Print Preview: Refactoring print/cancel button and print summary.
[chromium-blink-merge.git] / content / common /
1 // Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include <string>
6 #include <vector>
8 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
9 #include "base/message_loop.h"
10 #include "base/process.h"
11 #include "base/process_util.h"
12 #include "content/common/resource_dispatcher.h"
13 #include "content/common/resource_messages.h"
14 #include "content/common/resource_response.h"
15 #include "net/base/upload_data.h"
16 #include "net/http/http_response_headers.h"
17 #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
18 #include "webkit/appcache/appcache_interfaces.h"
20 using webkit_glue::ResourceLoaderBridge;
21 using webkit_glue::ResourceResponseInfo;
23 static const char test_page_url[] = "";
24 static const char test_page_headers[] =
25 "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nContent-Type:text/html\n\n";
26 static const char test_page_mime_type[] = "text/html";
27 static const char test_page_charset[] = "";
28 static const char test_page_contents[] =
29 "<html><head><title>Google</title></head><body><h1>Google</h1></body></html>";
30 static const uint32 test_page_contents_len = arraysize(test_page_contents) - 1;
32 static const char kShmemSegmentName[] = "DeferredResourceLoaderTest";
34 // Listens for request response data and stores it so that it can be compared
35 // to the reference data.
36 class TestRequestCallback : public ResourceLoaderBridge::Peer {
37 public:
38 TestRequestCallback() : complete_(false) {
41 virtual void OnUploadProgress(uint64 position, uint64 size) {
44 virtual bool OnReceivedRedirect(
45 const GURL& new_url,
46 const ResourceResponseInfo& info,
47 bool* has_new_first_party_for_cookies,
48 GURL* new_first_party_for_cookies) {
49 *has_new_first_party_for_cookies = false;
50 return true;
53 virtual void OnReceivedResponse(const ResourceResponseInfo& info) {
56 virtual void OnDownloadedData(int len) {
59 virtual void OnReceivedData(const char* data,
60 int data_length,
61 int encoded_data_length) {
62 EXPECT_FALSE(complete_);
63 data_.append(data, data_length);
64 total_encoded_data_length_ += encoded_data_length;
67 virtual void OnCompletedRequest(const net::URLRequestStatus& status,
68 const std::string& security_info,
69 const base::Time& completion_time) {
70 EXPECT_FALSE(complete_);
71 complete_ = true;
74 bool complete() const {
75 return complete_;
77 const std::string& data() const {
78 return data_;
80 int total_encoded_data_length() const {
81 return total_encoded_data_length_;
84 private:
85 bool complete_;
86 std::string data_;
87 int total_encoded_data_length_;
91 // Sets up the message sender override for the unit test
92 class ResourceDispatcherTest : public testing::Test,
93 public IPC::Message::Sender {
94 public:
95 // Emulates IPC send operations (IPC::Message::Sender) by adding
96 // pending messages to the queue.
97 virtual bool Send(IPC::Message* msg) {
98 message_queue_.push_back(IPC::Message(*msg));
99 delete msg;
100 return true;
103 // Emulates the browser process and processes the pending IPC messages,
104 // returning the hardcoded file contents.
105 void ProcessMessages() {
106 while (!message_queue_.empty()) {
107 int request_id;
108 ResourceHostMsg_Request request;
109 ASSERT_TRUE(ResourceHostMsg_RequestResource::Read(
110 &message_queue_[0], &request_id, &request));
112 // check values
113 EXPECT_EQ(test_page_url, request.url.spec());
115 // received response message
116 ResourceResponseHead response;
117 std::string raw_headers(test_page_headers);
118 std::replace(raw_headers.begin(), raw_headers.end(), '\n', '\0');
119 response.headers = new net::HttpResponseHeaders(raw_headers);
120 response.mime_type = test_page_mime_type;
121 response.charset = test_page_charset;
122 dispatcher_->OnReceivedResponse(request_id, response);
124 // received data message with the test contents
125 base::SharedMemory shared_mem;
126 EXPECT_TRUE(shared_mem.CreateAndMapAnonymous(test_page_contents_len));
127 char* put_data_here = static_cast<char*>(shared_mem.memory());
128 memcpy(put_data_here, test_page_contents, test_page_contents_len);
129 base::SharedMemoryHandle dup_handle;
130 EXPECT_TRUE(shared_mem.GiveToProcess(
131 base::Process::Current().handle(), &dup_handle));
132 dispatcher_->OnReceivedData(
133 message_queue_[0],
134 request_id,
135 dup_handle,
136 test_page_contents_len,
137 test_page_contents_len);
139 message_queue_.erase(message_queue_.begin());
141 // read the ack message.
142 Tuple1<int> request_ack;
143 ASSERT_TRUE(ResourceHostMsg_DataReceived_ACK::Read(
144 &message_queue_[0], &request_ack));
146 ASSERT_EQ(request_ack.a, request_id);
148 message_queue_.erase(message_queue_.begin());
152 protected:
153 // testing::Test
154 virtual void SetUp() {
155 dispatcher_.reset(new ResourceDispatcher(this));
157 virtual void TearDown() {
158 dispatcher_.reset();
161 ResourceLoaderBridge* CreateBridge() {
162 webkit_glue::ResourceLoaderBridge::RequestInfo request_info;
163 request_info.method = "GET";
164 request_info.url = GURL(test_page_url);
165 request_info.first_party_for_cookies = GURL(test_page_url);
166 request_info.referrer = GURL();
167 request_info.headers = std::string();
168 request_info.load_flags = 0;
169 request_info.requestor_pid = 0;
170 request_info.request_type = ResourceType::SUB_RESOURCE;
171 request_info.appcache_host_id = appcache::kNoHostId;
172 request_info.routing_id = 0;
174 return dispatcher_->CreateBridge(request_info);
177 std::vector<IPC::Message> message_queue_;
178 static scoped_ptr<ResourceDispatcher> dispatcher_;
181 /*static*/
182 scoped_ptr<ResourceDispatcher> ResourceDispatcherTest::dispatcher_;
184 // Does a simple request and tests that the correct data is received.
