ui: Stop converting Rect to RectF implicitly in native_theme_win.cc
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / components / test_runner / test_runner.gyp
1 # Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 # found in the LICENSE file.
6   'variables': {
7     # This turns on e.g. the filename-based detection of which
8     # platforms to include source files on (e.g. files ending in
9     # _mac.h or _mac.cc are only compiled on MacOSX).
10     'chromium_code': 1,
11   },
12   'targets': [
13     {
14       # GN version: //components/test_runner:test_runner
15       'target_name': 'test_runner',
16       'type': '<(component)',
17       'defines': [
19       ],
20       'dependencies': [
21         'resources',
22         '../../base/base.gyp:base',
23         '../../base/base.gyp:base_i18n',
24         '../../cc/cc.gyp:cc',
25         '../../cc/blink/cc_blink.gyp:cc_blink',
26         '../../gin/gin.gyp:gin',
27         '../../gpu/gpu.gyp:gpu',
28         '../../skia/skia.gyp:skia',
29         '../../third_party/WebKit/public/blink.gyp:blink',
30         '../../ui/events/events.gyp:dom_keycode_converter',
31         '../../ui/events/events.gyp:events_base',
32         '../../ui/gfx/gfx.gyp:gfx',
33         '../../ui/gfx/gfx.gyp:gfx_geometry',
34         '../../url/url.gyp:url_lib',
35         '../../v8/tools/gyp/v8.gyp:v8',
36       ],
37       'include_dirs': [
38         '..',
39       ],
40       # Note: sources list duplicated in GN build.
41       'sources': [
42         'accessibility_controller.cc',
43         'accessibility_controller.h',
44         'app_banner_client.cc',
45         'app_banner_client.h',
46         'event_sender.cc',
47         'event_sender.h',
48         'gamepad_controller.cc',
49         'gamepad_controller.h',
50         'mock_color_chooser.cc',
51         'mock_color_chooser.h',
52         'mock_constraints.cc',
53         'mock_constraints.h',
54         'mock_credential_manager_client.cc',
55         'mock_credential_manager_client.h',
56         'mock_grammar_check.cc',
57         'mock_grammar_check.h',
58         'mock_screen_orientation_client.cc',
59         'mock_screen_orientation_client.h',
60         'mock_spell_check.cc',
61         'mock_spell_check.h',
62         'mock_web_audio_device.cc',
63         'mock_web_audio_device.h',
64         'mock_web_media_stream_center.cc',
65         'mock_web_media_stream_center.h',
66         'mock_web_midi_accessor.cc',
67         'mock_web_midi_accessor.h',
68         'mock_web_speech_recognizer.cc',
69         'mock_web_speech_recognizer.h',
70         'mock_web_theme_engine.cc',
71         'mock_web_theme_engine.h',
72         'mock_web_user_media_client.cc',
73         'mock_web_user_media_client.h',
74         'mock_webrtc_data_channel_handler.cc',
75         'mock_webrtc_data_channel_handler.h',
76         'mock_webrtc_dtmf_sender_handler.cc',
77         'mock_webrtc_dtmf_sender_handler.h',
78         'mock_webrtc_peer_connection_handler.cc',
79         'mock_webrtc_peer_connection_handler.h',
80         'spell_check_client.cc',
81         'spell_check_client.h',
82         'test_common.cc',
83         'test_common.h',
84         'test_interfaces.cc',
85         'test_interfaces.h',
86         'test_plugin.cc',
87         'test_plugin.h',
88         'test_runner.cc',
89         'test_runner.h',
90         'test_runner_export.h',
91         'test_preferences.cc',
92         'test_preferences.h',
93         'text_input_controller.cc',
94         'text_input_controller.h',
95         'web_ax_object_proxy.cc',
96         'web_ax_object_proxy.h',
97         'web_content_settings.cc',
98         'web_content_settings.h',
99         'web_frame_test_proxy.h',
100         'web_task.cc',
101         'web_task.h',
102         'web_test_delegate.h',
103         'web_test_interfaces.cc',
104         'web_test_interfaces.h',
105         'web_test_proxy.cc',
106         'web_test_proxy.h',
107         'web_test_runner.h',
108       ],
109       'msvs_settings': {
110         'VCLinkerTool': {
111           'SubSystem': '2',  # Set /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS
112         },
113       },
114       'conditions': [
115         ['OS=="win" and win_use_allocator_shim==1', {
116           'dependencies': [
117             '../../base/allocator/allocator.gyp:allocator',
118           ],
119         }],
120         ['OS=="win"', {
121           'configurations': {
122             'Debug_Base': {
123               'msvs_settings': {
124                 'VCLinkerTool': {
125                   'LinkIncremental': '<(msvs_large_module_debug_link_mode)',
126                 },
127               },
128             },
129           },
130           # TODO(jschuh): crbug.com/167187 fix size_t to int truncations.
131           'msvs_disabled_warnings': [ 4267, ],
132         }],  # OS=="win"
133       ],
134     },
135     {
136       # GN version: //components/test_runner:resources
137       'target_name': 'resources',
138       'type': 'none',
139       'conditions': [
140         ['OS=="win"', {
141           'copies': [{
142             'destination': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)',
143             'files': ['resources/fonts/AHEM____.TTF'],
144           }],
145         }],
146         ['OS=="mac"', {
147           'all_dependent_settings': {
148             'mac_bundle_resources': [
149               'resources/fonts/AHEM____.TTF',
150               'resources/fonts/ChromiumAATTest.ttf',
151               '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/webkit/missingImage.png',
152               '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/webkit/textAreaResizeCorner.png',
153             ],
154           },
155         }],
156         ['use_x11 == 1', {
157           'copies': [{
158             'destination': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)',
159             'files': [
160               'resources/fonts/AHEM____.TTF',
161               'resources/fonts/fonts.conf',
162               '../../third_party/gardiner_mod/GardinerModBug.ttf',
163               '../../third_party/gardiner_mod/GardinerModCat.ttf',
164             ]
165           }],
166         }],
167         ['OS=="android"', {
168           'copies': [{
169             'destination': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)',
170             'files': [
171               'resources/fonts/AHEM____.TTF',
172               'resources/fonts/android_main_fonts.xml',
173               'resources/fonts/android_fallback_fonts.xml',
174             ]
175           }],
176         }],
177       ],
178     },
179   ],
180   'conditions': [
181     ['OS=="mac" or OS=="win"', {
182       'targets': [
183         {
184           # GN version: //components/test_runner:layout_test_helper
185           'target_name': 'layout_test_helper',
186           'type': 'executable',
187           'sources': [
188             'helper/layout_test_helper_mac.mm',
189             'helper/layout_test_helper_win.cc',
190           ],
191           'conditions': [
192             ['OS=="mac"', {
193               'link_settings': {
194                 'libraries': [
195                   '$(SDKROOT)/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework',
196                 ],
197               },
198             }],
199           ],
200         },
201       ],
202     }],  # OS=="mac" or OS=="win"
203   ]