Also include selected state when returning AXValue.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome_frame /
1 // Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "chrome_frame/vtable_patch_manager.h"
7 #include <unknwn.h>
9 #include "base/message_loop.h"
10 #include "base/threading/thread.h"
11 #include "base/win/scoped_handle.h"
12 #include "gtest/gtest.h"
13 #include "gmock/gmock.h"
15 namespace {
16 // GMock names we use.
17 using testing::_;
18 using testing::Return;
20 class MockClassFactory : public IClassFactory {
21 public:
22 MOCK_METHOD2_WITH_CALLTYPE(__stdcall, QueryInterface,
23 HRESULT(REFIID riid, void **object));
24 MOCK_METHOD0_WITH_CALLTYPE(__stdcall, AddRef, ULONG());
25 MOCK_METHOD0_WITH_CALLTYPE(__stdcall, Release, ULONG());
26 MOCK_METHOD3_WITH_CALLTYPE(__stdcall, CreateInstance,
27 HRESULT (IUnknown *outer, REFIID riid, void **object));
28 MOCK_METHOD1_WITH_CALLTYPE(__stdcall, LockServer, HRESULT(BOOL lock));
31 // Retrieve the vtable for an interface.
32 void* GetVtable(IUnknown* unk) {
33 return *reinterpret_cast<void**>(unk);
36 // Forward decl.
37 extern vtable_patch::MethodPatchInfo IClassFactory_PatchInfo[];
39 class VtablePatchManagerTest: public testing::Test {
40 public:
41 VtablePatchManagerTest() {
42 EXPECT_TRUE(current_ == NULL);
43 current_ = this;
46 ~VtablePatchManagerTest() {
47 EXPECT_TRUE(current_ == this);
48 current_ = NULL;
51 virtual void SetUp() {
52 // Make a backup of the test vtable and it's page protection settings.
53 void* vtable = GetVtable(&factory_);
55 ASSERT_TRUE(::VirtualQuery(vtable, &info, sizeof(info)));
56 vtable_protection_ = info.Protect;
57 memcpy(vtable_backup_, vtable, sizeof(vtable_backup_));
60 virtual void TearDown() {
61 // Unpatch to make sure we've restored state for subsequent test.
62 UnpatchInterfaceMethods(IClassFactory_PatchInfo);
64 // Restore the test vtable and its page protection settings.
65 void* vtable = GetVtable(&factory_);
66 DWORD old_protect = 0;
67 EXPECT_TRUE(::VirtualProtect(vtable, sizeof(vtable_backup_),
68 PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY, &old_protect));
69 memcpy(vtable, vtable_backup_, sizeof(vtable_backup_));
70 EXPECT_TRUE(::VirtualProtect(vtable, sizeof(vtable_backup_),
71 vtable_protection_, &old_protect));
74 typedef HRESULT (__stdcall* LockServerFun)(IClassFactory* self, BOOL lock);
75 MOCK_METHOD3(LockServerPatch,
76 HRESULT(LockServerFun old_fun, IClassFactory* self, BOOL lock));
78 static HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE LockServerPatchCallback(
79 LockServerFun fun, IClassFactory* self, BOOL lock) {
80 EXPECT_TRUE(current_ != NULL);
81 if (current_ != NULL)
82 return current_->LockServerPatch(fun, self, lock);
83 else
84 return E_UNEXPECTED;
87 protected:
88 // Number of functions in the IClassFactory vtable.
89 static const size_t kFunctionCount = 5;
91 // Backup of the factory_ vtable as we found it at Setup.
92 PROC vtable_backup_[kFunctionCount];
93 // VirtualProtect flags on the factory_ vtable as we found it at Setup.
94 DWORD vtable_protection_;
96 // The mock factory class we patch.
97 MockClassFactory factory_;
99 // Current test running for routing the patch callback function.
