Introduced an animation settings provider into the overview space.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / build /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
3 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
4 # found in the LICENSE file.
6 """A utility script for downloading versioned Syzygy binaries."""
8 import cStringIO
9 import hashlib
10 import errno
11 import json
12 import logging
13 import optparse
14 import os
15 import re
16 import shutil
17 import stat
18 import sys
19 import subprocess
20 import urllib2
21 import zipfile
24 _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(os.path.basename(__file__))
26 # The URL where official builds are archived.
28 'builds/official/%(revision)s')
30 # A JSON file containing the state of the download directory. If this file and
31 # directory state do not agree, then the binaries will be downloaded and
32 # installed again.
33 _STATE = '.state'
35 # This matches an integer (an SVN revision number) or a SHA1 value (a GIT hash).
36 # The archive exclusively uses lowercase GIT hashes.
37 _REVISION_RE = re.compile('^(?:\d+|[a-f0-9]{40})$')
39 # This matches an MD5 hash.
40 _MD5_RE = re.compile('^[a-f0-9]{32}$')
42 # List of reources to be downloaded and installed. These are tuples with the
43 # following format:
44 # (basename, logging name, relative installation path, extraction filter)
46 ('', 'benchmark', '', None),
47 ('', 'binaries', 'exe', None),
48 ('', 'symbols', 'exe',
49 lambda x: x.filename.endswith('.dll.pdb'))]
52 def _Shell(*cmd, **kw):
53 """Runs |cmd|, returns the results from Popen(cmd).communicate()."""
54 _LOGGER.debug('Executing %s.', cmd)
55 prog = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, **kw)
57 stdout, stderr = prog.communicate()
58 if prog.returncode != 0:
59 raise RuntimeError('Command "%s" returned %d.' % (cmd, prog.returncode))
60 return (stdout, stderr)
63 def _LoadState(output_dir):
64 """Loads the contents of the state file for a given |output_dir|, returning
65 None if it doesn't exist.
66 """
67 path = os.path.join(output_dir, _STATE)
68 if not os.path.exists(path):
69 _LOGGER.debug('No state file found.')
70 return None
71 with open(path, 'rb') as f:
72 _LOGGER.debug('Reading state file: %s', path)
73 try:
74 return json.load(f)
75 except ValueError:
76 _LOGGER.debug('Invalid state file.')
77 return None
80 def _SaveState(output_dir, state, dry_run=False):
81 """Saves the |state| dictionary to the given |output_dir| as a JSON file."""
82 path = os.path.join(output_dir, _STATE)
83 _LOGGER.debug('Writing state file: %s', path)
84 if dry_run:
85 return
86 with open(path, 'wb') as f:
87 f.write(json.dumps(state, sort_keys=True, indent=2))
90 def _Md5(path):
91 """Returns the MD5 hash of the file at |path|, which must exist."""
92 return hashlib.md5(open(path, 'rb').read()).hexdigest()
95 def _StateIsValid(state):
96 """Returns true if the given state structure is valid."""
97 if not isinstance(state, dict):
98 _LOGGER.debug('State must be a dict.')
99 return False
100 r = state.get('revision', None)
101 if not isinstance(r, basestring) or not _REVISION_RE.match(r):
102 _LOGGER.debug('State contains an invalid revision.')
103 return False
104 c = state.get('contents', None)
105 if not isinstance(c, dict):
106 _LOGGER.debug('State must contain a contents dict.')
107 return False
108 for (relpath, md5) in c.iteritems():
109 if not isinstance(relpath, basestring) or len(relpath) == 0:
110 _LOGGER.debug('State contents dict contains an invalid path.')
111 return False
112 if not isinstance(md5, basestring) or not _MD5_RE.match(md5):
113 _LOGGER.debug('State contents dict contains an invalid MD5 digest.')
114 return False
115 return True
118 def _BuildActualState(stored, revision, output_dir):
119 """Builds the actual state using the provided |stored| state as a template.
120 Only examines files listed in the stored state, causing the script to ignore
121 files that have been added to the directories locally. |stored| must be a
122 valid state dictionary.
