Content Shell: Introduce LayoutTestURLRequestContextGetter.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / content / shell /
1 # Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 # found in the LICENSE file.
5 import("//build/config/features.gni")
6 import("//build/config/ui.gni")
7 import("//tools/grit/repack.gni")
8 import("//tools/grit/grit_rule.gni")
9 if (is_android) {
10   import("//build/config/android/config.gni")
13 declare_args() {
14   content_shell_product_name = "Content Shell"
16   # The "19" is so that sites that sniff for version think that this is
17   # something reasonably current; the "77.34.5" is a hint that this isn't a
18   # standard Chrome.
19   content_shell_version = ""
22 static_library("content_shell_lib") {
23   testonly = true
24   sources = [
25     "android/",
26     "android/shell_jni_registrar.h",
27     "android/",
28     "android/shell_manager.h",
29     "app/paths_mac.h",
30     "app/",
31     "app/",
32     "app/shell_crash_reporter_client.h",
33     "app/",
34     "app/shell_main_delegate.h",
35     "app/shell_main_delegate_mac.h",
36     "app/",
37     "app/",
38     "app/webkit_test_platform_support.h",
39     "app/",
40     "app/",
41     "app/",
42     "browser/",
43     "browser/ipc_echo_message_filter.h",
44     "browser/layout_test/",
45     "browser/layout_test/layout_test_browser_context.h",
46     "browser/layout_test/",
47     "browser/layout_test/layout_test_browser_main_parts.h",
48     "browser/layout_test/",
49     "browser/layout_test/layout_test_devtools_frontend.h",
50     "browser/layout_test/",
51     "browser/layout_test/layout_test_download_manager_delegate.h",
52     "browser/layout_test/",
53     "browser/layout_test/layout_test_javascript_dialog_manager.h",
54     "browser/layout_test/",
55     "browser/layout_test/layout_test_resource_dispatcher_host_delegate.h",
56     "browser/layout_test/",
57     "browser/layout_test/layout_test_url_request_context_getter.h",
58     "browser/",
59     "browser/notify_done_forwarder.h",
60     "browser/",
61     "browser/shell_application_mac.h",
62     "browser/",
63     "browser/",
64     "browser/shell_browser_context.h",
65     "browser/",
66     "browser/shell_browser_main.h",
67     "browser/",
68     "browser/shell_browser_main_parts.h",
69     "browser/",
70     "browser/",
71     "browser/",
72     "browser/shell_content_browser_client.h",
73     "browser/",
74     "browser/shell_devtools_delegate.h",
75     "browser/",
76     "browser/shell_devtools_frontend.h",
77     "browser/",
78     "browser/shell_download_manager_delegate.h",
79     "browser/shell.h",
80     "browser/shell_javascript_dialog.h",
81     "browser/",
82     "browser/",
83     "browser/shell_javascript_dialog_manager.h",
84     "browser/",
85     "browser/",
86     "browser/shell_layout_tests_android.h",
87     "browser/",
88     "browser/shell_mojo_test_utils_android.h",
89     "browser/",
90     "browser/shell_login_dialog.h",
91     "browser/",
92     "browser/",
93     "browser/",
94     "browser/shell_message_filter.h",
95     "browser/",
96     "browser/shell_net_log.h",
97     "browser/",
98     "browser/shell_network_delegate.h",
99     "browser/",
100     "browser/shell_notification_manager.h",
101     "browser/",
102     "browser/shell_platform_data_aura.h",
103     "browser/",
104     "browser/shell_plugin_service_filter.h",
105     "browser/",
106     "browser/shell_quota_permission_context.h",
107     "browser/",
108     "browser/shell_resource_dispatcher_host_delegate.h",
109     "browser/",
110     "browser/shell_speech_recognition_manager_delegate.h",
111     "browser/",
112     "browser/shell_url_request_context_getter.h",
113     "browser/",
114     "browser/shell_web_contents_view_delegate_creator.h",
115     "browser/shell_web_contents_view_delegate.h",
116     "browser/",
117     "browser/",
118     "browser/",
119     "browser/webkit_test_controller.h",
120     "common/leak_detection_result.h",
121     "common/",
122     "common/shell_content_client.h",
123     "common/",
124     "common/shell_messages.h",
125     "common/",
