Allow resize-to-client to be enabled by the user.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / ipc /
1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "ipc/ipc_channel_nacl.h"
7 #include <errno.h>
8 #include <stddef.h>
9 #include <sys/nacl_imc_api.h>
10 #include <sys/nacl_syscalls.h>
11 #include <sys/types.h>
13 #include <algorithm>
15 #include "base/bind.h"
16 #include "base/file_util.h"
17 #include "base/logging.h"
18 #include "base/message_loop_proxy.h"
19 #include "base/process_util.h"
20 #include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
21 #include "base/task_runner_util.h"
22 #include "base/threading/simple_thread.h"
23 #include "ipc/file_descriptor_set_posix.h"
24 #include "ipc/ipc_logging.h"
26 namespace IPC {
28 struct MessageContents {
29 std::vector<char> data;
30 std::vector<int> fds;
33 namespace {
35 bool ReadDataOnReaderThread(int pipe, MessageContents* contents) {
36 DCHECK(pipe >= 0);
37 if (pipe < 0)
38 return false;
40 contents->data.resize(Channel::kReadBufferSize);
41 contents->fds.resize(FileDescriptorSet::kMaxDescriptorsPerMessage);
43 NaClImcMsgIoVec iov = { &contents->data[0], contents->data.size() };
44 NaClImcMsgHdr msg = { &iov, 1, &contents->fds[0], contents->fds.size() };
46 int bytes_read = imc_recvmsg(pipe, &msg, 0);
48 if (bytes_read <= 0) {
49 // NaClIPCAdapter::BlockingReceive returns -1 when the pipe closes (either
50 // due to error or for regular shutdown).
51 contents->data.clear();
52 contents->fds.clear();
53 return false;
55 DCHECK(bytes_read);
56 // Resize the buffers down to the number of bytes and fds we actually read.
57 contents->data.resize(bytes_read);
58 contents->fds.resize(msg.desc_length);
59 return true;
62 } // namespace
64 class Channel::ChannelImpl::ReaderThreadRunner
65 : public base::DelegateSimpleThread::Delegate {
66 public:
67 // |pipe|: A file descriptor from which we will read using imc_recvmsg.
68 // |data_read_callback|: A callback we invoke (on the main thread) when we
69 // have read data.
70 // |failure_callback|: A callback we invoke when we have a failure reading
71 // from |pipe|.
72 // |main_message_loop|: A proxy for the main thread, where we will invoke the
73 // above callbacks.
74 ReaderThreadRunner(
75 int pipe,
76 base::Callback<void (scoped_ptr<MessageContents>)> data_read_callback,
77 base::Callback<void ()> failure_callback,
78 scoped_refptr<base::MessageLoopProxy> main_message_loop);
80 // DelegateSimpleThread implementation. Reads data from the pipe in a loop
81 // until either we are told to quit or a read fails.
82 virtual void Run() OVERRIDE;
84 private:
85 int pipe_;
86 base::Callback<void (scoped_ptr<MessageContents>)> data_read_callback_;
87 base::Callback<void ()> failure_callback_;
88 scoped_refptr<base::MessageLoopProxy> main_message_loop_;
90 DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ReaderThreadRunner);
93 Channel::ChannelImpl::ReaderThreadRunner::ReaderThreadRunner(
94 int pipe,
95 base::Callback<void (scoped_ptr<MessageContents>)> data_read_callback,
96 base::Callback<void ()> failure_callback,
97 scoped_refptr<base::MessageLoopProxy> main_message_loop)
98 : pipe_(pipe),
99 data_read_callback_(data_read_callback),
100 failure_callback_(failure_callback),
101 main_message_loop_(main_message_loop) {
104 void Channel::ChannelImpl::ReaderThreadRunner::Run() {
105 while (true) {
106 scoped_ptr<MessageContents> msg_contents(new MessageContents);
107 bool success = ReadDataOnReaderThread(pipe_, msg_contents.get());
108 if (success) {
109 main_message_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
110 base::Bind(data_read_callback_, base::Passed(msg_contents.Pass())));
111 } else {
112 main_message_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, failure_callback_);
113 // Because the read failed, we know we're going to quit. Don't bother
114 // trying to read again.
115 return;
120 Channel::ChannelImpl::ChannelImpl(const IPC::ChannelHandle& channel_handle,
121 Mode mode,
122 Listener* listener)
123 : ChannelReader(listener),
124 mode_(mode),
125 waiting_connect_(true),
126 pipe_(-1),
127 pipe_name_(,
128 weak_ptr_factory_(ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(this)) {
129 if (!CreatePipe(channel_handle)) {
130 // The pipe may have been closed already.