100 static VtablePatchManagerTest* current_;
103 VtablePatchManagerTest* VtablePatchManagerTest::current_ = NULL;
106 VTABLE_PATCH_ENTRY(4, &VtablePatchManagerTest::LockServerPatchCallback)
109 } // namespace
111 TEST_F(VtablePatchManagerTest, ReplacePointer) {
112 void* const kFunctionOriginal = reinterpret_cast<void*>(0xCAFEBABE);
113 void* const kFunctionFoo = reinterpret_cast<void*>(0xF0F0F0F0);
114 void* const kFunctionBar = reinterpret_cast<void*>(0xBABABABA);
116 using vtable_patch::internal::ReplaceFunctionPointer;
117 // Replacing a non-writable location should fail, but not crash.
118 EXPECT_FALSE(ReplaceFunctionPointer(NULL, kFunctionBar, kFunctionFoo));
120 void* foo_entry = kFunctionOriginal;
121 // Replacing with the wrong original function should
122 // fail and not change the entry.
123 EXPECT_FALSE(ReplaceFunctionPointer(&foo_entry, kFunctionBar, kFunctionFoo));
124 EXPECT_EQ(foo_entry, kFunctionOriginal);
126 // Replacing with the correct original should succeed.
127 EXPECT_TRUE(ReplaceFunctionPointer(&foo_entry,
128 kFunctionBar,
129 kFunctionOriginal));
130 EXPECT_EQ(foo_entry, kFunctionBar);
133 TEST_F(VtablePatchManagerTest, PatchInterfaceMethods) {
134 // Unpatched.
135 EXPECT_CALL(factory_, LockServer(TRUE))
136 .WillOnce(Return(E_FAIL));
137 EXPECT_EQ(E_FAIL, factory_.LockServer(TRUE));
140 PatchInterfaceMethods(&factory_, IClassFactory_PatchInfo));
142 EXPECT_NE(0, memcmp(GetVtable(&factory_),
143 vtable_backup_,
144 sizeof(vtable_backup_)));
146 // This should not be called while the patch is in effect.
147 EXPECT_CALL(factory_, LockServer(_))
148 .Times(0);
150 EXPECT_CALL(*this, LockServerPatch(testing::_, &factory_, TRUE))
151 .WillOnce(testing::Return(S_FALSE));
153 EXPECT_EQ(S_FALSE, factory_.LockServer(TRUE));
156 TEST_F(VtablePatchManagerTest, UnpatchInterfaceMethods) {
157 // Patch it.
159 PatchInterfaceMethods(&factory_, IClassFactory_PatchInfo));
161 EXPECT_NE(0, memcmp(GetVtable(&factory_),
162 vtable_backup_,
163 sizeof(vtable_backup_)));
165 // This should not be called while the patch is in effect.
166 EXPECT_CALL(factory_, LockServer(testing::_))
167 .Times(0);
169 EXPECT_CALL(*this, LockServerPatch(testing::_, &factory_, TRUE))
170 .WillOnce(testing::Return(S_FALSE));
172 EXPECT_EQ(S_FALSE, factory_.LockServer(TRUE));
174 // Now unpatch.
176 UnpatchInterfaceMethods(IClassFactory_PatchInfo));
178 // And check that the call comes through correctly.
179 EXPECT_CALL(factory_, LockServer(FALSE))
180 .WillOnce(testing::Return(E_FAIL));
181 EXPECT_EQ(E_FAIL, factory_.LockServer(FALSE));
184 TEST_F(VtablePatchManagerTest, DoublePatch) {
185 // Patch it.
187 PatchInterfaceMethods(&factory_, IClassFactory_PatchInfo));
189 // Capture the VTable after patching.
190 PROC vtable[kFunctionCount];
191 memcpy(vtable, GetVtable(&factory_), sizeof(vtable));
193 // Patch it again, this should be idempotent.
195 PatchInterfaceMethods(&factory_, IClassFactory_PatchInfo));
197 // Should not have changed the VTable on second call.
