Move ShellWindowGeometryCache into apps
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / apps /
1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "apps/shell_window_geometry_cache.h"
6 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
7 #include "base/prefs/mock_pref_change_callback.h"
8 #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
9 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_prefs.h"
10 #include "chrome/browser/extensions/test_extension_prefs.h"
11 #include "chrome/test/base/testing_profile.h"
12 #include "content/public/test/test_browser_thread.h"
13 #include "content/public/test/test_utils.h"
14 #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
16 namespace {
17 static const char kWindowId[] = "windowid";
18 static const char kWindowId2[] = "windowid2";
20 const char kWindowGeometryKey[] = "window_geometry";
21 } // namespace
23 using content::BrowserThread;
25 namespace apps {
27 // Base class for tests.
28 class ShellWindowGeometryCacheTest : public testing::Test {
29 public:
30 ShellWindowGeometryCacheTest() :
31 ui_thread_(BrowserThread::UI, &ui_message_loop_) {
32 prefs_.reset(new extensions::TestExtensionPrefs(
33 ui_message_loop_.message_loop_proxy()));
34 cache_.reset(
35 new ShellWindowGeometryCache(&profile_, prefs_->prefs()));
36 cache_->SetSyncDelayForTests(0);
39 void AddGeometryAndLoadExtension(
40 const std::string& extension_id,
41 const std::string& window_id,
42 const gfx::Rect& bounds,
43 ui::WindowShowState state);
45 // Spins the UI threads' message loops to make sure any task
46 // posted to sync the geometry to the value store gets a chance to run.
47 void WaitForSync();
49 void LoadExtension(const std::string& extension_id);
50 void UnloadExtension(const std::string& extension_id);
52 protected:
53 TestingProfile profile_;
54 MessageLoopForUI ui_message_loop_;
55 content::TestBrowserThread ui_thread_;
56 scoped_ptr<extensions::TestExtensionPrefs> prefs_;
57 scoped_ptr<ShellWindowGeometryCache> cache_;
60 void ShellWindowGeometryCacheTest::AddGeometryAndLoadExtension(
61 const std::string& extension_id,
62 const std::string& window_id,
63 const gfx::Rect& bounds,
64 ui::WindowShowState state) {
65 scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> dict(new base::DictionaryValue);
66 base::DictionaryValue* value = new base::DictionaryValue;
67 value->SetInteger("x", bounds.x());
68 value->SetInteger("y", bounds.y());
69 value->SetInteger("w", bounds.width());
70 value->SetInteger("h", bounds.height());
71 value->SetInteger("state", state);
72 dict->SetWithoutPathExpansion(window_id, value);
73 prefs_->prefs()->SetGeometryCache(extension_id, dict.Pass());
74 LoadExtension(extension_id);
77 void ShellWindowGeometryCacheTest::WaitForSync() {
78 content::RunAllPendingInMessageLoop();
81 void ShellWindowGeometryCacheTest::LoadExtension(
82 const std::string& extension_id) {
83 cache_->OnExtensionLoaded(extension_id);
84 WaitForSync();
87 void ShellWindowGeometryCacheTest::UnloadExtension(
88 const std::string& extension_id) {
89 cache_->OnExtensionUnloaded(extension_id);
90 WaitForSync();
93 // Test getting geometry from an empty store.
94 TEST_F(ShellWindowGeometryCacheTest, GetGeometryEmptyStore) {
95 const std::string extension_id = prefs_->AddExtensionAndReturnId("ext1");
96 ASSERT_FALSE(cache_->GetGeometry(extension_id, kWindowId, NULL, NULL));
99 // Test getting geometry for an unknown extension.
100 TEST_F(ShellWindowGeometryCacheTest, GetGeometryUnkownExtension) {
101 const std::string extension_id1 = prefs_->AddExtensionAndReturnId("ext1");
102 const std::string extension_id2 = prefs_->AddExtensionAndReturnId("ext2");
103 AddGeometryAndLoadExtension(extension_id1, kWindowId,
104 gfx::Rect(4, 5, 31, 43),
106 ASSERT_FALSE(cache_->GetGeometry(extension_id2, kWindowId, NULL, NULL));
109 // Test getting geometry for an unknown window in a known extension.
110 TEST_F(ShellWindowGeometryCacheTest, GetGeometryUnkownWindow) {
111 const std::string extension_id = prefs_->AddExtensionAndReturnId("ext1");
112 AddGeometryAndLoadExtension(extension_id, kWindowId,
113 gfx::Rect(4, 5, 31, 43),
115 ASSERT_FALSE(cache_->GetGeometry(extension_id, kWindowId2, NULL, NULL));
118 // Test that loading geometry and state from the store works correctly.
119 TEST_F(ShellWindowGeometryCacheTest, GetGeometryAndStateFromStore) {
120 const std::string extension_id = prefs_->AddExtensionAndReturnId("ext1");
121 gfx::Rect bounds(4, 5, 31, 43);
122 ui::WindowShowState state = ui::SHOW_STATE_NORMAL;
123 AddGeometryAndLoadExtension(extension_id, kWindowId, bounds, state);
124 gfx::Rect new_bounds;
125 ui::WindowShowState new_state = ui::SHOW_STATE_DEFAULT;
126 ASSERT_TRUE(cache_->GetGeometry(
127 extension_id, kWindowId, &new_bounds, &new_state));
128 ASSERT_EQ(bounds, new_bounds);
129 ASSERT_EQ(state, new_state);
132 // Test saving geometry and state to the cache and state store, and reading
133 // it back.
