Also include selected state when returning AXValue.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome_frame /
1 # Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 # found in the LICENSE file.
5 # TODO(slightlyoff): move to using shared version of this script.
7 '''This script makes it easy to combine libs and object files to a new lib,
8 optionally removing some of the object files in the input libs by regular
9 expression matching.
10 For usage information, run the script with a --help argument.
11 '''
12 import optparse
13 import os
14 import re
15 import subprocess
16 import sys
19 def Shell(*args):
20 '''Runs the program and args in args, returns the output from the program.'''
21 process = subprocess.Popen(args,
22 stdin = None,
23 stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
24 stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)
25 output = process.stdout.readlines()
26 process.wait()
27 retcode = process.returncode
28 if retcode != 0:
29 raise RuntimeError('%s exited with status %d' % (args[0], retcode))
30 return output
33 def CollectRemovals(remove_re, inputs):
34 '''Returns a list of all object files in inputs that match remove_re.'''
35 removals = []
36 for input in inputs:
37 output = Shell('lib.exe', '/list', input)
39 for line in output:
40 line = line.rstrip()
41 if
42 removals.append(line)
44 return removals
47 def CombineLibraries(output, remove_re, inputs):
48 '''Combines all the libraries and objects in inputs, while removing any
49 object files that match remove_re.
50 '''
51 removals = []
52 if remove_re:
53 removals = CollectRemovals(remove_re, inputs)
55 print removals
57 args = ['lib.exe', '/out:%s' % output]
58 args += ['/remove:%s' % obj for obj in removals]
59 args += inputs
60 Shell(*args)
63 USAGE = '''usage: %prog [options] <lib or obj>+
65 Combines input libraries or objects into an output library, while removing
66 any object file (in the input libraries) that matches a given regular
67 expression.
68 '''
70 def GetOptionParser():
71 parser = optparse.OptionParser(USAGE)
72 parser.add_option('-o', '--output', dest = 'output',
73 help = 'write to this output library')
74 parser.add_option('-r', '--remove', dest = 'remove',
75 help = 'object files matching this regexp will be removed '
76 'from the output library')
77 return parser
80 def Main():
81 '''Main function for this script'''
82 parser = GetOptionParser()
83 (opt, args) = parser.parse_args()
84 output = opt.output
85 remove = opt.remove
86 if not output:
87 parser.error('You must specify an output file')
89 if not args:
90 parser.error('You must specify at least one object or library')
92 output = output.strip()
93 remove = remove.strip()
95 if remove:
96 try:
97 remove_re = re.compile(opt.remove)
98 except:
99 parser.error('%s is not a valid regular expression' % opt.remove)
100 else:
101 remove_re = None
103 if sys.platform != 'win32' and sys.platform != 'cygwin':
104 parser.error('this script only works on Windows for now')
106 # If this is set, we can't capture lib.exe's output.
107 if 'VS_UNICODE_OUTPUT' in os.environ:
108 del os.environ['VS_UNICODE_OUTPUT']
110 CombineLibraries(output, remove_re, args)
113 if __name__ == '__main__':
114 Main()