198 EXPECT_EQ(0, memcmp(vtable, GetVtable(&factory_), sizeof(vtable)));
201 namespace vtable_patch {
202 // Expose internal implementation detail, purely for testing.
203 extern base::Lock patch_lock_;
205 } // namespace vtable_patch
207 TEST_F(VtablePatchManagerTest, ThreadSafePatching) {
208 // It's difficult to test for threadsafe patching, but as a close proxy,
209 // test for no patching happening from a background thread while the patch
210 // lock is held.
211 base::Thread background("Background Test Thread");
213 EXPECT_TRUE(background.Start());
214 base::win::ScopedHandle event(::CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL));
216 // Grab the patch lock.
217 vtable_patch::patch_lock_.Acquire();
219 // Instruct the background thread to patch factory_.
220 background.message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
221 NewRunnableFunction(&vtable_patch::PatchInterfaceMethods,
222 &factory_,
223 &IClassFactory_PatchInfo[0]));
225 // And subsequently to signal the event. Neither of these actions should
226 // occur until we've released the patch lock.
227 background.message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
228 NewRunnableFunction(::SetEvent, event.Get()));
230 // Wait for a little while, to give the background thread time to process.
231 // We expect this wait to time out, as the background thread should end up
232 // blocking on the patch lock.
233 EXPECT_EQ(WAIT_TIMEOUT, ::WaitForSingleObject(event.Get(), 50));
235 // Verify that patching did not take place yet.
236 EXPECT_CALL(factory_, LockServer(TRUE))
237 .WillOnce(Return(S_FALSE));
238 EXPECT_EQ(S_FALSE, factory_.LockServer(TRUE));
240 // Release the lock and wait on the event again to ensure
241 // the patching has taken place now.
242 vtable_patch::patch_lock_.Release();
243 EXPECT_EQ(WAIT_OBJECT_0, ::WaitForSingleObject(event.Get(), INFINITE));
245 // We should not get called here anymore.
246 EXPECT_CALL(factory_, LockServer(TRUE))
247 .Times(0);
249 // But should be diverted here.
250 EXPECT_CALL(*this, LockServerPatch(_, &factory_, TRUE))
251 .WillOnce(Return(S_FALSE));
252 EXPECT_EQ(S_FALSE, factory_.LockServer(TRUE));
254 // Same deal for unpatching.
255 ::ResetEvent(event.Get());
257 // Grab the patch lock.
258 vtable_patch::patch_lock_.Acquire();
260 // Instruct the background thread to unpatch.
261 background.message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
262 NewRunnableFunction(&vtable_patch::UnpatchInterfaceMethods,
263 &IClassFactory_PatchInfo[0]));
265 // And subsequently to signal the event. Neither of these actions should
266 // occur until we've released the patch lock.
267 background.message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
268 NewRunnableFunction(::SetEvent, event.Get()));
270 // Wait for a little while, to give the background thread time to process.
271 // We expect this wait to time out, as the background thread should end up
272 // blocking on the patch lock.
273 EXPECT_EQ(WAIT_TIMEOUT, ::WaitForSingleObject(event.Get(), 50));
275 // We should still be patched.
276 EXPECT_CALL(factory_, LockServer(TRUE))
277 .Times(0);
278 EXPECT_CALL(*this, LockServerPatch(_, &factory_, TRUE))
279 .WillOnce(Return(S_FALSE));
280 EXPECT_EQ(S_FALSE, factory_.LockServer(TRUE));
282 // Release the patch lock and wait on the event.
283 vtable_patch::patch_lock_.Release();
284 EXPECT_EQ(WAIT_OBJECT_0, ::WaitForSingleObject(event.Get(), INFINITE));
286 // Verify that unpatching took place.
287 EXPECT_CALL(factory_, LockServer(TRUE))
288 .WillOnce(Return(S_FALSE));
289 EXPECT_EQ(S_FALSE, factory_.LockServer(TRUE));