134 TEST_F(ShellWindowGeometryCacheTest, SaveGeometryAndStateToStore) {
135 const std::string extension_id = prefs_->AddExtensionAndReturnId("ext1");
136 const std::string window_id(kWindowId);
138 // inform cache of extension
139 LoadExtension(extension_id);
141 // update geometry stored in cache
142 gfx::Rect bounds(4, 5, 31, 43);
143 ui::WindowShowState state = ui::SHOW_STATE_NORMAL;
144 cache_->SaveGeometry(extension_id, window_id, bounds, state);
146 // make sure that immediately reading back geometry works
147 gfx::Rect new_bounds;
148 ui::WindowShowState new_state = ui::SHOW_STATE_DEFAULT;
149 ASSERT_TRUE(cache_->GetGeometry(
150 extension_id, window_id, &new_bounds, &new_state));
151 ASSERT_EQ(bounds, new_bounds);
152 ASSERT_EQ(state, new_state);
154 // unload extension to force cache to save data to the state store
155 UnloadExtension(extension_id);
157 // check if geometry got stored correctly in the state store
158 const base::DictionaryValue* dict =
159 prefs_->prefs()->GetGeometryCache(extension_id);
160 ASSERT_TRUE(dict);
162 ASSERT_TRUE(dict->HasKey(window_id));
163 int v;
164 ASSERT_TRUE(dict->GetInteger(window_id + ".x", &v));
165 ASSERT_EQ(bounds.x(), v);
166 ASSERT_TRUE(dict->GetInteger(window_id + ".y", &v));
167 ASSERT_EQ(bounds.y(), v);
168 ASSERT_TRUE(dict->GetInteger(window_id + ".w", &v));
169 ASSERT_EQ(bounds.width(), v);
170 ASSERT_TRUE(dict->GetInteger(window_id + ".h", &v));
171 ASSERT_EQ(bounds.height(), v);
172 ASSERT_TRUE(dict->GetInteger(window_id + ".state", &v));
173 ASSERT_EQ(state, v);
175 // check to make sure cache indeed doesn't know about this extension anymore
176 ASSERT_FALSE(cache_->GetGeometry(
177 extension_id, window_id, &new_bounds, &new_state));
179 // reload extension
180 LoadExtension(extension_id);
181 // and make sure the geometry got reloaded properly too
182 ASSERT_TRUE(cache_->GetGeometry(
183 extension_id, window_id, &new_bounds, &new_state));
184 ASSERT_EQ(bounds, new_bounds);
185 ASSERT_EQ(state, new_state);
188 // Tests that we won't do writes to the state store for SaveGeometry calls
189 // which don't change the state we already have.
190 TEST_F(ShellWindowGeometryCacheTest, NoDuplicateWrites) {
191 using testing::_;
192 using testing::Mock;
194 const std::string extension_id = prefs_->AddExtensionAndReturnId("ext1");
195 gfx::Rect bounds1(100, 200, 300, 400);
196 gfx::Rect bounds2(200, 400, 600, 800);
197 gfx::Rect bounds2_duplicate(200, 400, 600, 800);
199 MockPrefChangeCallback observer(prefs_->pref_service());
200 PrefChangeRegistrar registrar;
201 registrar.Init(prefs_->pref_service());
202 registrar.Add("extensions.settings", observer.GetCallback());
204 // Write the first bounds - it should do > 0 writes.
205 EXPECT_CALL(observer, OnPreferenceChanged(_));
206 cache_->SaveGeometry(extension_id, kWindowId, bounds1,
208 WaitForSync();
209 Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&observer);
211 // Write a different bounds - it should also do > 0 writes.
212 EXPECT_CALL(observer, OnPreferenceChanged(_));
213 cache_->SaveGeometry(extension_id, kWindowId, bounds2,
215 WaitForSync();
216 Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&observer);
218 // Write a different state - it should also do > 0 writes.
219 EXPECT_CALL(observer, OnPreferenceChanged(_));
220 cache_->SaveGeometry(extension_id, kWindowId, bounds2,
222 WaitForSync();
223 Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&observer);
225 // Write a bounds and state that's a duplicate of what we already have.
226 // This should not do any writes.
227 EXPECT_CALL(observer, OnPreferenceChanged(_)).Times(0);
228 cache_->SaveGeometry(extension_id, kWindowId, bounds2_duplicate,
230 WaitForSync();
231 Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&observer);
234 // Tests that no more than kMaxCachedWindows windows will be cached.
235 TEST_F(ShellWindowGeometryCacheTest, MaxWindows) {
236 const std::string extension_id = prefs_->AddExtensionAndReturnId("ext1");
237 // inform cache of extension
238 LoadExtension(extension_id);
240 gfx::Rect bounds(4, 5, 31, 43);
241 for (size_t i = 0; i < ShellWindowGeometryCache::kMaxCachedWindows + 1; ++i) {
242 std::string window_id = "window_" + base::IntToString(i);
243 cache_->SaveGeometry(extension_id, window_id, bounds,
247 // The first added window should no longer have cached geometry.
248 EXPECT_FALSE(cache_->GetGeometry(extension_id, "window_0", NULL, NULL));
249 // All other windows should still exist.
250 for (size_t i = 1; i < ShellWindowGeometryCache::kMaxCachedWindows + 1; ++i) {
251 std::string window_id = "window_" + base::IntToString(i);
252 EXPECT_TRUE(cache_->GetGeometry(extension_id, window_id, NULL, NULL));
256 } // namespace extensions