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[chromium-blink-merge.git] / net / websockets / websocket_basic_handshake_stream.h
1 // Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <string>
9 #include <vector>
11 #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
12 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
13 #include "net/base/net_export.h"
14 #include "net/http/http_basic_state.h"
15 #include "net/websockets/websocket_handshake_stream_base.h"
16 #include "url/gurl.h"
18 namespace net {
20 class ClientSocketHandle;
21 class HttpResponseHeaders;
22 class HttpResponseInfo;
23 class HttpStreamParser;
25 struct WebSocketExtensionParams;
27 class NET_EXPORT_PRIVATE WebSocketBasicHandshakeStream
28 : public WebSocketHandshakeStreamBase {
29 public:
30 // |connect_delegate| and |failure_message| must out-live this object.
31 WebSocketBasicHandshakeStream(
32 scoped_ptr<ClientSocketHandle> connection,
33 WebSocketStream::ConnectDelegate* connect_delegate,
34 bool using_proxy,
35 std::vector<std::string> requested_sub_protocols,
36 std::vector<std::string> requested_extensions,
37 std::string* failure_message);
39 ~WebSocketBasicHandshakeStream() override;
41 // HttpStreamBase methods
42 int InitializeStream(const HttpRequestInfo* request_info,
43 RequestPriority priority,
44 const BoundNetLog& net_log,
45 const CompletionCallback& callback) override;
46 int SendRequest(const HttpRequestHeaders& request_headers,
47 HttpResponseInfo* response,
48 const CompletionCallback& callback) override;
49 int ReadResponseHeaders(const CompletionCallback& callback) override;
50 int ReadResponseBody(IOBuffer* buf,
51 int buf_len,
52 const CompletionCallback& callback) override;
53 void Close(bool not_reusable) override;
54 bool IsResponseBodyComplete() const override;
55 bool CanFindEndOfResponse() const override;
56 bool IsConnectionReused() const override;
57 void SetConnectionReused() override;
58 bool IsConnectionReusable() const override;
59 int64 GetTotalReceivedBytes() const override;
60 bool GetLoadTimingInfo(LoadTimingInfo* load_timing_info) const override;
61 void GetSSLInfo(SSLInfo* ssl_info) override;
62 void GetSSLCertRequestInfo(SSLCertRequestInfo* cert_request_info) override;
63 bool IsSpdyHttpStream() const override;
64 void Drain(HttpNetworkSession* session) override;
65 void SetPriority(RequestPriority priority) override;
66 UploadProgress GetUploadProgress() const override;
67 HttpStream* RenewStreamForAuth() override;
70 // This is called from the top level once correct handshake response headers
71 // have been received. It creates an appropriate subclass of WebSocketStream
72 // depending on what extensions were negotiated. This object is unusable after
73 // Upgrade() has been called and should be disposed of as soon as possible.
74 scoped_ptr<WebSocketStream> Upgrade() override;
76 // Set the value used for the next Sec-WebSocket-Key header
77 // deterministically. The key is only used once, and then discarded.
78 // For tests only.
79 void SetWebSocketKeyForTesting(const std::string& key);
81 private:
82 // A wrapper for the ReadResponseHeaders callback that checks whether or not
83 // the connection has been accepted.
84 void ReadResponseHeadersCallback(const CompletionCallback& callback,
85 int result);
87 void OnFinishOpeningHandshake();
89 // Validates the response and sends the finished handshake event.
90 int ValidateResponse(int rv);
92 // Check that the headers are well-formed for a 101 response, and returns
93 // OK if they are, otherwise returns ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE.
94 int ValidateUpgradeResponse(const HttpResponseHeaders* headers);
96 HttpStreamParser* parser() const { return state_.parser(); }
98 void set_failure_message(const std::string& failure_message);
100 // The request URL.
101 GURL url_;
103 // HttpBasicState holds most of the handshake-related state.
104 HttpBasicState state_;
106 // Owned by another object.
107 // |connect_delegate| will live during the lifetime of this object.
108 WebSocketStream::ConnectDelegate* connect_delegate_;
110 // This is stored in SendRequest() for use by ReadResponseHeaders().
111 HttpResponseInfo* http_response_info_;
113 // The key to be sent in the next Sec-WebSocket-Key header. Usually NULL (the
114 // key is generated on the fly).
115 scoped_ptr<std::string> handshake_challenge_for_testing_;
117 // The required value for the Sec-WebSocket-Accept header.
118 std::string handshake_challenge_response_;
120 // The sub-protocols we requested.
121 std::vector<std::string> requested_sub_protocols_;
123 // The extensions we requested.
124 std::vector<std::string> requested_extensions_;
126 // The sub-protocol selected by the server.
127 std::string sub_protocol_;
129 // The extension(s) selected by the server.
130 std::string extensions_;
132 // The extension parameters. The class is defined in the implementation file
133 // to avoid including extension-related header files here.
134 scoped_ptr<WebSocketExtensionParams> extension_params_;
136 std::string* failure_message_;
138 DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(WebSocketBasicHandshakeStream);
141 } // namespace net