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1 // Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "base/string_number_conversions.h"
6 #include "base/string_util.h"
7 #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h"
8 #include "chrome/browser/enumerate_modules_model_win.h"
9 #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
11 typedef public testing::Test EnumerateModulesTest;
13 // Set up some constants to use as default when creating the structs.
14 static const ModuleEnumerator::ModuleType kType =
15 ModuleEnumerator::LOADED_MODULE;
17 static const ModuleEnumerator::ModuleStatus kStatus =
18 ModuleEnumerator::NOT_MATCHED;
20 static const ModuleEnumerator::RecommendedAction kAction =
21 ModuleEnumerator::NONE;
23 // This is a list of test cases to normalize.
24 static const struct NormalizationEntryList {
25 ModuleEnumerator::Module test_case;
26 ModuleEnumerator::Module expected;
27 } kNormalizationTestCases[] = {
29 // Only path normalization needed.
30 {kType, kStatus, L"c:\\foo\\bar.dll", L"", L"Prod", L"Desc", L"1.0",
31 L"Sig", kAction},
32 {kType, kStatus, L"c:\\foo\\", L"bar.dll", L"Prod", L"Desc", L"1.0",
33 L"Sig", kAction},
34 }, {
35 // Lower case normalization.
36 {kType, kStatus, L"C:\\Foo\\Bar.dll", L"", L"", L"", L"1.0",
37 L"", kAction},
38 {kType, kStatus, L"c:\\foo\\", L"bar.dll", L"", L"", L"1.0",
39 L"", kAction},
40 }, {
41 // Version can include strings after the version number. Strip that away.
42 {kType, kStatus, L"c:\\foo.dll", L"", L"", L"", L"1.0 asdf",
43 L"", kAction},
44 {kType, kStatus, L"c:\\", L"foo.dll", L"", L"", L"1.0",
45 L"", kAction},
46 }, {
47 // Corner case: No path (not sure this will ever happen).
48 {kType, kStatus, L"bar.dll", L"", L"", L"", L"", L"", kAction},
49 {kType, kStatus, L"", L"bar.dll", L"", L"", L"", L"", kAction},
50 }, {
51 // Error case: Missing filename (not sure this will ever happen).
52 {kType, kStatus, L"", L"", L"", L"", L"1.0", L"", kAction},
53 {kType, kStatus, L"", L"", L"", L"", L"1.0", L"", kAction},
57 TEST_F(EnumerateModulesTest, NormalizeEntry) {
58 for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kNormalizationTestCases); ++i) {
59 ModuleEnumerator::Module test = kNormalizationTestCases[i].test_case;
60 EXPECT_FALSE(test.normalized);
61 ModuleEnumerator::NormalizeModule(&test);
62 ModuleEnumerator::Module expected = kNormalizationTestCases[i].expected;
64 SCOPED_TRACE("Test case no: " + base::IntToString(i));
65 EXPECT_EQ(expected.type, test.type);
66 EXPECT_EQ(expected.status, test.status);
67 EXPECT_STREQ(expected.location.c_str(), test.location.c_str());
69 EXPECT_STREQ(expected.product_name.c_str(), test.product_name.c_str());
70 EXPECT_STREQ(expected.description.c_str(), test.description.c_str());
71 EXPECT_STREQ(expected.version.c_str(), test.version.c_str());
72 EXPECT_STREQ(expected.digital_signer.c_str(), test.digital_signer.c_str());
73 EXPECT_EQ(expected.recommended_action, test.recommended_action);
74 EXPECT_TRUE(test.normalized);
78 const ModuleEnumerator::Module kStandardModule =
79 { kType, kStatus, L"c:\\foo\\bar.dll", L"", L"Prod", L"Desc", L"1.0", L"Sig",
80 ModuleEnumerator::NONE };
81 const ModuleEnumerator::Module kStandardModuleNoDescription =
82 { kType, kStatus, L"c:\\foo\\bar.dll", L"", L"Prod", L"", L"1.0", L"Sig",
83 ModuleEnumerator::NONE };
84 const ModuleEnumerator::Module kStandardModuleNoSignature =
85 { kType, kStatus, L"c:\\foo\\bar.dll", L"", L"Prod", L"Desc", L"1.0", L"",
86 ModuleEnumerator::NONE };
88 // Name, location, description and signature are compared by hashing.