185 TEST_F(ResourceDispatcherTest, RoundTrip) {
186 TestRequestCallback callback;
187 ResourceLoaderBridge* bridge = CreateBridge();
189 bridge->Start(&callback);
191 ProcessMessages();
193 // FIXME(brettw) when the request complete messages are actually handledo
194 // and dispatched, uncomment this.
195 //EXPECT_TRUE(callback.complete());
196 //EXPECT_STREQ(test_page_contents,;
197 //EXPECT_EQ(test_page_contents_len, callback.total_encoded_data_length());
199 delete bridge;
202 // Tests that the request IDs are straight when there are multiple requests.
203 TEST_F(ResourceDispatcherTest, MultipleRequests) {
204 // FIXME
207 // Tests that the cancel method prevents other messages from being received
208 TEST_F(ResourceDispatcherTest, Cancel) {
209 // FIXME
212 TEST_F(ResourceDispatcherTest, Cookies) {
213 // FIXME
216 TEST_F(ResourceDispatcherTest, SerializedPostData) {
217 // FIXME
220 // This class provides functionality to validate whether the ResourceDispatcher
221 // object honors the deferred loading contract correctly, i.e. if deferred
222 // loading is enabled it should queue up any responses received. If deferred
223 // loading is enabled/disabled in the context of a dispatched message, other
224 // queued messages should not be dispatched until deferred load is turned off.
225 class DeferredResourceLoadingTest : public ResourceDispatcherTest,
226 public ResourceLoaderBridge::Peer {
227 public:
228 DeferredResourceLoadingTest()
229 : defer_loading_(false) {
232 virtual bool Send(IPC::Message* msg) {
233 delete msg;
234 return true;
237 void InitMessages() {
238 set_defer_loading(true);
240 ResourceResponseHead response_head;
241 response_head.status.set_status(net::URLRequestStatus::SUCCESS);
243 IPC::Message* response_message =
244 new ResourceMsg_ReceivedResponse(0, 0, response_head);
246 dispatcher_->OnMessageReceived(*response_message);
248 delete response_message;
250 // Duplicate the shared memory handle so both the test and the callee can
251 // close their copy.
252 base::SharedMemoryHandle duplicated_handle;
253 EXPECT_TRUE(shared_handle_.ShareToProcess(base::GetCurrentProcessHandle(),
254 &duplicated_handle));
256 response_message =
257 new ResourceMsg_DataReceived(0, 0, duplicated_handle, 100, 100);
259 dispatcher_->OnMessageReceived(*response_message);
261 delete response_message;
263 set_defer_loading(false);
266 // ResourceLoaderBridge::Peer methods.
267 virtual void OnUploadProgress(uint64 position, uint64 size) {
270 virtual bool OnReceivedRedirect(
271 const GURL& new_url,
272 const ResourceResponseInfo& info,
273 bool* has_new_first_party_for_cookies,
274 GURL* new_first_party_for_cookies) {
275 *has_new_first_party_for_cookies = false;
276 return true;
279 virtual void OnReceivedResponse(const ResourceResponseInfo& info) {
280 EXPECT_EQ(defer_loading_, false);
281 set_defer_loading(true);
284 virtual void OnDownloadedData(int len) {
287 virtual void OnReceivedData(const char* data,
288 int data_length,
289 int encoded_data_length) {
290 EXPECT_EQ(defer_loading_, false);
291 set_defer_loading(false);
294 virtual void OnCompletedRequest(const net::URLRequestStatus& status,
295 const std::string& security_info,
296 const base::Time& completion_time) {
299 protected:
300 virtual void SetUp() {
301 ResourceDispatcherTest::SetUp();
302 shared_handle_.Delete(kShmemSegmentName);
303 EXPECT_TRUE(shared_handle_.CreateNamed(kShmemSegmentName, false, 100));
306 virtual void TearDown() {
307 shared_handle_.Close();
308 EXPECT_TRUE(shared_handle_.Delete(kShmemSegmentName));
309 ResourceDispatcherTest::TearDown();
312 private:
313 void set_defer_loading(bool defer) {
314 defer_loading_ = defer;
315 dispatcher_->SetDefersLoading(0, defer);
318 bool defer_loading() const {
319 return defer_loading_;
322 bool defer_loading_;
323 base::SharedMemory shared_handle_;
326 TEST_F(DeferredResourceLoadingTest, DeferredLoadTest) {
327 MessageLoop message_loop(MessageLoop::TYPE_IO);
329 ResourceLoaderBridge* bridge = CreateBridge();
331 bridge->Start(this);
332 InitMessages();
334 // Dispatch deferred messages.
335 message_loop.RunAllPending();
336 delete bridge;