126     "common/shell_switches.h",
127     "common/",
128     "common/shell_test_configuration.h",
129     "common/test_runner/",
130     "common/test_runner/test_preferences.h",
131     "common/",
132     "common/webkit_test_helpers.h",
133     "geolocation/",
134     "geolocation/shell_access_token_store.h",
135     "renderer/",
136     "renderer/ipc_echo.h",
137     "renderer/layout_test/",
138     "renderer/layout_test/gc_controller.h",
139     "renderer/layout_test/",
140     "renderer/layout_test/layout_test_content_renderer_client.h",
141     "renderer/layout_test/",
142     "renderer/layout_test/layout_test_render_frame_observer.h",
143     "renderer/layout_test/",
144     "renderer/layout_test/layout_test_render_process_observer.h",
145     "renderer/layout_test/",
146     "renderer/layout_test/leak_detector.h",
147     "renderer/layout_test/",
148     "renderer/layout_test/webkit_test_runner.h",
149     "renderer/",
150     "renderer/shell_content_renderer_client.h",
151     "renderer/",
152     "renderer/shell_render_view_observer.h",
153     "renderer/test_runner/",
154     "renderer/test_runner/accessibility_controller.h",
155     "renderer/test_runner/",
156     "renderer/test_runner/event_sender.h",
157     "renderer/test_runner/",
158     "renderer/test_runner/gamepad_controller.h",
159     "renderer/test_runner/",
160     "renderer/test_runner/mock_color_chooser.h",
161     "renderer/test_runner/",
162     "renderer/test_runner/mock_constraints.h",
163     "renderer/test_runner/",
164     "renderer/test_runner/mock_credential_manager_client.h",
165     "renderer/test_runner/",
166     "renderer/test_runner/mock_grammar_check.h",
167     "renderer/test_runner/",
168     "renderer/test_runner/mock_screen_orientation_client.h",
169     "renderer/test_runner/",
170     "renderer/test_runner/mock_spell_check.h",
171     "renderer/test_runner/",
172     "renderer/test_runner/mock_web_audio_device.h",
173     "renderer/test_runner/",
174     "renderer/test_runner/mock_web_media_stream_center.h",
175     "renderer/test_runner/",
176     "renderer/test_runner/mock_web_midi_accessor.h",
177     "renderer/test_runner/",
178     "renderer/test_runner/mock_web_push_client.h",
179     "renderer/test_runner/",
180     "renderer/test_runner/mock_web_speech_recognizer.h",
181     "renderer/test_runner/",
182     "renderer/test_runner/mock_web_theme_engine.h",
183     "renderer/test_runner/",
184     "renderer/test_runner/mock_web_user_media_client.h",
185     "renderer/test_runner/",
186     "renderer/test_runner/mock_webrtc_data_channel_handler.h",
187     "renderer/test_runner/",
188     "renderer/test_runner/mock_webrtc_dtmf_sender_handler.h",
189     "renderer/test_runner/",
190     "renderer/test_runner/mock_webrtc_peer_connection_handler.h",
191     "renderer/test_runner/",
192     "renderer/test_runner/notification_presenter.h",
193     "renderer/test_runner/",
194     "renderer/test_runner/spell_check_client.h",
195     "renderer/test_runner/",
196     "renderer/test_runner/test_common.h",
197     "renderer/test_runner/",
198     "renderer/test_runner/test_interfaces.h",
199     "renderer/test_runner/",
200     "renderer/test_runner/test_plugin.h",
201     "renderer/test_runner/",
202     "renderer/test_runner/test_runner.h",
203     "renderer/test_runner/",
204     "renderer/test_runner/text_input_controller.h",
205     "renderer/test_runner/",
206     "renderer/test_runner/web_ax_object_proxy.h",
207     "renderer/test_runner/web_frame_test_proxy.h",
208     "renderer/test_runner/",
209     "renderer/test_runner/web_permissions.h",
210     "renderer/test_runner/",
211     "renderer/test_runner/web_task.h",
212     "renderer/test_runner/web_test_delegate.h",
213     "renderer/test_runner/",
214     "renderer/test_runner/web_test_interfaces.h",
215     "renderer/test_runner/",
216     "renderer/test_runner/web_test_proxy.h",
217     "renderer/test_runner/web_test_runner.h",
218   ]
220   defines = [ "CONTENT_SHELL_VERSION=\"$content_shell_version\"" ]
222   public_deps = [
223     # This exposes all public content APIs.