124 contents = {}
125 state = { 'revision': revision, 'contents': contents }
126 for relpath, md5 in stored['contents'].iteritems():
127 abspath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(output_dir, relpath))
128 if os.path.isfile(abspath):
129 m = _Md5(abspath)
130 contents[relpath] = m
132 return state
135 def _StatesAreConsistent(stored, actual):
136 """Validates whether two state dictionaries are consistent. Both must be valid
137 state dictionaries. Additional entries in |actual| are ignored.
139 if stored['revision'] != actual['revision']:
140 _LOGGER.debug('Mismatched revision number.')
141 return False
142 cont_stored = stored['contents']
143 cont_actual = actual['contents']
144 for relpath, md5 in cont_stored.iteritems():
145 if relpath not in cont_actual:
146 _LOGGER.debug('Missing content: %s', relpath)
147 return False
148 if md5 != cont_actual[relpath]:
149 _LOGGER.debug('Modified content: %s', relpath)
150 return False
151 return True
154 def _GetCurrentState(revision, output_dir):
155 """Loads the current state and checks to see if it is consistent. Returns
156 a tuple (state, bool). The returned state will always be valid, even if an
157 invalid state is present on disk.
159 stored = _LoadState(output_dir)
160 if not _StateIsValid(stored):
161 _LOGGER.debug('State is invalid.')
162 # Return a valid but empty state.
163 return ({'revision': '0', 'contents': {}}, False)
164 actual = _BuildActualState(stored, revision, output_dir)
165 # If the script has been modified consider the state invalid.
166 path = os.path.join(output_dir, _STATE)
167 if os.path.getmtime(__file__) > os.path.getmtime(path):
168 return (stored, False)
169 # Otherwise, explicitly validate the state.
170 if not _StatesAreConsistent(stored, actual):
171 return (stored, False)
172 return (stored, True)
175 def _DirIsEmpty(path):
176 """Returns true if the given directory is empty, false otherwise."""
177 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
178 return not dirs and not files
181 def _RmTreeHandleReadOnly(func, path, exc):
182 """An error handling function for use with shutil.rmtree. This will
183 detect failures to remove read-only files, and will change their properties
184 prior to removing them. This is necessary on Windows as os.remove will return
185 an access error for read-only files, and git repos contain read-only
186 pack/index files.
188 excvalue = exc[1]
189 if func in (os.rmdir, os.remove) and excvalue.errno == errno.EACCES:
190 _LOGGER.debug('Removing read-only path: %s', path)
191 os.chmod(path, stat.S_IRWXU | stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO)
192 func(path)
193 else:
194 raise
197 def _RmTree(path):
198 """A wrapper of shutil.rmtree that handles read-only files."""
199 shutil.rmtree(path, ignore_errors=False, onerror=_RmTreeHandleReadOnly)
202 def _CleanState(output_dir, state, dry_run=False):
203 """Cleans up files/directories in |output_dir| that are referenced by
204 the given |state|. Raises an error if there are local changes. Returns a
205 dictionary of files that were deleted.
207 _LOGGER.debug('Deleting files from previous installation.')
208 deleted = {}
210 # Generate a list of files to delete, relative to |output_dir|.
211 contents = state['contents']
212 files = sorted(contents.keys())
214 # Try to delete the files. Keep track of directories to delete as well.
215 dirs = {}
216 for relpath in files:
217 fullpath = os.path.join(output_dir, relpath)
218 fulldir = os.path.dirname(fullpath)
219 dirs[fulldir] = True
220 if os.path.exists(fullpath):
221 # If somehow the file has become a directory complain about it.
222 if os.path.isdir(fullpath):
223 raise Exception('Directory exists where file expected: %s' % fullpath)
225 # Double check that the file doesn't have local changes. If it does
226 # then refuse to delete it.
227 if relpath in contents:
228 stored_md5 = contents[relpath]
229 actual_md5 = _Md5(fullpath)
230 if actual_md5 != stored_md5:
231 raise Exception('File has local changes: %s' % fullpath)
233 # The file is unchanged so it can safely be deleted.
234 _LOGGER.debug('Deleting file "%s".', fullpath)
235 deleted[relpath] = True
236 if not dry_run:
237 os.unlink(fullpath)
239 # Sort directories from longest name to shortest. This lets us remove empty
240 # directories from the most nested paths first.
