Make sure the sync directory is deleted on sign-out.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / chrome / browser /
1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "chrome/browser/jumplist_win.h"
7 #include "base/bind.h"
8 #include "base/bind_helpers.h"
9 #include "base/command_line.h"
10 #include "base/files/file_util.h"
11 #include "base/path_service.h"
12 #include "base/prefs/pref_change_registrar.h"
13 #include "base/strings/string_util.h"
14 #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
15 #include "base/threading/thread.h"
16 #include "chrome/browser/chrome_notification_types.h"
17 #include "chrome/browser/favicon/favicon_service.h"
18 #include "chrome/browser/favicon/favicon_service_factory.h"
19 #include "chrome/browser/history/history_service.h"
20 #include "chrome/browser/history/top_sites.h"
21 #include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
22 #include "chrome/browser/sessions/session_types.h"
23 #include "chrome/browser/sessions/tab_restore_service.h"
24 #include "chrome/browser/sessions/tab_restore_service_factory.h"
25 #include "chrome/browser/shell_integration.h"
26 #include "chrome/common/chrome_constants.h"
27 #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h"
28 #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
29 #include "chrome/common/url_constants.h"
30 #include "chrome/grit/generated_resources.h"
31 #include "components/favicon_base/favicon_types.h"
32 #include "components/history/core/browser/page_usage_data.h"
33 #include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
34 #include "content/public/browser/notification_source.h"
35 #include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h"
36 #include "ui/gfx/codec/png_codec.h"
37 #include "ui/gfx/favicon_size.h"
38 #include "ui/gfx/icon_util.h"
39 #include "ui/gfx/image/image_family.h"
40 #include "url/gurl.h"
42 using content::BrowserThread;
44 namespace {
46 // Append the common switches to each shell link.
47 void AppendCommonSwitches(ShellLinkItem* shell_link) {
48 const char* kSwitchNames[] = { switches::kUserDataDir };
49 const CommandLine& command_line = *CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
50 shell_link->GetCommandLine()->CopySwitchesFrom(command_line,
51 kSwitchNames,
52 arraysize(kSwitchNames));
55 // Create a ShellLinkItem preloaded with common switches.
56 scoped_refptr<ShellLinkItem> CreateShellLink() {
57 scoped_refptr<ShellLinkItem> link(new ShellLinkItem);
58 AppendCommonSwitches(link.get());
59 return link;
62 // Creates a temporary icon file to be shown in JumpList.
63 bool CreateIconFile(const SkBitmap& bitmap,
64 const base::FilePath& icon_dir,
65 base::FilePath* icon_path) {
66 // Retrieve the path to a temporary file.
67 // We don't have to care about the extension of this temporary file because
68 // JumpList does not care about it.
69 base::FilePath path;
70 if (!base::CreateTemporaryFileInDir(icon_dir, &path))
71 return false;
73 // Create an icon file from the favicon attached to the given |page|, and
74 // save it as the temporary file.
75 gfx::ImageFamily image_family;
76 image_family.Add(gfx::Image::CreateFrom1xBitmap(bitmap));
77 if (!IconUtil::CreateIconFileFromImageFamily(image_family, path))
78 return false;
80 // Add this icon file to the list and return its absolute path.
81 // The IShellLink::SetIcon() function needs the absolute path to an icon.
82 *icon_path = path;
83 return true;
86 // Updates the "Tasks" category of the JumpList.
87 bool UpdateTaskCategory(
88 JumpListUpdater* jumplist_updater,
89 IncognitoModePrefs::Availability incognito_availability) {
90 base::FilePath chrome_path;
91 if (!PathService::Get(base::FILE_EXE, &chrome_path))
92 return false;
94 ShellLinkItemList items;
96 // Create an IShellLink object which launches Chrome, and add it to the
97 // collection. We use our application icon as the icon for this item.
98 // We remove '&' characters from this string so we can share it with our
99 // system menu.