131 const char *modestr = (mode_ & MODE_SERVER_FLAG) ? "server" : "client";
132 LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to create pipe named \"" <<
133 << "\" in " << modestr << " mode";
137 Channel::ChannelImpl::~ChannelImpl() {
138 Close();
141 bool Channel::ChannelImpl::Connect() {
142 if (pipe_ == -1) {
143 DLOG(INFO) << "Channel creation failed: " << pipe_name_;
144 return false;
147 // Note that Connect is called on the "Channel" thread (i.e., the same thread
148 // where Channel::Send will be called, and the same thread that should receive
149 // messages). The constructor might be invoked on another thread (see
150 // ChannelProxy for an example of that). Therefore, we must wait until Connect
151 // is called to decide which MessageLoopProxy to pass to ReaderThreadRunner.
152 reader_thread_runner_.reset(
153 new ReaderThreadRunner(
154 pipe_,
155 base::Bind(&Channel::ChannelImpl::DidRecvMsg,
156 weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()),
157 base::Bind(&Channel::ChannelImpl::ReadDidFail,
158 weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()),
159 base::MessageLoopProxy::current()));
160 reader_thread_.reset(
161 new base::DelegateSimpleThread(reader_thread_runner_.get(),
162 "ipc_channel_nacl reader thread"));
163 reader_thread_->Start();
164 waiting_connect_ = false;
165 // If there were any messages queued before connection, send them.
166 ProcessOutgoingMessages();
167 return true;
170 void Channel::ChannelImpl::Close() {
171 // For now, we assume that at shutdown, the reader thread will be woken with
172 // a failure (see NaClIPCAdapter::BlockingRead and CloseChannel). Or... we
173 // might simply be killed with no chance to clean up anyway :-).
174 // If untrusted code tries to close the channel prior to shutdown, it's likely
175 // to hang.
176 // TODO(dmichael): Can we do anything smarter here to make sure the reader
177 // thread wakes up and quits?
178 reader_thread_->Join();
179 close(pipe_);
180 pipe_ = -1;
181 reader_thread_runner_.reset();
182 reader_thread_.reset();
183 read_queue_.clear();
184 output_queue_.clear();
187 bool Channel::ChannelImpl::Send(Message* message) {
188 DVLOG(2) << "sending message @" << message << " on channel @" << this
189 << " with type " << message->type();
190 scoped_ptr<Message> message_ptr(message);
193 Logging::GetInstance()->OnSendMessage(message_ptr.get(), "");
196 message->TraceMessageBegin();
197 output_queue_.push_back(linked_ptr<Message>(message_ptr.release()));
198 if (!waiting_connect_)
199 return ProcessOutgoingMessages();
201 return true;
204 void Channel::ChannelImpl::DidRecvMsg(scoped_ptr<MessageContents> contents) {
205 // Close sets the pipe to -1. It's possible we'll get a buffer sent to us from
206 // the reader thread after Close is called. If so, we ignore it.
207 if (pipe_ == -1)
208 return;
210 linked_ptr<std::vector<char> > data(new std::vector<char>);
211 data->swap(contents->data);
212 read_queue_.push_back(data);
214 input_fds_.insert(input_fds_.end(),
215 contents->fds.begin(), contents->fds.end());
216 contents->fds.clear();
218 // In POSIX, we would be told when there are bytes to read by implementing
219 // OnFileCanReadWithoutBlocking in MessageLoopForIO::Watcher. In NaCl, we
220 // instead know at this point because the reader thread posted some data to
221 // us.
222 ProcessIncomingMessages();
225 void Channel::ChannelImpl::ReadDidFail() {
226 Close();
229 bool Channel::ChannelImpl::CreatePipe(
230 const IPC::ChannelHandle& channel_handle) {
231 DCHECK(pipe_ == -1);
233 // There's one possible case in NaCl:
234 // 1) It's a channel wrapping a pipe that is given to us.
235 // We don't support these:
236 // 2) It's for a named channel.
237 // 3) It's for a client that we implement ourself.
238 // 4) It's the initial IPC channel.
240 if (channel_handle.socket.fd == -1) {
242 return false;
244 pipe_ = channel_handle.socket.fd;
245 return true;
248 bool Channel::ChannelImpl::ProcessOutgoingMessages() {
249 DCHECK(!waiting_connect_); // Why are we trying to send messages if there's
250 // no connection?
251 if (output_queue_.empty())
252 return true;
254 if (pipe_ == -1)
255 return false;
257 // Write out all the messages. The trusted implementation is guaranteed to not
258 // block. See NaClIPCAdapter::Send for the implementation of imc_sendmsg.
