crazy linker: Add LD_PRELOAD handling.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / sync / engine / model_type_sync_proxy_impl.h
1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
9 #include "base/stl_util.h"
10 #include "base/threading/non_thread_safe.h"
11 #include "sync/base/sync_export.h"
12 #include "sync/internal_api/public/base/model_type.h"
13 #include "sync/internal_api/public/non_blocking_sync_common.h"
14 #include "sync/protocol/sync.pb.h"
16 namespace syncer {
18 class SyncContextProxy;
19 class ModelTypeEntity;
20 class ModelTypeSyncWorker;
22 // A sync component embedded on the synced type's thread that helps to handle
23 // communication between sync and model type threads.
24 class SYNC_EXPORT_PRIVATE ModelTypeSyncProxyImpl : base::NonThreadSafe {
25 public:
26 ModelTypeSyncProxyImpl(ModelType type);
27 virtual ~ModelTypeSyncProxyImpl();
29 // Returns true if this object believes that sync is preferred for this type.
31 // By "preferred", we mean that a policy decision has been made that this
32 // type should be synced. Most of the time this is controlled by a user
33 // clicking a checkbox on the settings page.
35 // The canonical preferred state is based on SyncPrefs on the UI thread. At
36 // best, this value is stale and may lag behind the one set on the UI thread.
37 // Before this type has registered with the UI thread, it's mostly just an
38 // informed guess.
39 bool IsPreferred() const;
41 // Returns true if the handshake with sync thread is complete.
42 bool IsConnected() const;
44 // Returns the model type handled by this type sync proxy.
45 ModelType GetModelType() const;
47 // Starts the handshake with the sync thread.
48 void Enable(scoped_ptr<SyncContextProxy> context_proxy);
50 // Severs all ties to the sync thread and may delete local sync state.
51 // Another call to Enable() can be used to re-establish this connection.
52 void Disable();
54 // Severs all ties to the sync thread.
55 // Another call to Enable() can be used to re-establish this connection.
56 void Disconnect();
58 // Callback used to process the handshake response.
59 void OnConnect(scoped_ptr<ModelTypeSyncWorker> worker);
61 // Requests that an item be stored in sync.
62 void Put(const std::string& client_tag,
63 const sync_pb::EntitySpecifics& specifics);
65 // Deletes an item from sync.
66 void Delete(const std::string& client_tag);
68 // Informs this object that some of its commit requests have been
69 // successfully serviced.
70 void OnCommitCompleted(const DataTypeState& type_state,
71 const CommitResponseDataList& response_list);
73 // Informs this object that there are some incoming updates is should
74 // handle.
75 void OnUpdateReceived(const DataTypeState& type_state,
76 const UpdateResponseDataList& response_list,
77 const UpdateResponseDataList& pending_updates);
79 // Returns the list of pending updates.
81 // This is used as a helper function, but it's public mainly for testing.
82 // The current test harness setup doesn't allow us to test the data that the
83 // proxy sends to the worker during initialization, so we use this to inspect
84 // its state instead.
85 UpdateResponseDataList GetPendingUpdates();
87 // Returns the long-lived WeakPtr that is intended to be registered with the
88 // ProfileSyncService.
89 base::WeakPtr<ModelTypeSyncProxyImpl> AsWeakPtrForUI();
91 private:
92 typedef std::map<std::string, ModelTypeEntity*> EntityMap;
93 typedef std::map<std::string, UpdateResponseData*> UpdateMap;
95 // Sends all commit requests that are due to be sent to the sync thread.
96 void FlushPendingCommitRequests();
98 // Clears any state related to outstanding communications with the
99 // ModelTypeSyncWorker. Used when we want to disconnect from
100 // the current worker.
101 void ClearTransientSyncState();
103 // Clears any state related to our communications with the current sync
104 // account. Useful when a user signs out of the current account.
105 void ClearSyncState();
107 ModelType type_;
108 DataTypeState data_type_state_;
110 // Whether or not sync is preferred for this type. This is a cached copy of
111 // the canonical copy information on the UI thread.
112 bool is_preferred_;
114 // Whether or not this object has completed its initial handshake with the
115 // SyncContextProxy.
116 bool is_connected_;
118 // Our link to data type management on the sync thread.
119 // Used for enabling and disabling sync for this type.
121 // Beware of NULL pointers: This object is uninitialized when we are not
122 // connected to sync.
123 scoped_ptr<SyncContextProxy> sync_context_proxy_;
125 // Reference to the ModelTypeSyncWorker.
127 // The interface hides the posting of tasks across threads as well as the
128 // ModelTypeSyncWorker's implementation. Both of these features are
129 // useful in tests.
130 scoped_ptr<ModelTypeSyncWorker> worker_;
132 // The set of sync entities known to this object.
133 EntityMap entities_;
134 STLValueDeleter<EntityMap> entities_deleter_;
136 // A set of updates that can not be applied at this time. These are never
137 // used by the model. They are kept here only so we can save and restore
138 // them across restarts, and keep them in sync with our progress markers.
139 UpdateMap pending_updates_map_;
140 STLValueDeleter<UpdateMap> pending_updates_map_deleter_;
142 // We use two different WeakPtrFactories because we want the pointers they
143 // issue to have different lifetimes. When asked to disconnect from the sync
144 // thread, we want to make sure that no tasks generated as part of the
145 // now-obsolete connection to affect us. But we also want the WeakPtr we
146 // sent to the UI thread to remain valid.
147 base::WeakPtrFactory<ModelTypeSyncProxyImpl> weak_ptr_factory_for_ui_;
148 base::WeakPtrFactory<ModelTypeSyncProxyImpl> weak_ptr_factory_for_sync_;
151 } // namespace syncer