100 if (incognito_availability != IncognitoModePrefs::FORCED) {
101 scoped_refptr<ShellLinkItem> chrome = CreateShellLink();
102 base::string16 chrome_title = l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_NEW_WINDOW);
103 ReplaceSubstringsAfterOffset(&chrome_title, 0, L"&", L"");
104 chrome->set_title(chrome_title);
105 chrome->set_icon(chrome_path.value(), 0);
106 items.push_back(chrome);
109 // Create an IShellLink object which launches Chrome in incognito mode, and
110 // add it to the collection. We use our application icon as the icon for
111 // this item.
112 if (incognito_availability != IncognitoModePrefs::DISABLED) {
113 scoped_refptr<ShellLinkItem> incognito = CreateShellLink();
114 incognito->GetCommandLine()->AppendSwitch(switches::kIncognito);
115 base::string16 incognito_title =
116 l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_NEW_INCOGNITO_WINDOW);
117 ReplaceSubstringsAfterOffset(&incognito_title, 0, L"&", L"");
118 incognito->set_title(incognito_title);
119 incognito->set_icon(chrome_path.value(), 0);
120 items.push_back(incognito);
123 return jumplist_updater->AddTasks(items);
126 // Updates the application JumpList.
127 bool UpdateJumpList(const wchar_t* app_id,
128 const ShellLinkItemList& most_visited_pages,
129 const ShellLinkItemList& recently_closed_pages,
130 IncognitoModePrefs::Availability incognito_availability) {
131 // JumpList is implemented only on Windows 7 or later.
132 // So, we should return now when this function is called on earlier versions
133 // of Windows.
134 if (!JumpListUpdater::IsEnabled())
135 return true;
137 JumpListUpdater jumplist_updater(app_id);
138 if (!jumplist_updater.BeginUpdate())
139 return false;
141 // We allocate 60% of the given JumpList slots to "most-visited" items
142 // and 40% to "recently-closed" items, respectively.
143 // Nevertheless, if there are not so many items in |recently_closed_pages|,
144 // we give the remaining slots to "most-visited" items.
145 const int kMostVisited = 60;
146 const int kRecentlyClosed = 40;
147 const int kTotal = kMostVisited + kRecentlyClosed;
148 size_t most_visited_items =
149 MulDiv(jumplist_updater.user_max_items(), kMostVisited, kTotal);
150 size_t recently_closed_items =
151 jumplist_updater.user_max_items() - most_visited_items;
152 if (recently_closed_pages.size() < recently_closed_items) {
153 most_visited_items += recently_closed_items - recently_closed_pages.size();
154 recently_closed_items = recently_closed_pages.size();
157 // Update the "Most Visited" category of the JumpList.
158 // This update request is applied into the JumpList when we commit this
159 // transaction.
160 if (!jumplist_updater.AddCustomCategory(
161 base::UTF16ToWide(
162 l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_NEW_TAB_MOST_VISITED)),
163 most_visited_pages, most_visited_items)) {
164 return false;
167 // Update the "Recently Closed" category of the JumpList.
168 if (!jumplist_updater.AddCustomCategory(
169 base::UTF16ToWide(
170 l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_NEW_TAB_RECENTLY_CLOSED)),
171 recently_closed_pages, recently_closed_items)) {
172 return false;
175 // Update the "Tasks" category of the JumpList.
176 if (!UpdateTaskCategory(&jumplist_updater, incognito_availability))
177 return false;
179 // Commit this transaction and send the updated JumpList to Windows.
180 if (!jumplist_updater.CommitUpdate())
181 return false;
183 return true;
186 } // namespace
188 JumpList::JumpList(Profile* profile)
189 : profile_(profile),
190 task_id_(base::CancelableTaskTracker::kBadTaskId),
191 weak_ptr_factory_(this) {
192 DCHECK(Enabled());
193 // To update JumpList when a tab is added or removed, we add this object to
194 // the observer list of the TabRestoreService class.
