* web_contents,
153 const FileChooserParams& params) OVERRIDE;
154 virtual bool ShouldFocusPageAfterCrash() OVERRIDE;
155 virtual void RequestMediaAccessPermission(
156 WebContents* web_contents,
157 const content::MediaStreamRequest& request,
158 const content::MediaResponseCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
160 // Exposes the protected web_contents() from WebContentsObserver.
161 WebContentsImpl* GetWebContents();
163 // Kill the guest process.
164 void Terminate();
166 // Overridden in tests.
167 virtual void SetDamageBuffer(
168 const BrowserPluginHostMsg_ResizeGuest_Params& params);
170 gfx::Point GetScreenCoordinates(const gfx::Point& relative_position) const;
172 // Helper to send messages to embedder. This methods fills the message with
173 // the correct routing id.
174 // Overridden in test implementation since we want to intercept certain
175 // messages for testing.
176 virtual void SendMessageToEmbedder(IPC::Message* msg);
178 // Requests geolocation permission through embedder js api.
179 void AskEmbedderForGeolocationPermission(int bridge_id,
180 const GURL& requesting_frame,
181 GeolocationCallback callback);
182 // Cancels pending geolocation request.
183 void CancelGeolocationRequest(int bridge_id);
184 // Embedder sets permission to allow or deny geolocation request.
185 void SetGeolocationPermission(int request_id, bool allowed);
187 // Returns the identifier that uniquely identifies a browser plugin guest
188 // within an embedder.
189 int instance_id() const { return instance_id_; }
191 // Allow the embedder to call this for unhandled messages when
192 // BrowserPluginGuest is already destroyed.
193 static void AcknowledgeBufferPresent(int route_id,
194 int gpu_host_id,
195 const std::string& mailbox_name,
196 uint32 sync_point);
198 // Returns whether BrowserPluginGuest is interested in receiving the given
199 // |message|.
200 static bool ShouldForwardToBrowserPluginGuest(const IPC::Message& message);
202 private:
203 typedef std::pair<content::MediaStreamRequest, content::MediaResponseCallback>
204 MediaStreamRequestAndCallbackPair;
205 typedef std::map<int, MediaStreamRequestAndCallbackPair>
206 MediaStreamRequestsMap;
208 friend class TestBrowserPluginGuest;
210 BrowserPluginGuest(int instance_id,
211 WebContentsImpl* web_contents,
212 const BrowserPluginHostMsg_CreateGuest_Params& params);
214 // Returns the embedder's routing ID.
215 int embedder_routing_id() const;
217 // Schedules this BrowserPluginGuest for deletion if it hasn't already been
218 // scheduled.
219 void Destroy();
221 base::SharedMemory* damage_buffer() const { return damage_buffer_.get(); }
222 const gfx::Size& damage_view_size() const { return damage_view_size_; }
223 float damage_buffer_scale_factor() const {
224 return damage_buffer_scale_factor_;
226 // Returns the damage buffer corresponding to the handle in resize |params|.
227 base::SharedMemory* GetDamageBufferFromEmbedder(
228 const BrowserPluginHostMsg_ResizeGuest_Params& params);
230 // Called when a redirect notification occurs.
231 void LoadRedirect(const GURL& old_url,
232 const GURL& new_url,
233 bool is_top_level);
235 bool InAutoSizeBounds(const gfx::Size& size) const;
237 // Message handlers for messsages from embedder.
239 // Allows or denies a permission request access, after the embedder has had a
240 // chance to decide.
241 void OnRespondPermission(int instance_id,
242 BrowserPluginPermissionType permission_type,
243 int request_id,
244 bool should_allow);
245 // Handles drag events from the embedder.
246 // When dragging, the drag events go to the embedder first, and if the drag
247 // happens on the browser plugin, then the plugin sends a corresponding
248 // drag-message to the guest. This routes the drag-message to the guest
249 // renderer.
250 void OnDragStatusUpdate(int instance_id,
251 WebKit::WebDragStatus drag_status,
252 const WebDropData& drop_data,
253 WebKit::WebDragOperationsMask drag_mask,
254 const gfx::Point& location);
255 // If possible, navigate the guest to |relative_index| entries away from the
256 // current navigation entry.
257 virtual void OnGo(int instance_id, int relative_index);
258 // Overriden in tests.
259 virtual void OnHandleInputEvent(int instance_id,
260 const gfx::Rect& guest_window_rect,
261 const WebKit::WebInputEvent* event);
262 void OnLockMouse(bool user_gesture,
263 bool last_unlocked_by_target,
264 bool privileged);
265 void OnLockMouseAck(int instance_id, bool succeeded);
266 void OnNavigateGuest(int instance_id, const std::string& src);
267 void OnPluginDestroyed(int instance_id);
268 // Reload the guest. Overriden in tests.
269 virtual void OnReload(int instance_id);
270 // Grab the new damage buffer from the embedder, and resize the guest's
271 // web contents.
272 void OnResizeGuest(int instance_id,
273 const BrowserPluginHostMsg_ResizeGuest_Params& params);
274 // Overriden in tests.
275 virtual void OnSetFocus(int instance_id, bool focused);
276 // Sets the name of the guest so that other guests in the same partition can
277 // access it.