89 static const char kMatchName[] = "88e8c9e0"; // "bar.dll".
90 static const char kNoMatchName[] = "barfoo.dll";
91 static const char kMatchLocation[] = "e6ca7b1c"; // "c:\\foo\\".
92 static const char kNoMatchLocation[] = "c:\\foobar\\";
93 static const char kMatchDesc[] = "5c4419a6"; // "Desc".
94 static const char kNoMatchDesc[] = "NoDesc";
95 static const char kVersionHigh[] = "2.0";
96 static const char kVersionLow[] = "0.5";
97 static const char kMatchSignature[] = "7bfd87e1"; // "Sig".
98 static const char kNoMatchSignature[] = "giS";
99 static const char kEmpty[] = "";
101 const struct MatchingEntryList {
102 ModuleEnumerator::ModuleStatus expected_result;
103 ModuleEnumerator::Module test_case;
104 ModuleEnumerator::BlacklistEntry blacklist;
105 } kMatchineEntryList[] = {
106 // Each BlacklistEntry is:
107 // Filename, location, desc_or_signer, version from, version to, help_tip.
109 { // Matches: Name (location doesn't match) => Not enough for a match.
110 ModuleEnumerator::NOT_MATCHED,
111 kStandardModule,
112 { kMatchName, kNoMatchLocation, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty,
113 ModuleEnumerator::SEE_LINK }
114 }, { // Matches: Name (location not given) => Suspected match.
115 ModuleEnumerator::SUSPECTED_BAD,
116 kStandardModule,
117 { kMatchName, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty,
118 ModuleEnumerator::SEE_LINK }
119 }, { // Matches: Name, not version (location not given) => Not a match.
120 ModuleEnumerator::NOT_MATCHED,
121 kStandardModule,
122 { kMatchName, kEmpty, kEmpty, kVersionHigh, kVersionHigh,
123 ModuleEnumerator::SEE_LINK }
124 }, { // Matches: Name, location => Suspected match.
125 ModuleEnumerator::SUSPECTED_BAD,
126 kStandardModule,
127 { kMatchName, kMatchLocation, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty,
128 ModuleEnumerator::SEE_LINK }
129 }, { // Matches: Name, location, (description not given) => Confirmed match.
130 ModuleEnumerator::CONFIRMED_BAD,
131 kStandardModuleNoDescription, // Note: No description.
132 { kMatchName, kMatchLocation, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty,
133 ModuleEnumerator::SEE_LINK }
134 }, { // Matches: Name, location, (signature not given) => Confirmed match.
135 ModuleEnumerator::CONFIRMED_BAD,
136 kStandardModuleNoSignature, // Note: No signature.
137 { kMatchName, kMatchLocation, kEmpty, kEmpty, kEmpty,
138 ModuleEnumerator::SEE_LINK }
139 }, { // Matches: Name, location (not version) => Not a match.
140 ModuleEnumerator::NOT_MATCHED,
141 kStandardModule,
142 { kMatchName, kMatchLocation, kEmpty, kVersionHigh, kVersionLow,
143 ModuleEnumerator::SEE_LINK }
144 }, { // Matches: Name, location, signature => Confirmed match.
145 ModuleEnumerator::CONFIRMED_BAD,
146 kStandardModule,
147 { kMatchName, kMatchLocation, kMatchSignature, kEmpty, kEmpty,
148 ModuleEnumerator::SEE_LINK }
149 }, { // Matches: Name, location, signature (not version) => No match.
150 ModuleEnumerator::NOT_MATCHED,
151 kStandardModule,
152 { kMatchName, kMatchLocation, kMatchSignature,
153 kVersionLow, kVersionLow, ModuleEnumerator::SEE_LINK }
154 }, { // Matches: Name, location, description => Confirmed match.
155 ModuleEnumerator::CONFIRMED_BAD,
156 kStandardModule,
157 { kMatchName, kMatchLocation, kMatchDesc, kEmpty, kEmpty,
158 ModuleEnumerator::SEE_LINK }
159 }, { // Matches: Name, location, description (not version) => No match.