195 // When we add this object to the observer list, we save the pointer to this
196 // TabRestoreService object. This pointer is used when we remove this object
197 // from the observer list.
198 TabRestoreService* tab_restore_service =
199 TabRestoreServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile_);
200 if (!tab_restore_service)
201 return;
203 app_id_ = ShellIntegration::GetChromiumModelIdForProfile(profile_->GetPath());
204 icon_dir_ = profile_->GetPath().Append(chrome::kJumpListIconDirname);
205 history::TopSites* top_sites = profile_->GetTopSites();
206 if (top_sites) {
207 // TopSites updates itself after a delay. This is especially noticable when
208 // your profile is empty. Ask TopSites to update itself when jumplist is
209 // initialized.
210 top_sites->SyncWithHistory();
211 registrar_.reset(new content::NotificationRegistrar);
212 // Register for notification when TopSites changes so that we can update
213 // ourself.
214 registrar_->Add(this, chrome::NOTIFICATION_TOP_SITES_CHANGED,
215 content::Source<history::TopSites>(top_sites));
216 // Register for notification when profile is destroyed to ensure that all
217 // observers are detatched at that time.
218 registrar_->Add(this, chrome::NOTIFICATION_PROFILE_DESTROYED,
219 content::Source<Profile>(profile_));
221 tab_restore_service->AddObserver(this);
222 pref_change_registrar_.reset(new PrefChangeRegistrar);
223 pref_change_registrar_->Init(profile_->GetPrefs());
224 pref_change_registrar_->Add(
225 prefs::kIncognitoModeAvailability,
226 base::Bind(&JumpList::OnIncognitoAvailabilityChanged, this));
229 JumpList::~JumpList() {
230 Terminate();
233 // static
234 bool JumpList::Enabled() {
235 return JumpListUpdater::IsEnabled();
238 void JumpList::Observe(int type,
239 const content::NotificationSource& source,
240 const content::NotificationDetails& details) {
241 switch (type) {
243 // Most visited urls changed, query again.
244 history::TopSites* top_sites = profile_->GetTopSites();
245 if (top_sites) {
246 top_sites->GetMostVisitedURLs(
247 base::Bind(&JumpList::OnMostVisitedURLsAvailable,
248 weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()), false);
250 break;
253 // Profile was destroyed, do clean-up.
254 Terminate();
255 break;
257 default:
258 NOTREACHED() << "Unexpected notification type.";
262 void JumpList::CancelPendingUpdate() {
263 if (task_id_ != base::CancelableTaskTracker::kBadTaskId) {
264 cancelable_task_tracker_.TryCancel(task_id_);
265 task_id_ = base::CancelableTaskTracker::kBadTaskId;
269 void JumpList::Terminate() {
270 CancelPendingUpdate();
271 if (profile_) {
272 TabRestoreService* tab_restore_service =
273 TabRestoreServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile_);
274 if (tab_restore_service)
275 tab_restore_service->RemoveObserver(this);
276 registrar_.reset();
277 pref_change_registrar_.reset();
279 profile_ = NULL;
282 void JumpList::OnMostVisitedURLsAvailable(
283 const history::MostVisitedURLList& data) {
285 // If we have a pending favicon request, cancel it here (it is out of date).
286 CancelPendingUpdate();
289 base::AutoLock auto_lock(list_lock_);
290 most_visited_pages_.clear();
291 for (size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
292 const history::MostVisitedURL& url = data[i];
293 scoped_refptr<ShellLinkItem> link = CreateShellLink();
294 std::string url_string = url.url.spec();
295 std::wstring url_string_wide = base::UTF8ToWide(url_string);
296 link->GetCommandLine()->AppendArgNative(url_string_wide);
297 link->set_title(!url.title.empty()? url.title : url_string_wide);
298 most_visited_pages_.push_back(link);
299 icon_urls_.push_back(make_pair(url_string, link));
303 // Send a query that retrieves the first favicon.