241 dirs = sorted(dirs.keys(), key=lambda x: len(x), reverse=True)
242 for p in dirs:
243 if os.path.exists(p) and _DirIsEmpty(p):
244 _LOGGER.debug('Deleting empty directory "%s".', p)
245 if not dry_run:
246 _RmTree(p)
248 return deleted
251 def _Download(url):
252 """Downloads the given URL and returns the contents as a string."""
253 response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
254 if response.code != 200:
255 raise RuntimeError('Failed to download "%s".' % url)
256 return
259 def _InstallBinaries(options, deleted={}):
260 """Installs Syzygy binaries. This assumes that the output directory has
261 already been cleaned, as it will refuse to overwrite existing files."""
262 contents = {}
263 state = { 'revision': options.revision, 'contents': contents }
264 archive_url = _SYZYGY_ARCHIVE_URL % { 'revision': options.revision }
265 for (base, name, subdir, filt) in _RESOURCES:
266 # Create the output directory if it doesn't exist.
267 fulldir = os.path.join(options.output_dir, subdir)
268 if os.path.isfile(fulldir):
269 raise Exception('File exists where a directory needs to be created: %s' %
270 fulldir)
271 if not os.path.exists(fulldir):
272 _LOGGER.debug('Creating directory: %s', fulldir)
273 if not options.dry_run:
274 os.makedirs(fulldir)
276 # Download the archive.
277 url = archive_url + '/' + base
278 _LOGGER.debug('Retrieving %s archive at "%s".', name, url)
279 data = _Download(url)
281 _LOGGER.debug('Unzipping %s archive.', name)
282 archive = zipfile.ZipFile(cStringIO.StringIO(data))
283 for entry in archive.infolist():
284 if not filt or filt(entry):
285 fullpath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(fulldir, entry.filename))
286 relpath = os.path.relpath(fullpath, options.output_dir)
287 if os.path.exists(fullpath):
288 # If in a dry-run take into account the fact that the file *would*
289 # have been deleted.
290 if options.dry_run and relpath in deleted:
291 pass
292 else:
293 raise Exception('Path already exists: %s' % fullpath)
295 # Extract the file and update the state dictionary.
296 _LOGGER.debug('Extracting "%s".', fullpath)
297 if not options.dry_run:
298 archive.extract(entry.filename, fulldir)
299 md5 = _Md5(fullpath)
300 contents[relpath] = md5
301 if sys.platform == 'cygwin':
302 os.chmod(fullpath, os.stat(fullpath).st_mode | stat.S_IXUSR)
304 return state
307 def _ParseCommandLine():
308 """Parses the command-line and returns an options structure."""
309 option_parser = optparse.OptionParser()
310 option_parser.add_option('--dry-run', action='store_true', default=False,
311 help='If true then will simply list actions that would be performed.')
312 option_parser.add_option('--force', action='store_true', default=False,
313 help='Force an installation even if the binaries are up to date.')
314 option_parser.add_option('--output-dir', type='string',
315 help='The path where the binaries will be replaced. Existing binaries '
316 'will only be overwritten if not up to date.')
317 option_parser.add_option('--overwrite', action='store_true', default=False,
318 help='If specified then the installation will happily delete and rewrite '
319 'the entire output directory, blasting any local changes.')
320 option_parser.add_option('--revision', type='string',
321 help='The SVN revision or GIT hash associated with the required version.')
322 option_parser.add_option('--revision-file', type='string',
323 help='A text file containing an SVN revision or GIT hash.')
324 option_parser.add_option('--verbose', dest='log_level', action='store_const',
325 default=logging.INFO, const=logging.DEBUG,
326 help='Enables verbose logging.')
327 option_parser.add_option('--quiet', dest='log_level', action='store_const',
328 default=logging.INFO, const=logging.ERROR,
329 help='Disables all output except for errors.')
330 options, args = option_parser.parse_args()
331 if args:
332 option_parser.error('Unexpected arguments: %s' % args)
333 if not options.output_dir:
334 option_parser.error('Must specify --output-dir.')