224     "//content/public/app:both",
225     "//content/public/browser",
226     "//content/public/common",
227     "//content/public/plugin",
228     "//content/public/renderer",
229     "//content/public/utility",
230   ]
231   deps = [
232     ":resources",
233     "//base",
234     "//base:base_static",
235     "//base/allocator",
236     "//base/third_party/dynamic_annotations",
237     "//cc",
238     "//components/crash/app",
239     "//components/web_cache/renderer",
240     "//content:resources",
241     "//content/app/resources",
242     "//content/app/strings",
243     "//content/gpu",
244     "//content/test:layouttest_support",
245     "//gin",
246     "//gpu",
247     "//ipc",
248     "//media",
249     "//net",
250     "//net:net_resources",
251     "//skia",
252     "//storage/browser",
253     "//third_party/WebKit/public:blink",
254     "//third_party/WebKit/public:resources",
255     "//third_party/WebKit/public:test_support",
256     "//third_party/icu",
257     "//ui/base",
258     "//ui/events:events_base",
259     "//ui/gfx",
260     "//ui/gfx/geometry",
261     "//ui/gfx/ipc",
262     "//ui/gl",
263     "//url",
264     "//v8",
265     #'copy_test_netscape_plugin',  TODO(GYP)
266   ]
267   if (enable_plugins) {
268     deps += [ "//content/ppapi_plugin" ]
269   }
271   if (is_win) {
272     #'LinkIncremental': '<(msvs_large_module_debug_link_mode)',  TODO(GYP)
274     # TODO(jschuh): fix size_t to int truncations.
275     cflags = [ "/wd4267" ]
276   }
278   if (is_linux) {
279     configs += [ "//build/config/linux:fontconfig" ]
280   }
282   if (use_x11) {
283     # Some tests rely on this tool at runtime. Note: it might be better if
284     # the tests that needed it had this as a dep instead of adding it here.
285     datadeps = [ "//tools/xdisplaycheck" ]
286   }
288   if (is_android) {
289     deps += [ "//content/shell/android:content_shell_jni_headers" ]
290     #deps -= [ "copy_test_netscape_plugin" ]  TODO(GYP)
291   }
293   if (is_posix && !is_mac && (!is_android || !is_android_webview_build)) {
294     deps += [ "//components/crash/browser" ]
295   }
297   if (use_aura) {
298     deps += [
299       "//ui/aura",
300       "//ui/aura:test_support",
301       "//ui/events",
302       "//ui/strings",
303       "//ui/wm",
304     ]
306     if (toolkit_views) {
307       sources += [ "browser/" ]
308       deps += [
309         "//ui/resources",
310         "//ui/views/controls/webview",
311         "//ui/views",
312         "//ui/views:test_support",
313       ]
314     } else {
315       sources += [ "browser/" ]
316     }
317   } else {
318     sources -= [
319       "browser/",
320       "browser/shell_platform_data_aura.h",
321     ]
322   }
324   # The test plugin relies on X11.
325   if (is_linux && !use_x11) {
326     #deps -= [ 'copy_test_netscape_plugin' ]  TODO(GYP)
327   }
329   if (is_chromeos) {
330     deps += [
331       "//chromeos",
332       "//ui/wm:test_support",
333     ]
334   }
336   if (is_linux) {
337     deps += [ "//third_party/freetype2" ]
338   }
340   if (!enable_plugins) {
341     sources -= [
342       "browser/",
343       "browser/shell_plugin_service_filter.h",
344     ]
345   }
348 grit("content_shell_resources_grit") {
349   visibility = [ ":*" ]
350   source = "shell_resources.grd"
351   outputs = [
352     "grit/shell_resources.h",
353     "shell_resources.pak",
354     "shell_resources.rc",
355   ]
358 copy("copy_shell_resources") {
359   sources = [ "$target_gen_dir/shell_resources.pak" ]
360   outputs = [ "$root_out_dir/shell_resources.pak" ]
362   public_deps = [ ":content_shell_resources_grit" ]
365 # Font copies.