304 StartLoadingFavicon();
307 void JumpList::TabRestoreServiceChanged(TabRestoreService* service) {
308 // if we have a pending handle request, cancel it here (it is out of date).
309 CancelPendingUpdate();
311 // local list to pass to methods
312 ShellLinkItemList temp_list;
314 // Create a list of ShellLinkItems from the "Recently Closed" pages.
315 // As noted above, we create a ShellLinkItem objects with the following
316 // parameters.
317 // * arguments
318 // The last URL of the tab object.
319 // * title
320 // The title of the last URL.
321 // * icon
322 // An empty string. This value is to be updated in OnFaviconDataAvailable().
323 // This code is copied from
324 // RecentlyClosedTabsHandler::TabRestoreServiceChanged() to emulate it.
325 const int kRecentlyClosedCount = 4;
326 TabRestoreService* tab_restore_service =
327 TabRestoreServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile_);
328 const TabRestoreService::Entries& entries = tab_restore_service->entries();
329 for (TabRestoreService::Entries::const_iterator it = entries.begin();
330 it != entries.end(); ++it) {
331 const TabRestoreService::Entry* entry = *it;
332 if (entry->type == TabRestoreService::TAB) {
333 AddTab(static_cast<const TabRestoreService::Tab*>(entry),
334 &temp_list, kRecentlyClosedCount);
335 } else if (entry->type == TabRestoreService::WINDOW) {
336 AddWindow(static_cast<const TabRestoreService::Window*>(entry),
337 &temp_list, kRecentlyClosedCount);
340 // Lock recently_closed_pages and copy temp_list into it.
342 base::AutoLock auto_lock(list_lock_);
343 recently_closed_pages_ = temp_list;
346 // Send a query that retrieves the first favicon.
347 StartLoadingFavicon();
350 void JumpList::TabRestoreServiceDestroyed(TabRestoreService* service) {
353 bool JumpList::AddTab(const TabRestoreService::Tab* tab,
354 ShellLinkItemList* list,
355 size_t max_items) {
356 // This code adds the URL and the title strings of the given tab to the
357 // specified list.
358 if (list->size() >= max_items)
359 return false;
361 scoped_refptr<ShellLinkItem> link = CreateShellLink();
362 const sessions::SerializedNavigationEntry& current_navigation =
363 tab->>current_navigation_index);
364 std::string url = current_navigation.virtual_url().spec();
365 link->GetCommandLine()->AppendArgNative(base::UTF8ToWide(url));
366 link->set_title(current_navigation.title());
367 list->push_back(link);
368 icon_urls_.push_back(make_pair(url, link));
369 return true;
372 void JumpList::AddWindow(const TabRestoreService::Window* window,
373 ShellLinkItemList* list,
374 size_t max_items) {
375 // This code enumerates al the tabs in the given window object and add their
376 // URLs and titles to the list.
377 DCHECK(!window->tabs.empty());
379 for (size_t i = 0; i < window->tabs.size(); ++i) {
380 if (!AddTab(&window->tabs[i], list, max_items))
381 return;
385 void JumpList::StartLoadingFavicon() {
386 GURL url;
387 bool waiting_for_icons = true;
389 base::AutoLock auto_lock(list_lock_);
390 waiting_for_icons = !icon_urls_.empty();
391 if (waiting_for_icons) {
392 // Ask FaviconService if it has a favicon of a URL.
393 // When FaviconService has one, it will call OnFaviconDataAvailable().
394 url = GURL(icon_urls_.front().first);
398 if (!waiting_for_icons) {
399 // No more favicons are needed by the application JumpList. Schedule a
400 // RunUpdate call.