278 void OnSetName(int instance_id, const std::string& name);
279 // Updates the size state of the guest.
280 void OnSetSize(
281 int instance_id,
282 const BrowserPluginHostMsg_AutoSize_Params& auto_size_params,
283 const BrowserPluginHostMsg_ResizeGuest_Params& resize_guest_params);
284 // The guest WebContents is visible if both its embedder is visible and
285 // the browser plugin element is visible. If either one is not then the
286 // WebContents is marked as hidden. A hidden WebContents will consume
287 // fewer GPU and CPU resources.
289 // When every WebContents in a RenderProcessHost is hidden, it will lower
290 // the priority of the process (see RenderProcessHostImpl::WidgetHidden).
292 // It will also send a message to the guest renderer process to cleanup
293 // resources such as dropping back buffers and adjusting memory limits (if in
294 // compositing mode, see CCLayerTreeHost::setVisible).
296 // Additionally, it will slow down Javascript execution and garbage
297 // collection. See RenderThreadImpl::IdleHandler (executed when hidden) and
298 // RenderThreadImpl::IdleHandlerInForegroundTab (executed when visible).
299 void OnSetVisibility(int instance_id, bool visible);
300 // Stop loading the guest. Overriden in tests.
301 virtual void OnStop(int instance_id);
302 // Message from embedder acknowledging last HW buffer.
303 void OnSwapBuffersACK(int instance_id,
304 int route_id,
305 int gpu_host_id,
306 const std::string& mailbox_name,
307 uint32 sync_point);
309 void OnTerminateGuest(int instance_id);
310 void OnUnlockMouse();
311 void OnUnlockMouseAck(int instance_id);
312 void OnUpdateRectACK(
313 int instance_id,
314 const BrowserPluginHostMsg_AutoSize_Params& auto_size_params,
315 const BrowserPluginHostMsg_ResizeGuest_Params& resize_guest_params);
318 // Message handlers for messages from guest.
320 void OnCreateWindow(const ViewHostMsg_CreateWindow_Params& params,
321 int* route_id,
322 int* surface_id,
323 int64* cloned_session_storage_namespace_id);
324 void OnHandleInputEventAck(
325 WebKit::WebInputEvent::Type event_type,
326 InputEventAckState ack_result);
327 void OnHasTouchEventHandlers(bool accept);
328 void OnSetCursor(const WebCursor& cursor);
329 // On MacOSX popups are painted by the browser process. We handle them here
330 // so that they are positioned correctly.
331 #if defined(OS_MACOSX)
332 void OnShowPopup(const ViewHostMsg_ShowPopup_Params& params);
333 #endif
334 void OnShowWidget(int route_id, const gfx::Rect& initial_pos);
335 // Overriden in tests.
336 virtual void OnTakeFocus(bool reverse);
337 void OnUpdateDragCursor(WebKit::WebDragOperation operation);
338 void OnUpdateFrameName(int frame_id,
339 bool is_top_level,
340 const std::string& name);
341 void OnUpdateRect(const ViewHostMsg_UpdateRect_Params& params);
343 // Helpers for |OnRespondPermission|.
344 void OnRespondPermissionGeolocation(int request_id, bool should_allow);
345 void OnRespondPermissionMedia(int request_id, bool should_allow);
347 // Weak pointer used to ask GeolocationPermissionContext about geolocation
348 // permission.
349 base::WeakPtrFactory<BrowserPluginGuest> weak_ptr_factory_;
351 // Static factory instance (always NULL for non-test).
352 static content::BrowserPluginHostFactory* factory_;
354 NotificationRegistrar notification_registrar_;
355 WebContentsImpl* embedder_web_contents_;
356 typedef std::map<int, GeolocationCallback> GeolocationRequestsMap;
357 GeolocationRequestsMap geolocation_request_callback_map_;
358 // An identifier that uniquely identifies a browser plugin guest within an
359 // embedder.
360 int instance_id_;
361 scoped_ptr<base::SharedMemory> damage_buffer_;
362 // An identifier that uniquely identifies a damage buffer.
363 uint32 damage_buffer_sequence_id_;
364 size_t damage_buffer_size_;
365 gfx::Size damage_view_size_;
366 float damage_buffer_scale_factor_;
367 gfx::Rect guest_window_rect_;
368 gfx::Rect guest_screen_rect_;
369 base::TimeDelta guest_hang_timeout_;
370 bool focused_;
371 bool mouse_locked_;
372 bool pending_lock_request_;
373 bool guest_visible_;
374 bool embedder_visible_;
375 std::string name_;
376 bool auto_size_enabled_;
377 gfx::Size max_auto_size_;
378 gfx::Size min_auto_size_;
380 // A counter to generate a unique request id for a permission request.
381 // We only need the ids to be unique for a given BrowserPluginGuest.
382 int next_permission_request_id_;
383 // A map to store WebContents's media request object and callback.
384 // We need to store these because we need a roundtrip to the embedder to know
385 // if we allow or disallow the request. The key of the map is unique only for
386 // a given BrowserPluginGuest.
387 MediaStreamRequestsMap media_requests_map_;
389 DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(BrowserPluginGuest);
392 } // namespace content