259 while (!output_queue_.empty()) {
260 linked_ptr<Message> msg = output_queue_.front();
261 output_queue_.pop_front();
263 int fds[FileDescriptorSet::kMaxDescriptorsPerMessage];
264 const size_t num_fds = msg->file_descriptor_set()->size();
265 DCHECK(num_fds <= FileDescriptorSet::kMaxDescriptorsPerMessage);
266 msg->file_descriptor_set()->GetDescriptors(fds);
268 NaClImcMsgIoVec iov = { const_cast<void*>(msg->data()), msg->size() };
269 NaClImcMsgHdr msgh = { &iov, 1, fds, num_fds };
270 ssize_t bytes_written = imc_sendmsg(pipe_, &msgh, 0);
272 DCHECK(bytes_written); // The trusted side shouldn't return 0.
273 if (bytes_written < 0) {
274 // The trusted side should only ever give us an error of EPIPE. We
275 // should never be interrupted, nor should we get EAGAIN.
276 DCHECK(errno == EPIPE);
277 Close();
278 PLOG(ERROR) << "pipe_ error on "
279 << pipe_
280 << " Currently writing message of size: "
281 << msg->size();
282 return false;
283 } else {
284 msg->file_descriptor_set()->CommitAll();
287 // Message sent OK!
288 DVLOG(2) << "sent message @" << msg.get() << " with type " << msg->type()
289 << " on fd " << pipe_;
291 return true;
294 Channel::ChannelImpl::ReadState Channel::ChannelImpl::ReadData(
295 char* buffer,
296 int buffer_len,
297 int* bytes_read) {
298 *bytes_read = 0;
299 if (pipe_ == -1)
300 return READ_FAILED;
301 if (read_queue_.empty())
302 return READ_PENDING;
303 while (!read_queue_.empty() && *bytes_read < buffer_len) {
304 linked_ptr<std::vector<char> > vec(read_queue_.front());
305 size_t bytes_to_read = buffer_len - *bytes_read;
306 if (vec->size() <= bytes_to_read) {
307 // We can read and discard the entire vector.
308 std::copy(vec->begin(), vec->end(), buffer + *bytes_read);
309 *bytes_read += vec->size();
310 read_queue_.pop_front();
311 } else {
312 // Read all the bytes we can and discard them from the front of the
313 // vector. (This can be slowish, since erase has to move the back of the
314 // vector to the front, but it's hopefully a temporary hack and it keeps
315 // the code simple).
316 std::copy(vec->begin(), vec->begin() + bytes_to_read,
317 buffer + *bytes_read);
318 vec->erase(vec->begin(), vec->begin() + bytes_to_read);
319 *bytes_read += bytes_to_read;
322 return READ_SUCCEEDED;
325 bool Channel::ChannelImpl::WillDispatchInputMessage(Message* msg) {
326 uint16 header_fds = msg->header()->num_fds;
327 CHECK(header_fds == input_fds_.size());
328 if (header_fds == 0)
329 return true; // Nothing to do.
331 // The shenaniganery below with &foo.front() requires input_fds_ to have
332 // contiguous underlying storage (such as a simple array or a std::vector).
333 // This is why the header warns not to make input_fds_ a deque<>.
334 msg->file_descriptor_set()->SetDescriptors(&input_fds_.front(),
335 header_fds);
336 input_fds_.clear();
337 return true;
340 bool Channel::ChannelImpl::DidEmptyInputBuffers() {
341 // When the input data buffer is empty, the fds should be too.
342 return input_fds_.empty();
345 void Channel::ChannelImpl::HandleHelloMessage(const Message& msg) {
346 // The trusted side IPC::Channel should handle the "hello" handshake; we
347 // should not receive the "Hello" message.
351 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
352 // Channel's methods simply call through to ChannelImpl.
354 Channel::Channel(const IPC::ChannelHandle& channel_handle,
355 Mode mode,
356 Listener* listener)
357 : channel_impl_(new ChannelImpl(channel_handle, mode, listener)) {
360 Channel::~Channel() {
361 delete channel_impl_;
364 bool Channel::Connect() {
365 return channel_impl_->Connect();
368 void Channel::Close() {
369 channel_impl_->Close();
372 base::ProcessId Channel::peer_pid() const {
373 // This shouldn't actually get used in the untrusted side of the proxy, and we
374 // don't have the real pid anyway.
375 return -1;
378 bool Channel::Send(Message* message) {
379 return channel_impl_->Send(message);
382 } // namespace IPC