366 if (!is_mac) {
367   copy("copy_ahem") {
368     visibility = [ ":*" ]
369     sources = [ "renderer/test_runner/resources/fonts/AHEM____.TTF" ]
370     outputs = [ "$root_out_dir/AHEM____.TTF" ]
371   }
373 if (use_x11) {
374   copy("copy_x11_fonts") {
375     visibility = [ ":*" ]
376     sources = [
377       "renderer/test_runner/resources/fonts/fonts.conf",
378       "//third_party/gardiner_mod/GardinerModBug.ttf",
379       "//third_party/gardiner_mod/GardinerModCat.ttf",
380     ]
381     outputs = [ "$root_out_dir/{{source_file_part}}" ]
382   }
384 if (is_android) {
385   copy("copy_android_fonts") {
386     visibility = [ ":*" ]
387     sources = [
388       "renderer/test_runner/resources/fonts/android_main_fonts.xml",
389       "renderer/test_runner/resources/fonts/android_fallback_fonts.xml",
390     ]
391     outputs = [ "$root_out_dir/{{source_file_part}}" ]
392   }
395 group("resources") {
396   public_deps = [
397     ":copy_shell_resources",
398   ]
399   deps = []
401   if (is_mac) {
402     # TODO(GYP) Mac bundle resources.
403     #'all_dependent_settings': {
404     #  'mac_bundle_resources': [
405     #    'shell/renderer/test_runner/resources/fonts/AHEM____.TTF',
406     #    'shell/renderer/test_runner/resources/fonts/ChromiumAATTest.ttf',
407     #    '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/webkit/missingImage.png',
408     #    '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/webkit/textAreaResizeCorner.png',
409     #  ],
410     #},
411   } else {
412     deps += [ ":copy_ahem" ]
413   }
415   if (use_x11) {
416     deps += [ ":copy_x11_fonts" ]
417   }
418   if (is_android) {
419     deps += [ ":copy_android_fonts" ]
420   }
423 repack("pak") {
424   sources = [
425     "$root_gen_dir/blink/public/resources/blink_resources.pak",
426     "$root_gen_dir/content/app/resources/content_resources_100_percent.pak",
427     "$root_gen_dir/content/app/strings/content_strings_en-US.pak",
428     "$root_gen_dir/content/browser/tracing/tracing_resources.pak",
429     "$root_gen_dir/content/content_resources.pak",
430     "$root_gen_dir/content/shell/shell_resources.pak",
431     "$root_gen_dir/net/net_resources.pak",
432     "$root_gen_dir/ui/resources/ui_resources_100_percent.pak",
433     "$root_gen_dir/ui/resources/webui_resources.pak",
434     "$root_gen_dir/ui/strings/app_locale_settings_en-US.pak",
435     "$root_gen_dir/ui/strings/ui_strings_en-US.pak",
436   ]
438   deps = [
439     ":resources",
440     "//content:resources",
441     "//content/app/resources",
442     "//content/app/strings",
443     "//content/browser/tracing:resources",
444     "//net:net_resources",
445     "//third_party/WebKit/public:resources",
446     "//ui/resources",
447     "//ui/strings",
448   ]
450   sources += [ "$root_gen_dir/webkit/devtools_resources.pak" ]
451   deps += [ "//content/browser/devtools:resources" ]
452   output = "$root_out_dir/content_shell.pak"
455 # TODO(GYP): Figure out what this should be on android
456 if (!is_android) {
458 executable("content_shell") {
459   testonly = true
460   # TODO(GYP) mac resource bundle stuff for this target.
461   # TODO(GYP) Windows content shell settings:
462   #  - Manifest.
463   #  - RC file.
464   #  - 'LinkIncremental': '<(msvs_large_module_debug_link_mode)',
465   sources = [
466     "../app/",
467     "app/",
468   ]
470   deps = [
471     ":content_shell_lib",
472     ":pak",
473     "//base/allocator",
474   ]
476   if (is_win) {
477     deps += [ "//sandbox" ]
478     if (!is_asan) {
479       configs -= [ "//build/config/win:console" ]
480       configs += [ "//build/config/win:windowed" ]
481     }
482   }
484   if (is_mac) {
485     # TODO(GYP) lots of stuff from GYP file here.
486   }
488   if (is_android && !is_android_webview_build) {
489     # Some tests rely on this tool. It might be nicer if these tests relied on
490     # image diff rather than having content shell depend on it.
491     datadeps = [
492       "//tools/imagediff($host_toolchain)",
493     ]
494   }