160 ModuleEnumerator::NOT_MATCHED,
161 kStandardModule,
162 { kMatchName, kMatchLocation, kMatchDesc,
163 kVersionHigh, kVersionHigh, ModuleEnumerator::SEE_LINK }
164 }, { // Matches: Name, location, signature, version => Confirmed match.
165 ModuleEnumerator::CONFIRMED_BAD,
166 kStandardModule,
167 { kMatchName, kMatchLocation, kMatchSignature,
168 kVersionLow, kVersionHigh, ModuleEnumerator::SEE_LINK }
169 }, { // Matches: Name, location, signature, version (lower) => Confirmed.
170 ModuleEnumerator::CONFIRMED_BAD,
171 kStandardModule,
172 { kMatchName, kMatchLocation, kMatchSignature,
173 kVersionLow, kEmpty, ModuleEnumerator::SEE_LINK }
174 }, { // Matches: Name, location, signature, version (upper) => Confirmed.
175 ModuleEnumerator::CONFIRMED_BAD,
176 kStandardModule,
177 { kMatchName, kMatchLocation, kMatchSignature,
178 kEmpty, kVersionHigh, ModuleEnumerator::SEE_LINK }
179 }, { // Matches: Name, Location, Version lower is inclusive => Confirmed.
180 ModuleEnumerator::CONFIRMED_BAD,
181 kStandardModule,
182 { kMatchName, kMatchLocation, kMatchSignature,
183 "1.0", "2.0", ModuleEnumerator::SEE_LINK }
184 }, { // Matches: Name, Location, Version higher is exclusive => No match.
185 ModuleEnumerator::NOT_MATCHED,
186 kStandardModule,
187 { kMatchName, kMatchLocation, kEmpty,
188 "0.0", "1.0", ModuleEnumerator::SEE_LINK }
189 }, { // All empty fields doesn't produce a match.
190 ModuleEnumerator::NOT_MATCHED,
191 { kType, kStatus, L"", L"", L"", L"", L""},
192 { "a.dll", "", "", "", "", ModuleEnumerator::SEE_LINK }
196 TEST_F(EnumerateModulesTest, MatchFunction) {
197 for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kMatchineEntryList); ++i) {
198 ModuleEnumerator::Module test = kMatchineEntryList[i].test_case;
199 ModuleEnumerator::NormalizeModule(&test);
200 ModuleEnumerator::BlacklistEntry blacklist =
201 kMatchineEntryList[i].blacklist;
203 SCOPED_TRACE("Test case no " + base::IntToString(i) +
204 ": '" + UTF16ToASCII( + "'");
205 EXPECT_EQ(kMatchineEntryList[i].expected_result,
206 ModuleEnumerator::Match(test, blacklist));
210 const struct CollapsePathList {
211 string16 expected_result;
212 string16 test_case;
213 } kCollapsePathList[] = {
214 // Negative testing (should not collapse this path).
215 { ASCIIToUTF16("c:\\a\\a.dll"), ASCIIToUTF16("c:\\a\\a.dll") },
216 // These two are to test that we select the maximum collapsed path.
217 { ASCIIToUTF16("%foo%\\a.dll"), ASCIIToUTF16("c:\\foo\\a.dll") },
218 { ASCIIToUTF16("%x%\\a.dll"), ASCIIToUTF16("c:\\foo\\bar\\a.dll") },
221 TEST_F(EnumerateModulesTest, CollapsePath) {
222 scoped_refptr<ModuleEnumerator> module_enumerator(new ModuleEnumerator(NULL));
223 module_enumerator->path_mapping_.clear();
224 module_enumerator->path_mapping_.push_back(
225 std::make_pair(L"c:\\foo\\", L"%foo%"));
226 module_enumerator->path_mapping_.push_back(
227 std::make_pair(L"c:\\foo\\bar\\", L"%x%"));
229 for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kCollapsePathList); ++i) {
230 ModuleEnumerator::Module module;
231 module.location = kCollapsePathList[i].test_case;
232 module_enumerator->CollapsePath(&module);
234 SCOPED_TRACE("Test case no " + base::IntToString(i) +
235 ": '" + UTF16ToASCII(kCollapsePathList[i].expected_result) +
236 "'");
237 EXPECT_EQ(kCollapsePathList[i].expected_result, module.location);