401 PostRunUpdate();
402 return;
405 FaviconService* favicon_service =
406 FaviconServiceFactory::GetForProfile(profile_, Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS);
407 task_id_ = favicon_service->GetFaviconImageForPageURL(
408 url,
409 base::Bind(&JumpList::OnFaviconDataAvailable, base::Unretained(this)),
410 &cancelable_task_tracker_);
413 void JumpList::OnFaviconDataAvailable(
414 const favicon_base::FaviconImageResult& image_result) {
415 // If there is currently a favicon request in progress, it is now outdated,
416 // as we have received another, so nullify the handle from the old request.
417 task_id_ = base::CancelableTaskTracker::kBadTaskId;
418 // lock the list to set icon data and pop the url
420 base::AutoLock auto_lock(list_lock_);
421 // Attach the received data to the ShellLinkItem object.
422 // This data will be decoded by the RunUpdate method.
423 if (!image_result.image.IsEmpty()) {
424 if (!icon_urls_.empty() && icon_urls_.front().second)
425 icon_urls_.front().second->set_icon_data(image_result.image.AsBitmap());
428 if (!icon_urls_.empty())
429 icon_urls_.pop_front();
431 // Check whether we need to load more favicons.
432 StartLoadingFavicon();
435 void JumpList::OnIncognitoAvailabilityChanged() {
436 bool waiting_for_icons = true;
438 base::AutoLock auto_lock(list_lock_);
439 waiting_for_icons = !icon_urls_.empty();
441 if (!waiting_for_icons)
442 PostRunUpdate();
443 // If |icon_urls_| isn't empty then OnFaviconDataAvailable will eventually
444 // call PostRunUpdate().
447 void JumpList::PostRunUpdate() {
448 // Check if incognito windows (or normal windows) are disabled by policy.
449 IncognitoModePrefs::Availability incognito_availability =
450 profile_ ? IncognitoModePrefs::GetAvailability(profile_->GetPrefs())
451 : IncognitoModePrefs::ENABLED;
453 BrowserThread::PostTask(
454 BrowserThread::FILE, FROM_HERE,
455 base::Bind(&JumpList::RunUpdate, this, incognito_availability));
458 void JumpList::RunUpdate(
459 IncognitoModePrefs::Availability incognito_availability) {
460 ShellLinkItemList local_most_visited_pages;
461 ShellLinkItemList local_recently_closed_pages;
464 base::AutoLock auto_lock(list_lock_);
465 // Make sure we are not out of date: if icon_urls_ is not empty, then
466 // another notification has been received since we processed this one
467 if (!icon_urls_.empty())
468 return;
470 // Make local copies of lists so we can release the lock.
471 local_most_visited_pages = most_visited_pages_;
472 local_recently_closed_pages = recently_closed_pages_;
475 // Delete the directory which contains old icon files, rename the current
476 // icon directory, and create a new directory which contains new JumpList
477 // icon files.
478 base::FilePath icon_dir_old(icon_dir_.value() + L"Old");
479 if (base::PathExists(icon_dir_old))
480 base::DeleteFile(icon_dir_old, true);
481 base::Move(icon_dir_, icon_dir_old);
482 base::CreateDirectory(icon_dir_);
484 // Create temporary icon files for shortcuts in the "Most Visited" category.
485 CreateIconFiles(local_most_visited_pages);
487 // Create temporary icon files for shortcuts in the "Recently Closed"
488 // category.
489 CreateIconFiles(local_recently_closed_pages);
491 // We finished collecting all resources needed for updating an application
492 // JumpList. So, create a new JumpList and replace the current JumpList
493 // with it.
494 UpdateJumpList(app_id_.c_str(), local_most_visited_pages,
495 local_recently_closed_pages, incognito_availability);
498 void JumpList::CreateIconFiles(const ShellLinkItemList& item_list) {
499 for (ShellLinkItemList::const_iterator item = item_list.begin();
500 item != item_list.end(); ++item) {
501 base::FilePath icon_path;
502 if (CreateIconFile((*item)->icon_data(), icon_dir_, &icon_path))
503 (*item)->set_icon(icon_path.value(), 0);