335 if not options.revision and not options.revision_file:
336 option_parser.error('Must specify one of --revision or --revision-file.')
337 if options.revision and options.revision_file:
338 option_parser.error('Must not specify both --revision and --revision-file.')
340 # Configure logging.
341 logging.basicConfig(level=options.log_level)
343 # If a revision file has been specified then read it.
344 if options.revision_file:
345 options.revision = open(options.revision_file, 'rb').read().strip()
346 _LOGGER.debug('Parsed revision "%s" from file "%s".',
347 options.revision, options.revision_file)
349 # Ensure that the specified SVN revision or GIT hash is valid.
350 if not _REVISION_RE.match(options.revision):
351 option_parser.error('Must specify a valid SVN or GIT revision.')
353 # This just makes output prettier to read.
354 options.output_dir = os.path.normpath(options.output_dir)
356 return options
359 def _RemoveOrphanedFiles(options):
360 """This is run on non-Windows systems to remove orphaned files that may have
361 been downloaded by a previous version of this script.
363 # Reconfigure logging to output info messages. This will allow inspection of
364 # cleanup status on non-Windows buildbots.
365 _LOGGER.setLevel(logging.INFO)
367 output_dir = os.path.abspath(options.output_dir)
369 # We only want to clean up the folder in 'src/third_party/syzygy', and we
370 # expect to be called with that as an output directory. This is an attempt to
371 # not start deleting random things if the script is run from an alternate
372 # location, or not called from the gclient hooks.
373 expected_syzygy_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
374 os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'third_party', 'syzygy'))
375 expected_output_dir = os.path.join(expected_syzygy_dir, 'binaries')
376 if expected_output_dir != output_dir:
377'Unexpected output directory, skipping cleanup.')
378 return
380 if not os.path.isdir(expected_syzygy_dir):
381'Output directory does not exist, skipping cleanup.')
382 return
384 def OnError(function, path, excinfo):
385 """Logs error encountered by shutil.rmtree."""
386 _LOGGER.error('Error when running %s(%s)', function, path, exc_info=excinfo)
388'Removing orphaned files from %s', expected_syzygy_dir)
389 if not options.dry_run:
390 shutil.rmtree(expected_syzygy_dir, True, OnError)
393 def main():
394 options = _ParseCommandLine()
396 if options.dry_run:
397 _LOGGER.debug('Performing a dry-run.')
399 # We only care about Windows platforms, as the Syzygy binaries aren't used
400 # elsewhere. However, there was a short period of time where this script
401 # wasn't gated on OS types, and those OSes downloaded and installed binaries.
402 # This will cleanup orphaned files on those operating systems.
403 if sys.platform not in ('win32', 'cygwin'):
404 return _RemoveOrphanedFiles(options)
406 # Load the current installation state, and validate it against the
407 # requested installation.
408 state, is_consistent = _GetCurrentState(options.revision, options.output_dir)
410 # Decide whether or not an install is necessary.
411 if options.force:
412 _LOGGER.debug('Forcing reinstall of binaries.')
413 elif is_consistent:
414 # Avoid doing any work if the contents of the directory are consistent.
415 _LOGGER.debug('State unchanged, no reinstall necessary.')
416 return
418 # Under normal logging this is the only only message that will be reported.
419'Installing revision %s Syzygy binaries.',
420 options.revision[0:12])
422 # Clean up the old state to begin with.
423 deleted = []
424 if options.overwrite:
425 if os.path.exists(options.output_dir):
426 # If overwrite was specified then take a heavy-handed approach.
427 _LOGGER.debug('Deleting entire installation directory.')
428 if not options.dry_run:
429 _RmTree(options.output_dir)
430 else:
431 # Otherwise only delete things that the previous installation put in place,
432 # and take care to preserve any local changes.
433 deleted = _CleanState(options.output_dir, state, options.dry_run)
435 # Install the new binaries. In a dry-run this will actually download the
436 # archives, but it won't write anything to disk.
437 state = _InstallBinaries(options, deleted)
439 # Build and save the state for the directory.
440 _SaveState(options.output_dir, state, options.dry_run)
443 if __name__ == '__main__':
444 main()